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File: 161 KB, 1513x1214, biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23309584 No.23309584 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23309603

Because I make $399,999 now officially (CEO)

>> No.23309625

If she actually had to cough up more money she would change her tune. She is just virtue signalling online.

To be honest most of the left wingers who hate billionaires are actually jealous of their status and it manifests itself as displays of virtuous behaviour like this.

"look at me, Im SO virtuous that I want to forfeit MORE of my money. If I can do it, why cant jeff beezoz XD"

>> No.23309629

>libcucks are going to vote drumpf because he promises higher taxes
bizarro clown world

>> No.23309634
File: 63 KB, 730x650, 20200817-Tump-VS-Biden-Taxes-Chart-By-Wes-Moss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I guess this shit was wrong then?

>> No.23309636

Kek, his administration would last 4 weeks until he’s replaced by the chick.
Trump will win, anyway.

>> No.23309661
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because as I understand crypto is capital gains and I didn't make more than 400k (yet) but I'm pretty sure this means I pay more

>> No.23309667

imagine half the nation voting for that fuck

>> No.23309671
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Furthermore these type of people are walking paradoxes its funny

>>everyone starts to leave the country to tax havens
>>yeah but youre pro-movement right?
>>ol cya im off to czech republic
>their face when

>> No.23309706

Everyone will be taxed more under a biden presidency. Except for Biden himself who will continue to make deals with foreign governments using his Methhead son

>> No.23309712

this. theres no way he wont have a fatal accident, or die in his sleep a few weeks in, he'll spend those weeks virtue signalling and blowing KH and then BAM you have the frist fe male president of the USA

>> No.23309714

The problem is with state actors allowing offshore tax havens. We should ban anyone that holds more than 20% of their assets in tax havens from living in our countries. We should strip their rights as citizens in such situations and also ban them from holding office in companies with a big presence in our countries.

>> No.23309717

Um sweetie, you don't count. He meant if you're human and earning under $400,000, not a whiteoid.

>> No.23309740
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>Why aren't you begging to be taxed more?
Because I found out we can just print the money.

>> No.23309746

doesnt globalisation prevent it though?

I.e. if america starts clamping down on mega corporations fiddling their taxes and mega rich people, then they can all just leave to somewhere else.

cue the liberals

>> No.23309760

>everyone starts to leave the country to tax havens
has this ever happened ever?

>> No.23309779

Then you ban them from operating in your country. Obviously they will fall.back in line not to lose revenue.

>> No.23309783

Czech here. You can't be a NEET here. You have to pay the guberment $100 every month for universal healthcare and if you refuse they will confiscate your shit. But at least the tax rate is 15%.

>> No.23309792

Well what about the african brain drain?

Its a shithole there so everyone with aspirations and intelligence bounces and africa is left with just dummies. If america is like "right, we're going to clamp down on amazon and all the rich people", why wont they just go to canada or wherevers the hotspot where they wont clamp down. Im talking if taxes are really daft like 60% for all earnings over 50k

>> No.23309811

Why doesn't she just donate to charities of her picking or invest in eco startups or whatever if she has so much money to go around.
Why is raising taxes the only solution to every single fucking problem to these people?

>> No.23309822


Then the entire upper echelon of government would have to be banned, together with anyone that has over 100k and half a brain. You would condemn your nation to third world status overnight.

>> No.23309825

maybe the state should stop taxing them fucking 70% of their income. seriously its fucking retarded, regardless of if you believe people earning more should be taxed higher - thats too far.

at that point, the risk : reward ratio makes it so the risk of tax evasion charges are better than the loss of assets. its in the interest of those that want elites to be taxed higher to pay less tax, because then they are more likely to be honest about their income and funnily enough would likely end up paying more tax, at that point a crackdown on holding assets out of country is at least justifiable and productive

>> No.23309835

This, rest will be given to some offshore trust

>> No.23309857


In addition to that, by forcing people to hide their money they are only making it harder to invest locally.

>> No.23309881

>Bam you have lost all respect and hope for America because egotistical Indian women are arguably some of the worst people on this planet.

>> No.23309944


When did Trump supporters start elevating whites to a transcendent position?

>> No.23309951

Yes, that's what I meant, but your deduction about what happens next is completely idiotic. People in government aren't specially more brilliant than a ton of anonymous bright minds amongst society. Are you seriously arguing for allowing corruption? You seriously overestimate the willingness of people to go away (remember those nigs saying they were going to canada if trump won?).

They are not taxed like that almost nowhere, and even if they were, I see no problems with it (and a lot of them agree, ie Gates, Buffet, etc.)

>> No.23309972

anyone who supports anyone in this election is a retard. Pure democracy was a mistake.

>> No.23310186
File: 966 KB, 3072x2304, rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's scrap all western society and rebuild Rome. We can have emperors that rule for life and have absolute authority. And we get gladiator fights and cool ass buildings back.

>> No.23310212


Well no one is stopping her from paying more taxes. She can donate to the government right now.

Watch how fast she runs when she actually has to pay more, like every liberal.

>> No.23310262

Rome is not far off yeah.
We need an Autarch for life but with a bit more of a democratic tilt, ie a Senate that actually has power because it has the power to remove the Autarch with an 80% majority vote (or direct referendum).
Also laws against hereditary Autarch appointments would be wise. We have DNA tests now to exclude familiy heirs inheriting the throne. That way we can have a line of Autarchs choosing their successors on merit.

>> No.23310263
File: 115 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh then donate your salary to charities
Oh wait you won't do that you just want to virtue signal
I would decapitate this bitch with a roundhouse kick

>> No.23310275

Does she know she can just send her money in?

>> No.23310277

>$100 every month

In burger land that gets you an insurance plan with a $75 copay for stepping foot in a medical office, $1500 deductible and ,a max expense per year of $10000. Hope you have no problems!

>> No.23310296


>> No.23310304

>implying Biden doesn't lie.
Oh sweet summerchild.

>> No.23310325

It's crazy there are so many people who want to vote for more taxes.

>> No.23310340

Are these people really this brainwashed

>> No.23310441

>rich people bad
>let's fix the problem by giving more money to the government, which in turn it gives more money to zombie corporations
>but let's pretend we're actually helping the poor

>> No.23310489

Are women people?

>> No.23310538

Retard. Why do u think retirees move to AZ/FL/NV? Not just the weather, but tax burden is a huge deal - ppl make decisions based on this all the time.

>> No.23310563

Healthcare would be neat

>> No.23310639

German here, mandatory health care is an absolute shitshow. It's better to let the poor and weak die anyways.

>> No.23310642
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1569308464300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck doesn't she donate then?

>gosh mom, I want to do the dishes so badly but you have to order me or I won't do them

>> No.23310669

mixed private/public system is unironically the best. Private hospitals but public forms of health insurance.
I've experienced this system and it was bliss. I've also experienced NHS and it was hell.

>> No.23310704

Hunter is a crack head bro - come on, get it right.

lol imagine being Joe Biden though - your first wife and one of your children dies in a car crash, then your other son dies to cancer, and suddenly the only person to bestow your legacy upon is a crack head loser with no vision or worldly skills other than the ability to ride your coat tails.

>you get what you fucking deserve

>> No.23310771

t. neet

>> No.23310919
File: 1.02 MB, 1195x937, 1575408619802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this. Because if people did this and found it worked then it contradicts there entire movement.

>> No.23310984

when will they ever learn that tax rates=/=tax revenue

>> No.23311031

Someone should tell them they can actually pay as much in taxes as they want. The IRS won't refuse your money

>> No.23311062


People always look at taxes as just your income/payroll taxes but nobody else ever really seems to account for sales tax, gas tax, state registration fees for shit you need licensed or titled, property tax etc etc etc etc etc

It would not be wrong for me to say that a lot of people pay 50% or more in taxes already - it's just a lot more broken down and spread out than you think (obviously intentional)

>> No.23311087


Because people don't understand what marginal means.

I know educated people that still think your marginal tax rate = what you pay on EVERY dollar you've earned.... when it' s just every extra dollar in that bracket and up...

>> No.23311123

ARPA fixes this alongside Bella Protocol. Imagine worrying about burger shit when you have your exit in front of you.

>> No.23311149

This perfectly illustrates the retardation of the female mind.

>> No.23311158

Notice how the Y axis is uneven to make the bars appear more similar in size. FUCK LEFTY JOURNALISTS

>> No.23311166

>If she actually had to cough up more money she would change her tune

Or she's smart enough to know she'd come out ahead by not having to get fucked on (((private insurance))).

>> No.23311188

tax the jewish billionaires and multi-millionaires

>> No.23311331


Based and nationalist pilled

>> No.23311353


Daily reminder that the Laffer Curve is made up bullshit

>> No.23311423

the people who are loudest about this kinda shit in burgerland get a tax refund every year and their healthcare is already heavily subsidized by Obama care...if they pay anything at all. these are kids who have no idea what the fuck their talking about....it's just ideology.
>wahhhhhh why can't we all have nice things! everything should be free for everyone! lets raise taxes and live for free!!!!

>> No.23311441

yes but it will not happen as long as we live in pure democracy which is a lobbyfest

>> No.23311525

Don't forget inflation. Inflation is taxation. The FED devalues your dollar by printing another and gives it to big banks.

>> No.23311682


you need to go back

>> No.23311734

France has budget issues after they introduced a millionaires tax. Every wealthy Frenchmen basically fucked off.

>> No.23311746

you also need to go back

>> No.23311788
File: 55 KB, 709x1024, 1601928055684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, make all the retarded wagies pay more taxes. Maybe one day they will be left so destitute that they will finally grow the gumption to revolt.
Personally I will either be in Singapore or Switzerland by then.

>> No.23311795

Yes, look at Sweden.

>> No.23311800

I doubt get this. When I was a Poorfag alcoholic i was given state health insurance and everything was paid for. It was sweet. Now that I'm a wage slave I get allegedly great health insurance that gets deducted from my paycheck and now I have to pay copays on all my drugs and doctor visits. Americas great if your a piece of shit. Not so much if you try to do things the right way.

>> No.23311854
File: 86 KB, 668x532, Top-10-Laid-Back-Cats-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23311915

Liberals actually 100% believe niggers love them back.

>> No.23311959

There's always the virtue signaling white bitch. Its ALWAYS a white bitch. Its funny that Bill burr and Dave chapelle both have had recent skits telling white women to shut the fuck up. They need to hear it. If you want to talk about privilege, my God white bitches got it better than anyone in history.

>> No.23312690

they are too dumb to realize in their convoluted world of "muh privileged white man" this simply means they are the SECOND most privileged...

>> No.23313734

Didn't read. Turn off your bedtime filter, nigger.

>> No.23314766

Those payroll and capital gains taxes are only the highest brackets. If you want to point out that Biden is going to raise taxes for people making an average income, point out that he wants to bring back the individual mandate.

>> No.23314814

>everyone starts to leave the country

That shit is NEVER going to happen you Ayn Rand reading faggot. Where are they gonna go? Costa Rica? Good fucking luck.

>> No.23315139

Not him but people can just go to a country with a lower tax rate, if the cost of moving is less than the extra taxes it's financially worth it

>> No.23315357


Taxation is retarded and so are you for thinking you can make it work

>> No.23315417

>begging to be taxed more
That bitch is the same person who will unironically call you a bootlicker for supporting cops who arrest lawbreaking niggers

>> No.23315460

So true, I hope black people will finally turn against the liberal white woman and leave us white men alone.

>> No.23315568


I'm a millionaire and I'm not paying any of these broke niggers here shit. All you tax niggers do is thinking about stealing, that is why you never get anywhere in life. Produce value, make money. More value equals more money. The happier you make people, the more likely they don't begrudge you your wealth. Being a greedy asshole is a sure way to either stay poor or get killed when you make it.

Get a job niggers, or better yet start a business and create wealth for others.

>> No.23315596


Wrong, working is optional for most women if they make an effort to not be fat.

>> No.23315657

oy vey

>> No.23315665
File: 295 KB, 785x731, 1580590218721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
