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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1 KB, 80x64, Build_your_ARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2330880 No.2330880 [Reply] [Original]

/Biz/nessmen, I come before you to prepare you for the Future. There is a storm coming, a ferocious storm. People have warned you in the past, but you heathens didn't listen. I'm here to say that although it begins to sprinkle outside; you still have time to build your ARK!!

Right now ARK is a steal at 3500. I implore you, BUILD YOUR ARK NOW OR FOREVER DROWN IN THE FLOOD!!! ITS NOT TOO LATE!!

>> No.2330911
File: 20 KB, 400x225, ark-kinds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2330940

Im balls deep into this. If the ark drowns , I drown with it

>> No.2330989

I knew there were righteous among us. All those who BUILD NOW will be saved

>> No.2330991

It's that moron whale. Artificially keeping the price low. There's no chance of drowning if you're willing to hodl past this stupid market manipulation of the whale.

>> No.2331033

I have about 2/3 of my stack on it, shit's in cold storage for the long hodl.
Wouldn't it be grand if ark survived the coming financial crash, and that's why it has that name?

>> No.2331153

eth at $1 i got 10k when it hits $100 im a millionaire

>> No.2331211

nigger i hate u k

>> No.2331378
File: 996 KB, 500x475, Rainy Jungle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get it? It's not on Poloniex. Isn't there a way of getting it for free?

>> No.2331386

is on bittrex. when it gets on polo is gonna skyrocket

>> No.2331408

Any word on if or when it might hit polo?

>> No.2331440

Yes but you can't trust anyone in this thread.
I'm making stuff up guessing, but if I was a really rich marketeer, I'd time my market with christmas. >>>2330880
Ty based time traveler.

>> No.2331463

iits very likely. I heard some rumors in their slack. but no date or something official

>> No.2331471

he left his bot on

>> No.2331528

Probably. Nobody would trade small amounts like that in succession. Wonder if his settings are set to 'piss people off', or 'kill the momentum of this coin so I can fuck myself up'.

>> No.2331581
File: 33 KB, 643x192, Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 2.20.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking faggotry right here.

>> No.2331602
File: 30 KB, 1171x349, Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 2.22.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy wall

>> No.2331648
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>> No.2331663

if it's the same whale from WAVES, pepper your anuses for another day of this shit

>> No.2331680

whales are holding it down D:<

>> No.2331695
File: 1.62 MB, 640x640, newb getting into bagholding hype.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some dr.popoff-tier shilling

>> No.2332378

Whale is literally dropping massive orders, then buying two hours later after the price drops. Then biz shills it and pumps it back up. Serious manipulation....

>> No.2332396

I'm going all in after DGB gains this weekend

>> No.2332549

It's in bittrex. Jesus Christ do a small amount of research

>> No.2332555

There's a lot of water in the ARK right now and we lost some people. They drowned, violently.

>> No.2332686

stop shilling it, it's melting.

>> No.2332723

melting? motherfucker it's still over 1$.

>> No.2332741


Sigh its actually a good coin and out of the entire crop of shit coins, if anything has a future its ark.

Melting? Its up 200% this week and one of the few alt coins that has remained green in an otherwise shakey week. Like every coin, it dips and its rebounds higher.

If you're looking for a quick meme moon coin like bitbean this isnt it, but it has been gaining steadily and unlike most coins here actually has a future

>> No.2332743

I don't understand the motive of this whale. Everyone is saying this is a $10 coin so why doesn't he let it soar so he can buy Lamborghini PLC

>> No.2332746

8 hours of CONSTANT whale manipulation and motherfucker is still standing strong. most pump and dump schemes only make it an hour before people abandon ship.

>> No.2332754

Even when it goes under a dollar it only lasts for a couple minutes tops. I watched it go to .96 half a hour ago and within 2 minutes it was at 1.02 again.

>> No.2332775

see a coin gaining massive traction in 24 hour period, prime target for his L33tWhaleB0t9000 to come in and boost his stockpile for the inevitable boost that's gonna be happening over the next few weeks/months

>> No.2332796

don't worry about whalebot4000. just get comfy. volume is going up a lot. we had a huge peak today. long term it is better we make comfy gains in a sustainable way for 2 months than blow our wads early and get altitude sickness

>> No.2332864

Where can I get a bot of my own?

I lost tons while sleeping and my buy sells didnt save me.

>> No.2332871

And if anything, the volume just keeps increasing instead of dropping, meaning people aren't dumping.
All the dumping around 35-37 is by the same stupid whale with his stupid trading bot.
Not sure what is going on in his mind.

>> No.2332881

I sold for a small loss. Fuck this coin, would rather be in one without a whale fucking with it. Have fun with that. At least with the coin I'm with now, if someone does decide to pump, I'm at the floor and not mid way through. GL to the hodlers assuming you're not just fucking shills like 90% of the board.

>> No.2332904

probably some chinese dude sleeping and left it on all night.

>> No.2332943

this is making me so fucking mad. i keep buying the coins that are the least sketchy that are recommended on here and every single time they fail. ive lost about $300 im so fucking sick of this shit

>> No.2332998

because you're not holding long enough, you probably sell as soon as it goes down

>> No.2333014

Already in biggest gainers list:

Don't buy this if you hate money!!

>> No.2333046

The safest coins I have noticed for mid to long term gains is:

DGB (depending on July 9th and 10th)

Stop day trading. Stop selling soon as shit dips. Small fees add up and will eat your shit up.

Learn to hold. Iron hands.

>> No.2333052
File: 32 KB, 1036x387, Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 4.03.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like bitbean just hit a huge dip, go gamble on that.

>> No.2333057

Literally every coin has a whale fucking with it at some point or another, I've seen this shit time and time again.

>> No.2333105
File: 43 KB, 649x618, wannabepoorl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL at all the day traders complaint they bought at 37 and sold at 35

I bought at 20 and am full hodl to target. Remember the flood lasted 40 days and this is an ark we're riding

>> No.2333112

All coins bounce back at some point. If you're losing money you have weak hands and is retarded.

>> No.2333123


>> No.2333140

Yeah my bad. Whole life I have some issue mixing june and july and I never figured out why. Also 31 and 13.

>> No.2333155

the price is fucking stonewalled at that whales bullshit. pull those orders already goddamnit.

>> No.2333200
File: 1017 KB, 500x333, 1421619802363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just distract yourself. once it's released this coin will fly us to fucking saturn!

>> No.2333219


>> No.2333228

If youre losing money in this bull market, then you're a fucking faggot that should go back to playing with dolls.

>> No.2333317

What do you (or anyone) think about STEEM at the moment? I bought at 88 sats.

>> No.2333335


There's literally no way to lose money in a bullmarket. You just hold for the coin to go back up, that's it.

>> No.2333356



>> No.2333369


88 or 88k ?
looks like it has a whale blocking it as well.

>> No.2333392
File: 25 KB, 729x314, Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 4.26.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's crazy, it's movement is almost exactly the same as ARK right now

>> No.2333412

That's dyslexia bro. Good buddy of mine has it, can't read for shit.

>> No.2333491
File: 598 KB, 1898x792, The ark shall carry!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

270 Ark coins as of today! Let the Ark carry us to the promise land!

>> No.2333521

k e k

>> No.2333544



>> No.2333556

he's gone!!!!

>> No.2333563

thats probably a legit reason.

strange shit happens around 4-7am in america land. you around this time its whales botting.

if we can keep a schedule of real trades andtimes

>> No.2333574


>> No.2333588

I have 7,500 ARK

Am I going to be a millionaire before I'm 22?

>> No.2333607


>> No.2333616

Everything in my portfolio is dipping pretty hard except for Ark, this is a good sign right?

>> No.2333620
File: 101 KB, 719x719, Monochrome (98).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you now?

>> No.2333621
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 9842439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hope so, so don't end up like me, almost 25 and deciding to day trade ponzi scheme crypto-currencies that you payed for with your $11 an hour job because it's a better option than the noose!

>> No.2333626

whale blocking at 40k. hopefully he fucks off too.

>> No.2333643

21. I have 6 months until my birthday

>> No.2333663

What did you buy it at?

>> No.2333670

I have 0.08 BTC left. Should i dump all into ARK ?

>> No.2333674

4000 at $.40 and 3500 at $.95

>> No.2333681

I wish I can contribute to take that wall down. I've used up my extra 1.2btc on the 420 wall yesterday. Dang.

>> No.2333688

wait to see if this whale causes a dip.

>> No.2333689

Did you get in the /biz/ pool and vote?
Having that much in your wallet is more than 1% of what we need to get staked.

>> No.2333697

Realistically no. I expect Ark will be $5-10 in 6 months. If you hodl for two years, you'll be a millionaire when you're 24 if they release all the stuff on the roadmap by then

>> No.2333703

I will do that today, I've been meaning to get around to it.

>> No.2333704

After you buy ark, download the client and help the /biz/ delegate reach rank 51 or higher and you'll get daily Ark sent to you at no cost other than 1 Ark fee for voting!


for more info join our arkpool thread, we have gained 106,000 ark in less than 24 hours.

>> No.2333722


doing gods work, already cast my vote :D

>> No.2333744

I tried sending my ark to my wallet via the client but it wasn't sending. How long does it take?

>> No.2333761

What happens on the 9th and 10th?

>> No.2333763

refresh your transactions page

>> No.2333765

sending from where. i sent from bittrex, took less than 10 seconds.

>> No.2333777

bittrex, was sitting on pending withdrawal forever.

>> No.2333787

I'm getting about a 2 minute wait from bittrex > wallet. My vote took about the same time iirc.

>> No.2333791

do you have any kinda email confirmation or anything setup?

>> No.2333801

I think it's always set up. Every time I withdraw I have to log into my email and click a link bittrex sent me.

>> No.2333825

Ah Thanks m8s. Forgot about the email confirmation that bittrex uses.

>> No.2333926

88k. I'm scared. It looks like it's about to crash but then I remember that there is 440 million invested in it.. I wish these shitskins would stop daytrading the price down. I'm already all in like the retard I am.

>> No.2333991

Seconding this, is something special going to happen with DGB on the 9th? I just traded all of my DGB for ARK.

>> No.2334000

Alright I voted, I have 2062 ARK btw. Hopefully this helps.

>> No.2334051

Dude I would really really appreciate it if you can help out your fellow /biz/nessmen get paid daily Ark by voting for the /biz/ arkpool delegate, all it takes is 1 Ark to vote and 88K would help us climb the ranks IMMENSLEY. You just keep your bags in the Ark client wallet, and vote for the biz delegete and once we reach the 51st spot we start forging Ark. 90% OF ALL ARK FORGED IS SENT TO VOTERS. The most Ark you hold, the more you will receive. Nothing to lose anon, more info at our current thread, thanks for your time and consideration.

hey thanks anon!

>> No.2334344

>DGB (depending on July 9th and 10th)

What happens doing on July 9 and 10 ?

>> No.2334838

+1 ARK Voted for yoy my friend. Lets ride out the flood

>> No.2334875

Haz anyone seen the address with -125,000,000? Is that normal?

>> No.2335430

got in at 15, hodl till next eth