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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.46 MB, 2068x2099, 1602084194715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23371905 No.23371905 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks Biz.

>> No.23371919

i lost 1 ether on it and i’m a poor fag

>> No.23372052
File: 94 KB, 1638x776, Screen Shot 2020-10-10 at 7.28.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump time, bye loser.

>> No.23372114
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i dont actually believe u sold, gl accumulating bro were gonna make it

>> No.23372150

fuck no i’m gonna keep STAcking until i reach gangSTA STAtus

>> No.23372789

Thanks OP, my parents just bought another 20k

>> No.23372957

Ive bought at .45$. It was shilled hard at that price on biz.

Ive lost SO MUCH that now I prefer to ride it to death so I know I won't ever trust pajeets of /biz/.

>> No.23373001

how much did you buy

>> No.23373059

For 2k$ around

>> No.23373075

But then I've bought more at .30

>> No.23373131

I did a bit of that, but then I bought more at the lows to bring my average down to 7.5 cents. Just fucking hold - we are looking at INSTITUTIONAL MONEY in a few years, anon.

>> No.23373153

You are welcome anon.

>> No.23373200

Just sold. Lost 5 eth on this scam.

>> No.23373218


>> No.23373248

hahahah dumb dumb linkies shitera go brrrrrr

>> No.23373259

Buy high, sell low

>> No.23373383
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>red id
>sold the bottom

>> No.23373388

i'm still in the green

>> No.23373396

Bullish for Sta. We need to shake weak hands before we pump.

>> No.23374433

Then work on your fud it’s getting as bad as chainlink

>> No.23374451

put it in xmm and thank me later

>> No.23374551
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Post tx or larp fud

If this is real you are an idiot and you should only blame yourself for buying something you had little to no confidence in. Also if real, you should get your T levels checked because selling when this is down suggests a high level of estrogen due to your emotional decision

Although we all know this is fud which is BULLISH for Statera

>> No.23374632

So you can scam me again? No thanks. I'm new to crypto and don't trust you STA people. Everyone says it's a fucking scam and it just drops

>> No.23375071

this guy prolly bought at the top

>> No.23376186

>you STA people
Amazing, also noticed you have posted a tx, you are larping fud, post tx and prove me wrong

>> No.23377011

Notice how there is no transaction posted to prove any of these tranny's claims that they sold and sold at a loss

Prove me wrong and even if you post tx it would be so amusing to see that you bought the ATH and not at any of the prices before or after, but there will not be a tx posted
>retards scour through tx to find someone else's sell at a loss that they can post and say HERE PROOF

>> No.23377064

he said no... no means no. serious rapist vibes yikes

>> No.23377159
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>imagine unironically posting that

>> No.23377214

>saving that
major red flags

>> No.23377235

If you’re new to crypto, just buy a bitcoin and leave it there.

>> No.23377246
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>> No.23377285

Frankly you deserved it.
>shit name
>meaningless coin
>AN ETHEReuM Smart-ContRaCt TOKen with A DIfFEReNcE
when I read that sentence I knew this shit was worthless and cringe

>> No.23377306
File: 106 KB, 585x640, 1603007084657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with this shit?
Is it like with link in 2017?
Errbody fudding but really accumulating? Or just another pajeet palak paneer poo poo pee pee
Think about throwing some eth at it

>> No.23377332
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>> No.23377345

not exactly proving any point except you're a sperg virgin

>> No.23377410
File: 71 KB, 1665x617, STACREGS™.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bottom, there has been nonstop fudding and even when the price has dipped, the fudders kept fudding because they are greedy and wanted even lower prices
Buy if you want or don't, it will not affect current holders much either way, it will only affect you and Statera increasing in value is inevitable

We've seen all the fud there is to offer and I would genuinely be pleased to see some challenging fud, but the fudders are the types that continuously fail abstract reasoning tests and blame the test

>> No.23377455

I lost money on this too. The more shilling on biz the more likely it is a shitcoin. Lesson learnt.

>> No.23377573


neck yourself cultqueer we're all sick of seeing your shitcoin get spammed like scamstink did

>> No.23377649
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>> No.23377674

sick help low T sperg...

>> No.23377743

cope reply
s..s..seek help l..low T s..p..eerg!
>said while you look at the ground mumbling

run along lil bitch you're not man enough to be in my presence you beta look at the ground while walking and talking sissyboi faggot

>> No.23377786
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>> No.23377916

Move on buddy. Plenty of opportunities elsewhere.

>> No.23377989
File: 119 KB, 720x525, 1602928354739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most statera threads are made by fud posters such as yourself, its a cute tactic but the fact you jack off to trannies is obvious to everyone

>> No.23378177

nolinker, that explains everything. why let saltiness make you miss yet another boat?

>> No.23378281

Hi, anon here with a brief announcement:
The content of these constant Statera threads don't matter one single bit. Not. One. Single. Bit.
All that matters is that they're being made.
That tells me that Statera is legit.
Projects with no hope don't have 5 threads a day. With bullish or fuddish content. It's really that simple.

t. Been on this Indonesian flute-painting board for over 6 years.

>> No.23378290

>if I make random things up about a poster I magically win the internet fight!
keep coping cultqueer

>> No.23378373

look at how he recoils

>> No.23378425

if you actually bought a ponzi coin like STA your iq is too low to post here. sorry

>> No.23378489
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>> No.23378498
File: 286 KB, 828x1599, 2A3094F2-27FA-48E8-A6F3-EA5270C78FB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is done lol, many many other shitcoins offer deflation and more features than this abu shit
Nice stats.

>> No.23378582

he/she looks even worse, I assure you, you can just see it by how he/she autistically spergs because of a typo...

>> No.23379169

Statera is a medicine for the delusional

>> No.23379279

You can redeem yourself by DYOR on SafeX.

>> No.23379337
File: 41 KB, 474x345, 1602781880800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you did

>> No.23379643

>makes up outcome in his head to cope
>he's saying things I dont like he's a troll!!!!1!!1!111!ONE

love the cope you cultqueers post to not rope daily over this scam token. keep dancing for me retards. dance retards dance

>> No.23379659

dance retard dance... dance some more for me

>> No.23379714

I cant understand why everybody here on /biz is so confident with STA and going all in. If it works out, you would make 100x but its extremely high risk. Why not buy something in top 100 that is more of a safer bet?

>> No.23379731
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>> No.23380209

I’m not all in. I’ve never all inned my entire life. I’m not stupid.

>> No.23380257

Smart anon, bought Statera and didn't all in on anything, staying diversified to protect against 1 asset collapsing
This logically thinking makes PigerZ seethe

>> No.23380874

you can "all in" to their top fund while maintaining only 20% exposure to the STA token itself and getting the benefits of their first ever proven use case of deflation. The rest of your portfolio is Eth Btc Link Snx 3 of which are the top recommended things on the board to be in anyway.

>> No.23381897
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>> No.23382367
File: 309 KB, 1332x816, distance_sweep_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on Jupiter's position relative to the Moooon I will buy 7 ETH of STA on October 28th

>> No.23382566
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>> No.23382597
File: 246 KB, 828x1792, 2EFA2B89-0C00-4CB6-ACD6-86CDA024E5D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahhHahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah OP GOT BOGGED

>> No.23382627
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>> No.23382679

Lol wtf, price still ~6.5c on uniswap

>> No.23382692

made 16 eth from statera now im holding 6k just for the memes

>> No.23382724

imagine unironically buying Mumbai rug coins in 2020

>> No.23382741
File: 31 KB, 441x591, 1602983434388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine having sold because of this thread or the price
lmao, expect more fud posts now because they want to buy in cheaper. To think that is was only hours ago that I post this picture which included a reply to someone 2 weeks ago with the same exact situation, they fud and didn't buy at 6c and it pumped hard so they fud harder because seething

>> No.23382759

Amazing, the cycle has already begun again like clockwork

>> No.23382761

Pump eet

>> No.23382957

Hmmm. I'm an /x/ cross poster and major occulist. Also into astrology. Was looking for a time to buy more STA. I will probably follow your advice man.

>> No.23383014
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>> No.23383052

Damn. You really think October 28th will be a good time to buy? I got 5200 USD on the trigger finger waiting for the right time to buy more STA.
Aren't hexagons negative energy though?

>> No.23383202

I'm all set with my hold but I am curious about this too, give us the quick rundown on October 28th space anon

>> No.23383239

I think the bearish trend of this last 10 days can continue, then pick up in Nov.

>> No.23383276
File: 511 KB, 700x394, ptp04y83j1o31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean uh, the patterns in this formation CLEARLY indicate the end of October to be the optimal time to buy statera, it is patently obvious

>> No.23383341


>> No.23383473
File: 504 KB, 700x394, STAlaxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see it too anon

>> No.23383991

Buy high sell low

>> No.23385062

I just bought 3 ETH of it

>> No.23385194

this is a scam.. Incase you were wondering, these robots keep shilling this shit for some reason

>> No.23385241

$1.30 eoy

>> No.23385807

i done told you not to do it, anon. no one ever listens to me. then look at something like PlotX that launched and already has thousands of predictions lined up in just a few hours. yeah that's where it's at

>> No.23385813

you are welcome

>> No.23385828

Pooled mine so earned $500 in fees, thx Statera