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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23335396 No.23335396 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>helping a friend
>steals my sim card
>steals my crypto
>wat do frens?

>> No.23335414

phone the police
if you can prove it belongs to you then he has no chance

>> No.23335424

2nd amendment

>> No.23335471
File: 227 KB, 916x1173, 1589758772037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real friends would be nice. Not the kind of friends that you just shoot the shit with or hang out with on weekends. I mean the kind of friends that look at you like a brother and would go to prison or even die for you. You can't buy that.

>> No.23335483

stop being a total puss, man up and best the fuck out of him and get your stuff back

>> No.23335515

How did he steal your crypto with your sim card? I hope you weren't a retard who keeps their crypto in an exchange AND a super retard who also uses SMS for 2fa?

>> No.23335529
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its a self defense situation

>> No.23335540
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>> No.23335556

What was the value he took in usd?

>> No.23335572

To be honest with you my nigga,if its over 50k and that was your life savings,You should probably end him in mine craft.

>> No.23335580

Report him to the police and get your money back.

>> No.23335590

$4000 usd worth...all I had

>> No.23335638

this is why i tell no one about crypto or that i hold any

>> No.23335657

>being friends with niggers

>> No.23335691

Well that sucks, but at least you learned several lessons from it.

>> No.23335695

Sounds like you paid him $4k to prove he isn't your friend. Move on and stop testing people.

>> No.23335737

Tell the police it was a bit over 5k. They'll actually persue him.

>> No.23335801

I used to not say anything but people found out since I had been checking coinbase on my phone
I just say that I've put £100 into it just to see what happens when in fact I have thousands

>> No.23335811

Depending on the exchange, you may be able to get it back if you prove it was stolen.

Binance offers SAFU. Consider it free insurance.

>> No.23335872

what’s wrong with SMS for 2FA?

>> No.23335919

anon why do you post only sad stories that someone hurt you or robbed you why not happy stories like you won lottery or that you are loved??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



>> No.23335968
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cheer up fren, atleast it was a minuscule amount which is probably why you kept it on an exchange, basically begging for it to get robbed. i've had several 6 figure lessons in life, you'll be fine. we'll all be fine

>> No.23335996

kill fren
the end

>> No.23336055

Don't keep funds on an exchange. Get a hardware wallet

If you know the guy go after him. Call the police or something.

>> No.23336074

answer me niggers

>> No.23336155

simswap attacks

>> No.23336423
File: 137 KB, 960x720, Kel-Tec-KSG-121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man up anon. You know what needs to be done.