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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23297313 No.23297313 [Reply] [Original]

Didn’t see a STA thread so I made one. Holding alright despite the lack of news. I think the next announcement could launch the rocket again because something literally happening.

>> No.23297380

Holding in there too, friendo.

Not pooling at the moment because I'm expecting a pump. Always seems to happen at this point in the curve.

>> No.23297464

Yea, but we probably wont see something huge until December

>> No.23297509

It's kind of FUD for everything to be dependent on the dashboard. Instead, we should be educating people how to pool, etc. and discussing the merits of the white paper.

Mark is doing a DigiFinex AMA tonight.

>> No.23297540

This is a long comfy hold imo. My stack is safe and sound

>> No.23297664
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We might, no official word on that. Just have to wait and see.

I envy Mark, he has fucking everything.

>> No.23298114

No point pooling now. Pool at $1

>> No.23298126

what's the circ supply right now.

>> No.23298267


The current burn rate is so damn low. There’s been days when the daily volume was only 1/100 of the highest which was above 3M I think.

>> No.23298394

Can anyone explain to a brainlet what impact liquidity and volume in the balance pool will have on APY - If liquidity and/or volume are higher will APY be be higher?

>> No.23298440

shame. the original balancer contract was much better than the two pool idea going on just now. wish they had just waited for balancer gold rather than going the shit route they are just now.

also bitpanda launched recently a rotating top 5(and more) investment idea. all they need is dividends paid into the pool lik etfs and that's it, easy 20% returns a year. statera could have done this if it went the way or yearn. but alas, we were too early and didn't sell at the right time

>> No.23298535

They couldn't just wait around for Balancer to get their shit together though. They had to find a way to make it work, and they did
If / when Balancer fixes the issue with deflationary tokens, then another pool could be made that is just like the original one. No reason we can't have both

>> No.23298547

Very basic explanation, somebody correct me if I’m wrong:
>if you own 1% of the pool you’ll receive 1% of the fees
>fees are a set % from the daily volume

So bigger share of the pool/more volume makes your profits go up.

For Statera the idea in the early days was just to pool when it reaches a local top. More liquidity stabilizes the price whereas unpooling causing less liquidity makes the price move (preferably up ofc) more easily.

>> No.23298572

I believe the current system works just as well but it’s just much more complicated and that’s where the dashboard comes into play.

>> No.23298593
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I dunno. I kinda underestimated /biz/ on the ability to understand this coin and it's white paper after the pump. I really thought people would buy in. Instead, a bunch of people flocked to an already pumped Kleros and we're seeing the fallout of that right now.

>> No.23298611

>another pool
that's the reason why the volume is collapsing though. not being able to pool directly into the index (ie the balancer fund) and having to assume the 'lmao it volumizes everything from uniswap pool' is bullshit and you know it, judging by how low the volume is. If you got in on stav3 day 1, you were still up like 5000% or more after the hack. I paid 0.5eth for 250k tokens or something like that when statera v3 launched.

still holding too, but it was so cheap to me that i don't care. was a fun little experiment when it lasted. but yearn will end up doing a decentralized rotating top 5 with a volumizer and then it's game over.

>> No.23298642

lots of people bought in late, after the hack. we lost statera generals and everything. place was great a few months back. i really loved the original sthanos idea. this new one just doesn't cut it for me.

>> No.23298854

There won't be news until December. Pooling now is fine. Just unpool when next big news is out

>> No.23298991

When the dashboard is out we need every fucking nigger here to shill it outside of biz. Right now it’s just not that worth since it’s basically a half-assed project without it.

>> No.23299011

The news might come next week, you don’t know that. I’m expecting things to start moving early November.

>> No.23299029

As long as no Statera killer is successful, Statera will explode.

>> No.23299046

I wish, but they said they could only MAYBE give a rough ETA in a few days. Expecting it for this month is delusion.

>> No.23299280

250k tokens for .5 eth

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.23299317

and i was late too, there was a few anons that had a mil, and many close to a mil. comfy frog poster and iain girl/guy whatever that anime is.

>> No.23299344

>Half an eth for 500,000 dollars at peak

God this project is beautiful. I bought a 50k stack at .05 and thought I was being clever.

>> No.23299562
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My educated opinion about STA: Make this 10% or even 1% of your portfolio or else you'll cry yourself to sleep every night.
Disgustingly incompetent P&D turned cult token for crypto babies who hate money or love swinging. Could have easily 100x'd on various other tokens like XOR, PAMP, Trustswap, BUIDL, YFI clones like MEME, Pickle, Yfii, Nyan.
Whoever bounced from Ampl to YFI with a 300k USD investment would have like 30M by now without suffering major slippage. Then they'd put it into ETH, LINK or UNI and 10x long or short. They'd easily have 100M they could have single-handledy bought all the dolphins off and pumped STA to a 500M marketcap and provided advertisement for.

For such a cultish/loyal community you guys sure are bad at being productive; advertising, developing, pricing out dumpers. You're all just looking at each and waiting on the others sticking fingers at each other. STA is literally a swingers' P&D token which couldn't be arsed to get the launch done properly at day 1. It's no better than ESH at how incompetent it is.

Enjoy your stagnation and delusion, you get what you asked for; a community-driven token with no big names that hinges on adoption and a community to do something, but said community does what the token does; stagnates.

There's projects with no working product that get pumped on advertisement and hype alone. Case in point; keep stagnating.

You guys seriously could have saved this project since day 1 if you just had more money and fucking swinged the initial V1,STAclassic,V3, hack fuckups.
This token bleeds due to no advertisement and dumps hard because you didn't price out the weak hands. It's not good for a token to have so many irresponsible weak hands and such a lack of advertisement. It's not healthy for the top 20 to not have money in other investments. Also not healthy for the top 21-100 to each have 0.5% of the supply when the liquidity is so weak. The top 21-100 should have only had 0.01%

>> No.23299578

And the beauty is, in the future someone will think these prices were a steal.

>> No.23299620

Stopped reading when you started talking about ”if you woulda done this with that you woulda had this much money”. Actually cringe I’d rather see pictures of dogshit with STA logo on top of them

>> No.23299705

A project so simple that has already done a 470x and looks like it's going to pump way further is rare as hell. Also fudders seem encouraged to a certain degree more than in Kleros threads. Kleros was kinda a predictable failure in that most users didn't want to discuss the white paper and the ramifications of it.

>> No.23299741

>Didn’t see a STA thread so I made one
Do you ever stick your finger in your ass and taste it because you forgot what it's like

>> No.23299975
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>He didn't invest in Statera

>> No.23299996

I guess I'm missing something. I thought the whole idea was that STA would eventually become a part of many pools
Also the reason volume is low is because people are anticipating a pump. Not because they don't like how the Phoenix pool works

>> No.23300195


>> No.23300579

well yes and no. i was a staClassic buyer and missed launch (day 0) of sta v3 due to fuckups and airdrop shite. but the idea was that STA was just the volumizer for the balancer index. it could become part of many pools yes, but that idea has been left now that the original balancer sthanos contract isn't a thing. now i don't know the story about scott leaving, and if there's any back end devs left, but it's really lost it's traction. i'm not going to sell for another year or more, just to see what really happens.

but the original idea was based af. sthanos power would be immense, able to buy and sell whatever he pleased and with great returns. now it's all so convoluted even i don't know what the fuck it's supposed to do, but they claim it's doing something. maybe cause it's not easy to pool anymore that newpeople don't know what to do. sure as fuck i don't. i miss just being able to one click pool into balancer. ny oldfags remember the day the actual one click thing got released? fuck man, we thought we'd all have our own island and shit, it was intense.

my idea of the future is something like i put in my first post. a decentralized version of the bitpanda index, but with a deflationary token gaining compounded interest that makes holding cyrpto equal to holding stocks. which essentially was the first balancer pool. but imagine a smart contract constantly rotating the tokens, rather than having users move to another pool. this is essentially what snx will do with their index tracker, or yearn with the vaults. hell even bitopanda might do their own thing like that. i can't see that it would be too difficult to implement.

>> No.23301223

I am accumulating as fast as I can

>> No.23301481

High expectations for the new update. So far the team has delivered every time but this might be the most crucial moment for Statera's future.

>> No.23301662

Another 4-6 months for dashboard.

>> No.23301922

Wonderful post. Must have come from a very unique source.

>> No.23301949

Didn't you watch the AMA? GC said so in it but that part is cut off from the vod..

>> No.23302090

>Wonderful post. Must have come from a very unique source.

>> No.23302335


>> No.23302576

can somebody dumb this down for me? what was the original balancer contract, i thought it was always the two pool, phoenix and delta? Also what is balancer gold?

>> No.23302968
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The original pool had STA in it but balancer had a vulnerability with deflationary tokens which was exploited to drain the pool. Phoenix was then created as a work around.

>balancer gold
Tbh I don't know if it's only rumors or some official news but it's a new version of the balancer system which would support deflationary tokens aswell hence making the original pool safe again.

>> No.23303028

wait so right now, the STA token's not even deflationary?

>> No.23303201

It is of course, but in the Phoenix pool it is replaced by Delta (which is 50/50 ETH/STA) causing the burn to happen on Uniswap. Afaik this solution works just as well but it's just more complicated to your average buyer.

>> No.23303203

What's good with this rumor of a new "surprise" in the TG? I sold my stack, if this shit moons before December I'm going to have to fucking FOMO back in like the rest

>> No.23304137

ok thanks a lot anon, I've seen so many biz threads about statera over the last couple of months that I can't even tell if people are just that passionate about the project or if it's just shills, but the fact that the team seems to work through all these challenges makes me think it's not gonna be a rug pull at least

>> No.23304393

The fact that they gave back the money lost in the Balancer hack when they didn’t have to do it shows this is not a rug scam

>> No.23304864

why is nobody outside of biz talking about it? seems kinda weird that there's so many threads about it, but nobody on crypto twitter or any telegram groups are mentioning it

>> No.23304884

Jesus, this Statera's AMA is just like a shill show for XBTC instead lol.

>> No.23305416

The telegram group is jam packed anon. Rewind to 2017-2018 nobody was talking about link outside of this place.

>> No.23305624

To me this only tells how much space there is for Statera to grow. It definitely has tons of potential still despite all the struggles it has had. There wouldn't have been multiple full threads daily for weeks on biz otherwise.

>> No.23305636

so its up to biz to advertise and develop front end tools and negotiate getting it on major exchanges. do i dump now or ride it to 0.0000001

>> No.23305651

I did, I just don't baghold it anymore. Sold for a 100x. I'd hate to be holding this shit.

>> No.23306468

Imagine holding STA when AXIA does everything better including making you money. Capital tied up in STA is such a shit opportunity cost

>> No.23306505

Can you explain to a brainlet why not worth it now?

>> No.23306637

Pooling is generally to 'secure' your gains.
So, if you pool at a high, you're locking in what you made.
If you pool low (8c), just before an expected pump, then you're gonna miss out on some gains in the actual price of Statera.
When the price of Sta gets high enough and the pool becomes huge, you will quite literally be able to earn a passive income off just the fees you receive.

>> No.23306729

Check back in a week.

>> No.23306855

It wasn't a Statera AMA, it was an AMA for Mark, who has two projects. One he is the CEO of.

>> No.23307035

Thx fren

>> No.23307085
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STAtesman reporting in. Also holding. Everything is dumping rn. Were gonna make it fren.

>> No.23307637

Why would it moon before then? There’s not gonna be any news or anything until Dec lol

Pool now unpool when news

>> No.23307647
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Or just swing until then

>> No.23307785

If small stack swing until December, if large stack pool until December IMO

>> No.23308141

Is this alien looking Pepe thing unique to statera for a reason? Or can I copy it and use it to shill a different coin? I mean just edit the logo

>> No.23308319

Is your coin held ONLY by high iq individuals?