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>> No.23312589

First for laughing at this guy >>23312452

>> No.23312609

So he sold at $13.5?

>> No.23312611
File: 1.05 MB, 240x180, 1504066282611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got gas bros

>> No.23312619

GME keeps it entertaining
What an absolute lad

>> No.23312620

What a fucking cuck loser

>> No.23312623

Give me QRD on market, too lazy to check

>> No.23312624

How high does SPY go today?

>> No.23312635

airlines? anyone?

>> No.23312637
File: 83 KB, 1024x576, 1601369904728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are basically gonna crab until election right?

>> No.23312638

what a fucking retard hahaahaha

>> No.23312642
File: 1.82 MB, 2448x3264, 1477882531276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright rev up them 2020 post election picks

>> No.23312643

you're wearing the trading diaper today right /smg/

>> No.23312645

it's all about HTZ now, they're rebranding as a tech company. the next amazon possibly

>> No.23312648

Why the fuck isn't GME $30?

>> No.23312653
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>> No.23312658
File: 284 KB, 353x573, I CANT BREATHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME should drop to low $13s to form a handle for that cup at 1M graph.

>> No.23312663

great question. make these faggots stop selling

>> No.23312666
File: 1020 KB, 1920x741, C62493CC-FCCF-44A8-B9B2-151A04E7854D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in

>> No.23312672

this is where you open strangles on everything and enjoy one of the most obvious long term vol crush events I've ever seen

>> No.23312673

fang is always the answer

>> No.23312674
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>> No.23312677

i cant buy in again until monday
if it dips to low 13s im gonna load the fucking boat

>> No.23312685

Sell wall at $15-$20. And that's where the squeeze is.
So we gotta squeeze the shorts before the paper hands evacuate.

>> No.23312687

So is it still worth a pop?
Im afraid people are gonna sell off and it'll go down, but anons here saying it'll hit $3 or even more.

>> No.23312691

Any stimulus news is going to send things flying.

>> No.23312693
File: 430 KB, 554x465, 1602806393215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy GME at 8.85
>sell at 10.57
>buy back into GME at 12.49
>sell at 15
>buy into GME today at bottom

>> No.23312694

KXIN fucking moving jfc

>> No.23312703
File: 69 KB, 650x488, EA7C55F0-D082-4799-B666-F5FF123D603C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back and yeah, I had that one coming

>> No.23312704


>> No.23312706

It isn’t paper hands
It’s shorts shorting more

>> No.23312713


all doing well, its like a nerds paradise up in here.

>> No.23312714
File: 17 KB, 400x400, asx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any asx chads posting at this hour?

>> No.23312716


>> No.23312721

So HTZ fucked us right?

>> No.23312722
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>> No.23312727

And now it’s back down! Why do I live in slow motion

>> No.23312732


>> No.23312733
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>> No.23312734


>> No.23312736
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>> No.23312737

NIO been killing it all week. I don't even understand the GME meme if you didnt get in under 7.

>> No.23312743
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What happened, fren?

>> No.23312744
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It'll go up it'll go up it'll go up it'll go up it'll go up it'll go up it'll go up it'll go up it'll go up

>> No.23312747

if you wanna gamble for margin calls the next day or something, good luck
im out

>> No.23312753

mate I'm in australia but couldn't be fucked trading boring as asx

>> No.23312756

yo thats not a handle my guy

>> No.23312765

Bought into another 6x GME 15Jan20 9C this morning with my boring ass MSFT buxx

My port is now 58% GME. Lawd help us (me)


>> No.23312768
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>I didn't buy TTCF at open like I was thinking

>> No.23312769


>> No.23312778

Fug...you must be using your bloodline limit and visual prowess time the market...I kneel sasuke-sama

>> No.23312783
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, 1599126367033.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you separate being bullish from greed?

>> No.23312790

>daytradertv long holding HTZ...

Just a heads up, never trust Canadians.

>> No.23312792
File: 1.61 MB, 1500x1142, EgfkA8qUMAM7IoX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

microsoft IS gamestop

post yfw

>> No.23312794

Won't Microsoft go up as well, with the Xbox release?

>> No.23312795

if you keep averaging up on GME after $15

>> No.23312802

got a phase test in financial maths module in an hour, can someone explain short puts, long puts, long call and short calls to me

i feel like i understand them but im not sure i have it the right way around

sorry if this isn't the thread or board for dumb shit like this

>> No.23312803

are you the perthfag?

>> No.23312804

Do I short GME now?

>> No.23312819
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>> No.23312821

no buy it

>> No.23312823
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Do I buy GOOGL?

>> No.23312830
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Can anyone prove that shorters are not trannies and niggers?

>> No.23312831
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>> No.23312834

Holy shit, we in the same boat lmaooo. What a ride its been. Dont know if I got the sea legs for the next trip tho tbhdesu.

>> No.23312835

yea have fun shorting a stock whose enterprise value is more than market cap on top of having financial backing from industry giants lmao holy shit there are some dumb, irrational motherfuckers on this board

>> No.23312845
File: 7 KB, 232x217, bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't TQQQ die?

>> No.23312847

Remember when people told you not to buy GME at 9 then 11 now 13?
They never learn.

>> No.23312854

nah SA, you?

>> No.23312855

Just made a quick $50 on KXIN it fucking has retard strength

>> No.23312858

look up some khan academy videos you lazy shit

>> No.23312861

GME is less boring, more meme gains this way

>> No.23312862

>ALL my stocks are up
>XOM down
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
stay at home and wear the mask cucks

>> No.23312865

Long call = right to buy at certain price
Short call = right for someone else to buy from you at certain price
Long put = right to sell to someone at a certain price
Short put = right for someone to sell to you at a certain price.

>> No.23312869

>AMC mooning
For what reason

>> No.23312870

will do!

>> No.23312872

9 was a decent price

13 is bagholder territory

>> No.23312888

oh ok im thinking of a different anon, he always posts his portfolio as a phone screenshot and its definitely from WA. nah im NSW, why dont you like the asx? theres moon missions daily

>> No.23312901

$100 is bagholder territory

>> No.23312903
File: 179 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20201006-135628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAK bros...

>> No.23312904

Yes, nigger
good stock and most undervalued FAGMAN

>> No.23312909

Tfw bought at 1.20

>> No.23312910
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1579572481200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok im done looking at markets for a few hours, im gonna start making retarded buys if I do keep looking, im already down 4%

>> No.23312916

XOM bags are getting heavy bro. Is that shit going to pump anytime soon or what?

>> No.23312923
File: 69 KB, 273x350, Screenshot_20200628-091444_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you nigger for this advice

>> No.23312924
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Tfw sold my NNDM yesterday instead of today
Why do I always coom so early bros

>> No.23312926

Huge volume in GPOR. That anon might actually be onto something.

>> No.23312931

Um...anyone looking at BLNK? I sold that shit after the report came out about their charging stations being trash and about them lying but apparently they're still doing well? I need to learn to harden my hands more against fake shitty FUD articles made by short sellers...

>> No.23312933


>> No.23312934

it's the shorts i find hard to wrap my head around,
short call = sell the right to buy
short put = sell the right to sell
sorry i struggle with this shit

>> No.23312935

Gonna screenshot this retard

>> No.23312936

I’m serious i own this bitch

>> No.23312939
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>> No.23312944
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Hold strong fren remember diamond hands.

>> No.23312949
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Zoom will probably hit $600 soon wont it

>> No.23312950

It's called "selling"

>> No.23312953

HTZ WTF I THOUGHT 3$?????!!!!

>> No.23312954

shit looks yummy

>> No.23312960

I am still seething.

>> No.23312962


>> No.23312964


>> No.23312966

I bought it thinking it will be up in 2 or 3 years
I’m just impatient
No way they don’t come back
China and shit

>> No.23312968

yeah so anyway sell that lame shit and get back to gme you homos

>> No.23312972

I don't know
But it's making me fucking red

>> No.23312978

Yeah yeah it sucks to see it go down for no good reason, quit being a pussy and buy the dip. This is the nature of project stocks, they crab down like mad in between bits of news that make them rocket.

>> No.23312984

>literal brainlets buying after the squeeze

>> No.23312985

Htz to $1 eod

>> No.23312987
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Going back down to 1.

>> No.23312989


>> No.23312991


>> No.23312992

I'm sure the asx is fine just not as exciting as us markets, but I wouldn't trade it probably just do some boomer investing at some point

>> No.23313005

I think HTZ will be fine, 1.65 billion bros.

>> No.23313013

XOM seems to be a company that will favor regardless who is in office: Trump win: oil go up
Biden win: bans fracking and with this the competition of XOM and CVX
It’s quite interesting desu

>> No.23313020

Why the fuck would you buy a stock after it jumped over +100% premarket? You missed the jump

>> No.23313027

NAKbros wtf? I thought this is going up on hype.
Why is no fund besides Sprott holding this shit?

>> No.23313028
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I hope at least some of you were smart enough to get out of GME. Maybe put your money into something that is nice and reliable.

>> No.23313030

I'm in the red this is not fine, I was 20% up before buying HTZ I'm gonna kms

>> No.23313035

Why are S&P futures the same as actual index?

>> No.23313046


>> No.23313047

>A bankrupt company fucked us

It was literally gambling. I'm not going to be salty because I lost

>> No.23313049
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>> No.23313051
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>> No.23313052
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INTEL chads represent
i bought the literal bottom
it was so fucking obvious intel would return
lots of upside left
it's still undervalued

AMDkeks on suicide watch

>> No.23313058

Pretty much this, I fell for the Trump good for oil meme, but actually Trump is only good for the consumer buying oil. Oil companies ironically prosper when Democrats ban a bunch of shit creating a shortage and thus a huge price increase and profit margin increase

>> No.23313059

>sold all my NIO to buy all my SPCE when they were both roughly close in share price
>when SPCE moons I feel like a genius
>when NIO moons (20% in a fuckin day) I feel like a retard

>> No.23313060

I'm holding it until the election is over.
Only reason why they're in the shitter is because corona scared everybody from going out, hence the rental car business took a dive.
Depending on what the plan is for reopening from whoever wins, I think Hertz can survive.
If I hear lockdown, though, I'm bailing.

>> No.23313061

S&P futures am actually realer than real index, they have way more volume and liquidity

>> No.23313063

Greed and stupidity
Thinking the new funding = business turn-around = long hold (but even then.. you should wait for it to pull back after the pre-market action, and then go long..)

>> No.23313066

>up 86% on gme
>tripled my shares at 13.40
Excited to COOM next week, this meme still has legs.

>> No.23313068

>have exactly $123 in my fuck around account

pls shill me an options play that will let me win

>> No.23313069

Am I retarded for missing out on the jump?
Of course I cant trade premarket, but I didnt even hear any news about it.
Am I missing something and looking for news in the wring places or what?

>> No.23313070

Whats a good bank to short?

>> No.23313074

average prudent investor
well diversified

>> No.23313076
File: 38 KB, 635x400, 9a921fabee59b86132a90b01a612ff08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what the fuck is going on here?
did this faggots went through bankruptcy?
can we buy safely again?:

>> No.23313080

They're literally bankrupt you fucking idiot. The stock is worthless

>> No.23313084

HALB on the move

>> No.23313085

Trump wins: Gets fucked by the green deal(clean coal and fracking)
Biden wins: Gets fucking by the green deal(EV subsidies, emission taxes)

XOM either follows what euro oil is doing and transition to electricity production and distribution or it slowly dies.
"mmhh but...me oil is imortal..."
Coal is also imortal but you wouldn't invest in coal, would you?

>> No.23313087

70% of my paychecks are going into NIO at this point>>23313060

>> No.23313093

I just exited HTZ. Down $10. I will never financially recover from this. I am claiming this as a capital loss.

>> No.23313094
File: 164 KB, 1216x597, the catepillar pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i call this pattern "the catepillar". it's essential to my losing money day trading strat.

>> No.23313096

wtf, the index isn't traded at all, nigger

>> No.23313101
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pick one and only one

>> No.23313104

What is GME worth?

>> No.23313106

Exactly. That’s the reason oil giants back the green energy dumbfuckery

>> No.23313109
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Took about 2 months longer than expected but we are green

>> No.23313111

Good buying opp for CVNA, dropped 1% today and that's as low as it will ever be

>> No.23313112

No, they haven't. They "raised capital", as in they made a deal with people they owe money to, so that they leave them their office chairs for another year before taking them.

>> No.23313114

356/357 SPY debit spreads for Wednesday.

>> No.23313117

I know P/E is a meme, but what is zoom currently at with a share price of 560

>> No.23313121
File: 113 KB, 874x447, HTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you bought the HTZ gap, you're a dumbfucker. Never procreate.

>> No.23313123

Occular Jutsu... oh no!

>> No.23313126

You're not wrong.
But HTZ is shortable so there is alot of potential for shortsqueeze.
But on the other hand, it has lot of bagholders that quickly took profits, its a bankrupt company.

>> No.23313129

when are we gonna transition bro

>> No.23313131

which broker do you use for the US markets? ive used IB in the past and it was somewhat cheap

>> No.23313132

>clean coal and fracking
And nuclear

>> No.23313136
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>All these newfags who didn't see HTZ the first time around
Both hilarious and disgusting.

>> No.23313137

I also bought the Intel dip. However, I have trouble laughing at the AMD investors considering that AMD's price per share was less than INTC's not all that long ago. They have had a massive pump.

>> No.23313145

HALB is on the move

>> No.23313149

There's jumps that happen everyday and there's no possible way to know when every jump happens. Only Jews have that kind of inside information.

>> No.23313153

yeah bit slow
time for 60 >gap close, kek

>> No.23313163

Isn't Intel basically a zombie company? Do they even make anything anymore, or does TSM produce all their chips?

>> No.23313164

over 700

i think you are meant to use different metrics when it comes to growth stocks like that, like ebitda/ev etc

>> No.23313166

>Rockefeller kikes on CNBC

Their noses are poking me in the eyes through my monitor

>> No.23313165

they dont know HTZ literally caused SEC to regulate Robinhood Data


>> No.23313181
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They got what they deserved

>> No.23313193
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i am tempted to buy a bunch of options, something tells me theyll go zombie stock 2.0 electric boogaloo
hertz up to 5 bucks before months end

>> No.23313192
File: 290 KB, 1080x1080, caf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME has a cup and a handle
>GME has a double bottom today
I think we end the day with a low volume green, and explode monday.

>> No.23313194

>new portfolio ath

we back bois

>> No.23313204


>> No.23313207

Wait literally THAT new. I can only laugh

>> No.23313209

xom is now smaller than cvx

its just run by retards

>> No.23313211

Because you don't look at the chart and next resistance level

>> No.23313212
File: 488 KB, 2894x4093, IMG_20200808_083745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rockefellers are not jewish you fucking retard

>> No.23313220

If anyone is looking to diversify with gold, I highly recommend EQX - holds up well on red days compared to all the other miners, does well on green days - earnings come out November 4 (this last quarter was when we saw gold over $2000 an oz) Small enough cap to see decent growth, large enough to not be as risky

>> No.23313222
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No one wants to buy your bags retard

>> No.23313221
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>> No.23313224

couldve fooled me, big noses, lots of money, shilling lefty bullshit

>> No.23313231

pls no bully

>> No.23313240

Almost. XOM has $3B more market cap.

>> No.23313242
File: 18 KB, 939x668, 1598123914287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Ol United States Steel once again with the perfect trading trend today. *sip* Yup.

>> No.23313248

I want to do literal gambling like options
However I am European.

Are turbos my only option?

>> No.23313249

Mr. Stark my 10/16 GME calls that I bought yesterday don't feel so good...

>> No.23313254

Ah shit I missed my opportunity to stop bag holding crsr.

>> No.23313256

Is LMND dip worth buying?

>> No.23313260
File: 108 KB, 208x1120, Be Saved v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Off work" today and enjoying it. Hey not everyday you can legit screw your employer you know.. Bought BKR during the morning dippy and it's already doing a nice u turn. Winter coming on so lots more natural gas will be sucked up. (Fucking hell it's already done a season change here right quick. One day summer weather,next day it's 40's at night/morning)

>> No.23313261

>buying calls on massive green days

>> No.23313264

HTZ is about to make an enormous turn around again, hold tight lads.

>> No.23313268


I just bought my first call. I have no idea what I’m doing please help fren

>> No.23313271

my bad. still i would buy cvx over xom.

>> No.23313274
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>> No.23313277
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I also own X aka United States Steel Of America God Bless

>> No.23313279
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Uh oh...Bart Simpson forming...

>> No.23313281
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Jesus, TTCF just keeps pumping. So...this is the power.....of Cauliflower.....masaka.....

>> No.23313282

what is happening to NKLA???

>> No.23313283
File: 148 KB, 1080x1080, 121613211_203503161134621_6132595666676896605_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not the cumcat
cumcat has red eyes

>> No.23313297

Also what's the consensus on HYLN and IIPR?

>> No.23313298

i sold like a month ago. NIO has to much hype at this point for my taste, we could be at highs. And I bought SPCE because they will have new spaceflights in about a week or two, the buzz could pump up the stock more than it has so far

>> No.23313310
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Yellow fucking chink

>> No.23313313
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>> No.23313325

GME will close nice and green

>> No.23313340
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>> No.23313345
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>Drinking sugar water
Mother fucker I was fat before, and im never fucking going back. Fuck sugar

>> No.23313347

I wish I could GTFO of UAVS.

>> No.23313357

>fake shitty FUD articles made by short sellers

>> No.23313360

Buy DOCU instead.

>> No.23313362

Before the SE closes should I sell for the weekend and buy before it opens or hold?

>> No.23313366
File: 58 KB, 720x720, 91eeef1864a348a74a49a8c5138760284942f37caae37ecff14aca43fa7899e9-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw already bought and holding bags

>> No.23313371

what call? it better be at least 11/13 or you are in danger

>> No.23313376
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>> No.23313377

PTON just triggered unusual whales

>> No.23313390

PLTR frens, yesterday was so beautiful. We will be mooning soon, right?

>> No.23313391
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>forgot to take it off

>> No.23313392

>just bought the VRTX dip

>> No.23313396

Santander and Lycamobile are still interested in the Wirecard business


>> No.23313394

>PTON recalling pedals on 27K bikes
ohhhh no no no no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.23313398

>HTZ again
You serious? Didn't they already go bankrupt the last time?

>> No.23313401

ideally $50 or so

>> No.23313406

Every smart oil chad knows CVX > RDS > XOM

>> No.23313414



>> No.23313419

on the contrary
they make a lot themselves but maybe will start to outsource more like AMD

>> No.23313421
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>> No.23313422

>tfw keep seeing nicked related stocks mentioned

what is this meme metal used in?

>> No.23313432
File: 190 KB, 1080x1122, EazQKr_UcAE2MLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

norms are stealing our coomer cat and using it for other things when its a entirely GME meme in reality

>> No.23313433

and strike price?
if under 17 thats not bad for your first call, be ready for swings you've probably never seen before on shares

>> No.23313435


>> No.23313438

I don't see that happening. Weekly support is at like $76

>> No.23313442

based. i too enjoy the upwards crab

its coming up to 63 levels again. thinking about taking it off. usually it goes to the shitter at 63 again

>> No.23313448

CAN I HAVE ONE FUCKING GREEN DAY THIS WEEK fuck. Actually Monday Tuesday were green but still. TSM beat earnings and goes red and now they at $87. Fucking annoying. And of course I bought in at ATH of 91.

>> No.23313452
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>> No.23313457

if you mean nickel, it is an important anticorrosive agent in steel.

>> No.23313466

i agree. if it doesnt go to 50 thats ok. good luck.

>> No.23313470
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good question
also when are we buying into NET again

how about 50/50-ing NET and FSLY

>> No.23313472



From what I understand it has to be above $21 and I can sell for a profit. Also never exercise the option?

>> No.23313485
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they said we couldn't do it

they told me we wouldn't be green
but guess what
it's green
it's so green
we just have to play our game and win
fucking bear idiots stuttering at late night on a webpage about the end of the world
talking about stocks going down
nope, no way
stocks don't go down
stocks go UP and the color turns GREEN
I got paid today in multiple ways

>> No.23313491
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>> No.23313494

Sold a bunch of shit, made a little bit of money
What do I buy back into?

>> No.23313503


boring day, GME not doing anything, i need my dopamine fix dude

>> No.23313504

It is fine my friend. A meme stock without a good meme will never succeed.
Copying our GME coom cat will ensure their stocks fail, if their enthusiasm is so low that they can't even make a decent meme, there is no chance they can hold their stock through the rough times.
Only PLTR has a good meme lately, although I worry about our boys invested in that stock.

>> No.23313512
File: 44 KB, 640x533, Cat-Licking-the-screen-youtubercat-40256278-640-533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay im sorry but i have to say it, Cooomcat is not "cute" or "pretty" or whatever you retards call it. It is actually a deformed cat with an overly large nose, and it is not beautiful. There are so many beautiful kitties like the one I attached that are a much better representation of the beauty of the stock. It just bothers me so much how you faggots jump to say ohhh he is so cute and chonky STFU

>> No.23313515


>> No.23313525

gay post

>> No.23313530

>Microsoft confirmed the revenue sharing agreement in a statement to Business Insider. "We have an incentive structure with GameStop as we do with many of our partners across multiple channels," the statement said.

double-digits is officially the floor now

>> No.23313533

Every $10 range has a new meme enemy. Solid Cohen is defeated and now it's VNfag.

>> No.23313543
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Not saying its gonna happen, but if GME actually closes above $15, shit would get real next week. There is over 3 million shares locked up between the $14 and $15 calls. I would just be happy if the $13 range becomes the new floor.

>> No.23313548

NKLA looking like a good buy in, but wondering why its going down for now?

>> No.23313549

yes nickel, so its used in a similar process to galvanisation?

>> No.23313550

GME has about a 100% chance to double, being conservative based on its past performance of console cycles, and taking into account amazon's market share. normally GME goes from about $20 to $60 after a console is released. and that's to ignore their microsoft deal, which is just free money for them, and a potential short squeeze

Micorosoft has much lower chance to double in the next year, as they're already valued really high. I just sold my MSFT and put it into GME. I sold all my tech, really, waiting for an election dip. I didn't put it all into GME though

>> No.23313552
File: 309 KB, 1600x2400, EkMTZ9GVkAAPw4W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomcat is not supposed to be cute hes supposed to be masculin and full of test releasing his coom

>> No.23313553

That shit is STILL over 20??

>> No.23313555
File: 137 KB, 1024x944, 1600179831676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does smg /nofap/
i almost relapsed yesterday bros, actually edged for like 30 seconds. my balls are so fucking swolen today
above 21 will for sure be profit but you can still make profit below 21
i dont understand the greeks well but my understanding is as long as the price goes up and theres still good time until expiry you can sell for a profit. for example if you bought the call when the stock was 10 and in 2 days it went to 14 then the call will gain value. alternatively, if it takes 2 weeks to get to 14 the IV will go down and the call will lose value.
learn IV and theta at least
exercise if you want to buy at 21 but i personally wouldn't

>> No.23313567

I'm literally quoting you though.

>> No.23313575

I'm stopping for a month but just gotta have sex with GF instead

>> No.23313580


zinc is used to galvanize steel, and its applied after the fact to the outside

nickel is part of the alloy of the steel itself, it is mixed into the iron, carbon, etc during smelting

>> No.23313583
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Just talked to a friend in the business and he's hearing that hedge funds are covering their GME shorts using dark pools which is why the public data doesn't change much but the stock isn't squeezing hard. His take is that it goes down from here, unfortunately.

>> No.23313590


>> No.23313601
File: 166 KB, 1125x1014, 8470424B-B065-484B-89BB-13CE9F0EA7B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that quality factor is the most important thing to look at when buying stocks

>> No.23313605
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i wish. just gonna save myself for marriage as my only option is whores

>> No.23313622

GME is the fucking Rocky of stocks.

>> No.23313646

They really hate that stock.

>> No.23313650

What the fuck is going on with TSM?
They just posted their profit earnings which were positive and have been going hard with orders from Apple, yet they’re dipping?

I can’t make heads or tails even with all the fundamentals bro’s

>> No.23313659
File: 381 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20190702_144734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are using gamestop to hedge all their other losses right now

feels good man to be all in gme

>> No.23313666

K-pop bro, what did you do to get locked out of all your shit?

>> No.23313667

I know im gonna sound ungrateful but the same V for years gets fucking boring fast

>> No.23313671

that not how hedging works X_X

>> No.23313673

Isn’t the S/I released today?

>> No.23313692

TSM releases monthly reports on revenue
earnings are rarely ever a surprise and it rallied up beforehand, that's why you don't give a shit about timing with TSM. News with Intel shitting the bed was an anomaly

>> No.23313695

you gotta shake it up with different things brah
back when I had a bitch I always kept her on her toes
granted it was only 6 months
i figure thats just life, the positive of that is having someone you can share everything with and back you up.

>> No.23313704

That’s not the point of a real happy marriage though

>> No.23313717

What's a good dividend-yielding REIT?

>> No.23313727

Explain how a hedge fund can cover their shorts when 97% of shares is held by other institutions.

>> No.23313728

I'm aware. This is just a conversation about no fap.

>> No.23313751
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>> No.23313759
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I only want this plus a rocky mountslain slayer 2021

>> No.23313761

Boring fucking day

>> No.23313778

IPOC had a little pump, I can't find any news, anyone have any idea?

>> No.23313791 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 1242x1440, [페이스캠4K] 있지 유나 'Not Shy' (ITZY YUNA FaceCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2020.09.06# 00.00.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a unbelievable story but i got hacked right when i was throwing away all my money and so this inturption actually got them to save a little bit of my money when they interupted it

and then i said like omg i got hacked and then i still never got access back and i lied and said it was the hackers who wasted my money so i could be in trouble for fraud or they could just say fuck it here have it back

>> No.23313795
File: 44 KB, 700x590, Screenshot 2020-10-16 100748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of gambling on stocks why not buy ARK ETFS?

>> No.23313819

Bought the SPCE dip

>> No.23313822

>crabs for 15 years
>3.65 div yield
can you explain to me why I'd buy this? am retard

>> No.23313823
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YOOO DPHC bros...

Tell me if I'm wrong but this looks like a cup and handle formation forming.


>> No.23313830
File: 682 KB, 2500x1667, 200831-steven-cohen-mets-acquisition-2016-ac-717p_6adb1f8222690b5ec110b5aaa0082bb8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings anon, it is I, autistic solid cohen anon.

I was up late last night trying to understand what I got wrong on GME so that I can improve as an investor and learn from the loss. I found some interesting stuff you might find helpful.

Here is what is actually going on with GME, not horseshit pump or dump news:

13fs of the two companies who started this whole things



Both nominated board members to GME, both are very obviously shell companies for some bigger fund.

This is not a FUD piece as per usual, I accept that I lost and am trying to learn from defeat. DESU all I get from this is that theres a complicated battle going on at GME, not sure if bullish or bearish, but its def not just a matter or retail pumping.

>> No.23313839
File: 74 KB, 800x536, Seagull stealing a meatball. Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME has about a 100% chance to double, being conservative based on its past performance of console cycles
Previous console cycles occurred BEFORE consoles went heavily into digital, and BEFORE much of the world was used to paying electronically, and BEFORE the console manufacturers lashed out against used game sales (thus destroying the last argument for buying physical games).
It was also at a time when GameStop could secure exclusive in-game items for purchases made through their store (now replaced by publisher in-game stores), and at a time when the game on the disk could be installed and played, without needing to download a 30GB patch on release day.

So this console cycle is not the same catalyst as the last ones. The shorts, okay. The Microsoft deal, okay. The undervalued stock, okay. But the cycle is only 1/4 of it, its not a major factor anymore.
What is the short interest right now, over 120%? And I am guessing most of them are paying between $16 and $20, so we need to get there on good news alone, before the squeeze can propel itself on its own. And I am just not sure that we will get that kind of growth in the next few weeks, considering there's also a sell wall of weak hands and very old bagholders looking to exit.

It is by no means a sure thing. If your average entry is above $12, you even have a chance to lose money on this. But for most of us, in most possible futures, we'll make either some or A LOT of money. Still bullish, just not crazy.

>> No.23313843


>> No.23313844

i wouldnt buy it either. i dont want large REIT holdings. anon was just asking for info

>> No.23313847

Still doesn’t explain the dip happening rn brother

>> No.23313855

Interest is about 150%

>> No.23313857
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autistic af
very bullish

>> No.23313859
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>> No.23313864

Why does ARKR suck so much ass?
I hope so I've been down for awhile. The merger is soon and there's no hype at all

>> No.23313866

What does it look after typically?

>> No.23313888
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>> No.23313890

The "complex battle" could just be the other Cohen trying to take the company private, and a bunch of funds entering to ruin his day by demanding more money.
So its not big biz scalping small investors, its big biz scalping big biz, while small investors salvage whatever drops on the ground as the titans fight.

>> No.23313898


>> No.23313907
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>not retail pumping
you just now figured this out?

>> No.23313913

tqqq simpl as

>> No.23313915
File: 1.38 MB, 1861x923, b6a809a2-1d9d-4a91-9b2a-7b8930ea16c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, never thought I'd see Umineko shitposting make a return on /smg/ of all places. I'm dying.

Umineko witches are trolls. In the game their purpose is to convince the MC that magic is real. He's not making anti-GME posts, he's making fun of anti GME posts.

Red lines are technical truths that often lie through omission or use clever wordplay. Blue lines are counter arguments made by the MC. Old Butler giving advice in
>>23313313 is the most stupid character in the series and is the butt of jokes.

>> No.23313920

Actually either way we win
If Cohen wants GME he needs to just T-pose and buy up a good chunk.

>> No.23313922
File: 112 KB, 625x469, tiny man riding a woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the man in the background is a wizard summoning birds to attack a group of women.

>> No.23313923

Instead of giving money to a fund manager, why not buy the same stocks yourself?

>> No.23313929

Your 200GB game will need a 200GB patch if you want to play it a year from release, fren.

>> No.23313931
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Something Like this

>> No.23313958
File: 178 KB, 347x355, 1418252665938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been waiting for GE to sell off because the last ATH within 3 months was around ~$7
>consider buying it at 6.80 this morning, decide against it
>it starts mooning

>> No.23313961

Do blu ray disks even hold that much? Shouldn't they switch to non-rewritable usb sticks instead? Microsoft already does that for their win10 oem installations.

>> No.23313963


Yeah I’m thinking this. I had to delete games over and over to install new ones. That shit pissed me off, so I went to PC. (Kek)

Sony and MS are going to Jew console gamers with low storage and probably release more consoles with bigger hard drives.

>> No.23313964
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quickly, which stock can i jump into RIGHT NOW and make a quick buck

>> No.23313975
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>> No.23313978

He has specifically bought 9.999999999% of the company, so that he doesn't trigger the 10% regulation. Its obvious what he was planning to do, and he got ambushed by other big financial beasts. Moved too slow. I guess he wanted to convince other activist investors about his plans first, but by that time the price doubled.

>> No.23313979
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Iknow asking during trading hours is a shot in the dark but i'm looking for advice to set up a ROTH IRA.
I'm 19 and want to contribute 6k annually. I have just 1 year market experience.
Due to my situation I don't mind going agressive, just going full growth stocks and such.

Anyone got some advice for me?

>> No.23313989

NEW @_@





>> No.23313993

I got an option expiring today totally worthless. I just let it die right? I don’t have to sell or anything?

>> No.23314000

to be specific, idk what to buy and how to hedge myself

>> No.23314011



That's what some people were saying last night also.

Couple questions:
1) Why would Cohen make his involvement so public if he didn't want to get dabbed on by funds. At the bargain bin prices it was at shouldn't he have been able to buy up all he wanted pretty quick?

2) Why wouldn't he just sell now at no risk vs trying to transform the company and taking lots of risk, when it will only be acquired at maybe 2x above current prices?/why would funds pump it that much and not think he just exits?

3) Wouldn't these shell funds coming in b4 make it seem like this was planned all along, even before Cohen?

>> No.23314017

bull flag

>> No.23314020
File: 14 KB, 271x277, 16024014992325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SQQQ or TQQQ, flip a coin to choose

>> No.23314024


>> No.23314029
File: 107 KB, 1024x716, Dq1nPL8VYAAvG5Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the question is though how much storage do modern discs even have on them lol

>> No.23314030

follow https://twitter.com/unusual_whales
tweeted about GE calls 1 hour ago

>> No.23314031

i set a market order for mine to at least get some money.

>> No.23314038
File: 974 KB, 749x928, that one picture of that one dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't unsee now.

>> No.23314054

If anyone has an answer, I'll be in the next thread.

>> No.23314063

But what comes AFTER the handle. Do we get a series of cups?

>> No.23314064

i dunno either, but i'd guess the market still doesn't like the current valuations since the +30% jump in July was pricing in a huge chunk of growth within 3 years (from Intel)
TSM is still a cyclical stock in its core where it needs 2-3 years to respond to higher demand unlike AMD which appears like it has unlimited growth since it's fabless

>> No.23314097

Thanks friend

>> No.23314101
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, cup_and_handle_example-1280x720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not see the massive breakout?

>> No.23314111

1. You need to buy a big share first, so that you can enter the board meetings and talk to people.
After you've talked things through, found support, had people agree to your plans, then you can buy it. But I guess he didn't move fast enough.
2. Maybe he thinks he can reach the historic prices for this company, which is way above 2x. They were talking about "amazon for video games" and other meme dreams.
3. I have no answer for that, no idea. Honestly we are all just guessing right now. But the amount of money moving in gives me security, since so many rich people are rarely wrong on the same thing at the same time.

>> No.23314144

do 13D holders have to declare calls though?

>> No.23314146

whats the outlook on SPAQ?

>> No.23314152

Thanks for the explanation, I am the oldest newfag.

>> No.23314180

I only got 100 so I'm not exactly balls deep by any means. If I lose 100 bucks oh well, if it mega moons then I suddenly have more options to tune my robinmeme portfolio how I want it.

>> No.23314182

SPI jumped 300% premarket on its huge PND day. which is the reason i didnt get in until like $9, and didnt put in as much as i should have

>> No.23314218

don't forget this you dumbass
>According to Ryan Cohen's filing he spent $38,896,391.01 to purchase his 6.5M shares for a cost basis of approximately $5.98. Although we know about most of his purchases, there was a material amount of shares that he likely started purchasing back in early 2019 when my first article came out on GameStop. We know this because his filings show 4,306,295 shares purchased at an average price of $5.23. This means his remaining 2,193,705 shares had to have been purchased at an average price of $7.47 which dates his initial purchases back May of 2019 or earlier.

also the massive share buybacks were from 2019 which was the reason why the 60% short interest jumped up to ~100%, it wasn't that short sellers shorted the entire float but that they got caught in a trap but they continued to insist in their position

>> No.23314232

>Insert disc 13/27

>> No.23314295
File: 87 KB, 1175x760, HTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chasing a short squeeze

>> No.23314336

I do now, thanks this is giving hopes

>> No.23314367

so you're going to sell on a big pump in the short term rather than wait for all of next year's earnings? I'm not sure when I should sell. obviously if the short squeeze shoots it up to $50 I'll probably sell then, or at least most of it

>> No.23314431

buying .02% wouldnt be that much to what he already spent so whats stopping him?

>> No.23314477

over 10% shareholder = business "insider" with more restrictions

>> No.23314544

ah shit I just want some news so we end up on a green day would be very bullish for monday

>> No.23314584

NRZ. going back to $0.50 per share divvy eventually, which would be almost 25% yearly return at this price

>> No.23314968

Gme bros... did we get too cocky?

>> No.23314997

No. It is Friday and everyone took profits for the day.