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23345212 No.23345212 [Reply] [Original]

all i want is a 5x. i'm not a greed fag. i know the 2017 times fo plenty are over. i'm trying to be realistic. please. just a 5x sir.

>> No.23345220
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here, for you!

>> No.23345687
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It's funny because I bought CLV at 4.07 and now it actually is a 5x but because I lost an eth getting rugged on another token I now need it to go higher to make my money back.

But since C2D is launching today and I can pool my CLV to get more CLV from weakhanded faggorinos, CLV's price will probably start to go upwards from the sharply contracted supply. So I wager if I keep like 10~ clovies out of the pool and the rest in the pool, I can get more clovies and drive up the value of the remaining clovies into the stratosphere as people fomo in when they realize this shit is going to rule the world with SOFTCORE (kek).

>> No.23345880

Chartex, I mean it can't keep dumping forever

>> No.23346429

You can get a 5x just holding BTC and a 20x holding LINK I'm not sure what you're having troubles with

>> No.23346437

If you just want a 5x just hodl bitcoin

>> No.23346475 [DELETED] 

anon,you will get multiple X if you're early on spotting alphas :)

-We only Aped legitimate ALPHAS after extensive research and due diligences,NO SCAM and NO RUGS allowed.
-This to ensures that everyone in this channel able to get in EARLY,contribute to private sales or even start mining on those DELICIOUS APY before anyone else.
-As always,this is not financial advise.There are no guarantee that the alphas/project will be fully legitimate like how nothing in life is guaranteed .Always DYOR


>> No.23346534

do you shiteets really actually think posting your shill in a thread that isnt for the token you're shilling is gonna get people to buy the token? no we'll see you shilling like a uncivilized trog and go thats no a token i'd ever buy. congrats shiteet poounloo you played yourself and fucked the token out of more people investing by shilling in threads not for your token . very low class