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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 720x857, 3634EF9C-88C7-477E-9F36-89A83DF4AA74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23336090 No.23336090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why and how are jews so good at making money

>> No.23336133

no morals?

>> No.23336169

>Connections and capital
You need to have capital to make money in a capitalist society lol

>> No.23336172

Because they treat us goyim like the docile cattle most of us are

>> No.23336180

Unironically this.

>> No.23336194

Belle is not jewish

>> No.23336203

It’s a German surname tho.

>> No.23336216

Do christcuck simps who give money to camwhores have morals?

>> No.23336221
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>Belle is not jewish

>> No.23336246

>has no proof belle is jewish

>> No.23336248

Also a common Ashkenazim surname, like a lot of German names

>> No.23336257

but isn't that chinks #1 defining feature?

>> No.23336317

imagine thinking jew has a genetic component
The issue with jews is support of oral suction pedophilia on a systemic level. There may be many other reasons but youll find they all lead back to that.
Just having a big nose or a jewish last name or even a jewish mother doesnt automatically mean you support the blood cult

>> No.23336350


>> No.23336393

So her last name offends you? I dislike jews as much as anyone but in this case youre being the jew by skewing the truth and throwing around assumptions.
Born a jew? No problem
Practicing jew? Big problem, no baby penis sucking is acceptable

>> No.23336448

>Born a jew? No problem
>Practicing jew? Big problem, no baby penis sucking is acceptable
jew is not a religion

>> No.23336473

>imagine thinking jew has a genetic component
>denying human biodiversity
divergent evolution for tens of thousands of years
do niggers also not exist?

>> No.23336535


>wageslaves for 50+ years and dies before retirement
>"At least I had good morals!"

>> No.23336541

Genetic assumptions are for the low iq. You need to setup your world with little rules about who people are but have no clue what youre talking about.
On the flip side, disliking a cultural ethnicity makes sense, same for a religion. I dislike jews for pedophilia. The culture in israel AND the religion. Notice how its not race? If you make it race then you're a racist and you already lost the discussion.
For your record since you seem not to know, yes black is one of the races. Along with yellow red and white

>> No.23336550

Higher IQ. There is reason we control everything and are better then you

>> No.23336561

Because goyim tend to spend all their time doing useless shit like playing videogames, watching TV, socializing.

>> No.23336562
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>. Notice how its not race? If you make it race then you're a racist and you already lost the discussion
whatever retard

>> No.23336563

Chinks can't blend in though

>> No.23336564

fpbp and checked.

>> No.23336565

the jew wins when he turns white people on white people for their last name and big nose. We need to bond together against pedophiles and the pedophile blood cult. Not "invent" an enemy based on their birth name. Fucking stupid

>> No.23336586

>disliking a cultural ethnicity isn't the same thing as racism
Buddy, I hate jews as much as the next guy but I don't need mental gymnastics to do it.

>> No.23336597
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>Not "invent" an enemy based on their birth name

>> No.23336637

I see a Jew. I hate a Jew. Simple as

>> No.23336682

>insular culture that values matrilineal heritage and enforces rules about the suitability of certain outside ethnicities as mates
>not racial
what did the doublespeaking retard mean by this?

>> No.23336685


>> No.23336691

Low iq fighting for a cause will lose the goyim this fight. Remember your enemy has a higher iq than you, statistically. Im telling you these things as a high iq non jew chad. You want to ignore it fine but you'll find your hatred misplaced and dont be surprised if youre the one who finds out you fought for the jew cause all along. Their mental gymnastics are on a level that took me an extreme autist 30 years to figure out

>> No.23336702


>Hunts down Jews for a living
>"why are they scared when I figure out they're a jew?!"

Is this guy retarded?

>> No.23336726

>Their mental gymnastics are on a level that took me an extreme autist 30 years to figure out
well then elaborate and grace us with your wisdom

>> No.23336747

It applied then, before the war, and it applies now. Try it yourself. Literally just call attention to someone's Jewishness when they pull some shady shit and they'll start sputtering and panicking. There are a lot of youtube videos of this. It's quite funny.
source: live in NYC

>> No.23336772

Back on the benzos yet jordan u faggot

>> No.23336774

I'm so glad she's finally starting to be lewd. I hope she gets gang banged soon!

>> No.23336797

And yet you still haven't realized that they statistically don't actually have a higher IQ because they take selective samples to bolster the number.

>> No.23336803

my opinion is it all funnels back to pedophilia.
Wealth and power is required to control the narrative
Confusion and hatred are their tools
Usury is their enslaving us
It all leads back to the ultimate jew goal, something they want so badly they invented male baby mutilation called circumcision which is to suck on a baby penis or allow their rabbis to do so

>> No.23336845

Get a load of this schlemiel

>> No.23336850


>when they pull some shady shit

Like what?

>> No.23336873

>pushes benzos
>jew rat
No thanks, i dont need your "medicine" for a "mental condition". The jews clearly invented psychology as the modernist religion.

>> No.23336879

so how does that invalidate any of what I said?

>> No.23336890
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This guy is gonna make it

>> No.23336911

If someone is born a jew they should be allowed to renounce the blood cult or never join it.

>> No.23336913


they see every country as a host nation and the aim of life is to accumulate wealth for the jewish cause

no this isn't irony, its been in their blood for years

>> No.23336923

>why is a culture who spends their entire life reading books and doing math good at making money

>> No.23336938

the only issue with accepting people is the jews also want us to accept them despite pedophilia and other pedophiles
If you think hating black people is "standing up to the jew" you may be shocked to find out thats what they want, per confusion

>> No.23336948

>wealth and power is required to control the narrative
>buys into the narrative that jews have higher average IQ
Global manipulation of financial institutions and media/politics just for the sole purpose of sucking baby dicks doesn't seem like a very high IQ play to me.
It's basically already protected by freedom of religious expression, so their 'ultimate goal' is already accomplished.
For someone who spent 30 years being autistic about jews you don't seem to have thought this through very well.

>> No.23336976

I'll give you an example. I was shopping for a diamond and I went to the usual place for that—hint hint—and the guy was hawking one on me which I liked but he didn't mention the price. I asked and he told me. I pulled out a loupe and the second I did that he became shifty and unfriendly. I noticed it had two additional inclusions apart from the one obvious inclusion which was visible to the naked eye. I made him a counteroffer based on that and he countered, and then I started talking about the color since before I went in I learned the color scale and he was trying to bullshit me about that. His counter offer was a 75% markup over even just a regular shit tier mall jewelry store. I told him that he was ripping me off and offered him fair market value and he laughed, as soon as he laughed I called him a condescending Jew. After that he had me escorted out by security.

>> No.23336981

then you dont know how much pedophilia rules the world around you. Its not some baby dicks.
The Boston globe already revealed the extent of catholic, honorary jews, pedophilia. Are people still putting their head in the sand?

>> No.23336997

you can't renounce being black just like you can't renounce being a jew, or a man or a woman. It's called DNA.

>> No.23337030

theres nothing to renounce about a race, so i agree you cant renounce being black.
Like i said jew isnt a race, its a blood cult that white people join. These white people absolutely can renounce their ways. There is more power in words and seeing things clearly than you think

>> No.23337073

No, Ashkenazis have German surnames, not the other way

>> No.23337079


Ok I don't see why it's a Jew thing though. Wouldn't any diamond seller want to make the most money? I mean go watch Pawn Shop they rip people off all day and they're a bunch of white christians.

>> No.23337115


Pawn Stars*

>> No.23337143

imagine playing monoply when you own 80% of the spaces on the board and you have pedo video blackmail on the bank so they give you money anytime you're slightly in a financial pinch and all the other players have to pay for it

>> No.23337150

Kirschner is not a stereotypical jewish name, it's broadly germanic.

>> No.23337153

Ah! I knew it!
My guts screamed at me "it's a sandnigger."
I'd still prolly hit it though, sorry Guts.

>> No.23337157

Because every saturday they go to their temples and trade stock secrets, while every sunday white people go to church and think of ways to sabatoge each other.
Hate on jews all you want, they at minimum only screw over other people.

>> No.23337175

Their word for non -Jews is cattle. There is no legitimate English translation (or heavily redacted and edited with opinion/interpretations) of their "holy" books.

The blade trilogy was a tongue-in-cheek nod to reality, only fiction is the ending to keep the goyim docile

>> No.23337201

Current era Christians Larp as having morals. Today, christians are Jewish. The process of jewification has been completed, with christian consent. Today, the whole world is jewish.

>> No.23337203

That's what I was trying to say

>> No.23337205

pawn stars is "reality tv" aka fake, and yes everyone tries to get the best deal but only a jew would ask such a ridiculous markup and lie constantly at every single stage of the way, or become irate because the customer is informed. you should have seen his jew nostrils flare when he saw my loupe.

>> No.23337206

>genetic assumptions are for the low iq

An overwhelming amount of evidence showing IQ to be mostly dependent on genetics disagrees with you

>> No.23337229

i agree we can breed people to be intellgent or aggressive or whatever same as dogs. But you cant look at a WHITE person and say: boom that's a pedophile jew, see..see..see? Theyre white!

>> No.23337318

>Like i said jew isnt a race, its a blood cult that white people join
there are multiple semitic phenotypes my friend, of course being genetically jewish doesn't make you evil, but there's no denying the reality of it

>> No.23337368

the semites include athiests, non religious, christians, muslims, and jews. Even jerusalem is a split city. My issue is with jews. Not semites

>> No.23337413

In a capitalist society access to capital is the most important thing for success. Jews have unlimited access to free capital through free loan societies.

This is by design to allow them to slowly buy up everything. It's laid out in Deuteronomy.

Before the Roths took over banking they achieved absolutely nothing. Their lack of originality, innovation and taste has been offset in the modern era by their access to whatever they need to move ahead of the goyim.

>> No.23337467

Then you clearly haven't interacted with semites.
I hate jews because I know who they are, I see their parasite faces on TV and in the gov acting like they are white while constantly undermining the future of my people by importing the third wold and teaching our kids how evil their race is, real disgusting shit, but I barely ever met them in real life. Other semites though, loads of them from all over the world, and all just as despicable as the kikes if not worse.

>> No.23337545

I dont think we disagree as much as you think we do. I agree that the cultural ethnicity that is the gypsys, semites and middle eastern is backwards. Again though im going to take the time to see what culture the person is before i assume something based on their race

Accurate take but dont miss the "why". Theres a common "why" when this many people form a blood pact to protect themselves from non jews. My truth is their why is pedophilia

>> No.23337576

nah that's no empathy

>> No.23337579

>cultural ethnicity that is the gypsys, semites and middle eastern is backwards. Again though im going to take the time to see what culture
>implying culture isn't a product of race

>> No.23337585

proof? It wouldn't surprise me but I'd like to see the source.

>> No.23337588

I hate anime.

>> No.23337600

What race? I call most of those people white. Greece, turkey, arabs. Yea they have some black and yellow in them.

>> No.23337632

"But you cant look at a WHITE person and say: boom that's a pedophile jew, see..see..see? Theyre white!"

Not sure what you're trying to get across here. No one claims that pedophiles are exclusive to one race. All we're saying is that the averages of one race are rarely the same as another. There are hardwired differences in behavior, intellect, creativity, aggression and all other traits that occur at totally different frequencies causing some races to function as essential parasites to others.

>> No.23337650

Maybe you do, but I don't.

>> No.23337666

Ashkenazi Jews definitely are a race. They are roughly 50% european and 50% iron age levantine. They form their own genetic clusters and everything.

>> No.23337696

>cultural ethnicity is race!
Jews win now we are all "racist" for disliking their oral suction ritual

>> No.23337721

So then every mix is its own race. Each individual birth is technically a slightly different race.

>> No.23337755

I mean maybe this is fair because once youre in a pedophile blood cult youre not really part of humanity. But my point is you wont know if they are in that cult by race.

>> No.23337789

So cold atheist jews are no different than baby-dick rabbies, stop watching TV.

>> No.23337835
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It's worse than paedo stuff anon. They've got non human DNA.

There are some good infographics about but you can get a hint by the way they have to champion a Fraud like Einstein whilst suppressing Tesla.

For a long time they were forbidden admittance to the US who wanted North Europeans and Scots.

No subterfuge is below these people

>> No.23337858

"Racism" was created by them to ensure only they would be allowed to be racist in the future.

>> No.23337859
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The Jews are the ones with INJ and execute smart contract on the protocol.
Do you know that you can execute a smart contract on the Injective Protocol? With Injective Protocol's chain, you can execute a generalized smart contract through the modular implementation of the Ethereum virtual machine that's on top of the COSMOS-SDK.

>> No.23337860

i dont watch tv ever
So a person born jewish that says pedophilia is wrong and actively uses his brains to foil the pedophiles and saves kids is the same as a blood cult worshipping baby dick sucking rabbi?

Dude wake the fuck up. I dont buy the hatred. People who hate the "jew race" dont realize their hatred helps fuel jews agenda

>> No.23337888

there is nothing worse or more heinous than pedophilia
I think racists help the jew so i tend to agree. We all need to unite against the pedophile cult

>> No.23337961

>People who hate the "jew race" dont realize their hatred helps fuel jews agenda
It doesn't matter whether you buy into the hatred or not, their agenda doesn't require your consent to work. You're antisemite at birth.
Also that hypothetical antisemite jew you're waving is the 1% of the 1%. So now I must stop hating jews because one of them somewhere doesn't actually want to exterminate my people?

>> No.23338018

if your cause is to kill another "race" before they kill you, you will lose. I myself would side with the jews over you, like in world war 2 like my grandfather did. You dont attack people. Plain and simple

If on the other hand your cause is to stop pedophilia. Love will win. We will overcome. And this blood cult will be stopped from practice and hopefully their occult ritual will leave this world with hard won peace

>> No.23338070

>if your cause is to kill another "race" before they kill you, you will lose. I myself would side with the jews over you, like in world war 2 like my grandfather did. You dont attack people. Plain and simple
Oh I see, you're one of these retards who actually believe all the propaganda lies about germany conquering the world and exterminating the humanoid vermine using insecticide in big rooms with wooden doors.

>> No.23338107

did germany collect medical files and attack my people the autistics based on a jew diagnoses? Yes
Did germany steralize blacks and incite race war? Yes
Did germany determine whos guilty by nose and name? Yes.

>> No.23338114

Mary-Belle is such a cute name. Why is she so cute? Was she bred to be a honey pot?

>> No.23338159
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>> No.23338212

no, no and no, all war propaganda lies. There isn't a single document to prove any of these allegations.

>> No.23338246

The secret to her success is unironically her natural talent for photography.

>> No.23338266

I dont really need bogged down by historical details. My point is if you want a race war, im with the jews and blacks.
You want to end jewish religion and the blood cult pedophilia that is the elitist agenda. Im all about it and your biggest ally.
Think wisely if you want the autistics on your side.

>> No.23338271

unlike /biz/ who would literally invest in Satan himself if they saw a 2x in it

>> No.23338337

I wouldn't want the likes of you on my side anyway. Traitors get special treatment. The funny thing is, I'll be on the nigger's side too when it come to race traitors like you. Niggers are just as racist as we are; we understand each other when it counts.
No dealing with jews ever though.

>> No.23338358

eurocucks are a special level of hate. You are the pedophiles in my eye. Daddy trump gotta put his dick in your shitter eurofag

>> No.23338378

Are you saying there's a satan degen yield farming token coming up? Where do I buy

>> No.23338385

oh and btw you go start killing black people. Watch what happens. Pretty hard to fight blacks when they have white people like me backing them that you cant see. Whereas i see you, youre the douche with the torches

>> No.23338465
File: 6 KB, 242x242, shitcoin red shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks pretty satanical. If it isn't, make a shill thread pitching it as a satanical investment vehicle.

>> No.23338485

Intelligent people are good at making money. Average Ashkenazi IQ is 115. Average Bong IQ is 100. Now factor in nepotism from the already highly intelligent and you're making generational wealth every generation.

>> No.23338492

Nigga they literally invented The 10 Commandments.

>> No.23338516

we know who you are, voter registration is public information, and you're all democrats lol.

>> No.23338528

They follow 3 rules
- always use someone elses money
- if its good for you and bad for the government, its illegal
- if its good for the government and bad for you, its taxes.

>> No.23338591

so your plan is to kill all democrats? Are racists really this stupid?

>> No.23338598

>Whereas i see you, youre the douche with the torches
Of course you do, all of the jew's puppets "think" like that. And I'll just laugh at you for that, because when niggers will chimp out when kike's give the order, you'll be one of the dumb whities within arm's reach trying to play little mister we-are-the-world.

And it's all because of your overblown trust of "non-practicing" jews.

>> No.23338616

Actually i figured it out. Youre both jewish. This is jewish trickery. The lines are clear humanity against non humanity which is non pedophiles against pedophiles. If you fight for white against black or republican against democrat youre the jew warrior

>> No.23338636

you conflate my non racism to a fault that im trusting non practicing jews? With what do i trust them to not be put in jail alongside their pedophile rabbi supporters?

>> No.23338653

How do i know your both jewish agents? Youre both pushing for whites to attack whites for anything except crimes against humanity

>> No.23338789

Yeah but no, there is no 4D chess at work here, I just know the jews better than you do.
You see nothing wrong with the non-rabbi because you're a brainwashed puppet. I'm way past that for having seen these devils at work.
Just like with niggers and arabs, it's easy to impersonate Lenon when you never had to deal with them, but when you had to deal with them your whole life you know to recognize them for what they really are, demonic races straight out of hell.
I can pardon you for not understanding that, because it's unspeakable evil you have to witness to comprehend it can even exist, but as I have warned you, whatever you say after that makes you an accomplice.

>> No.23338890

i already said i have issues with cultural ethnicities as well. I dislike jew supporters such as catholics and cultures such as chinese for dishonesty. None of these are a race.
You dont seem to get your hard set mentality is whats going to win the jews the world. We need people like you whom mean well to realize what matters: stop the blood cult and end elitist pedophilia and child farming once and for all. If you think attacking libertarian Americans such as myself which is one of the highest iq groups on the planet, is a good idea then go for it. Just remember, nazi, the code cracking autist from bongland is why you lost world war 2. Maybe consider autistics are an extremely valuable ally. And also invisible if you try to fight them. Youre hatred is spilling out into all realms of life which is why i see you as a jew tool. My world is one of love, acceptance, and strongly destroys pedophile cults

>> No.23338967

>If you think attacking libertarian Americans such as myself which is one of the highest iq groups on the planet
Nevermind. I must be pretty stupid not see the larping until now.

>> No.23339026

hopefully you learned something about what really matters and stop your bloodlust to fight everyone around you. Fascism is unacceptable. The only time humans control other humans is to stop crimes on humanity or environment

>> No.23339054

Jews have systems, normies have goals

>> No.23339099
File: 39 KB, 600x315, 7cace39ee58e37de1da49183ea1d3920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return to monke, it's the only way

>> No.23339106

>stop your bloodlust to fight everyone around you.
No, survival is at stake.
>Fascism is unacceptable. The only time humans control other humans is to stop crimes on humanity or environment
Hey, that's not at all what fascism is about. You're just repeating more of that propaganda with been fed with. Not to mention that nazism isn't fascism.

>> No.23339157

My point is your urge to attack people around you is fascism. You offered to attack me for saying jew isnt a race. At some point concede youre the hate monger which makes YOU the jew. They want the world in flames and you desire to give it to them. A world in flames allows them to continue pedophilia

>> No.23339194

Yeah and mark twain was a huge liberal for the time...funny how schools are banning his books

I absolutely love it when the left eats their own

>> No.23339202

More whites with higher IQ than all jews combined, not a valid argument ratfaced kike.

>> No.23339216

>My point is your urge to attack people around you is fascism
Except it's not. You're arguing like a kike, all in fallacies.

>> No.23339335

Thats not fascism retard. Jews are a distinct race of people, Ben Shapiros test was 100% ashkenazi you fucking brainlet.

>> No.23339731

Fascism is setting regulations on people. Communism is controlling business. These are definitions, not my opinion. If you infringe on my right to live my life any way i want thats fascism, the exception is if i am living against humanity or the environment.
>watches ben shapiro
A regional ethnicity by a group of white people who interbred still doesnt make a distinct race

Im not though bud. We libertarians are a very "liberal" sort given we are technically the far left. I assure you youre the one arguing like a jew

>> No.23339746


>> No.23339753

bottom line is if you attacked belle over her last name. Youre the jew. Ever consider even your nazi cause lost due to jew trickery?

>> No.23339835

Good thread for baiting shills. That can't resist white knighting for roasty jew whores

>> No.23339847

Again not a jew

>> No.23339886

I didn't even attack that whore, I said I'd only reluctantly fuck her because she's desert kin.
>the exception is if i am living against humanity or the environment.
Which you are for siding with the kikes. Not from their point of view though since being human is their exclusive privilege, you being their cattle, and obviously content with it.

>> No.23339893

>genetics is low iq
ok retard
>I dislike jews for pedophilia. The culture in israel AND the religion. Notice how its not race?
We hate the race because they are genetically predisposed to pedophilia
>If you make it race then you're a racist and you already lost the discussion.
Stop playing by goyim rules. There is literally nothing wrong with racism. They are racist against you all the time.

>> No.23339982

>not all wasps are bad, they just need to pinky promise that they won't sting anyone
Ain't gonna happen

>> No.23339983

Like i said, you can be racist and as soon as you attack the blacks and autistics and other random races. We have a problem. OR we could work together for a united cause of stopping organized religion and elite wealth circles from their perpetrations against humanity
This is not a black against white issue. And if you make it that or even make that a side issue or something you feel and wont say. I wont work with you. Black people are my people. End of discussion.
That said, black Christians worshipping the jewish king Christ needs to stop

>> No.23339987

>jew isnt a race
Moishe please...this jewish trick is so old, even hitler mentioned it in his book mein kampf...that shit wont work anymore, back into the oven u go

>> No.23340003

against humanity means explicit violence such as systemic rape done by rabbis during oral suction

>> No.23340013

these eurocucks who worship a dumb cunt from 80 years ago who got his ass whooped by my granddaddy will get theirs too. Bring it on again eurocuck. Idgaf. You kidding me? Neo nazis are the worst

>> No.23340042

>Black people are my people
thats true. jewish women need to get bred by BBC and create beautiful mulattojews with low IQs

>> No.23340047

btw the jew is still cucking you faggots. I saw the goy tax rates in germany. Hahahaha is that why you act like you have a prod in your butt?

>> No.23340063

says the jewish trickster. Youre the one who wants a race war. Oh look same agenda as the jew!

>> No.23340066
File: 106 KB, 782x730, Crying-Merchant-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo nazis are the worst
moishe your hands are getting sweaty,
you need to eat some foreskin already

>> No.23340082

listen to the jew trickery. He makes it out that the only people who can hate the jewish blod cult are neo nazis. He wants you to buy this narrative so his violent jew race war begins. Trust me this is a jew

>> No.23340117

Race war is against the interest of the jew you moron. Their interest resides in status quo, the goal isn't to exterminate the white overnight but the breed us out.

>> No.23340144

the jew profits from chaos. As youre rounding up people with the last name kischner everyone following your shithole movement will lose their humanity and BECOME THE JEW. The fucking nazis were the jew by the end of the war. The destruction didnt save a single child, in fact those monsters threw the children in jail too. You are the jew. You hate humanity. Not me

>> No.23340183

You don't become the jew, you're born the jew. They are pretty explicit about that.

>> No.23340191

No the God they worshiped did and they violated the commandments before during and after the they were created lmao

>> No.23340199

so now you follow their rules. Look at how stupid that assumption is. Do you not realize that IS the ultimate jew trickery

>> No.23340205


>> No.23340268

Jews adopted a lot of germanic Last names so they can be in yuurop. That's how we see Lots of rats having German like Last names

>> No.23340302

help a 130 IQ midwit (in jewish terms) understand this rabbit hole.

Are some of upper world jewry really that crafty, or are we tin foil plebs.

I am clear they control the narrative with the hold they have over world media, they decide how we feel about things, the narratives almost get to me sometimes before i snap out of it.

They probably controlled the whole kyle rittenshouse idolism to divide and conquer again.

>> No.23340351

I didn't rap about Disney or mention anything about Disney in my rap/freestyle. Why are pedophiles pedophiles? As well do not harass me about Marcus. I haven't fucked any children, children fucker. Where's your middle school wife at?

>> No.23340375

I'm not following their rules, you are. They have a different set of rules for their slaves, of which the pretense that races don't define individuals is part of. But they discard any of these rules for themselves, so they can rule over idiots like you who gimp themselves believing in the one-world-one-love bullshit.
You're a literal tool and you're obviously lost forever. I'm glad you're willing to die for the jew.

>> No.23340457

Wait hold on a second, this whole time her name is Mary??? I paid $300 every single month and became one of her close followers, I talked with her about her life and even had a chance to play smash bros with her, I've purchased her bath water and complimented her for being able to market herself to the point where people would buy it, and yet she NEVER told me her real name??? I feel like I've been living a lie!

>> No.23340498
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The common link is there are bad people in every group. The reason why these racist douche bags im arguing against are wrong especially other than just being racist is that they have pedophiles in their ranks, the same today is true of most politics, religions, militias, brotherhoods including police force and always at varying levels or positions. Nothing about being the pedophile makes the person the elite. What you need to realize though is once realized these pedophiles join a massive network of others and the key powers that be support it, which to me all comes back to the rabbis oral suction. The systemic pedophilia of the jewish synagogue normalized child weddings in utah, or muslim child rape by i forget if its taliban or al quada one supports and one opposes, the catholic priests just being relocated, the fear based rape culture whether a woman walking home at night or a man going to american prison. Heres a meme done by a shitcoin shiller i found. Id say imagine each level here is infiltrated. Then replace the top level with rabbis practing oral suction or a few extremely wealthy whom support it as an agenda. To me all evil and crimes from humanity stem from this within a person, such as usury, or these race haters, or even just the people who piss on the floor in the bathroom. We all are barely holding up our humanity towards each other due to the crushing weight of our childrens suffering. This doesnt even touch on the adrenochrome farms if you believe in those or even a more concrete example of diagnosing everyone with made up mental illness conditons and forcing drugs on them or drugging our kids to make parenting easier.

>> No.23340510

one world love is only bad if it includes the pedophiles and criminals against humanity or the environment. Love will defeat hate.

>> No.23340556

it's their big jew brains goy

>> No.23340562

Speaking of cult, what's the one you're from? It seems very intense. Normally what you speak of is normie discourse, but you're somehow fanatic about it, that's beyond being a normie who just stays in line. What kind of drugs do you abuse of?

>> No.23340563

Jews are an ethnoreligious group you subhuman

>> No.23340587

I totally agree. Finally someone with a brain. Not a race
I am quaker, sir. The most anti religion religion. And rejectors of christ and creed

>> No.23340609

i dont do drugs. I do partake in marijuana and occassionally an advil. Drugs are pushed by the jew so now im assuming your jewish, go pray to your dsm4 jewrat and take your own drugs lol

>> No.23340645

oh im pushing shit? Have you ever listened to child hollywood stars for example? Go look up what Brad Pitt said, Elijah Wood. Epstein was taken down from someone's hard work. The boston globe took down some. Now isnt the time to give up on humanity

>> No.23340695

>I don't do drugs except that drug well known to destroy the brain and taking medication for no good reason
okay, you're clean, it shows.
Humanity will prevail when it understand jews and other sand dwelers aren't part of it.

>> No.23340877

God gave us cannabis receptors. Enjoy your alcohol depressant.
You dont get to exclude someone from humanity by whom are his birth parents

>> No.23340914

God gave us rats. You smoke rats too?
And what happened to being "The most anti religion religion"?

>> No.23340945

they have more specific Germanic last names with suffices like -baum or -katz or -berg

>> No.23341107

The closest reference to quakerism i can give you is george fox's wikipedia page but understand he is mortal so while he verablized much of what quakerism stands for it the quakers dont believe in figureheads or creed or christ, we kind of wing it with a moral code and some of us can be right or wrong at various times.
The key philosophy is that quakers are children of the light and friends of the truth. We believe god speaks to us. And as such we are the chosen people. A people whom are in direct opposition to the occult, the pedophilia, the ritual, or other violence. We believe in peace. But to get peace, so too must our children we share this earth with have it for the sake of all humanity

>> No.23341263

>The key philosophy is that quakers are children of the light and friends of the truth. We believe god speaks to us. And as such we are the chosen people
Ok moshe.

>> No.23341455

Meaning the real god if there is one. The question that one needs to speak is: who determines the moral code. The point of quakerism can be sans god as well, one can be a quaker and simple trying to be good qualifies you as one and welcomes you to the peace each deserves, some call this nirvana, some heaven, it doesnt matter as i dont actually believe in afterlife. Im closest to what one would call a traditional athiest/antireligion. Simply dont be a pedophile or criminal against humanity including environment

>> No.23341548

But you can't be good because you side with genocidal maniacs, the actual ones, not the villains from the comic books know as "history books" that you've been made to believe in.

>> No.23341563

I can save her

>> No.23341591

Btw you are a typical Christian attacking the quaker tennant. My point isnt that 1 person chooses moral code like for example catholicism its the pope or several people like judasim its the rabbi. For quakers, the community determines moral code. Everyone can have a voice. These are the things we should be pushing, rather than shutting down thought.
You know why i like when everyones talking? Because pedophiles always self incriminate. Obviously if quakerism ever became a larger religion it would need leaders and it always has had key figures. Because i see the argument about dishonest nodes overtaking to use crypto lingo. I honestly doubt quakers will ever be a leading religion as it doesnt have many people talking about it. The only reason quakers claim they know the word of god is because that word is simple, its a rejection of christ and creed: peace. Then its just interpretion after that.

>> No.23341629

i assure you despite being technically far left as a libertarian i dislike most everything about what youre claiming i do. Just because i think trannies are ok doesnt also mean i dont think youre ok with the 2nd amendment, etc. I am really not well into close to either political party or whatever "group" youre claiming i am of. Like i said "friend of the truth"

>> No.23341655

A friend of the truth believing in and spreading lies.
Good job.

>> No.23341703

And i agree war is awful. If you think i side with the USA youre mistaken. I could go on about crack sales by the cia in california or the tuskegee experiments or the overthrow of saddam to much worse hands. The USA has a pretty shitty history but here we are in the present.

>> No.23341718

still going on about specifics of world war 2. Dude you lost. Of course they rewrote history on you. Same for the confederates still whining today 300 years later. No one is trying to argue specific historical points with a brainlet

>> No.23341746

>No one is trying to argue specific historical points with a brainlet
I am. And you conceded.

>> No.23341779

Youre using the same tactic as my girlfriend just testing my mental stamina on school like factoids. I am not claiming expert status on world war 2. I do however know that the way you two neo nazi eurocucks were coming at me for anti racism means im going to shut that shit down. Even at expense of being called a Jewish word which again makes me think youre the jew

>> No.23341811

>Today, christians are Jewish
christians were always jewish cucks. dont kid yourself christianity was always jews plan global control

>> No.23341830

The noahide laws aren't morals.

>> No.23341831

I should say *side with the usa on past atrocities
Because on the present i definitely do side with them being a pragmatist despite wanting peaceful change

>> No.23341848

stoner gets dominated by harpies, more at 11.
Also antiracism is a weapon to genocide white people, you're the agressor here.

>> No.23341869

Nah i dominated you. Metaphorically i bent you over and had my way consensually, you little nazi bitch. Go preach hate elsewhere, racists non grata

>> No.23341892

>attack my people the autistics

>> No.23341976
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> Kirschner

>> No.23341987

Now you ACAB? lmao, that was consensual for sure, it was not metaphoric the way you made a fool of yourself claiming to be everything and its opposite. The seeker of truth who uses lies to justify an actual genocide. God's chosen people who don't believe in god. The guy who don't do drugs, but still cannabis because god gave it to you. Straight out of 1984 and a brave new world.
You're such a pushover.

>> No.23342015
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>kirschner is a jewish name

>> No.23342035

english version
tldr: was a luftwaffe pilot

>> No.23342096

>Kirschner was born on 23 October 1999 in South Africa, and eventually moved to the United Kingdom.[2][3][4] She attended Priestlands School in Lymington, England, but dropped out at the age of fourteen.[5] After dropping out, she found work as a waitress, nanny, and barista.[5] Kirschner additionally began posting pictures of her cosplay onto her Facebook account, which was later deleted.[5] Kirschner's now-deleted cosplay posts were "low-res and dimly lit."[5]

Imagine thinking a jewish family would let their daughter drop out of school at 14

>> No.23342136

Christians are jews. The way you oppose marijuana makes it apparent you are a Christian.
What genocide did i support? World war 2? I saw for myself concentration camps. I have been to your country and austria. I know you arrested kids as criminals. Attacks against children is the greatest inhumanity no matter what family name or race they are born to

>> No.23342183

>I saw for myself concentration camps
You're such a humongous retard for believing these amusement parks and their museums are anything close to reality.
And you fell for the children pathos too.
>muh tiny shoes stacks! It's proof of evil nazis doing evil things!

>> No.23342249

film negatives

>> No.23342439

Film negatives of what? I know for a fact there is no proof whatsoever of actual nazi evil doing. Imagery is manipulated and falsified, but I don't expect a stoner to make the difference between a kid in a swimsuit and a kid in a prisoner outfit. Let alone differentiating a prisoner of war and someone on the death row, or a blatant morgue with an actual gas chamber.
What about the psychics dogs assault kike who play piano wrong and raping jewesses? Electrified pools that turn them to dust? sausages, lampshades and soap made of jews?
This is all so ridiculous I'm astonished people who unlike you have a somewhat functioning brain could buy this bullshit. Not that it matters anymore since third worlders multiply like roaches and they don't believe in it.

>> No.23342553

You dont hold children as prisoners. Period. No further discussion needed brainlet.

>> No.23342717

Whatever you say greenpeace, I've seen the little devils in action. They kill without remorse, they aren't even remotely human. nazis were much to kind towards jews, of any age.
If I had been in their place I'd have actually carried out a plan to get rid of this ancestral vermin for good.
Make 6 gorillion a reality.

>> No.23342777

For you goy

>> No.23342932

And thats why we stomped you 80 years ago. You fucked with kids. Still havent learned. Child abusers not welcome. By slaying children youre the hand of the devil and we both know which religion that means youre apart of

>> No.23342943

FPBP, checked, and 100% based