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23306629 No.23306629 [Reply] [Original]

Previously on Uniswap: >>23283654
>pajeets tried to seize control of governance
>they still need 10M more votes
>there are only 11M delegates left
>3M of which are Uniswap developers/investors
>on October 17 2020 12:00am UTC, Year 1 Treasury fund, 172M UNI (~$0.5B) would be available to spend through voting
>(Uniswap blog also stated vested treasury fund would be unlocked on Oct 18, but it doesn't matter since voting takes 7 days anyway)

>what's the fuck is Uniswap governance?

Current voting process:
>1% of total supply (10mil delegated votes) is required to submit proposal
>4% of total supply (40 mil delegated votes) required to vote YES to reach quorum
>7 days voting period
>2 days timelock before execution
>180 days timelock for protocol fee switch

>i don't have 10mil UNI nigga I don't really care about this shit
that's why you can delegate your UNI to a party you trust to represent (You) in the voting process. You can self-delegate and vote by yourself but i won't advice it for small fish since you still have to pay gas fees every time you vote.
>lol imagine sending/staking UNI so you can vote
Delegation process neither transfers nor stakes UNI. You sign your address on governance contract, and it reads your current balance to calculate how much votes you have. You CAN spend and freely transfer your UNI even if you delegated them. Be wary that delegation also requires gas fee.
>how do I delegate UNI
It's at the end of UNI blog I linked above, but you can also read https://gov.uniswap.org/t/about-vote-delegation-process/4323
>UNI voting UI is shit, I need more details on governance NAO!
https://ondkloss.github.io/uniswapdelegates/#/ - no registration but big delay and shit UI
Just click on address to see it's activity in voting/delegation process.
https://explore.duneanalytics.com/dashboard/uniswap-governance - generally better but requires free registration

>> No.23306671

See which proposal draft is hot right now: https://gov.uniswap.org/c/proposal-discussion/
Give you delegate to your favorite eceleb:
Absolutely useless website that probably steals your UNI:

Probably I also need to post available governance contracts and current parties, OP definitely requires improvement.
Feel free to ask questions.

>> No.23306701

Oh and one more important thing:
You need to delegate your votes ASAP to enable voting. Only delegates who delegated their votes before proposal was published on-chain would be able to vote on that proposal.

>> No.23306723

So i have to do that each time any proposal about to get published?? How would I know it's about to be published and delegate uni in time? That's some stupid shit

>> No.23306725

That's very interesting stuff, thank you for this thread anon. I sold all of my UNI though

>> No.23306744

Once you (self)delegated your UNI, you're a able to vote on any future proposals.
Also to decrease/increase your voting power, you can either just transfer more UNI (system would automatically adjust your votes), or ask anyone to delegate their votes to your address.

>> No.23306875

Proposal #1:
Basically Dharma&Gauntlet attempt at seizing enough power to make their airdrop plans reality
>Votes eligible for a vote: 41M
>YES Votes needed for quorum: 40M
>Voted YES: 30.52M, 76%
>Voted NO: 632.74K, 2%
It may seem that Dharma won, but they have to get 9.5M more votes out of 10M remaining votes. We know for sure 3M of remaining votes are literally Uniswap, also Andre(who has 6M delegates through yuni.finance) is still silent despite voicing his support for Dharma
Basically it's over for dharmakeks

>> No.23307114

You don’t think uni team will vote yes?

>> No.23307245

fuck this stupid as fuck proposal just cause a bunch of fuck wits don’t know how to use uniswap and used dharma doesn’t mean they should be given air drops so they can dump it cause they don’t even know how the fuck to use uniswap and dharma is trying to capitalise on this and using that as a means of justification to delegate votes. they can get fucked

>> No.23307264


who is the most based (racist) candidate?

>> No.23307289

Dharmafags reasoning is obvious:
>they want 30M quorum because they have 30M voting power
>if you look at uniswap forum you notice they want to airdrop more UNI to proxies and aggregators
>they were GIFTED a huge UNI bag from LP airdrop and rewards
>but their pool consists of smaller LPs that work directly with Dharma
>Logical and fair solution: split this reward with their own users
>What they did: they pocketed this reward and claimed they don't own anything
>But for some reason they have 15M UNIs voting power, that came from literally only 52 wallets.
>For example, Andre has 6M votes from 467 wallets, and his delegation pitch was public and was reported by all major cryptoblogs
>Dharma pitch never left uniswap governance forum
dharma ingenuity here is clear as day

>> No.23307356
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Number of delegates almost doubled in two days. New major delegates (2nd and 4rd place) are unknown entities, their wallet addresses are also EMPTY
Binance? Either way these guys are probably more serious than dharmakeks.
Any way to see who delegates votes to them?

>> No.23307382

why can’t they fuck off and get fucked? someone propose a vote to tell them to fuck off, we’re full

>> No.23307388

Am I going to get fucked out of a potential future airdrop because I transferred my uni to binance to daytrade with? Is it necessary to leave it in my wallet to rot?

>> No.23307402

don't worry they won't reach 40M quorum so their efforts are futile
you can look at the state of dharmafags:

>> No.23307405

But I want my free uni’s sir

>> No.23307536

So they won’t have control of votes even with the 30m quorum which was obvious anyway. Muh takeover

>> No.23307554

Governance contracts:
GovernorAlpha(voting): https://etherscan.io/address/0x5e4be8bc9637f0eaa1a755019e06a68ce081d58f#code
Treasury vesters: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4750c43867ef5f89869132eccf19b9b6c4286e1a#code
Fee controllers: https://etherscan.io/address/0x18e433c7bf8a2e1d0197ce5d8f9afada1a771360#code

>> No.23308387

thanks for this thread bud, needed more information, it's not laid out that well and simply explained. you're doing god's work

>> No.23308701

wtf why is it pumping I thought pajeets were going to ruin everything?

>> No.23308775

it begins

>> No.23308816

seems they struggling to find additional 10M votes to reach quorum

>> No.23308870

Compound's crowdfunding smart contract can be used on Uniswap as well:
Hayden confirms: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/proposal-adopt-compounds-autonomous-proposals/3983/3

>> No.23309386

>You CAN spend and freely transfer your UNI even if you delegated them.
wtf just sold everything