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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23354593 No.23354593 [Reply] [Original]

How do I possibly turn $10,000 into $1M?

>> No.23354599
File: 160 KB, 900x900, gp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23354606

Try and get 1k link will be your best bet

>> No.23354621

Put it in link 3 years ago.

>> No.23354633

she's cute

>> No.23354634

also stop posting trannies you stupid kike

>> No.23354636

Thats a woman.

>> No.23354652

just read up on CAP and ZORA and you'll know what to do

>> No.23354660


>> No.23354672

suck 990,000 dicks for $1 each

>> No.23354808

Not effective enough

>> No.23354887

What’s his Twitter again

>> No.23354938

Puffy vulva, like Op's pic related

>> No.23354941

it has a penis I hide the thread
keep your queer posting to your containment board queers >>>/lgbt/ and stop trying to sneak your faggotry into your posts. this is business and finance not cocks and queers

>> No.23354988

All in on eRSDL

>> No.23355200

There's nothing gay about being attracted to trans women. It's actually more straight than being into straight women. Women today are masculinized and anti-feminine. They cuck, demean, and swindle the men who fall into their web. It's actually gay for dudes to like modern women. What kind of fag would want to be humiliated and submit to an angry feminist? But trans women? Trans women are feminine and actually WANT to be women. They want to serve their man. They want to make you a more masculine man. Plus, they know what it's like to actually be a man and so know what you want and need and feel. There's nothing more straight and manly than having sex with a trans woman, submitting her to your will. In the act, her womanhood is not acted upon, but is rather made by the act itself, made real in the very intention of truth as you make it. What can be more straight than that? Meanwhile, all the other normies are busy being bullied and cucked and robbed by the nasty natal-females.

>> No.23355221
File: 59 KB, 665x517, poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connect women with Saudi Princes to get shit on. Send Instagram models on expensive trips saying it a sponsorship deal, tell them to meet your "friend', convince them to get shit on for cash, take a 70% split from the 100k the prince pays. Repeat.

>pic related

>> No.23355249

no. you're sick fetishists. like furfags. kys.

>> No.23355284

if you wouldn't fuck OP's pic related you're a low testosterone faggot

>> No.23355340

when you transition, you kill you libido, so fucking "her" is like fucking a lifeless doll (except worse)

>> No.23355390

4 days
I’m hyped

>> No.23355405

>find a 10x: 100,000
>another 10x: 1,000,000

>> No.23355416

You're getting the faggotry of fucking a man and the faggotry of women, pass

>> No.23355443

but anon, if you don't fuck trannies you'll never get to experience the joy of whispering into his ear how he's such a pretty little girl as his balls slap into yours while your dick slips fully into his asshole

>> No.23355506

Buy RSR and wait 6 months

>> No.23356227
File: 10 KB, 400x400, DIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etherisc (DIP)

>> No.23356289

uni when it bullruns beyond $450 in spring
can 100x your link stack with uni.

>> No.23356391


>> No.23357301
File: 211 KB, 1520x1005, 33567A3A-9482-485B-AD31-BAA47A95E9C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]