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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23282924 No.23282924 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually use a crypto-based VPN service? I don't mean buying to hold or trade, but to actually make use of the virtual network. Which is best?

>> No.23283280

idk but if yuou want to use monero to buy a vpn, mullvad was the name i believe sirs

>> No.23283612
File: 236 KB, 1118x1480, 1118full-lauren-laverne (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus, cryptos really are used only for trading and buying weed, aren't they? even on biz nobody even knows of a viable service offered by cryptos, let alone use one.

>> No.23283757

disgusting whore

>> No.23283804

what the hell is this thing

>> No.23283820

there was one called sentinel that got shilled on /biz/ a while ago. no idea if it's any good

>> No.23284272

youre simple in the head wow

go home

>> No.23284308

Try PIA it was recently bought out by a mossad front company

>> No.23284443

why use any vpn when you can use tor
>inb4 honey

>> No.23285006

yes, airvpn

>> No.23285447

I'm her defence, she is about 50. Always thought she looked a bit like a pigeon.

>> No.23285587

this isn't a crypto project, just a vpn which accepts cryptos. nobody has tried, say, OXT? is there even any hope for cryptos if a fucking crypto board never uses the damn things?

>> No.23285602

does it work? sounds kinda interesting

>> No.23285634

>google "vpn"
>get logged to a list instantly
Look you either use Tor via tailsOS on a second hand laptop in a public wifi or you don't
That's all there is to it. Unless you're just looking to avoid geoblockers

>> No.23285675

I'd rather trust a single VPN provider than a bunch of randoms

>> No.23285697
File: 230 KB, 1118x1579, 1118fxdfvgdull-lauren-laverne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i wanna do is pirate movies. it'd take years per file via tor, and that level of security is way ott.
nobody uses cryptos. depressing.

she's 42, and was in the year above me at school. she is exquisitely fuckable irl.

>> No.23285888

Vpn for torrents? Oh you're a boomer I get it..
Unless you've had a warning I wouldn't even bother trying to hide it. Only once you get a warning you should actively try to disguise your IP.
Btw if it's just a simple domain block it's usually your ISPs DNS servers so change those asap

>> No.23285986

i've had multiple warnings, one of which was from HMRC. long, scary story which I don't care to repeat.
Amazing that it's this hard to find a functional crypto VPN project even on a fucking crypto board. Even if there is a working project, nobody here cares or has any desire to use it. Brutal.

>> No.23286101

Why are you acting so strange re: crypto?
I use crypto to access money worldwide with the cheapest fees, also to buy things one might not normally be able to buy. Why introduce it into a VPN? I use speedify for geoblocking shit. There's plenty of others that are free or have low costs. There one was one recently you could get lifetime access for free if you said you lived in Belarus.
Don't why I'm even writing this out since you seem like a faggot anyway

>> No.23286147

>Why introduce it into a VPN?
what do you mean? there are multiple attempts at building a viable crypto-based VPN, going back years people have been attempting it, but apparently on a crypto board, nobody has used one, nobody can recommend one and nobody is interested.
Perhaps if cryptos were ever going to actually be fucking used, it might have happened sometime in the past 11 years, but nope, seems not.

>> No.23286197

Not only were you suggested crypto versions, you were also offered others. All you do is moan
Lol use google you faggot we want to make cash here. It's called business and finance, if you want to talk tech go to /g/
Dumb fucking boomer

>> No.23286237

>Not only were you suggested crypto versions,
i was? all i can see is PIA.
>PIA Coin is inactive. Contact hello@coingecko.com if you think this is an error
>No trading activity recorded by exchanges integrated on CoinGecko in the past 2 months
>No active trades are found for this coin. Please contact hello@coingecko.com if you think this is an error
sounds really promising anon.

alright there clearly isn't anything functional, or if there is biz is unaware of it. nobody cares about tech, it's pump n' dump only it seems.

>> No.23286251
File: 196 KB, 640x460, 96FC99F5-0684-4121-B581-5F4A7191849B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her majesty

Imagine having to live in such a prison.