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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 322 KB, 1024x1024, SmugPepeSxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23293004 No.23293004 [Reply] [Original]

CZ is gonna not let it go under 1$. Time to accumulate.

>> No.23293175

33k holder here, im mining XVS right now with a 60% APY, i never felt so comfy.

>> No.23293994

are you me? I got 33K swipe too. Staking SXP though. 40% ain't bad either

>> No.23294075
File: 369 KB, 1131x1061, swipeshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally AI bots talking to each other ITT

>> No.23294119

You can farm SXP? please tell me this is not real, what fucking benefits does farming bring to the project

>> No.23294152
File: 273 KB, 2000x1334, 180615-duterte-give-out-free-guns-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you kidding? Check out http://sxp-calculator.com/

See for yourself. The gains are quite mad right now.

>> No.23294553

I hold a 70k bag. Swipe airdrops 20k SXP a day to those that are staking. It will actually become 40k a day at the end of the month. Unironically we are price suppressing ourselves.

>> No.23294840

>Unironically we are price suppressing ourselves.

Not sure I follow.. you think that too many pajeets are selling instead of holding because the staking gains are too good? What's your thoughts on the project in general. I must say I was quite pissed about some of their recent flip flopping decisions but overall I see this project as something that won't just disappear into nothingness. People screaming scam because the price goes down is not an argument. Binance and the SXP burning will make sure of it. Did you order a card?

>> No.23294931
File: 200 KB, 1440x1596, 20201015_193111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy swipe chad checking in

>> No.23294961

If you are smart you are accumulating, but I think enough pajeets are selling to create some sell pressure. But once more cards hit the market SXP should turn bullish due to the daily burn rate.
Honestly, the community sentiment is negative but there isn't any real evidence other than the team being full of chinks and Filipinos.

>> No.23295018

I didnt order a card. I think CZ and JL want SXP to be locked up to dump on us at a higher price. I'll dump with them.

>> No.23295074

What are the chances this hit $3 by EOY?

>> No.23295106


>> No.23295147

$7 October 19th

>> No.23295232

Thanks for your thoughts on this.
My buddy sold his SXP because he thinks that once the XVS farming period ends in 14 days the currently Staked 44099452.6279 SXP will cause a sell off. Or will there be more projects where SXP can be used for farming?

>> No.23295355

I think the majority of that was previously being staked on-chain. SXP will be a network. SwipeSwap is coming, it will be used in conjunction with XVS, and the fuel for crypto cards. Swipe is going to be offering Card-as-a-Service (CaaS). FTX card coming (rumor).

>> No.23295364

comfy af

>> No.23295804
File: 2.67 MB, 512x704, DukeIt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, yeah I will miss the current onchain staking gains for sure. Either way, in a strange way I am comfy with this project.

Damn bro.. ballin! Have a webm I made

>> No.23296175

what happens the 19th?

>> No.23296428

$7 happens

>> No.23296654


>> No.23296794

they should cut all the staking-airdrops bullshit for better SXP price. launchpool is enough.

>> No.23297173
File: 78 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2020-10-12_13-37-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't staking a good thing though? Enables holders to hold and get rewarded for it. Isn't it what linkies have been waiting for since forever?

>> No.23297525

This shit gets shorted to oblivion every time it goes up 2% lmao

>> No.23297588

Unlike Gamestop we have a working product that gets used and one day like TSLA all the short sellers are going to get BTFO by a smart whale.

>> No.23297623

Why would you choose this token over BNB?

>> No.23297674

Only reason is BNB is unlikely to randomly 5x in a month while sxp has done and could again, if it ever stops getting shorted every 2% move

>> No.23298131

binance is launching SXPUP and SXPDOWN tokens today. No joke.

They literally removed all x3 tokens but introduced SXP now.. whats your opinion on this ?

>> No.23298299
File: 123 KB, 265x396, 1509412102391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check price
>yup, im still financially ruined
call me when this chink scam is at least over $2

>> No.23298444

nobody uses that garbage, everyone remembers their mistake from ethbear and ethbull

>> No.23298637
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... to be fair though I am financially ruined with most of my alts.

>> No.23298689

Binance have clearly shown they have no intention of letting SXP co-exist next to BNB.
SXP functionality will be incorporated into the Binance Smart Chain, SXP drops and boosted staking will continue to BNB holders, and eventually SXP will only be a token used in B2B card issuance if even that.

Binance will dump their bags hard on you.

>> No.23298781

Zero fees

>> No.23299048
File: 153 KB, 600x338, yeah-well-thats-just-like-your-opinion-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your insider intel bro

>> No.23299170

who are you

>> No.23300159

That's not insider information.

>> No.23300191

Whoops, didn't see the sarcastic image.

>> No.23300721

I'm ready to get my free SXP and dump them