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File: 2.40 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23294965 No.23294965 [Reply] [Original]

You will NEVER be able to buy a penthouse like this holding imaginary tokens, NEVER. You need to work and add value to the economic market to get a penthouse like this. Coiners really are the same losers that you can meet in your local Casino

>> No.23294999

Never thought that some of us do both? I've worked since I was 15 and started buying shitcoins a couple years ago. Doesn't hurt to edge your bets with internet meme gamblings.

>> No.23295035

look like it's not working so well for you, I wish you a good life Jamal de Pequenio O'connell.

>> No.23295340


LMAO, most Americans are never going to be allowed to have such a thing through sabatoge basically. This country is going down.

>> No.23295375


Fricking COVID crashed so many people and ruined their finances and jobs.

America is rigged against most people

>> No.23295433

no thanks I’m not a cuck living in a meme city.

I’ll by a mansion with acres of land like a non-brainer not trying to get Covid and raided when the apocalypse comes

>> No.23295454


>> No.23295488

frenchbro? frenchbro? frenchbro?
this guy will never come back here wake the fuck up
he's probably dead

>> No.23295726

I just want atleast 250k$ and quit cryptos forever, dont need fancy penthouses

>> No.23296054

so why did you post his crib?

>> No.23296572

ferme ta gueule quentin tu fais pitié, si t'étais devant moi ça serait un high kick manchette balayette avec ta sale gueule de pédale refoulée

>> No.23296608

Anyone who bought btc or eth before 2017 can likely afford a penthouse by now.

>> No.23296682

Why would I want to live in a city in a cuck apartment? I currently own 6 acres and a house. I don't have a job. It's great. Couldn't pay me to move to the city

>> No.23296695


>> No.23296739
File: 858 KB, 317x178, alright.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fake garden
>that same bait text
>gets me evrytiem

>> No.23296770

Early adopter here. I live in a penthouse similar to pic related thanks to holding imaginary internet coins.
I've been holding BTC for 8+ years.
I'm also holding ETH and XMR for years. The only advantage of decentralization is censorship resistance. BTC, ETH, and XMR are the only coins that have significant non-speculative adoption and censorship resistance.
You know I'm really a crypto OG because I'm not trying to shill you into some worthless token or low liquidity garbage.

>> No.23296943
File: 35 KB, 411x479, 1596380616555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather live in da woods than in that kind of degenerate and ugly kike architecture shit.
t. Euro house owner (Germany, built during the fucking Kaiser's time and in great shape) . No mortgage. No debt.
Now go fuck yourself up the ass sideways.

>> No.23296976 [DELETED] 

yo bro stop posting frenchbro's flat

>> No.23297155

Why would I want this? Why would I want to live in a disgusting city? Horrid. I will never have that, but I will have a beautiful homestead with chickens, sheep, and dogs. Cast iron pans will hang from the ceiling of my wooden house and I will have a large outdoor garden. I'll spend my nights smoking cigars and shooting coyotes from my deck.

>> No.23297236

This is some little dick energy. Why you so mad bro?
What is that like $1m you put down $100k? Wow

>> No.23297272

>You will NEVER be able to buy a penthouse like this holding imaginary tokens, NEVER. You need to work and add value to the economic market to get a penthouse like this.

that pic was originally posted by frenchbro. he is literally a neet on welfare that barely knows how to trade but still paid for the penthouse by trading imaginary tokens.

>> No.23297295

I said there's no way
there's no way
I can make it down that ramp
without falling on my ass

>> No.23297319

Ok. Watch me.


>> No.23297424

This was a steel ramp
very very steep
no handrail
it was like an ice skating rink

>> No.23297484

>faggot OP is impressed by this poor house

KEK stay poor and mad, loser

>> No.23297640

ITT: OP is pathetically desperate for attention, any attention. Negative or positive, he doesn't give a hoot.

Grow up, man, come on now. You're like that one sperg who everyone disliked in middle school. You know the one who was weird as hell and couldn't pick up on social cues but who at the same time desperately needed attention so he lashed out and did his best to annoying people. I think it's pretty cute though so have a bump.

>> No.23297681


>> No.23297780


>> No.23298193
