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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23347754 No.23347754 [Reply] [Original]

Okay retards, i am gonna spoon feed you why this is going to explode and make you literally rich.

You buy VALUE and stake it in Governance vault. You get profit. Governance Vault is three-way profit system.

Governance vault has time based multiplier for duration locked into Governance Vault. It will soon use multiple strategy capital allocation, now you ask what the fuck is that? Well let me tell... Multiple farming strategies will be layered to precisely allocate capital automatically into several pools simultaneously. It means that the technology removes any need for users to spend time researching new farms and then paying high gas trying to chase larger rewards in those farms. Profits are maximized and efficiency is exponentially increased for depositors.

Value stakers in Governance vault will
get 6.7% profit of all Value Vaults. The best is that 6.7% of profits are used to buyback circulating $VALUE from the market, and deposit them as rewards for stakers. There is now more than 30mil staked assets in vaults. One of them is for WETH. And more flexible asset deposits coming for vaults. The vaults will use also multiple farming strategies as above i explained. So profit for vaults maximazed. Value stakers get profit share from their DEX, Value Liquid, 0.05% of every transaction/swap. That profit is also used to buy back VALUE from the market.

The more VALUE you stake, the more you get. Less in circulation, buy back pressure from Vaults and liquid. Audited. You can vote. Not rug pull. Its YFI, Uniswap, Balancer combined together with automated one click system. Exatly what retarded wants without hassel. Easy money to get in when all is automated. See you in the yacht party. Don't be brainlet.


>> No.23348287

that 6% profit sharing will be subjected to vote and will be increased to 10-30%

>> No.23348370

Feels good being in.

Was disappointed first when they cut the APY of the link pool more than in half. But still convinced of this project. Tons of new stuff, devs working hard

>> No.23348378

alright how tf do I buy it

>> No.23348674

do you buy YFV and swap it then?

>> No.23348720

I'm not voting for anything more than 10%, wth. 6% is fine too. We will get plenty from the liquidity swapping too. And there wont be incentives soon so we need to keep the fee low.

>> No.23348745

Find VALUE token on coingeco.
Click on the uniswap
Exchange there
Or just exchange on metamask, the token adress can be found on coingeco

>> No.23348756

The fee is 0.3 % and from that fee we will get 0.05%. Doesn't really seem to be much

>> No.23348897
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Am I gonna make it?

Also, few realize that the yfv/value team is basically creating a new industry with farming-as-a-service.

>> No.23349263

I like this coin because it is purple and I believe purple coins will be a major part of this upcoming cycle and reddit adoption I think orange is out of touch with zoomers who now accept stuff like LBGT rights as the norm but back in the 80s I don't really think it was like that so I think purple is coming back but in general I think VALUE is based

>> No.23349284

What’s the min amount to stake VALUE?

>> No.23349684

None, they got rid of the min requirement shortly after the announcement to switch from yfv to value

>> No.23349687

15% feels about right to me. 30% like harvest.finance is crazy greedy and unfair

>> No.23350518

Im with this guy, it should remain low to remain a viable platform for as many people as possible. It's like a tax rate, ironically a lower tax rate will bring in higher tax revenues in the long run.

>> No.23350587
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Bags packed ready to go.
Lord knows we fucking deserve it. I bought my first bag at 50$, I suffered huge losses, but did I rage? Did I capitulate? No I saw that these devs were fucking legit and I kept buying dips.
That's right I kept buying dips even though I had to move through a mountain of FUD every day because everybody now hated this coin.
So I kept buying more and more and more eventually my average price went down from 50$ to now 7$. And in the progress this suddenly became the biggest holding in my portfolio, despite originally just wanting to gamble on a y-clone shitcoin.
That concludes my blogpost, needless to say Im way too emotionally invested into this.

We're all going to fucking make it. Here have a fresh meme for listening to my rant.

>> No.23350857

I came from $65 initial to $9.50 average today. One rough journey to be a shitcoin gambler who stubs a toe on a long term play. The two approaches don't mix very well. In retrospect, obviously the patience involved in the latter approach would have been more appropriate, but meh - we played it pretty well regardless.

>> No.23351132

You can buy value here as well

>> No.23351650

Anyone have an ETA for increasing gov vault apys?

>> No.23351768

voting on fee increase ends in ~5 days, implementation probably 7-10 days out. Also depends on increases in TVL inside vaults and volume on liquid exchange.

>> No.23351791

>Okay retards, i am gonna spoon feed you why this is going to explode and make you literally rich.

> shitty staking and absolutely no information why the project will ever do anything.

Do you retards just buy things you can stake, forgetting that if the project flops your rewards are worthless? Fucking retarded.

Go back to buying legitimate alts and wait for a proper market run, stop wasting money on nothingburger finance scams that no one in their right mind will touch.

>> No.23351999
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>that no one in their right mind will touch.
250 million TVL retard. Stick to your BTC boomer

>> No.23352116

I've been eying this from $70 to $4. Why will it succeed?

>> No.23352146

I dont have time to spoonfeed you. Just read this medium post it will explain why this project is revolutionary in the defi space.


Plus we have reached the bottom at 4$, development is going fast, defipulse is listing us soon, YFV is getting slaughtered in a week or so, leaving that bad stigma behind and more. You might not want to wait much longer if you want in