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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23277166 No.23277166 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who has cashed out, how much of your capital did you lose to the tax man?

>> No.23277210

I was immediately arrested under new covid 19 Monetary Distancing policy and my gains were all taken away from me

>> No.23277428
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my plan is too NEVER SELLING

>> No.23277435

I never delcare it and they never ask questions

>> No.23277449

Why does she look like an albino nigger

>> No.23277460

I assume it only works for small amounts, I have only cashed out a few thousand and they never asked me, might get away with lower 5 digit cashout..

>> No.23277502

I have a stupid question, lets say I do x10, if I trade that x10 to BTC, does it count as capital gain?

>> No.23277548

bitch looks like she doesn’t know when to stop stuffing her face. lay off the fuckin greasy foods and go for a jog

>> No.23277554

So that's why she is always wearing baggy clothes.

>> No.23277619

because she spiritually is

>> No.23277634


>> No.23277729

i paid about 27k on an about 100k cashout after over 12months holding
25% cgt plus a little extra as it adds to your taxable income

declare if using any Australian exchange, they share data with ATO

>> No.23277764

ATO website has a good amount of info regarding crypto, but to answer your question: yes. There’s more to it regarding whether the crypto is “disposed of”, which is basically if you cash it into AUD or exchange it for a service.

>> No.23277857


>> No.23277953

The entire White race are offsprings of Albinos that were chased away from Africa and the Middle East.

>> No.23277992

tell me about it

>> No.23278006

unironically perfect slam pig physique.

>> No.23278009

Irish genes

>> No.23278030

no wonder your species never contributed anything of importance to the world; you're all retarded

>> No.23278048

Meh didnt declare shit and use aussie exchanges. Cant get me in trouble if im not in the country -_-

>> No.23278071


>> No.23278085

If she didn't have the legs of an 11 year old schoolboy I would agree with you. She is misshapen and grotesque as fuck.

>> No.23278105

thats what a slampig is you dumbass

>> No.23278142

not that bad

>> No.23278157

Do you get deductions for negative trades?

>> No.23278175

No it fuckin' isn't you retard. Slampig refers to an overweight slut you use for fucking. Not every slampig has boney boyish legs.

>> No.23278198

I like my slampigs with thicc legs desu

>> No.23278199
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whoa... this guy is based.

>tfw used to live in the big city, was unemployed and would just spend my time on dating apps & fuck slam pigs 2-3 times a week

when a girl has
1) big boobs
and/or 2) big ass
and 3) self-esteem isn't through the roof, so a 7/10 dude who lifts can pretty easily fuck, you start to learn that slampigs are sometimes better fucks than the 9/10's

>> No.23278250

If you buy on Aus wallet n then xfer to international exchange to trade, can they track?

>> No.23278255
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nice try ato lmao

>> No.23278273

i got a message from the ato informing me that ive cashed out at some point and didnt declare it. cashed out close to fuck all so they'll probably hound me at some point in the future

>> No.23278277
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Made for BBC.
Literally, that's the type of white woman body type that niggers like.

>> No.23278689

Imagine giving a cent to these chinese sellouts

>> No.23279355

So what are you? Chink or Paco?

>> No.23279572

Crypto is counted as property so if you made a capital loss, then that should be the case.

>> No.23279781

True story; my mate cashed out $500 via btcmarkets and a few months ago he got a letter from ATO, thanks to covid its been very delayed but hes talking with an accountant now.

He thinks they only know about the $500 cashed out and not about anything else but he doesn't know his to play this.

All in all; Avoid any exchanges etc that are based in Australia cause they will rat u out.

>> No.23279991

think there is a 10k limit yearly before it gets flagged

>> No.23280140

I can't wait for her career to start nosediving at 25 so she lets those big trailer trash milkies out the cage for attention. I bet she has lavender pink nipples

>> No.23280201
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oh dear what a mess

>> No.23280289

i have used under the table exchange for the past few years. basically you go to them and sell your crypto in exchange for cash. no paper no document.

>> No.23280339

Yes, capital losses. Declare those every financial year because you can carry them forward to offset future gains.

>> No.23280392

This. I never withdraw more than 9k per FY

>> No.23280717

Every group of people that left Africa accomplished a fuck load of things (minus the ones that still look African ironically like abos and negritos).

>> No.23280744

niggers will continue to nig for another 100,000 years lol. that sub species will accomplish nothing. even when interbreeding with whites/asians, even 1/16th nigger blood is enough to putrify that genetic line beyond repair.

>> No.23280748

Yes, thats the strategy. Lowkey fatty

>> No.23280925

Yeah I’m aware of this. Chinese and Euros sailed worldwide, Indians invented the number system, Arabs and the Islamic world preserved so much of the things that would’ve been lost to time had they not preserved it in their language. I can keep going. Sub Saharan Africans? Didn’t have the wheel when the Europeans showed up

>> No.23280931

uuughhhgh milkers

>> No.23281016

not true, the first non black human was a turk

>> No.23281045

Do you have to declare them within the financial year for them to carry forward?

>> No.23281084

1 litre of dirty oil and 15 clean still makes 16 litres dirty oil.
Also checked

>> No.23281285

Where the hell do aussies cash out their crypto without taking it up the arse in fees? Especially if I'm trying to get TAUD?

>> No.23281324

I’d imagine so, but the capital gains page on the ATO site will tell you more.

>> No.23281333


>> No.23281498

Nice try ATO

>> No.23281577

Transfer it out the exchange, problem solved

>> No.23282371
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thanks for your incredibly helpful post faggot. For real though, Swyftx? Only problem is they don't accept TAUD