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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2329419 No.2329419 [Reply] [Original]

>What do you guys do for a living?
>Do you enjoy your job or are you just doing it just to make a living?

>> No.2329470

Very few "love" their job.

>> No.2329540

Personal trainer
Work for a rich family
$75k/yr to do pretty much nothing
Hate it
Going to go back to school for Digital Forensics or Physician Assistant

>> No.2329578

I manage content production for a hentai site
Fixed salary for admin duties, plus per-page pay
Love it
I use the earnings to buy shitcoins

>> No.2329612

prepress tech at a printing company
it is a mom and pop company and I get to screw around a lot, but it is a dead end job and I don't like it.

>> No.2329705

Account manager Private Banking

>> No.2329735

Feature film vfx
60k annual

>> No.2329750

Writer, voice actor, hot sauce guy.

I actually like writing the least, despite that its what I went to school for.
Voice acting makes me the most money, but hot sauce will eventually be most successful.

Rule #1: Free time is for bitches.
Rule #2: Relaxing is for losers

>> No.2329759

EMR Analyst / PM, 105k/yr. Do not love. Great schedule, have met salary ceiling and still in 30s. Thankful but no love for it. Want to have own company doing something entirely different.

>> No.2329816

>Rule #1: Free time is for bitches.
>Rule #2: Relaxing is for losers
>Writer, voice actor, hot sauce guy.

>> No.2329839

look at all these big shots in here (if you're not lying). you're practically normies

call centre wage slave here

>> No.2329870
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Research Scientist

£32,000 annual (lol I can make this in a month with crypto!!!1)

I enjoy parts of it but have itchy feet, already planning to move onwards

>> No.2329911

manual laborer in construction 40 hrs p/w. cash paid

part time night and weekend job 20 hrs p/w. cash paid

welfare because i'm unemployed

>> No.2329913

Software dev, 60k/yr

It's ok... boring work but great work life balance. Making more trading coins these days, kinda tempting to quit, but I know I'll probably get rekt when this bubble pops and everything stops mooning 24/7.

>> No.2329917
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i trade shitcoins

>> No.2329918

Pizza Hut driver
$7.25/hr in-store, $2.13 tipped
Don't like it at this store, enjoyed it more up north (I'm home for summer)

Up north $8.15/$5.15
Enjoy it a lot
Walk home 70+ in cash tips on avg per night

>> No.2330057

I make custom furniture
11,5k/yr. for small eastern europe country its good. bit jelly tho to see 30+k/yr for random janitor job in usa.
love my job and my dream is to build epic workshop from cryto gainz and to to this as a hobby

>> No.2330077

construction 24k euros/y

>> No.2330090

I work part time as a sugar babe (gay) and part time in a supermarket while I'm studying

>> No.2330104

Move to US. Here in TX, a custom cabinet maker is not only hard to come by but backed up for months and charges a fortune. Trade jobs are shrinking and the pros that exist are tied up with custom new homes...in my area anyway.

>> No.2330281
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I'm 23 and I fucking hate my life. Been working at this restaurant for 6 yrs. now and I want to leave. All my coworkers are high school and college drop outs. I am also a college drop out. I dropped out because I hated my major and I felt like I was just wasting my time there. I was constantly depressed and I just wanted to die. I've been trying to get another job, but no one wants to hire a college drop out who's only worked at shitty jobs. I can't even get a simple desk job that only requires a high school diploma.

I've changed majors like 3 times now and I'm still unhappy. I’ve been told to go into trade, but it’s not something I can see myself going into. Also, I’m not very fit physically or mentally, so I can’t go into the military. I thought about getting an IT cert, but that’s not really going to well for me. A lot of my coworkers are fine with working at the restaurant, and just pretending everything is fine, but I'm not. I want to leave, but I just can’t find out how.

I have thought about going back to community college and retaking some classes, but at the same time I just feel like I will still be wasting my time there.

>> No.2330390

I've met a couple people in your position. Just pick something, you don't have to stick to it but it will build your confidence up. My advice: nursing school. It's flexible and you will have a job. Start small as a lvn, get job, strive for rn, may you will find joy in it and strive for PA. Anyway, healthcare is always going be around. Good luck anon, I hate to hear a youngin say they hate life.

>> No.2330524

I've tried to get a desk job at a hospital and so far I've gotten 3 "no's". Fucking took them 2 months to get back to me, which I understand but fuck man I really thought I was going to get the job. The requirements are very low, so thats why I applied for them. Also I feel like I could use the tuition reimbursement shit and go back to school in the future.

I feel like working in a hospital will give me more options to move up.

Thanks Anon. I just want to leave this shit job I have now. Its killing me.

>> No.2330537

this was meant for you>>2330524

>> No.2330542


we are twins.
> me
> 6 years @ grocery store while
>community college
>drop out
>now have a second job at a factory
>discover bitcoin
>spending all my extra income on shit coin

>> No.2331027


I have about 100k USD. Can I become your apprentice?

>> No.2331224

>bartender, average 120-150 a night including wage
>just fired

I fucking hated that place. The boss chewed me out and made a huge stink because I didn't card people who were so old they voted for Nixon. It was a corporate place. Joke is on them; they're going out of business very soon.

I hated my coworkers but the guests were nice. One tipped me a hundred dollar bill and I got twenties pretty often. Said my drinks were the best they ever had. Bartending is pretty fun.

Looking for either bartending/serving or general business/office jobs. Sent a few aps so we'll see what bites.

>> No.2331240

Graduated College

Haven't had any luck with any jobs including wendys


>> No.2331261

I'm an Architect but I have specialised in 3D modelling (BIM) and help, train and develop architectural firms. I get paid $60,000.

I hate my job. I detest it. I hate the 3 hour commute every fucking day. I hate being ignored. I hate staff not listening to me and wasting my bosses money. But I have a wife and kids and a big fucking mortgage to pay for so I have no choice.

>> No.2331318


>wife, kids, big mortage to pay

and sometimes i want to kill myself because I dont have these things. if i had them, i'd still want to kill myself.

holy shit.

>> No.2331364

Yep but its a nice fucking house, my wife earns more than me and my kids are good kids. You would think with life so perfect I should be happy. All I want to do is hang out and get drunk at the pub all the time and spend most time on my own.

>> No.2331395

Unionized government toilet inspector.
$37k, unbeatable benefits and job security.
Too bad there's toilets involved.

>> No.2331396

SAT/math/English tutor in Taiwan.
25-50 USD an hour.
It's actually pretty fun, I guess, though some students are dumb as rocks. Currently trying to get more hours so I can buy more memecoins.

>> No.2331407

Thats great. Might even move when im confident enoug to leave current job behind

>> No.2331416


>tfw I'm single, live in a van, have pretty much no bills, and am taking a 3 month vacation next year on peasant wages

And yes, I get laid.

Housing is in a bubble. You wouldn't buy a $1000 position in stock at an ath, why buy a 500k house at ath? I can't wait until the market crashes and you faggots are all underwater on your mortgages.

>> No.2331433

Sure, work load is getting out of hand as we speak

>> No.2331466

Where do you get your VO work, do you do Audiobooks, and what do you think of SAG-AFTRA and ACX?

>> No.2331490
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>> No.2331524

>Instructional Designer
>$70k + Annual $5k bonus and stock
>Love it

It's hard work but very fulfilling. I have the rare gift of being good at design and being very technically proficient so I understand our product and how to train people to "get it." The whole company loves me for the work I produce which is functional and "pretty." We just got a high end production cam and editing workstation as well so I can travel the world and produce videos anywhere my skills are needed. The company is global and expanding, we're doing quite well.

>> No.2332037
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I work in the VR industry, we're looking at building a blockchain based social network.

Fucking love it.

>> No.2332194

Just got fired. Was thinking of carpentry as a second career.

>> No.2332220

>I work in the VR industry, we're looking at building a blockchain based social network.
>Fucking love it.

Et tu Voxrute?