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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23299452 No.23299452 [Reply] [Original]

>corporations getting unlimited money
>ordinary people getting relief
why are our leaders like this?

>> No.23299498

Because they are corrupted, corporation give them money to get these bailouts and gibs, regular people don't

>> No.23299594

Because anyone where $1,200 would be a significant impact in their life is a subhuman and I don't want to pay for them to smoke weed and gamble it all on dice.

>> No.23299616

because they have the masses brainwashed good.

>> No.23299629

And yet here you are, beating your tiny dick to lolicon and betting it all in digital dice.

>> No.23299672

because of citizens united v. FEC

>> No.23299735

It's my earned money and I'll light it on fire if I feel like it. I'm not asking you to fund my bad decisions.

>> No.23299838


>> No.23299943

Because our leaders are owned by the corporations? You haven't figured that out you dumb cunt?

>> No.23300340
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Euro man trying to follow the stimulus drama, has there been any real news has it passed or is Pelosi still blocking it?

>> No.23300369

>why are our leaders like this?
>why are my fellow countyman like this?
even just the thought of someone getting gibs is mental torture for the average zogged burger

>> No.23300385

Shut the fuck up wagie

>> No.23300415

See, I'd like to earn money, but they're literally setting us up for more lockdowns and closures right now. You can't go outside after 9 PM in Europe now.

Fuck old people

>> No.23300441

Shut the fuck up NEET

The gravy train is pulling into the station

>> No.23300570
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>yeah I don't mind politicians throwing MY money at corporations and stupid bullshit hahaha

>> No.23300580

What a killjoy

>> No.23300617

even worse, the money funneled to corporations isn’t even being spent... it’s literally just inflating their cash piles

>> No.23300623

>why are our leaders like this?
cuz americans are dumb and easily manipulated.. just look at the people on 4chan

>> No.23300700

I really don't understand, the MMT helicopter money is coming either way why would they delay this? They just loathe us all plain and simple

>> No.23300748
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>> No.23300750

I literally can't understand this country. I get that poor people are mostly scum, but why is it so evil to give them $1,200 during a literal DEPRESSION, but bailing out corporations that don't even fucking pay taxes, that do literally nothing for the average American, is a big "hell yes". Every year im alive the "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" quote rings more and more true.

>> No.23300925

At this point Pelosi is the sane one. Trump countered 1.8t to dems 2.2 or whatever it was. Now the reps (mcconnel) counteroffered trump with 500b. Thats just insane. Imagine counteroffering someone in real life with 25% of their asking price? This government is just fucking retarded. They need to be all fired and sent home with no severance. Every single last one of them. The US government has failed its people.

>> No.23300948

>It's my earned money
You earned it on the back of civilization and you'll do with it what civilization agrees to do with its share.

>> No.23300992

>just gimme mo a dem dollas
Holy fuck go kill yourself if you are unable to survive without leeching off others.

>> No.23300996

In all actuality it is not your money and it never has been.
The USD is owned by and owed back to the FED.

>> No.23301014

Corporations shouldn't get free money.

>> No.23301015

> a literal useless NEET who is only able to survive because others pay their taxes

>> No.23301028

If you have a job you don't need stimulus. Companies with severely-constrained income streams shed jobs to survive.

>> No.23301054

i work a fucking job you piece of shit. pay your taxes you imbecile. the only reason you can even HAVE money is because the rest of everyone agrees to play by the rules.

>> No.23301092

Is your job being a poor salty bitch?

>> No.23301105

Is your job being brainless on the internet?

>> No.23301140

Does that include the literally millions of people who, despite keeping their jobs, got severe pay deductions so that the company could stay afloat, which is basically half of everyone I know? The world isn't black and white you mongoloid incapable of thinking between the lines.

>> No.23301143

It’s rich (this is the only time anyone will ever say that about you) to call me brainless when you’re the one advocating for gibs.

>> No.23301186
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Why are democrats so evil bros even Trump has said repeatedly he is ready to give me neetbucks why the fuck do democrats keep stalling? Why do they keep adding bullshit about trannies and fags and other unrelated garbage to the bills? Just give me my fucking neetbucks already why do you hate Trump to the point you are holding Americans hostage just give us the fucking money Nancy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.23301187

>I'm not brainless, no brainless, YOUR brainless
have a nice day retard.

>> No.23301242

>your brainless
Maybe stealing more money from hard workers and giving it to failures so they can buy weed will fix this, anon

>> No.23301321

>we are clearly in the middle of a burning building and the diaphragm decided to contract. those fucking lungs deserve what's coming to them -brain

>> No.23301367

I hate this old faggot so much. I hope he gets covid and his lungs evaporate into dust.

>> No.23301382

The whole reason people lost jobs was because of the government. Now you think more government is the solution? Try looking past your own nose anon. Gibs are NEVER the answer- in fact they are an affront to God and nature

>> No.23301438

what kind of weak-ass president can't even whip his own party into voting for a bill?
holy shit that's bad

>> No.23301439

it really is a joke. Oh you want to make a deal for 2.2 trillion? Can't do that...1.8 trillion you say? Hmm, what about 500 billion thatll do fuck all?

I hope McConnell burns in hell.

>> No.23301552

>no no noooo how am I going to pay for my video games and junk food now??!

>> No.23301571

Not a NEET, just not a pathetic wagie like you.

Keep licking boots for pennies, slave.

>> No.23301603

Excellent goy

>> No.23301607

It's not even about spending at this point but the allocation of the funds. The USA is going bankrupt no matter what, so at this point its just a matter of going to the people vs the corporations. And you have literally millions of brainwashed bootlickers, many of which litter this very thread, who think its a matter of fiscal conservatism. 26 trillion dollars in the hole, but 1 trillion to feed Americans is just totally the place to draw the line in the sand. Just fucking lol. This is 1980s USSR tier retardation.

>> No.23301668

because there has to be a vote based exchange for whatever the govt "gives" (even tho its your tax money anyway)

thats why the dems are blocking the current stim, they dont want it to be associated with trump, they want to say biden gave you the stimulous, again even tho its your tax money

>> No.23301765

Holy fuck, anon, it's actually pretty simple. Pelosi wanted a deal she could brag about , on election day, McConnell wanted to save the Senate, by not giving her that deal, and Trump wants whatever the last person told him was good for him, no deal, or new deal, or even better deal. When you get into the voting booth, remember, those folks on the ballot , they're so fucking retarded, they do politics for a living.

>> No.23301822


Rep and Dems both want money for the kosher corporations. But the people can't get any money or they will vote trump.

We aren't going to get anything until after the election because the stimulus is being used as a political tool. Give it sometime though the corporations will soon make congress bend the knee.

Kek. Politicians are literally professional gossip girls.

>> No.23301838

Pelosi offered a deal that she knew would be refused, one that almost every single person would support. Instead, she got rejected.

Now, small businesses are failing all over the country completely at the hands of trump's own naive extremely partisan approach to understanding the world.

>> No.23301897

Anyone against getting $1200 from the government is a cuck. Just stfu and go watch your cuck porn

>> No.23301937

It's a given that both parties want to look the political winner in this situation. Trump said give me just the 1200 check deal and I'll sign, democrats said no. They want to stall out Trump and force him into a deal that passes more of their extra programs as well as the 1200 check.

This is just how the U.S passes bills, they literally have this in a Simpsons episode.

>> No.23301977

Trump is a complete moron. Look how the most based statesman, Putin , is handling it, and how he handled it. If Trump played the "Benevolent Father", protecting the US against "the CHYNAFLU ", he'd win this running away. Absolute retard. The Alt-Right knew Trump is nothing but a retard, when Bannon was forced out.

>> No.23302006

Then why are handouts a-ok for large companies whose lobbyists have their hands in senators coat pockets? The only money the average sub $75,000 earner will see in the form of government help is these pathetic stimulus checks that will end up going right back to the small businesses that are in need. For those who are out of work or whose businesses have been destroyed, the unemployment is all they will get. Your position is accurate when things are going well or even if there is an actual substantial reason for a downturn but it’s unconscionable to deny needed economic lifelines in the middle of the greatest outbreak of disease in a century.

>> No.23302011

He said that as a save after saying no negotiations while pumped full of roids in a twitter rage. He can't back down from something he's said. He never apologizes or humbly admits defeat. I don't even necessarily support Joe Biden, he kinda sucks, but I just don't want to live in clown world any more. We absolutely need a rational person, who will listen to rational people, as president. Genuinely afraid Ol' Donnie is compromised by Russia. I'm pretty apolitical but I'll vote this election. America's future is on the line.

>> No.23302024

Because jews

>> No.23302027

>Imagine being against neetbux
>Imagine thinking its okay If some boomer Zombie company gets a stim package instead of your ordinary folks who lost their Job because of rona
>Imagine calling neet leeches because of some few hundred bucjs while those (((companies))) pull every possible trick in Order to pay a pathetic low amount of taxes
Fucking brainwashed cattle, thank god im living in a comfy western EU country with decent welfare
Im not gonna participate in a rigged game
Call me a Leech/nig/parasite idgaf

>> No.23302097

fiat currency is an affront to god and nature, stop acting like running the printer for some gibs makes any difference.

>> No.23302142

>we need rational people
Holy shit you absolute NPC

>> No.23302474

Nobody should be relieved, especially corporations

>> No.23302596
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>current year
>muh russia

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.23302721

do people not understand that devaluing the current circulation of USD by printing trillions more USD will benefit the people holding assets like stocks/crypto? why would anyone that browses this board not be in favor of this?

the truth is that one candidate wants to get rid of capital gains tax, and another candidate wants to print $400B more than the first guy. it's extremely bullish regardless.

>> No.23302747

I think it's more the morality of it. This will destroy Western civilization, eventually. But, there's not really much left to save soon enough.

>> No.23303332

what's so unique about an inflationary event that makes it destroy Western civilization? fiat is just an abstraction, a token representing value generated somewhere. instead of quietly forgiving debts or pausing mortgages/rent payments or seizing forms of wealth to redistribute them, the government is achieving essentially the same effects and results by devaluing the existing USD and giving newly printed USD to poors.

because of the virus, its not easy to continue to extract the value generated by the labor of the average wagie. so rather than destabilizing society by directly seizing wealth from people that have it, it can be seized through inflation.

>> No.23303470


>> No.23303488

C - U - C - K YOU!

>> No.23303523


>> No.23303632


>> No.23303639

Id creates a debtor meta in which hardworking people get their wages inflated away while cunts buying consooomershit and jews get their debt inflated away
It destroyes the whole fucking world with mindless overconsumption and the lie of infinite growth

>> No.23303712
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are you talking about rich people now? im confused. you dont know a lot about where tax money actually goes, do you?

my job was canceled by the government, so yes they (and everyone stupid enough to believe covid is real) should give me money to make up for it.

you see my boy, being gullible means you deserve to have your money stolen. if you "play by the rules" and "pay your fair share" that’s only proof that you’re gullible and will now be giving your money to me, via taxes. thanks a lot!

>> No.23303719

>vote for Trump's friends to get your money
>vote for Biden's friends to get your money
Plot twist! They have the same friends.

>> No.23303735

You earned enough to qualified for gibs subgoy

>> No.23303759

Except the people that have wealth don't hold fucking cash. They hold stocks and real estate that benefit from inflation. The resulting higher prices are then passed on to the poorest consoomers.

>> No.23303772

These motherfuckers must be paid by these old guard corporations.

>> No.23303777
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ill take my $1200 cuck bucks then, kek.
(i prefer vanilla loli and yuri porn though)

>> No.23303822

>mexicans should harvest fields for me while I sit on my ass receiving government programs
>everyone who disagrees is racist
I fucking hate the left so much. Goddamn it will be glorious to watch you shitbags burn for what you've done.

>> No.23303937

honestly the way i see is we're parasites to the system lol, they need to have a working class that can pay taxes, at least in the EU they use the taxes for the people

>> No.23303957

Kill yourself you bootlicking worm

>> No.23303970

Even most corporations aren't getting "unlimited money." The government is just propping up certain industries, because it would be a disaster to have to rebuild entire industries. While unemployment is bad, it's much easier to create new jobs than it is to create new companies. I'm not saying that I agree with the government though. If you're going to forcibly push people out of their jobs, you have an obligation to provide for them. What the government is doing is criminal.

>> No.23303975

If I was ever alone with this piece of shit I would stomp his face into jelly.

>> No.23304033

Good point

>> No.23304035


Basically classism. Rich people deserve money and regular people do not, according to them. If you didn't have much money in the first place than you don't deserve it.

>> No.23304074

good. companies that squander capital and time need to lay off unneeded workers to free up resources to be used more efficiently in the market.

>> No.23304189

Because ordinary people are fucking retards when it comes to money.

Imagine you have a car(economy) and the car stops work ping due a malfunction(corona pandemic). You have some money saved up in your bank account. What would you do? Use that money to repair the motor(companies/industries) or use it to buy some useless shit for your car like golden rims(stimulus checks)?? Either you do option 1 and have a functioning car or you choose option 2 and have a shiny car with golden rims that won’t jumpstart.

>> No.23304754

Only vote Republican if you're rich, racist, retarded, or some combination of the afformentioned.

>> No.23304849

can a neet educate me on getting gibs?

Ive worked a long time so I should get 2k a month

>> No.23305251

Just shut the fuck up
McConnel will crack after seeing the backlash from even the most loyal constituents of his (because they're actually the most impacted)

>> No.23305283

Wtf are taxes then??

>> No.23305305

the freer the market, the freer the people

>> No.23305309

Aforementioned, retard.

>> No.23305323

Are these fucking people really tanking stimulus over 400 billion
Jesus 80% of these fuckwits in both houses better be voted out

>> No.23306119

This is how you get guillotines

>> No.23306145

This new check's wording confuses the fuck out of me. I didn't qualify for money last time as I'm filed as a non-child dependent (and even if I was simply added to my parent's total check it's not like I would personally see a dime of it), but this time those eligible is being massively expanded. But whenever I ask if I get my own check this time every site says neither yes nor no.

>> No.23306146

>1980s USSR tier retardation
this is exactly why we are going to end up with a revolution that none of us should want. we're fucked, because our manager class are fucking corrupt morons who can't see the danger they put us all in.

>> No.23306191

My poverty is hard earned you dogshit cunt. Post address so I can use my bare hands to tear at your flesh And give you PTSD long after I have left your house

>> No.23306211

Also, because news sites on this shit dont help much when every day the rules get renegotiated or tweaked.