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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23342487 No.23342487 [Reply] [Original]

When will the fucking EV meme die?
EVs cost at least 2-3x as much, have shorter lifespans and cause terrible harm to the environment in many ways.
Don't governments in the US and EU have engineers and physicists as advisors? Why are they making EVs a major part of their national infrastructure policies and subsidize the industry?

>> No.23342534

>EVs cost at least 2-3x as much, have shorter lifespans
that's the point

>> No.23342611

Mass production would drop the prices a lot. Advancements in batteries will happen.

>> No.23342654

I have a Nissan Leaf and pay $0.20 to charge it. I drive to the next county when I need to, or all around town and have no trouble finding parking because ev charging stalls are everywhere so I can top off. The dc motor will last one million miles, so the meme is going nowhere

>> No.23342682

kek I can get like 14k off a leaf or Leaf plus right now, if I get gibs like federal tax credits do I have to keep it a certain period of time?

>> No.23342706

hybrids are definitely a better short term future bet than pure EVs but to say EVs cause more harm to the environment and some of these other claims are retarded,
>EVs cost at least 2-3x
costs keep going down though. new tech == more expensive. Furthermore, almost no maintenance required other than your standard car things. Great for uber and delivery type shit if that's your thing.
>have shorter lifespans
gonna give this a big fat "citation needed." I couldn't find anything really that said how many Teslas from older models are still on the road today. Sad.
>cause terrible harm to the environment in many ways.
m8 shut the fuck up I'd rather have physical waste vs smog. You can bury the waste from batteries, and we're finding better ways of doing this and recycling them as well depending on the source. The biggest problem isn't any of this, it's the sustainability of what we use for batteries (hence why we should be moving towards hybrids vs EVs)

>> No.23342762

The federal rebate is instant when you buy it. If you lease the dealership gets the tax credits but you get lower price. You can buy a used leaf for super cheap and have a battery shop make it 1000 mile range for like 2 grand.

>> No.23342775

But yeah no minimum of time to keep it for the credit to apply.

>> No.23342804

>You can buy a used leaf for super cheap

ah shit there goes my plan thanks anyway

>have a battery shop make it 1000 mile range for like 2 grand.

That actually sounds pretty cool.

>> No.23342837

Let me guess, you work on an assembly line?

>> No.23342849
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My boommum got herself a plug-in 2018 (or 2019? forget) new prius model on sale in order to "cut costs for retirement". She brags about how she hasn't had to fill her tank in like 5 months because the electric power and stay at home work means she never really drives anywhere now.

>meanwhile gas prices are at a low point

The meme will live forever as long as people think they're saving more money by not having gas costs than the other way around.

>> No.23342863

>costs keep going down

It’s subsidized by the gov so they really aren’t going down

>> No.23342876


Your not taking into account the amount of toxic waste that’s a byproduct of pulling the minerals out of the ground you fucking mutt

>> No.23342878

They are basically the VW Beetle of the EV world. I think when everyone wakes up to the fact they are reliable, cheap and can be hacked to have insane range the price will start to rise. They are just a battery with four wheels. Also, the guts of Leafs can be made to power small houses, and they have an amazing ac/heater that runs off battery. Also, you can power a normal house for four days off a leaf, so they are portable generators

>> No.23342933

Imagine travelling around in a machine that always smells like dead dinosaurs and sprays dinosaur guts everywhere. Imagine not having a sustainable energy infrastructure.

>> No.23343012

>cause terrible harm to the environment in many ways.

You have to also factor in strip mining for lithium, nickel, cobalt, etc into the environmental impact

>> No.23343289

i have one and pay nothing for fuel ever. Work has a free unlimited use charger and when i go places there are plenty of free options out there to charge my car.

Having an old used EV is extremely /biz/pilled. Low brake wear/no timing belt/fuel filter/ICE jew parts that you cant even see.

My car actually appreciated in price on used markets since i bought and everyone wants one now.

>> No.23343299

Yup so did mine. I heard it was because of all the industrial silver

>> No.23343317

that's an emergency generator. without seeing it in person, id find it hard to believe an emergency generator would be running 24/7 for an electric charger. they're not designed for that, and it would require refilling every day or two. doesn't look like a larger one, belly tank probably only holds 150 gallons or so

>> No.23343327

Why do you think those two things are mutually exclusive?
They went from 100+ to 30-50, and the government sub isn't 50%

>> No.23343356

Same, but charge at home. My cost per mile is so maddeningly low, and all the hardware is homogenized to one spot.

Fuck generating your power in a tiny engine while driving, i get way better value paying a more efficient power plant.

>> No.23343655

>Don't governments in the US and EU have engineers and physicists as advisors?
We do not. We are democratic, so we have retards advising the crooks and vice versa.

>> No.23343669

Stealing is the key ingredient.

>> No.23343776

How the FUCK do i get a 1000 mile range on an electric car

>> No.23343874

Strip mining is also required for the raw materials for a normal internal combustion car, but no one every requires they be analyzed on that basis.
Yes, embodied energy is a thing, and it's more environmentally friendly to buy a 1992 Geo Metro than a brand new Tesla. The thing is, those are different markets. That Tesla is going to stay on the road and go through secondary and tertiary owners, and by the end of that it will have produced less emissions in total than a similarly priced vehicle of the same year.

>> No.23344087

I already have an ultra low maintenance shitbox econohatch (Honda Fit) and reading these posts is making me want to trade sideways for a Leaf.

>> No.23344105
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I wonder just how much less efficient this is

>> No.23344130

>They went from 100+ to 30-50, and the government sub isn't 50%

you're right: the government subsidy is 150%

>> No.23344179

>digging up iron is just as bad as acidwashing a mountain to get at cobalt/neodymium/lithium
This is some poor argumentation, even by greenie standards. But it's fine, we need this gen of complete turd electrical storage to convince credulous retards like you to dump money into batteries so we can develop batteries based on something that doesn't suck.

>> No.23344228

I have like 11k in savings and my current car (05 nissan sentra) is holding up but has some issues that will likely destroy it soon.

Whats the best EV or hybrid option if my car breaks down? Buying a used EV/hybrid? Or leasing a new one? And if I get a used EV/hybrid, what would be the best to shoot for, a Prius, Leaf, etc?

>> No.23344286

Used EV/Hybrid is an horrible idea, batteries get wreckt by the time the owners offload them and they're extremely expensive to replace, they also tend to develop more problems than their ICE counterparts due to computer/electronics cuckoldry, they're usually cheaper compared to their ICE counterparts of the same year/trim for those reasons
If you want to go the EV/Hybrid route get a new one and abuse the shit out of any tax/subsidies/credit you can find
Otherwise go to /o/ and get the approved shitbox of your liking

>> No.23344328


thanks, thats what i thought

ive seen a lot of used priuses for cheap on craigslist and seemed like too good of a deal

>> No.23344389

Anon I'm too broke for an EV, I ride a bike. Just saying that it's an isolated demand for rigor. An ICE car isn't a dumb block of iron; it's composed of lots of complex parts with various compositions with a global supply chain. For that matter, so is every manufactured object we use every day. The lesson there is just be aware of embodied energy and buy used when you can. It's dumb to buy a new car that depreciates 20% on day 1 anyway.

>> No.23344393

EV's are for faggots. They will never compare to a nice v8. Never.

Only a onions boi would drive an EV.

I would even take a steam car over an EV.

>> No.23344503

Imagine still believing petrol comes from dead dinosaurs. Stupid yuropoor.

>> No.23344582

i wouldn't be quite so narrow-minded
plenty of reasonably-priced EVs will get you from point A to point B fast as the speed limit will allow (and if not for the speed limit, then way faster) while providing a very comfortable ride, and will cost you far less in fuel than a v8—especially if you generate your own electricity
i really don't get the "EVs are for sóys" meme

>> No.23344643

>Used EV/Hybrid is an horrible idea
This used to be true but after around 2013 most of them retain 90% capacity.
A tiny portion of the carbon in your fuel came from animals.

>> No.23345525

EVs are the inevitable future. You can drag your feet but in the end they will be much better than gas

>> No.23345833


You don't get it because you're a onions boy who isn't into cars and can't afford to run a V8. It's okay, fren. There are no judgements here.

>> No.23345853
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>op proves he can't afford a Tesla.

We get it, you're poor.

>> No.23345864
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>steam car

>> No.23345865

never as long as they can milk retards with the crappier new solution
anyways why arent they using solar energy from some huge desert for electric vehicels or something

>> No.23345979

>I am such an alpha male look at me how great I am envy me
amerilards are the ugliest and the dumbest nation of this planet, with england and the rest of the western europeans a little better but still very dumb and ugly

>> No.23346083

darpa funded project just made break thru in lithium batteries (not lithium ion) which are going to be huge. if you see projects with this attached, invest.
screenshot this and know youre early as absolute fuck. .

>> No.23346279

There are companies that do aftermarket leaf battery replacements and upgrades. They dont pay me so I’m not going to research them to advertise them. I know when it’s time to get a new battery I’m going to upgrade it so I can drive out to vegas.

>> No.23346317

I drive a Nissan Leaf and I have a diesel T1N Sprinter Van. You really put too much stock in your bullshit. That’s why car dealers have made so much money off regards like you

>> No.23346334

Why it have to be hacked? How long until its illegal for road use to have "hacked" car, because not safe hacked batteries explode!

>> No.23346364

Looking pretty is far more important than being pretty

>> No.23346382
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We're bootiful