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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.23264059


>> No.23264068

>pedo tranny weeb schitzo edition
Seems about right

>> No.23264074

GME to 15

>> No.23264077


>> No.23264089

something in the air gamers, i feel it CCCOOOOOOOOOOMMINGGGG

>> No.23264090
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Would anyone like me to reveal GME's EOD price?

>> No.23264091


>> No.23264097
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Mommy milkers

>> No.23264104
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Doctor Burisma Im CIA

>> No.23264112
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It's annoying seeing normies find their way here and then complain about what they find.

>> No.23264115
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when was the GME battle for $10? that night when we closed above 10 and fucked all those call sellers.
i felt alive that night brehs... i love this lil nigga like u wouldnt believe

>> No.23264116

Bought $1000 GME at 12,67
show fucked am I??

>> No.23264118

Nak down to $1 ?

>> No.23264121
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I warned you!!
I told you to buy SLV calls!!
Too late now - do not buy now, unless you buy long dated

>> No.23264127

>could have bought the TSLA dip
>instead I'm just breaking even now
I'll never listen to you fags anymore

>> No.23264128


>> No.23264130

Doesn't that thing fuck niggers?

>> No.23264132

NET dumping on schedule.

>> No.23264136
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whats a good music company to invest in?

>> No.23264142


>> No.23264144
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this is terrible.

>> No.23264145

Fucking disgusting

>> No.23264150

Short float approaching 150%
This is insanity
They will make a movie about this when this thing pops

>> No.23264151
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>> No.23264153

He had found the light

>> No.23264160
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>He doesnt invest in LMND for 10% daily gains every single fucking day. based on no news.
>he thinks he will make it

>> No.23264162

Silver is the ultimate crab market. See you at $18 in January.

>> No.23264164


>> No.23264167

ABEO pumping on low as volume?

>> No.23264168

congrats you bought the top

>> No.23264174

9/18 or 9/25 i dont know anymore

>> No.23264178
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I wish I bought 5 times as much halb but oh well its still going to take me to the next level

>> No.23264180
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It's ok

>> No.23264181

Stonks are about to go down :(

>> No.23264184

AAPL or SPOT are about the only ones I'd look at

>> No.23264185
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t. mannarino

>> No.23264189

do you need to post your portafolio 5 times every thread, we get it already

>> No.23264191

Silver has been trading like a currency for a while now.

>> No.23264192

cool, i bought 7,000 at that price too.
hold your nuts and wait on 20. dont be a pussy.

>> No.23264196
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LMND is literally Crypto 2017 gains.

>> No.23264198


>> No.23264199
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NOOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST BRING UP MY SON LIKE THAT I WAS NEVER INVOLVED IN HIS "JOB" IN UKRAINE!!!! *proceeds to withhold $1B in aid to Ukraine unless they fire the prosecutor who was looking into Burisma and his son*

>> No.23264200

That looks like some really gay shit and I don't invest in gay shit.

>> No.23264201

You are so wrong that I don't even know where to begin.
Goldman Sachs just raised their price target to $30 - we are going to see silver much higher than $30.
Also, my contracts expire 10/16 - I don't give a shit what happens in January (right now)

>> No.23264203

Praise Jesus.

>> No.23264206

>investing streaming chart down :$)
why the fuck

>> No.23264208
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Uh oh

>> No.23264210

Dude it won't stop, I won't post it again. I've been crabbing under 15k and now I finally broke 16k

Why is nio even mooning.

>> No.23264213
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Why would I ever buy SLV when I have FIZZ?

>> No.23264214

big ups

>> No.23264216

Chill, dude. You don't need to update us every $50.

>> No.23264219
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>> No.23264221

>fat, dead-eyed, mudshart trailer whore

>> No.23264222

Gme bros am I safe to take a 2 hour nappy?been up since 4pm

>> No.23264223

When is the short squeeze coming if it’s going to happen? Short float is at 150%.

>> No.23264232
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I applied for Options on fidelity, does that mean my Cash account is now a Margin account?

>> No.23264233

it is never safe to nap

>> No.23264238

with any good news, im thinking a sony deal partnership takes gme to the next level

>> No.23264237

Battle for 10 was fun, but the pump to 14 was truly the highlight so far imo

>> No.23264248

We aren't gonna break 11,900 anytime soon are we? might even be the top for a massive dip.

>> No.23264251

>Why is nio even mooning.
Upgraded to $40 by JP Morgan. Jesus, I know more about your stock than you do and I don't even own it. I think you need to worry about fundamentals and not posting screenshots when you don't even know why you're making money.

>> No.23264252

*heems you

>> No.23264254

9/25 i think
i started archived a few threads on the MSFT day myself because warosu is ded

>> No.23264255


>> No.23264261

Anons is it better to DCA into TQQQ or QLD, if I want strong but semi-safe returns

>> No.23264262
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Does anyone else piss all over public restrooms? I only do this at nigger establishments just to be clear. I like to piss all over the toilet paper rolls and in the dispenser, all over the baby changing station, all over the floor, walls, sink, toilet, handles, and garbage can. It gives me a sort of pleasure and i cant stop. If its a stall ill start pissing all over the toilet area and spin in a circle pissing on everything. If im feeling extra spicy ill take a shit and smear it all over the walls and handles of the doors.

>> No.23264267


>> No.23264269

Thinking something similar. What’s the realistic target for any short squeeze?

>> No.23264272

i keep seeing it repeated that she's said she only exclusively fucks black dudes but i cba to look it up and that shit gets said about any female posted anywhere on this site

>> No.23264281

overvalued meme stock, intel literally has 95% of the market

>> No.23264283

Squeeze will take it to 150

>> No.23264287
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>> No.23264290

I bought at 9. I know I just am wondering why the upgraded it. It had a pt of like 120 on cnn a few months ago

>> No.23264292

are you the yellow pee pee monster?

>> No.23264294

it has a real working product, this is a market for scams bud

>> No.23264309
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Yesterday's filing was just a 13G meaning a passive investor. If we get more of those, the price will slowly crab up. If we get another surprising halt like with the MSFT deal that just might do it. There was 150,000 shares available to short on IBKR this morning and someone shorted 50,000 not too long ago. This is far from over.

>> No.23264312

She's SJW, fat and white. Of course she does

>> No.23264315

So your that fucker, there is a special place in hell for you. But just how do you manage to shit vertically up a wall. What do you eat ?

>> No.23264318

So what would prevent the GME short squeeze? Why are people unsure about what will happen with it this late in the game?

>> No.23264320

Always buy high and sell the Dip anon

>> No.23264323

Shill me something that calls are cheap on right now

>> No.23264328

My stop profit for Tesla got hit so of course it’s mooning

>> No.23264333


>> No.23264334

Buy nio calls

>> No.23264336
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was asleep for 14 poomp (tokyo time)
sounds about right.

>> No.23264338

a cohen suicide might do the trick

>> No.23264342


>> No.23264346

i wanted to buy nio with my GME winnings...

>> No.23264349

if it happens, do you think they would try to sue the seekingalpha dudes for inciting a short squeeze?

>> No.23264351

QQQM is a thing now kek

>> No.23264357
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i have $67k to invest what should i buy

>> No.23264361

If you don't mind something boomer tier, KO took a hit yesterday and their earnings are coming up.
PEP destroyed earnings and it stands to reason that KO could too.

>> No.23264365

buy tqqq afterhours today

>> No.23264371


>> No.23264372

You'll only ever time one stock right in your life the rest is just a series of unfortunant events

>> No.23264392

>tipping camwhores while their eating with their lush on
>my new favorite hobby.

>> No.23264394

An asteroid
GME sells no copies of anything Q3
Cohen and Reggie are terrorists
That’s about it

Shorts are actually going insane and they deserve it for trying to push a company that employees thousands upon thousands of employees out of business in a pandemic.
They aren’t shorting some big company like apple, they want to celebrate people losing their jobs.
This is justice.

>> No.23264401

bro...please watch my shares for me, I need to sleep

>> No.23264402

explain it to me, a retard

>> No.23264404

GME is dipping RIGHT NOW, go all in.

>> No.23264405


>> No.23264424

$RKT, earnings is a month away and theres going to be a crazy run up

>> No.23264426
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>giving 3dpd money

>> No.23264429

gonna have to try this.

>> No.23264432


I bought the top at 1.45 didn't I?

>> No.23264434

AMGN is dipping, get it now while you can

>> No.23264435

buy $1000 of DENN for the memes

>> No.23264444

Another 100k shorts to bring the price down
These people are actually insane

>> No.23264447

all in on GME

>> No.23264448
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>futures are slowly losing power

>> No.23264449
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Thank you based BIG for being green consistently.

>> No.23264455

GME dipped hard
meanwhile BBBY continues to moon +8% from their AH news last night

>> No.23264456

this thread is moving so fast no one will notice that i have zero clue of what i'm doing

>> No.23264457

>buying lci

>> No.23264459
File: 1.86 MB, 390x220, ERB2E7A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there such a fascination with GME

>> No.23264462

Giving money away with nothing in return.

>> No.23264464

How is lemonade gay? Why would the concept of gayness even enter your mind? Are you a homo in the closet, anon?

>> No.23264469

I still think someone should Tweet at Notch or Elon and get them to shill GME

>> No.23264470

Depends on who is shorting and it seems to be institutions otherwise it would have probably happened already. 3 digits sounded insane month ago, but doesn't seem too far fetched as the days go by. During the short squeeze of KBIO, one person shorted 37k and ended up negative 100k losing close to 150k during the squeeze. Only time will tell, but I have set 50 shares at a limit sell of $100 already in case we reach retard levels.

>> No.23264473

GME short float will reach 200% at this rate
What the fuck

>> No.23264475

TQQQ under $135

>> No.23264488

have you heard of entertainment value

>> No.23264489

Just send your money to me if you want to throw it away. I'll eat on cam for you. I'm a guy, though.

>> No.23264490

One day I'll defeat my sickness and make real money

>> No.23264493
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I need a trump tweet more than I've needed anything in my life

>> No.23264498

new data out? Chart on the trial page of ortex won't load for me

>> No.23264500

don't worry, i don't either

>> No.23264503

Why cant I see my available cash to trade anymore?

>> No.23264507

>not LCIguy I just like the chihuahua meme

>> No.23264509

The volume is so dense. The short cant meet the demand.

>> No.23264514

Nah it’s at 150% now but at this rate it’s possible
Is that even legal?

>> No.23264515

Airline bailout announcement today? Please? Make AAL go up like 10% and basically give me a shit ton of money,

>> No.23264517

Maybe for the day. It's been on a steady recovery. Sometimes it gets ahead of itself. But 2-3 percent a day usually

>> No.23264519

The joke is on you. No one here does!

>> No.23264520
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What do you call this pattern?

>> No.23264522

I’ll see that when I believe it. If it actually goes to 150 I’d COOM until all that’s left is a desiccated corpse

>> No.23264525

It's gonna keep going down, bro just sell and buy back. November is the real play, go take a nap.

>> No.23264531

No one does, that's why your here with all us tards

>> No.23264534

Pajeets shilling it as a PnD. Using the console release to lend credibility, but they wont wait that long to dump it.

One day people here will realize that nobody aggressive promotes a stock unless they’re trying to scam you.

>> No.23264536

HYLN bros we are coming back.

>> No.23264541

Another day, another 10% daily gains with Lemonade.



>> No.23264543

Nice try

>> No.23264556

Looks like an albino nigger

>> No.23264567

isn't that overpriced still?

>> No.23264569
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>> No.23264571

And, just like that, you let everyone know to stay away from your pnd.

>> No.23264587

That's an inside bart on top of a bart reversal

>> No.23264605

was the money recently added?
were you making trades on monday, a bank holiday?

>> No.23264618

This is a trolling response. Isn't that one of those weird leveraged things that has wild swings?
They haven't gone out of business yet?
This might be a legit response? Rocket Mortgage?
Denny's? What's the meme about them besides TASTING LIKE 'MERKA!!!

>> No.23264628

>I could've been up $50 but instead I'm down 30 because I FOMO'd into HALB, why do I do this bros?

>> No.23264631

>People up over 100% on shares in a month
>Over 300% in calls
>Definitely pajeets don’t listen to them!
Imagine being a sad faggot like yourself. Imagine not wanting to share your success with others so they might also have a chance of making it. Kill yourself my dude.

>> No.23264640

My success with GME almost makes up for the pain of Rome falling to barbarians

>> No.23264641

it's not naked short selling directly (already off the threshold list) but short sellers selling a share to another institution who lends out to another short seller
either way if the institutions want their shares back all at the same time, they're screwed
Institutional ownership is probably at least 80 million shares by now including the 13G holder and whoever

most of tthose big players definitely raking in those 30%-50% borrow rates lending those shares out. That's in the range of ~$300 million annually just from interest alone

>> No.23264643

No one gives a fuck you faggot, if I make money from funds stretching shorts boipussies it’s all the same to me. Kill yourself.

>> No.23264646

>They haven't gone out of business yet?
Not yet. If I helps to ease you mind, Mar23 bonds are trading at par.

>> No.23264650

Oh no, it's retarded...

>> No.23264654

Nothing can make up for that bro

>> No.23264658

do NOT buy NIO calls (yet)
do NOT listen to people in this thread telling you to buy NIO calls. You will get your asshole kicked in so hard.
Wait until a 3%+ red day, and THEN buy NIO calls
t. 10% portfolio in NIO anon

>> No.23264666

I was making trades monday but the last time I transferred money into my acc was in the weekend

Why does it matter though? They cash available option isnt even there anymore for some reason. I am going to try and do a bunch of random trades to see if I have the 3 trade restriction

>> No.23264672
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>> No.23264677
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>> No.23264680

And that's why Justin was right all along.
A tender offer that needs shareholders to vote will immediately invoke the squeeze.

>> No.23264682

This is smg's version of the comex default cringe
You are being played by smart money. They can just short everytime the price pops and cover lower to reduce their cost basis on their short position. More likely, they are covering and rotating their shorts each time and making tons off people who buy the top after each catalyst event.

>> No.23264686

>already down 3%


>> No.23264687

it's been a millennium and a half, you need to let it go

>> No.23264694

the feds never let tqqq crash anymore.

>> No.23264695

>DFFN Covid drug results not available until November 2021

Why tf even bother at that point

>> No.23264703

anyone buy any gme calls??

>> No.23264720

You don't buy calls on a green day

>> No.23264724

>bought 10 shares yesterday
>already up 100 bucks
is it literally free money

>> No.23264735

why is tech dumping??

>> No.23264743

Half the people in this thread came here from /v/, and it's the only industry that have any understanding of.

>> No.23264759

lurk moar

>> No.23264770

>buy GME beginning of last week
>goes up like crazy: sell
>buy NET on friday with GME gains
>goes up like crazy
>buy NIO on monday
>goes up like crazy

Oh shitttttt.
What do I buy today?

>> No.23264773
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>TSLA 460
because, why not?

>> No.23264775

I'm sowwy.

>> No.23264780

Weekly claims report tomorrow don't forget to secure profits

>> No.23264786
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I got in on the last pump really high too. But I feel like it's a slow recovery with random pumps. It hit a 5 year low and since has been on a up trend.

>> No.23264788

It was way undervalued and then big investors like Burry and Cohen got into the picture and people got bullish. People are expecting partnerships with Sony and possibly a restructuring headed by Cohen. It's poised to pop.

>> No.23264789


>> No.23264791

oo i was gonna hold long but thank you anon i'll sell later today and buy again tomo

>> No.23264792

>dude just get in on this after we already pumped it
>look how much money you could make if it were to do the same thing again
>nothing can go wrong
You reek of poo.

>> No.23264799

is it even possible to be red on anything in tech right now?

>> No.23264801
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>> No.23264804

Just hold, if you bought like 5k worth of halb now, I think you would be a millionaire before it hit double digits

I may add more here shortly

>> No.23264807

Based BAC absolutely tanking my portfolio

>> No.23264812

Bunch of anons were shilling it like a month ago like GME but 1% of that autism and vigor

>> No.23264814

even back in April, gamestop went over 2x immediately even though the big players like BlackRock opted to just collect the over 100% interest fees

if anything, the big players might be more interested in just selling options and collecting interest fees since they don't benefit much from a squeeze (BlackRock owns like ~15% of GME, they can't dump it all)

>> No.23264818
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>sold a 23.5 NIO call yesterday
covered calls are so based and comfy until they're very suddenly not

>> No.23264824
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>> No.23264826

>J&J vaccine trials suspended because of unknown disease

>> No.23264828

Already got it some months ago.
Good one though

>> No.23264830

>implying it wont pump again

>> No.23264831

you guys did buy puts for wells fargo, right?

>> No.23264832

UPS earnings is on October 27, everyone expects them to completely crush that puss
therefore.. it should run up nicely to earnings
You're not going to see it 'go up like crazy' having 10% days or anything, but for the next two weeks you should see nice gains (buy the rumor ['they are going to crush earnings', sell the news [sell before earnings come out, most likely])

>> No.23264846


>> No.23264847

Never sell a call at a strike you wouldn't be happy to sell at. Don't get greedy.

>> No.23264848
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>> No.23264849

you WILL take the vaccine when it's mandated by your local UN office

>> No.23264851

I will sleep so good knowing this turbokike lost to me on a trade so obvious.

>> No.23264852
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Thanks to the burgers AMD is red again.

>> No.23264865


Hello you cunts!

I made 20% on another trade.

>> No.23264866

its just the morning pomp and dump see how it goes

>> No.23264869


>> No.23264874

Everybody knows all stocks crash after earnings regardless rather earnings are good or bad.

>> No.23264876

Yeah, 10% alright, I'm down 10% you fucking asshole go fuck yourself this stock is shitty

>> No.23264878
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Imagine recommending someone to buy WKHS the day after they didn't get the contract.
Jesus christ. Are you intentionally trying to lose people on this board money?
Even if you believe WKHS is a good pick for the longterm, without the USPS contract, and will revolutionize electric trucks, today is clearly not the time to buy, it has loads more to run down in relation to the contract news..

>> No.23264887

can i set a sell order on tos for a specific date?

>> No.23264891

>caring what the cool thinks

>> No.23264894

I even gonna buy more at 1.37 if we hit it again today

>> No.23264895

set a stop loss @ 1.37 so i can get bogged out of 4% and then see it violently pump after my sl hits.

>> No.23264896

are there any articles that are actually praising the GME rally without any understanding on the short interest? those would FUD me more

>> No.23264901

am i the only one who is mesmerized by her disgusting behavior?

>> No.23264903


>> No.23264905

Zoom out of TQQQ's chart and tell me if it's a troll or not. Just don't panic sell if it dips, it'll come back up. It's literally NASDAQ x3, you don't think the NASDAQ will fail, do you?

>> No.23264916
File: 235 KB, 2501x1563, TELEMMGLPICT000028607084_trans++qVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwQlne3XGnZsvAM4NKkpsodA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you abput ET bros, its not too late to soak up some great dividends.

>> No.23264921

Don't drunk post kids

>> No.23264925

Is it not priced in? Stock is almost burj khalifa style

>> No.23264927

Not that anon but stopped paying attention to WKHS memes weeks ago, who got the contract?

>> No.23264931

Baggie are you taking the piss out of me?

>> No.23264941

Most recent example of, you're wrong, go look at BBBY.
There was an explosive run up to earnings, and then exploded after earnings too.
It all depends on the company & their current valuation / expectations..
In general though, I agree with you, that if a stock has been run up and overbought leading up to earnings, it often leads to big sell-offs

>> No.23264945
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>> No.23264950

Because shilling on Japanese cryptocurrency forum is gonna affect the price of stock worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Here’s one last (You)
Cope harder faggot

>> No.23264955

WEW VNON Get Some!

>> No.23264957

AMDs last earnings made it skyrocket.

>> No.23264964
File: 15 KB, 592x145, COOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll fall in line like the others

>> No.23264967

It hasn't been announced yet, USPS basically said they are waiting til the end of the year / after the elections minimum

>> No.23264972


>> No.23264975
File: 17 KB, 495x362, 1568769247597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I buy crashes.
It doesn't even make sense at this point

>> No.23264977
File: 62 KB, 595x819, 1602620410659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wasn't entirely clear why the Microsoft announcement drove such a furious rally in GameStop stock, as the partnership mainly consists of GameStop adopting various Microsoft technology solutions.
i still wonder what Gamestop and Microsoft's intentions were with how they buried and made the important statement so vague

like are they trying to be quiet about it so Sony doesn't get any ideas? Im sure Microsoft is laughing their ass off as they're about to take over a huge part of the brick&mortar exposure. The "reset" for Gamestop seems to be including a PC section in some stores now (wtf does 1.0 vs 1.5 stores even mean though)

>> No.23264979

They just delayed the announcement of that contract so price is red a few %

>> No.23264982
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>> No.23264983
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>> No.23264988

not one article has praised the rise in price or the partnership

>> No.23264989


>> No.23264992

Why is her upper body thicc, but her lower body scrawny?

>> No.23265004

It's literally called Fool.com.

>> No.23265010


>> No.23265013

too late to load up on NET during the dip?

>> No.23265015
File: 206 KB, 377x454, 09bf2c868f4b7b60b3a336e6231fa3ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, my name is /bizanon/ and I like telling people to buy shitty stocks at ATHs

>> No.23265019
File: 409 KB, 459x450, dis_nigga_serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This market needs to drop and let out some steam. I can't buy shit as long as MSFT is at 220 after 10% growth or so YoY. And AAPL at 120 after no growth YoY.

>> No.23265022

Definitely, but it's still not all the way there - it's doubtful (to me at least) that it's going to sell-off going into earnings; they are the epitome of a "coronavirus boom company"

>> No.23265030

if nq falls below 12k we're going to have a fun day

>> No.23265033

the decision was delayed, they still have a chance but we are back to wait and see

>> No.23265034

> A 20% dividend
>A company that has 30% of the U.S. natural gas and oil flowing through their pipelines.

It is a great stock.

>> No.23265048

Semen retention

>> No.23265050

Wheres that anon who shilled MicroVision yesterday?
They're falling already 5% today

>> No.23265059
File: 191 KB, 540x397, Tomboys_Dont_Exist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dip are you people talking about? QQQ is still at 290 or so.

>> No.23265060


Its workkkkkkkiiiiiiinnnnnnggggg. Yes anons, finally the tribe of abraham is here to save my puts.

שלח את GME לאפס
>שלח את GME לאפס
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>שלח את GME לאפס
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>שלח את GME לאפס
שלח את GME לאפס
>שלח את GME לאפס
שלח את GME לאפס
>שלח את GME לאפס
שלח את GME לאפס
>שלח את GME לאפס
שלח את GME לאפס
>שלח את GME לאפס


>> No.23265063

What time were they going to announce the airline bail out? I'm getting nervous as fuck over here.

>> No.23265064
File: 994 KB, 500x277, 6D3F6772-DF69-4FC7-BE9A-9F145D131284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger just rick and morty posted on 4chan

>> No.23265065

bought calls on 60, can't tell you anything im pretty much gambling

>> No.23265069
File: 784 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The contract got delayed. If anything that's a strong buy signal because it shows how hard the stock will ramp up when the contract discussions come up again after elections. But maybe you're not too good at the marshmallow experiment?

>> No.23265073
File: 643 KB, 1312x721, 1602646244990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people have to learn the hard way.

>> No.23265077

Don't whisper sweet nothings like that anon. It makes me want to invest

>> No.23265080

Trying to time the NET dip also. I think it'll go lower after that 20% pump. Probably won't drop too low, but we'll see.

>> No.23265088
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>> No.23265100

Screencap my post anon, and write down UPS price today, and then look at UPS price in 7 days
If the price is not higher than $183.85 (5% gain) by next Wednesday, call me out for it

>> No.23265105

anons what is a good stock to practice theta strategies on? preferably something under $8

>> No.23265115

That cartoon is for man children with latent homosexual desires.

>> No.23265117

How long does your broker take to confirm an order?

I réalise I have been trading without waiting for the order to be confirmed and I have been lucky so far, but my broker’s take 4 working days on average to confirm an order and that is unacceptable.

The maximum I would tolerate would be 1h during the market hours, to confirm a transaction. It make no sens for me to buy stock to sell it back by the end of the week, if it take a week to confirm I bought it in the first place.

>> No.23265119

i have no idea about what MVIS is since Im 100% GME but you seriously have to zoom out
it's really retarded to poke fun at an obvious pullback after it just rallied hard upwards

>> No.23265127

anything with an IVR over 30, statistically

>> No.23265160

this. it was green yesterday when others were red. its gotta have a bad day too.

>> No.23265161

>'the contract got delayed'
>'that's a strong buy signal'
No, it is not.
Again, I'm not saying WKHS won't succeed long-term, only that TODAY is clearly not the day to buy. If he is planning on buying & holding WKHS, he should wait for it to run down further before getting in.. getting in now is just asking to watch yourself get drained 1-2% a day for the next week or two..

>> No.23265165

Why the homo ? I get the manchild bit.

>> No.23265174

Anyone has thoughts on GPL?

>> No.23265183


>> No.23265185
File: 10 KB, 327x239, D3CF0C89-1016-454A-A680-50BC9F0F6EB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone work with women in positions of power above them who u just know not to piss of because they will undoubtedly chimp out really bad? I avoid certain women like the plague because of the fake smile and high pitched voice they use but u can tell theyre tweaked out with stress and are ready to explode at the slightest thing. Anyone know this feel? It sucks

>> No.23265199
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>> No.23265200

all the onions raises their estrogen levels to the point they love the cock.

>> No.23265201

True, but I just expected it to pump somewhat with the announcent they made. In fairness they're very unknown.
Fellow GME chad.

>> No.23265205

>COOM MASTER MasterLiquid ML240L V2

>> No.23265206

instantly. I'm not on margin but I can sell before the stock even settles and buy something else with the unsettled cash
from what i understand im just not allowed to sell the 2nd stock until the cash from the first one settles or they'll hit me with a free riding violation

>It make no sens for me to buy stock to sell it back by the end of the week, if it take a week to confirm I bought it in the first place.
who the fuck is your broker? that sounds absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.23265208
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>> No.23265210

What does confirming an order even mean?

>> No.23265214


>> No.23265222
File: 771 KB, 970x545, 1598413951245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to turn red kinda fast

>> No.23265229

I'm new to this, can you tell me what IVR is?

>> No.23265230


Female co workers are awful but lesbians take the cake. Lesbians are the most disgustingly unhappy people on the planet.

>> No.23265232

My old boss was like this but was nice to me because she wanted my peepee. Luckily she left and now I'm the boss.

>> No.23265233

What is the best stock to buy for my wifes son?

>> No.23265237

I will on the dip early morning tomorrow.

>> No.23265239

lol just lol at the 3rd world

>> No.23265246
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>> No.23265247


>> No.23265248
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>> No.23265252

If you have onions you already love the cock though

>> No.23265264

My trades go through instantly. Sounds like a nightmare, bro.

>> No.23265269

What airline are you in?

>> No.23265272

All females on the show share the same bodies as men. They want you to sexualize characters with the same frame as men. Subtle faggotry inserted into your brain.

>> No.23265273

It is cheaper than link right now and will actually make you money, it jumped up over 3.5% today and it cant go any lower. We are in the fall and winter months and people are heating their homes, they always make money and they devalued their own company the last few years by taking out debt to make their pipelines and other facilities more efficient. Those projects are done and they are paying off that debt easily becaise they have consistent business like the rest of the energy industry.

>> No.23265279

HALBros are we gonna make it?

>> No.23265284

It means they scratch their asses for a few days and then tell you that you're doing a "Good Faith" violation or some shit because you want to spend the money you're entitled to immediately. It's one of those schemes to keep people of lower wealth at lower wealth because they may really need to reinvest that money ASAP to not miss a play, but it's artificially held in the hands of the broker while they do fuckall because everything is digital and definitely shouldn't take more than 0.000005 seconds to fucking transfer.

>> No.23265286
File: 131 KB, 1136x852, B8FEC90F-8F1C-4BF2-95FE-02EAE0F5583C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I buy AXP? Look how cool these cards look

>> No.23265287

sounds like something that would happen in the UK

>> No.23265288



>> No.23265291
File: 40 KB, 693x593, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of penny stock bullshit

fuck me for selling a penny stock with actual fundamentals, i sold it at 0.60 after getting it for 0.50
One of the few penny stocks that I actually looked into the DD and financials into, and i sold it for a quick +20%

>> No.23265292

I'm personally boycotting Uber, so I hope they fucking go bankrupt and the suits all get AIDs.

>> No.23265304

Are you sure you don't meant FILL and not CONFIRM? because they are entirely different things.

>> No.23265310

Do you mean waiting for cash to settle?
"Confirming an order" makes no sense, unless you mean them sending you the email that says what you bought after you buy.

>> No.23265320

And you would be exactly right

>> No.23265330
File: 90 KB, 1600x900, the smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added the article to my collection for you coomers
I'm really pumped to be able to add professionals to the image. This newest art piece will be my greatest creation yet.

>> No.23265331

I bought AAL faggot's delights. I'm getting nervous this fucking thing is just like stuck, I want to see big ass candles even if I get fucked. This shit crabbing like this is just making me want to move into another trade.

>> No.23265335

there pajeety thread already make go there O_O

>> No.23265341

So you have a cash account? Are you just talking about the time it takes for funds to settle? Yeah, that's just a feature of a cash account, and it's 2 days, not a week. Get a margin account if you don't like it.

>> No.23265342

Are we buying the dip PLTR bros?

>> No.23265350

Aaaaaghhhh I'm I'm gggggooonnna iiiiinvest

>> No.23265351

oi, you gotta a lioicese for that fart m8?

>> No.23265353
File: 83 KB, 1080x1080, 1596070111524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wanna get some NIO LEAPS for 2022 or 2023
>Highest call available is only $35
Obviously not buying them today, but I wanted to get a $50 call. Guess I'll have to settle for $35...

>> No.23265354

I used to have huge problems with it. Honestly though, its not impossible to deal with. Raise your voice a few octaves, ask how they are doing constantly, basically just gimp yourself out and they'll love you. They can't really handle and kind of masculinity because they're already shitting their pants about potential threats, thinking no one takes them seriously.

They're so worried about it they don't usually care too much about performance desu. Its way easier to just be me Mr. nice guy with le femme boooos than it is an actual manager who's digging into the fact you post on biz for 45% of the work day.

Not ideal but also not unrevivable while you look for another job. Just view them as an internal customer.

>> No.23265357

Dude how many are you holding.

I really wish I had the financial bankroll to dump like 5k in. Im only holding 14k shares, I dont trust penny stocks

>> No.23265373

Joke post - but fun topic, essentially "what stock could I buy right now that would be huge in 20+ years"
Imo, that stock is NIO. DO NOT BUY TODAY
Xi Jinping announced at the UN that China is going carbon neutral by 2060 (this is a huge deal) this means big subsidies & favorable contracts to companies who help China achieve carbon neutrality. NIO is in the best position to become THE electric vehicle maker of China [and potentially all of Asia, as they will definitely export them once they're on their feet]
JP Morgan just upgraded their price target today (which is why it mooned)
There are people on this board who have been holding NIO since $10 (or even lower)
If you do want to add NIO to your portfolio, wait for it to consolidate after this big green day (eg. wait for a day it goes down 3%+ on no news) and then buy

>> No.23265380

IV is Implied Volatility, think of this as how scared people are (the underlying function of options is insurance against your core position)
IVR is implied volatility ranking - the current IV compared to the IV of the underlying over the previous year. If the IVR is 30%, IV has been higher than its current point 70% of the time over the last 356 days. IV like everything else in markets has a tendency of returning to the mean, and the higher the more money you are making as the option seller.
The core idea you must internalize is that options are perfectly priced on paper, but historically people are always a little more scared than they should be (if the market is pricing in a +-5$ move, generally it'll move around 4.90 or so) and that is your edge as a premium seller.
Around 30% IVR is where the results typically start edging in favor of the option seller, below 30% IVR is where the results tend to edge towards the option buyers. Over 50% is heavily favored towards sellers.

>> No.23265388

>we watch pajeets every single day shilling PnDs on every investing forum on the internet
>90% of our board is pajeets doing the exact same thing with crypto
>”poos would never shill here”
Just give it up already.

>> No.23265389

50 strike? why would you want a higher strike call? i don't understand

>> No.23265391

>"delayed" in quotes

It was literally delayed, numbnuts. That's not speculation. They said they're delaying it for after elections because of political optics (USPS is trying to cry about how poor they are and how in need they are of funding so it wouldn't work in their favor to release news that they're spending so much money on a new fleet of EVs). You just got a sneak peak at how hard WKHS will rally on the week of the USPS deal and you're saying it's not a strong buy signal? Anyone who missed out on that rally now has a chance to get in before it happens again. People pulled out as a kneejerk from uncertainty, but WKHS is still just reset to the price it was pre-pump rather than dumping to the ground. It held a stable line and is still trading above $23 so there's no reason to worry about it.

>> No.23265397
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>> No.23265405

They don't have a great record from what I've heard, what puts them as favorite for the contract?

>> No.23265408

Idk, old lesbians are awful, but I worked with lesbians my age when I was in my early 20s and we always had a great time.

>> No.23265409

Dang bro this describes my position exactly lmao. I talk nicely to my boss and she doesnt bother me even though i onyl work maybe two hours a day. I shitpost incessantly and she doesnt care. Her boss tho i dont ever really engage and shes really cold and fuckin scary

>> No.23265418

I’m the 20k guy from last night

>> No.23265427
File: 60 KB, 888x480, WHERE IS THE MONEY BOBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say GME squeezes to 100+
How much money will you have in your account?

>> No.23265433

>tfw only holding 216 shares average at 9

>> No.23265443

Still voting biden!

>> No.23265448

I want to get like 5 contracts as a lotto. I'll just get the $35 one.

>> No.23265456
File: 212 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20201014_154504_com.avuscapital.trading212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to scalp a bit on shares, what's with the CRIMINAL wide spread here

>> No.23265457

At least $100

>> No.23265459

We will make it

>> No.23265464
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>> No.23265470

Are you retarded? I'm quoting him "numbnuts"

>> No.23265471

>Her boss tho i dont ever really engage and shes really cold and fuckin scary
The problem is when the frigid bitch is your boss. I had an emotionally unstable, emotionally abusive female boss who was the biggest bitch I had ever met. Really fucked with my happiness, working there. Other fucked up women worked there, as well. Working with them really sucks.

>> No.23265473

Why are all the charts lagging behind? HALB is like 20 minutes behind

>> No.23265479

do NOT scalp on GME
you WILL get crabbed

>> No.23265492

China just built the entire European capacity of coal plants over the past 4 years, I wouldn't trust anything those liars say about anything

>> No.23265493

low 6 digits

>> No.23265495

enough for 2 contracts

i think people writing covered calls by now (GME i assume) would have cut down like $2 - $4 off their cost basis by now
i aint touching that shit though when there could be more news any fucking second. Even if I do it on a small portion of my portion, that's potentially +50% gains in a single day on that portion that I will miss out on

>> No.23265499

I was going to buy TQQQ but Fiedlity won't allow me to unless I sign off on some high risk waiver or something. That scared me. Is there anything safer to buy?

>> No.23265501

pls go to this thread sirs very good


>> No.23265508

Like 450,000. I will go insane if that actually happens.

>> No.23265514


>> No.23265526

I have 2100 shares. You can do the math.

>> No.23265528

Yeah start a coof mask reselling business pussy

>> No.23265531

The thing is, it doesn't really matter if YOU believe them, it matters if the MARKET believes them (which it does)

>> No.23265541

Hope you do anon ET is a good stock.

>> No.23265556

unfortunately that wont happen because of trading halts

>> No.23265563


Just imagine you're a byzantine court Eunuch. I had a vp like that and was legit punching my computer like that but luckily i had le based direct manager who was just like "dude imagine you don't have a penis, and start looking on linkedin".

I eventually figured it out but for a while it was the absolute worst and I was gunna rip someones head off due to the random mood swings and passive aggresive emails and going behind my back.

But then I was like alright fine, if you want me to just say youre the fucking best and grovel, while you pay me basically double since I'm only going to work half as much, we can do that.

And thats what happened. My activity is nothing like what it was, but she loves me more than anyone because I play to her fragile ego.

>> No.23265585

I'm not fucking about with that. I have no idea how that works and I dont want to lose my shares if it moons like it did today

>> No.23265597

Kek, but seriously I'm gonna investigate it. Thanks anon

>> No.23265621

>tfw doing absolutely nothing "working" from home
this is going to catch up to me by the end of the week and i will have to work for at least 2 hours on saturday when markets are closed to compensate

>> No.23265627

Yeah I’ll believe it when I see it

>> No.23265638

I don't touch anything China, total fraud and scams at every single level of government and society

>> No.23265647

Enjoy not making [as much] money in this century, anon

>> No.23265656
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You got it, I try to help my frens here.

>> No.23265672

definitely not, but it's certainly temping in hindsight just like scalping GME perfectly with godly timing (or insider info)

but certainly better to just have clear price targets and secure some profits so you never lose money even if some GME headquarters get nuked by a mad short seller

>> No.23265707

you should move there if its the future

>> No.23265728

>I can sell before the cash even settle.

I have been doing this so far, without knowing there was a delay.

Isn’t there any risk of penalities?

My French autocorrect is on and it suck... even in French.

>Sound like a nightmare
It is
And you know what else?
Most brokers in Canada charge about 10$ for every transactions, and if you want to modify/cancel your order before the date of expiration, that’s an other 10$. Wealth Simple is the only «free» broker in Canada and it’s not that good.

>This is exactly it

This might be it.
Transactions goes trough but there is a delay until I get my money...
Even tho it says it is in my account.

I am using a TFSA for the moment, just to trade with small amounts in order to test my stress and risk tolerance, before I open a margin account with more money.

>> No.23265770

I heard that the Chinese stock market is regulated in a way that you are limited to either 10% profit or 10% losses a day, or something like that.

Is it true?

>> No.23265814

>Bought TQQQ when he has weak hands

>> No.23265847

You’re mean.

>> No.23265868
File: 50 KB, 750x418, EaEFUhNVAAIiCu3-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just crabbing at ATH. Waiting for the dip after hours

>> No.23265900
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1601203506376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy something one day based on logic
>starts to get some momentum
>dumps the next day

>> No.23265914

Okay. 1 month chart looks really good for earnings SP of 187.50

>> No.23265947

>bought ACTUAL top, iron fisted, then dca'd
new ath soon don't worry

>> No.23266255

Its this quarter's GNUS

>> No.23266590
File: 458 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201014-113639_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The always Green portfolio
This beats the market.
Buy Buy Buy!

>> No.23266638

it's a scam, don't buy it. They'll tank the dividends then run with your money. Happens every time