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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 426x413, 4809d424c7df3b6f767854bef412984f7367923ca21a6b79284251a74b5ee6a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23332499 No.23332499 [Reply] [Original]

This board has become unbearable. Every single day pajeets shilling multiple shitcoins and scams as the next "gem", the "easy 20x".
You pathetic creatures, you had 3 years to buy LINK.

>> No.23332550

yeah but i still didn't buy and never will, so fuck link and fuck you.

>> No.23332594

Is she taking it in the pooper like a big girl

>> No.23332624

The only reason I bothered to get rich is because I'm tired of living around shitskins. I get uncomfortable when I think about the fact that they even exist.

>> No.23332651
File: 99 KB, 932x1024, 5E36C75F-C9E2-49F0-8002-773D5B92E2A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course a link retarded who didn’t sell at $20 is posting a little girl. Not even a preteen, you fucking loser piece of shit even if you made it with link you’re literal human waste. A walking, talking cumrag full of self hatred and cringe.

>> No.23332660

Just filter them out

>> No.23332685

We need flags. All those street shitting Pahjeets will fuck off then

>> No.23332700

I filtered ".finance" and the board immediately became better.

>> No.23332753

This and "gem"

>> No.23332805

Checked and you can tell which ones they are pretty easily, I don't even notice them anymore. Also, you shouldn't imply that it's too late to buy LINK, there's plenty of makin it left to be had.

>> No.23332960

This. After a while I started filtering them mentally and don't pay them any mind at all. If I do open a pajeet thread it's always interpreted as satire.

>> No.23333138


>> No.23333221

Imagine if you could filter by flags. That would improve this place so much.

>> No.23333506
File: 1.00 MB, 500x500, intense.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23334642

We need flags. How could we get them

>> No.23334675
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 1565271986724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what is this image

>> No.23334696

Dude i held 90k worth of link, doesnt mean i shouldnt but half in kambria, wait till it to 10x then buy back into link

>> No.23334767

This is Biden’s fault

>> No.23334798
File: 58 KB, 960x960, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23335100

source please

>> No.23335116

Want to find legit defi projects?Just Join Us!No pajeet,guaranteed!

-We only Aped legitimate ALPHAS after extensive research and due diligences,NO SCAM and NO RUGS allowed.
-This to ensures that everyone in this channel able to get in EARLY,contribute to private sales or even start mining on those DELICIOUS APY before anyone else.
-As always,this is not financial advise.There are no guarantee that the alphas/project will be fully legitimate like how nothing in life is guaranteed .Always DYOR


>> No.23335241
File: 52 KB, 960x960, 1597291066294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck is this "aped" shit coming from? I've only heard it from shills.

>> No.23335320

it's a meme
shit scammers hijack every meme

>> No.23335620
File: 2.53 MB, 240x384, rip of shirt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My weekly moonshot channel “Uniswap Chads” previously brought you:

Bnsd finance, 380%+ pump. (Hot tip)
Mafia.network, 35%+ pump. (Moonshot)
Chess coin, 100%+ pump. (Moonshot)
DogeFi, 100%+ pump. (Moonshot)
UniCrapToken, 120%+ pump. (Moonshot)
AllianceBlock, 55%+ pump. (Hot tip)
BaconSwap, 220%+ pump. (Moonshot)
Toast.Finance (House) 125%+ pump. (Moonshot)
Fiscus FYI (FFYI) 60%+ pump. (Moonshot)

I do weekly moonshots and 500+ chads have already joined my channel and many of them are already profiting from these epic pumps!

I am making my own set of rare, limited edition, NFT’s which will be distributed to the people in my channel. The use case of these NFT’s will be announced once they have had a few weeks to become more distributed (I will give away 6 NFT’s per week). If you are lucky enough to win one of these rare NFT’s I might suggest not selling them cheap, or you may find that you seriously regret it once I announce what makes them so valuable.

Next week’s call is going to be an ultra-low cap coin with STRONG pumpamemtals!! I'm predicitng a MASSIVE pump.


>> No.23335623

>You pathetic creatures
>is a pedophile posting little girls
kill yourself

>> No.23335644

who hurt you?

>> No.23335661


>> No.23335748

who hurt you.?

>> No.23335795
File: 33 KB, 360x360, 97228286-7F1E-4613-8B92-5B9192B10C0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you just made the board. Who is this semen demon?

>> No.23335804

Why so sensitive about him posting a little girl? Better than posting trannies and thots shit you guys usually post

>> No.23335866


>> No.23335868

how did you end up in this thread then?

>> No.23335904

OP knows exactly who this is but do the mods?

>> No.23336044

whats wrong with that picture anon? are cute things offensive to you?

>> No.23336403

Lera Bugorskaya (Laura B)

>> No.23336723


>> No.23337044

I felt late not buying link but I'll do it just because of this post. End your life normalfag