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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 250x250, ark logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2325545 No.2325545 [Reply] [Original]

ARK is cutting through sell walls like butter, not to mention:

>solid dev team
>solid tech
>literal rocket scientist at the helm
>cool name, cool logo
>nearly identical market cap, price, and coin supply as Ethereum had in early 2016

Get on board Starship Ark.

>> No.2325572

buy in guys before this takes off

>> No.2325577

its being market manipulated by a whale
so stfu

>> No.2325579
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>> No.2325581
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$200 when?

>> No.2325591
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bought this yesterday after seeing it memed on biz
cheers for the 100% ROI lads, i'm gonna hold this for another couple of weeks

>> No.2325592

How do i view the value of my wallets in EUR/USD on Bittrex? Or you use blockfolio for this?

>> No.2325598

Why do I feel like this is a p&d

>> No.2325600

ARK is blowing up so fast that the previous thread just increased in post exponentially. Thanks for creating a new one.
Get in guys!

>> No.2325602
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>> No.2325610

What goes up must come down

>> No.2325619

Spotted the boomer

>> No.2325621

i dont think this is a p&d. i had like 500 of this when it was .55USD. so bummed man

>> No.2325624

can someone give me detailed instructions how to join the biz group and gain free ark?

>> No.2325630

Holy shi- give me your portfolio, nau. Don't dump your coins. Pretty please.

>> No.2325633

Well, it is and it isn't. This is a coin with real potential. Got in a while ago and will not sell my shares untill it reaches ltc like hights. Keep calm and hodl on.

>> No.2325656 [DELETED] 

Rumor that there is an announcement coming from the devs in the next few hours. You heard it here first.

>> No.2325662

For good or bad?

Could be Polo

>> No.2325672

whered you hear this rumour?

>> No.2325676

Get in before this BOOMS up to $2 today! I have already starting choosing the color of my lambo

>> No.2325677

No idea. Good would be my guess. I bought more just in case it's something important for this project... $5 per ARK is possible soon.

>> No.2325684

Dump my 1000 gnt into ark or hodl?

>> No.2325685
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If it's Polo this will get to 5 dollarinos today easily.

>> No.2325687

Dude, this coin doesn't need shilling like this. The current growth is organic albeit a little pumping by people jumping in for the gains.

>> No.2325689
File: 69 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuck at work and can't buy more FML why didn't I put more in 2 days ago

>> No.2325690 [DELETED] 

The Ark slack channel.

>> No.2325696


Where did u hear about this rumor?

>> No.2325704

Fuck it bought 100 more. Please /biz/ will this seriously take me anywhere near lamboland?

>> No.2325720

I sure fucking hope so anon. It has the potential to hit $10 no question.

>> No.2325724

If we all hodl, yeah. Some idiot whales keep putting up sell walls and selling his shares.

>> No.2325731

but what are the chances? thats the question

>> No.2325739

0 if you're a pussy

>> No.2325742

the way its behaving, very good

>> No.2325744

No one knows dude.

IMO, I think it has a 100% chance of hitting $10 this summer.

>> No.2325746
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Really solid. It made me put another 150 euro on it please 4chan I'm a student I shouldn't be risking my savings like that.

Well fuck it, I want to live a comfy life.

>> No.2325758
File: 154 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20170607-213112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i stay or should i go?

>> No.2325764

You would have to be a retard or a whale to sell right now

>> No.2325769


they are looking very optimistic right now.

if you're looking for one of us to tell you that this shit is going to definitely or most definitely moon into a lot of cash, none of us are prophets man.

as long as we maintain fortitude, hold strong to our coins, buy the dips if we're brave enough, this is going to turn out great.

>> No.2325771

You should never risk money you cant afford to lose. Believe me, no matter how good the opportunity looks like - never invest more than you can afford to lose. Its not being pussy - its managing your risks

>> No.2325777
File: 126 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought in at 44 cents . Already made $350 on it. Let's go lads

>> No.2325780

don't be a pussy lmao

>> No.2325787

I'm retarded and a little underweight, what do i do? im just a student, wanted to make some big money for once

>> No.2325795

You can take your 0.5 profit, or hodl for at least 1 profit. Your choice, but this momentum is not stopping soon, not with its current volume.

>> No.2325799
File: 229 KB, 512x384, 8312072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to buy Ark
>transfer Bitcoins to Bittrex
>12 hours later, still no confirmation
>Ark nearly doubled in price during this time

I went ahead and sent more Bitcoins with an absurdly high tx fee so I could not miss out. Fucking Bitcoin will never be the future of currency. It's faster and cheaper to send money through snail mail than to use Bitcoin now. I'm fucking livid.

>> No.2325806
File: 91 KB, 600x697, 1495828558616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the heads-up anon, I know that and losing my current investment wouldn't be trouble for me. I could invest x10 more but my common sense stops me from doing it.

My objective is to have enough cryptowealth that putting more of my savings into it makes an insignificant impact on my portfolio

>> No.2325810

If big money is what you seek, hold that ARK my man. Thank me later.

>> No.2325811


have you been in any of these threads with faggots that got lucky and bought in early on shit that wound up giving them like 100-1000% returns. you think to yourself, "wow why can't i ever get opportunities like that" well now you have one. hardly anybody is coming in and shittalking the coin. if anything all you hear is regret for not getting in sooner when it was cheaper. but we're still in the beginning and i'm personally very excited.

>> No.2325818

Litecoin, doge, literally any other altcoins. The transaction fees and arbitrary fees from btc to alt and back to btc are sometimes worth it.

>> No.2325827
File: 5 KB, 1423x55, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make or lose money senpaitachi?

>> No.2325828

ARK is going to be in POLONIEX ?

>> No.2325830

You're rightfully pissed. It's still fairly early with ARK though.

Digibytes and Reddcoin aren't as good a coin as ARK but they'll probably take off pretty hard in the coming weeks too.

>> No.2325833

yea that sounds legit. Hopefully this is actually on of those "glad i got in early" scenarios

>> No.2325838

Why would you ever transfer bitcoins? Are you retarded?
Don't you know about the day-long wait times since you're paying a small tx fee? If it's too small it will be stuck for weeks, and if it's not small you're just losing money.
But any shitcoin with a fast transfer and transfer that, I do it with LTC because it confirms in less than 30m, sometime I even use straight ETH because it's still cheaper to tx it and some exchanges have ETH/SHITcoin pairings.

>> No.2325848

This is STRAT at its $3 point. It's gonna moon hard as soon as weak hands stop selling and us hodlers are the majority left.

>> No.2325849
File: 244 KB, 1000x934, 1492428455845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I open 4chan I learn something useful. This place is amazing.

Thanks anon.

>> No.2325856


Best advice for transferring coinage to an exchange. Stop transferring BTC to an exchange, buy LTC, transfer to the exchange, and then exchange LTC for BTC

>> No.2325866

ark has moon, move to another coin, keep ark because this shit seems like its going up and up and up

>> No.2325867
File: 672 KB, 584x553, 1492127689648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this nigger. I risked loading up almost 8 credit cards on crypto and loans to buy computers to fix and sell. I worked my ass off, invested in ARK when it was 0.15 and now how do you think I feel? Don't be a pussy bitch like this little bitch nigger boomer logic pussy bitch and throw yourself into the future you deserve.

>> No.2325887
File: 512 KB, 800x598, bmKHIVI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he's right, faggot. If you make a mistake you are fucked forever in your scenario. Don't be that kind of retard.

>> No.2325890


This, go big or stay a peasant on Earth while we do donuts on the moon in our lambos

>> No.2325891

tyrone this is a whites only part of the internet

>> No.2325892
File: 35 KB, 317x451, 1493305180253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you forgot to confirm the transaction through your email

>> No.2325893


We've been lied to by wagecuck boomers who never take risks

If you want to get rich you have to roll the motherfucking dice

>> No.2325903

we always remember the missed opportunities but never the missed failures

>> No.2325906

Dude is still a student. Heck, getting a credit card alone would be a hurdle for him. I'd say he's right to be hesitant.

>> No.2325908

what's the quick and safe way to buy LTC?

>> No.2325912

no. He is not faggot. The trick is to make no mistakes by being autistic, becoming autistic, or surrounding yourself with autists.

>> No.2325914

>If you make a mistake you are fucked forever

Lel no

This kind of mindset is what holds you back. If you fail you take the L like a man and try something else.

>> No.2325918

Well fuck, i just transferred 100€ worth of btc to bittrex, that 2nd confirmation isn't coming within the next 6hrs is it?

>> No.2325924

I use coinbase. First Ltc was yesterday on it and it was fast and sent to rex quickly as well.

>> No.2325925


I bought $150 worth of LTC off Coinbase and it transferred within 20ish minutes

>> No.2325934
File: 69 KB, 567x561, IMG_0377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw autism was the secret to success all along

>> No.2325937

Lesson learned. Bitcoin is better regarded as a store of value than as a currency. It's just too slow. Think of it as gold to be buried in the back yard.

LTC and ETH are what you actually trade with.

>> No.2325939

I am in early twenties and fulltime student too
no excuses with this autism going on with crypto

>> No.2325943

Can anyone spare an Ark so I can vote?


>> No.2325945

Should I buy more now or wait for a bigger dip?

>> No.2325956

fuck ark better go back up. im done losing money

>> No.2325958

Dipping hard, buy now

>> No.2325962

Grabbed 100 on the dip. Noice
50 at 39k 50 at 38k

>> No.2325968

There's a fatass whale putting up massive price walls right now

>> No.2325974

Dip dip dip and another 175 to the stash.

>> No.2325976

this shit is entering stratis mode

enjoy the peaks and the dips

>> No.2325978


take your pessimism elsewhere.

these dips have been happening literally all night and have recovered every single time like clockwork.

>> No.2325981

With fiat? Probably coinbase yeah.

>For us BRanons mercadobitcoin sells LTC directly

>> No.2325983

itll go back up are you guys dumb enough to think itll just increasing?
some people cash out, but the trend it upwards

>> No.2325986
File: 899 KB, 840x840, 1496457269679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have patience. I know that getting to a million will be slow if I make 5% daily earnings starting with 1000, and that if I put 10000 I will get there 10x faster, but losing 1000 wouldn't be a problem, and 10000 would totally be.

Let's enjoy the ride. Hell, I won't be as rich as you, but I plan to be one.

>> No.2325988

shit, coinbase doesn't seem to support buy/sell in my country. Any other options?

>> No.2325990

If it goes below 1$ , we buy?

>> No.2325991

I don't know I transferred .55 BTC from Coinbase to Brit and it only took about 35 mins

Also should I sell my Waves and put into Ark?

>> No.2325992

what country?

>> No.2325996

try anycoinirect

>> No.2326002


>> No.2326003

You should be buying right now, extremely doubtful that it's gonna go under $1 bro

>> No.2326004


>> No.2326009
File: 32 KB, 855x322, Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 6.59.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason it hasn't spiked back up is because of whales creating price caps.

>> No.2326015
File: 147 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170607-130032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

>> No.2326016

Lol, it's not going lower than that. Alot of us are holders and really believes that this coin will reach STRAT level of mooning. Get in now. Don't worry about the dips.

>> No.2326025

time it get in again is now you fucks

>> No.2326028

Yepp. Enjoy the 40 grand

>> No.2326034
File: 24 KB, 316x286, 1493576693010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the same.
We're gonna make it bruh

>> No.2326042

>tfw those fucking fees

>> No.2326044

>this guy here

>> No.2326045

that's the plan

>> No.2326054

What makes ARK better than Etherium?

>> No.2326065

>yfw $200/ARK

Smart bridges. Their democratic blockchain functionality is interesting too.

>> No.2326066

whats this app, can i use bitrrex on it?
Also I got wallets made in Bitrrex, how can i move the coins in them to a physical location on my pc/usb for security? thanks

>> No.2326068

i don't think anybody is arguing that?

>> No.2326076

I also must mention, that I bought miniscule amount of BTC just to test this whole trading thing on localbitcoins and the transfer fee was, like, 1,2% - and i got money in 20min on bittrex

>> No.2326077

Scratch that, my btc transfer from polo to bittrex took 15 minutes or so, got in at 39k, think i'm gonna transfer some Eth aswell and buy more in another dip

>> No.2326078


>> No.2326080

blockfolio, and yes

>> No.2326094

let's take a breath now and remember, whilst you can cut and run with your profit, that would be like cutting out on eth at a dollar. if we're mooning right now, then in the future we're going to another dimension all together.

>> No.2326105

so this really is legit? got about $100 at mo

>> No.2326107

I wouldn't say better but if they can flesh out their smart bridge idea...that's huge.

>> No.2326110
File: 27 KB, 830x380, Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 7.11.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean!

>> No.2326118


before getting hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh... I'm serious, keep stealth hands, don't panik!! it will drop big time over a few hours!

>> No.2326121

almost time for launch

>> No.2326125
File: 36 KB, 320x320, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQR0bXO_yI8

>> No.2326126

who the fuck are you?

>> No.2326135

Not a pure meme like bitbean/mooncoin.
Belongs in Waves/Sia/Stratis Tier ($500M)
Long term potential, not a P&D.

At least hold until you double your earnings and then sell for someone else to carry the baton, or you will regret.

>> No.2326137

You. I like you.
Guys, we are now in a point where alt coin history is being made. Hodl.
Literally any other coins will increase in value as more normies enter into crypto land. ARK has the potential to go higher than other Shitcoins, at least ltc level, after that is anyone's guess.

>> No.2326143

>1 post
some funny guy

>> No.2326151

What were the other moon missions that i missed in last 1-2 weeks?

This is the first one i got in time

>> No.2326180

DGB mooned for a couple days. now it's having trouble going above 1900-2000 sats. it's supposed to moon on saturday but it's all hype as far as anybody has been able to prove.
fucking bitbean mooned and made people 10's of thousands of dollars.

>> No.2326217

we will all make it brah

>> No.2326228

give it 2 months, itll be 10 bucks a coin screencap this

>> No.2326231

Man, last week was like the golden age of altcoin. Literally ALL altcoins Mooned.
Now it's ARKs time, your just in time for THIS moon. Don't think too much about what was.

>> No.2326233

i can't believe they are still shilling that KIDS pump and dump so hard. i went to check it out on yoshit and it made me sick to my stomach. blatantly ripping off hopeful and naive people that are just excited to get into this market.

>> No.2326243

ive learned over the passed couple months not to trust meme coins. only trust professional coins

>> No.2326263

Hoping so hard this will be the next ETH

>> No.2326275

but these guys are all "we're gonna get it to 30! 40!" then they dump on them at 8

>> No.2326276

Digibytes, Xtrabytes, Bitbean, Bitbay, Stratis and probably more that I missed. I also missed those, I'm glad that we're all on board this time. All the indicators are pointing up.

>> No.2326286


Is this the beggining of our journey??

>> No.2326289

this board is the wild west. half the coins being spammed with moon threads are a scam. so far i'm slightly in the hole but i've learned a lot and am hopeful for the future

>> No.2326293

Good coin, de-ecent.
Got 65 of them yesterday, 2 years and I sell.

>> No.2326301
File: 87 KB, 1023x508, Screenshot_20170607-212852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it does actually moon.
I got in a week too early and was burned so I didn't re-enter on the second shrilling. If I had hodl or rebuy at 1...
I'm sad.

>> No.2326337

It seriously could be.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited

>> No.2326346

Tfw if it is I'm sitting on a milli
Pls. I wish a nigha would

>> No.2326357

Dgb was up to 3050 last night you dolt.

>> No.2326375
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x900, 1436573781246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold my 1000 Golem and 5 ETH to get to 2063.64 ARK. We gonna make it?!?!?!

>> No.2326376
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>> No.2326384

i hope senpaitachi

>> No.2326391

Gonna sell all my DGB on Saturday to buy a few hundred ark

>> No.2326406

We can only hope, but up it certainly will go.
Gnt has been flat line forever, and the release date of brass is so vague af one wonders if it'll even be released.

>> No.2326407
File: 5 KB, 645x773, IMG_0119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 7,000 ARK

Am I going to make it boys?

>> No.2326413
File: 59 KB, 1399x592, market-price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it safe to expect similar arc, as for BTC

>> No.2326414
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>> No.2326435

How are we doing boys what is the current situation

>> No.2326436


Lambo land confirmed as long as you hodl.

>> No.2326439

fuck. yeah...

>> No.2326450

Price stable at $1.13-$1.20 right now

Whales putting up heavy price walls but they'll come down soon

Lots of hype surrounding Ark right now

>> No.2326456

Same as always, he HODL

>> No.2326493


HEY it's me.
Ok i just needed some time to sell all my ripples. AND BUY MORE ARK!!!
Next dip i will sell another coin... AND BUY ARK!

And I'm a holder :) so, I'm sorry, I paniked that you'll take off without me.


>> No.2326516

Now this is autism

>> No.2326531

At least you're honest.
XRP might moon tho because of the press conference tomorrow. But what do I know, XRP has been on a death spiral despite multiple announcements during consensus.

>> No.2326559

Is it a good time to buy more ARK?
It is going sideways at the moment, will it go up today?

>> No.2326561

Likewise, a dgb shill called me retarted for saying that

>> No.2326567
File: 437 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_3465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more ARK. What should I sell?

>> No.2326570

Don't forget to tranger this to their wallet and vote for a delegate! Free arks errrday! Stake dat shit

>> No.2326587

Your fiat

>> No.2326588

Elaborate please

>> No.2326593


I have to say, I've used ripple service (gatehub), and it's amazing. Converting and trading is so cheap with ripple, i liked it. Also, they somehow always got me more coins out then promised... I don't know, I feel very bad selling ripples. But you faggots got me excited about shitcoins (which ARK is NOT)... damn, I haven't been on any exchange before reading on /biz/ ... i had only hard wallets.

Also lost in 1ST and OHM... not much, but thats the way faggots roll on /biz/

>> No.2326605

This coin is so undervalued.. Too bad whales are putting up such bullshit sell walls. Hope we can eat those walls up together. I'm buying with every dip :-)

>> No.2326607

communication across blockchains and a card so you can spend shitcoins at the store

>> No.2326630

>a card so you can spend shitcoins at the store

Wait seriously?


>> No.2326656

These levels of schilling frighten me

>> No.2326659
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, Monochrome (64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I fell for the PoSW meme this year.

First big loss I ever made. Still stings. I hope ARK heals the pain.

>> No.2326665

dude its legit

>> No.2326693

Oh I've tried it too.
Made me feel like the future is definitely with some like gatehub.
I'm not dissing on XRP or anything, but the inherit nature of XRP being centralized is putting people away.
Not to mention, XRP is just something to accompany Ripple.
Ripple as a company itself is pushing its XRP technology to banks and the such. The both are intertwined, but not the same thing.

>> No.2326697

How long does Bittrex take to clear btc usually? first time using it :|

>> No.2326703

just check out the website/news if you dont believe.

>> No.2326704

100ksat by weekend, 200k by next one, I can see it happening
Just doubled my bag, now averaging at 28ksat per ARK for the lot

>> No.2326705

Literally me. I missed out on $40,000 in ETH because I sold a lot of my ethereum for it.

Still hurts but we have to look towards the future rather than regret bad decisions

>> No.2326711

Read the first page of the ANN thread on bitcoin talk. Also check out the whitepaper.

>> No.2326718
File: 10 KB, 770x125, good..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i do with my first 55 bucks guys

>> No.2326721

Took me about 15minutes, but saw solen other Guy complaining that it was taking hours

>> No.2326735

Proud of you anon.

We're all going to make it

>> No.2326737

Cuck, of course it's going up

>> No.2326743

gg anon

>> No.2326761

anyone else having issues where bittrex will just seize up and you gotta refresh the page. like 3 times i've missed out on shit because bittrex just stops it's feeds.

>> No.2326770

link please?

>> No.2326776

works fine in chrome, stutters in firefox

>> No.2326781

Yup, at least we know now not to make mistakes gambling on garage projects ever again. Stick to the legit projects with professional teams like Ark and we should be golden.

>> No.2326787

Volume closing in on STRAT volume. Good sign :-)

>> No.2326794

Thanks, its been 20mins now and starting to stress

>> No.2326807

i've noticed the volume has gone down like 7000 something on DGB, what does this mean? nothing?

>> No.2326816


>> No.2326821

which delegate do you guys recommend?

I've been thinking about giving my vote to quarkpool. Pretty high daily payout. Heliohash seems to be too big to give a shit. 5.38% ROI per year..


>> No.2326879

It really depends on how much your holding, use the spreadsheet calculator and screenshot it over the course of a week. Then see who gives the most consistent amount. Some times the current highest paying delegate swings quite wildly.

>> No.2326880
File: 30 KB, 859x324, Naamloos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out pic. Looks a lot like the titanic is about to crush all these sell walls.

>> No.2326932

Vote for the biz delegate, we need all the votes we can to get to position 51 (we at 59 now).

>> No.2326941

it's been great yall, need to take an hour nap before my morning meeting. fuckin glad i stayed up with you guys, no place i'd rather be.

now take us to stars!

(accidentally posted this in a DGB thread, so tired)

>> No.2326946

What's the /biz/ delegate's name?

>> No.2326955


I only have around 160.. Does it even make sense for me to stake it? A bit, right? Which delegate have you voted for?

>> No.2326959

But fucking Bitbean mooned

>> No.2326960

How do I actually buy this shit on litebit? I have eth in coinbase and am finally verified just kinda lost on how to transfer 200 dollars of it into ark

>> No.2326963

Literally "biz". He had a general not long ago. Took voted for payout frequency and is saying it will be 9p% which is a lot higher than most other delegates.

>> No.2326977



I really would, but we need 700k more Arks to bump the 51st spot.. Don't see that happening anytime soon.. I like the idea though..

>> No.2326978

Fuck. Phone posting is useless.

>> No.2326992

Think of it like a sell wall thay we need to melt.

>> No.2327016

Bitbean is a retarded pump n dump shitcoin with no purpose.

Ark is ETH-tier.

>> No.2327022


New biz delegate general

>> No.2327025
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have 17 ARK's......

>> No.2327028

Bought at 41501, tell me I did right pls

>> No.2327056

Where are you guys storing ark
do you guys use the ARK wallet?

>> No.2327070


>> No.2327074


>> No.2327089
File: 237 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170607-144146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so i made 7 grand over the week from ARK and decided to go balls fucking deep.

Wish me luck boys, lambo land awaits.

>> No.2327094

Am I a retard for just keeping all my coins on Bittrex?

>> No.2327110

so this is what old fag call shilling
good to know
good to know

>> No.2327113

Damn son.

It could hit $10-$20 within a few months imo. Enjoy your lunar penthouse.

>> No.2327119


>> No.2327120

I want to know if i'll be considered a retard also...
I know bittrex had hacking trouble like last year so im wary

>> No.2327129


>> No.2327131
File: 103 KB, 1024x626, 1481803012988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are going to make it anon, me and my 90 ark will mentally support you

>> No.2327133
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>buying a shitcoin at the top

>> No.2327140

>haha stupid ETH fag stop blatantly shilling. Ethereum will NEVER get past $2, it's a pump n dump memecoin

-/biz/ 2015

>> No.2327141
File: 700 KB, 842x473, PP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont know lol, what are the alternatives for coins such as bean for example?

>> No.2327169


There is a precedent for exchanges being hacked/people losing coins. Bittrex is quite secure with 2FA but not as secure as a backed up wallet.

That said, it is unavoidable keeping some coins on an exchange if you want to trade everyday like I do.

Best keeping your long hodls like ARK in a wallet. Apparently the ARK wallet is really good, going to download it today.

>> No.2327175
File: 15 KB, 480x472, 1496080681719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving a picture of that smug faggot anywhere
If you are in boys even if it's just 100 ARK keep your head up to the moon! You just bought a ticket there.

>> No.2327186

retard here, if I back up my ARK wallet and then encrypt and/or transfer more funds to it, would I have to back it up a second time?

>> No.2327191
File: 52 KB, 500x388, smug faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2327195

I don't think you can even back up the ark wallet.

>> No.2327210

OK, what about in general, say, Stratis wallet for example

>> No.2327212

just save your seed and you'll be fine.

>> No.2327220

another retard here. can i copy my ark wallet into a usb stick if I dont trust my laptops shitty old hdd?

>> No.2327221
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 1408543297950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I visited the ARK website on May 31, read it, was hooked and didn't buy in.


t. still no arks

>> No.2327229

Don't you just save the pass phrase somewhere and you can always import your Ark on the client ? I do not know how to back it up

>> No.2327242



There is a considerable chance it doubles by week's end. It is currently in the midst of a parabolic rise with rapid volume accumulation (800% increase in volume since yesterday).

So while buying now is risky, it is also risky waiting for the dip as it might not come until the price has increased dramatically.

Furthermore, it is a great coin with great features. I highly doubt anyone buying for a dollar will lose out. It's not even been added to all exchanges yet, so worse case scenario there is a temporary dip, all you need to do is hodl for a week or two.

>> No.2327281

>Tfw you move 30 dollars of ETH to an ETC wallet

Goodbye moon bus ticket.

>> No.2327292


>> No.2327428
File: 122 KB, 897x607, 1496257914299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, how do I buy in? I just went on bittrex and moved 60 USD worth of ETH to my wallet, but now I can't find an ETH-ARK pair. Do I literally need to move BTC?

>> No.2327431
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>> No.2327439

Yup. Sell your eth to btc, then to ark.

>> No.2327483

so what... we just sit here and wait until market will magically sort itself out?

>> No.2327489

As long as you back up your passphrase that's all that matters. Write it down, print it. Save it as a txt file and store it on multiple USBs. Whatever you thinks best. You can access your account from any Ark wallet using that passphrase.

>> No.2327498

Just HODL anon

>> No.2327514


>> No.2327519

I'll just move 25 bucks from coinbase. I'm lazy and I'm treating this as a learning experience more than a get rich quick scheme. That'll come later when I'm gainfully employed lol.

Why the fuck is crypto currency worth anything? I really don't understand.

>> No.2327521

The market only goes down if you sell, so hodl.

>> No.2327529

So anyone know why all the altcoins shot straight up in the last few days? Is it normies trying to cash in on Bitcoin and Etheriums success?

>> No.2327558

Seconding that question. I've had it explained but I don't quite get it.

>inb4 "retard"


>> No.2327593

Pump is over, would sell and get on other pumps. ARK is good for long term hold tho

>> No.2327595




>> No.2327612

wtf you doing here on /biz/ if you can't explain why crypto is worth something at least? Or what role it plays with all those companies forming? maaaan who are you faggots?

>> No.2327615
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Dont be left holding bags and miss on other gainz

>> No.2327632

It seems a get rich ponzi scheme. Like all of these markets have no worth outside of what we give them by arbitrarily inflating their cost.

Yes, proof of concept shows us bitcoin and I guess now ETH are practical and with global use. Meme coins are a ponzi scheme to increase gains like Penny stocks only with fake moon bus money.
Buying in on a get rich quick moon bus ticket.

>drop 50k USD.
>after taxes get back 75k

Or zero. Right now I'm only in 1k holding.

>> No.2327645

What is going on

>> No.2327654


LOL it's just scare tactics for those with weak hands :) they sell cheap, many will even lose money xD
And then the wales buy in again... don't get fooled by posters. I should've waited for the larger dip tho :/

nvm, have bought at 2 levels, so... its a good long term hold anyway

>> No.2327661

Panic sale instigated by a whale. Hodl, it'll bounce back.

>> No.2327667


>> No.2327669

Do we buy more if it drops below 1$?

>> No.2327676

Another dip here we go boys just bought another 100

>> No.2327685

scare tactics. If you made profit, get out and cry later ;D if you didn't, hold and be happy

>> No.2327703

how well do you reckon the crypto-currency in general fits into the role of a long-term profit investment?

>> No.2327707

I don't think it's gonna dip that low. Alot of us are holding our ark, so the value will only drop as long as weak hands sell off their shares.
When the ratio of holders exceed weak hands, the coin value will form a support line.
Around 35

>> No.2327712

>why the fuck is euro currency worth anything?
because, people trust in it means of exchange. It's literally paper. Dollar had gold backing, but not anymore. You lose it's value to inflation.

The same with crypto, people trust it, so it's worth something + it seems to appreciate in value as opposed to fiat.

>> No.2327719

It's the ones who missed eth and btc, normies don't even know about the above yet.

>> No.2327741

Yeah, I'm paying rent and food with fiat, the rest of my fiat paycheck is all caught up in meme coins now. I'll probably go broke, but what's more likely - zero? Or moon. I'm just butthurt I don't have more to invest.

>> No.2327744

>sold at the top everything
>now waiting for the fall to end
>gonna buy back with the dip
feels good man

>> No.2327745
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th-thanks guys

>> No.2327749

Looks like the Pump and Dump is over boys

>> No.2327762


>> No.2327764

be lucky ur even hodling any i still have to fucking wait

>> No.2327769

>Not recognising whale dumping to cause panic and shake out weak hands

>Not getting ready to buy the dip

It's like you want to stay poor

>> No.2327771

Amen. I started with $500. A month in, and I'm ALMOST doubled. By that rate... I'll be at my goal next Christmas.

>> No.2327794

dumped and bought back :)

>> No.2327796

Check your e-mail.

>> No.2327797
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So someone is erecting buy walls and then removing them to drive down the price. So the dip is manufactured.

That said, probably a good time to buy. The buy pressure is steadily increasing. Should rebound shortly.

>> No.2327804

bought back in at 35.2k am I gonna make it /biz?

>> No.2327805

Literal whale price manipulation

They do this to get cheap, good coins from weal hands

Just hold and go do something else for a while

>> No.2327828
File: 39 KB, 1348x544, ARKMOOn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you didn't shook

>> No.2327835

Exactly. The whale were able to drive the price down like this is because people don't hodl and panic sell. As long as they don't sell, the price won't budge. But not everybody has iron hand I suppose.

>> No.2327845

This coin is scary AF. Stilling hodling tho

>> No.2327847


sold at 39
bought at 36

Feels good man

>> No.2327860
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, Monochrome (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 525 more for 38k, thanks whale!

>> No.2327861

retard alert

>> No.2327864

if you want free money BUY ASAP it's rising fast now!

>> No.2327868

bahahaa weak hand plebs

>> No.2327871

Going up again by now ANON

>> No.2327878





>> No.2327879

retard alert

>> No.2327881

Pumped and dumped again, when will /biz/ learn? I'm guessing this will dwindle a little longer and then never be pumped again.

>> No.2327886




>> No.2327893

And guys, this is how you differentiate between PnD and actual organic growth because of the trust they have on that particular coin.
Day trader can profit, but there's no shame in just holding.

>> No.2327897

well this post won't age well

>> No.2327899

Sell DGB, buy ARK.

>> No.2327913

Just bought 1 BTC worth

>> No.2327916

This was quite a test for weak hands. Luckily I have sent my Ark to my wallet 2 hours ago, eliminating the tendency for panic selling. Should've sold and re-bought at the dip though.

I've seen this trend yesterday around the same time. Price dipped heavily around 16-17 GMT, after a few hours of pumping. Any explanation besides whale manipulation? Chinese going to bed or Americans daytrading?

>> No.2327918

by looking at the "history"... didn't they pull the same shit yesterday? YESTERDAY?

>> No.2327922


Have you even looked at the coin?

>> No.2327935


Whale day trading

>> No.2327962

Just an FYI, if people see the price driving down and sell walls in the 1000's keep popping up.. It's most likely one person driving the price down waiting for everyone to sell and buy cheaper coins. This isn't just for ARK, but standard with all crypto. That's why it's truly best to just hold.

>> No.2327967

The whale only makes money doing this if people sell their coins cheaply. If you see any suspicious buy walls just hold.

>> No.2327985


I'm really close to trading my 6 Strat and buying more Ark in a dip. Should I do it? I don't think I'll have that much ROI in 6 Strat in the coming weeks. Am I wrong?

>> No.2327994

Just bought 700 from this faggot

>> No.2327998


True it doesn't indicate necessarily a fradulent market, all lower volume are susceptible to this tactic. I see it on virtually every coin except the big ones.

>> No.2328014

Bull trap, you've been warned

>> No.2328034

ARK is currently at the level STRAT was $3 usd. It'll definitely go up, and become stale due to correction like STRAT, but right now, it'll continue to go up.
So yeah, ARK would be the better choice RIGHT NOW, but honestly, longterm sense both are great coins to hodl.

>> No.2328040


Well strat is a good hold but i think ark has more potential returns, so you're not necessarily wrong. That said, holding strat is probably the safer option as its much higher volume and will appreciate in value over time.

ARK is a great coin but it is not a guarantee either. So do you prefer higher risk/higher potential rewards or a slightly safer option with lower returns?

>> No.2328062

Kek. Are you the whale that's trying to shake out weak hands?

>> No.2328074

Whats a bull trap?
t. Newcoiner

>> No.2328085

what are you waiting for btw? Transaction is slow or what? On bittrex I deposited BTC in like 10 minutes with respectable fee.

>> No.2328087


Don't know what you're on about m8


Thanks for the advice, I'll hodl.

>> No.2328090

get OUT

>> No.2328116

This whale is a retard but not as retarded as the idiots panic selling.

Thanks for the cheaper ARK

>> No.2328118
File: 30 KB, 460x276, Would-Genghis-Khans-skill-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you wanna make some money bros then do this >>2326971 → the more ARK holders we have in our group the more power we have we would be collecting 90% of the block just through our economic might

this is not a drill brothers, your board needs you


>> No.2328124

fooling bulls into thinking it's a another bull run, but it's just gonna dump again shortly

>> No.2328135
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>> No.2328204

about what price are people jumping?

>> No.2328231


Price went up significantly during mid week, you know what happens towards the weekend :)


>> No.2328232

Even if it dipped again I would just buy more cheap Ark. Been holding this shit since April and I will be holding for at least another year.

>> No.2328248

Sorry ark bro, sent that to the wrong ark bro, I was talking about accumulating more ark from some faggot whale.

>> No.2328259

Next eth.
I want my million.

>> No.2328264
File: 425 KB, 700x700, 1496714715211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, I'm in for 15 USD! Moon or bus! Holding for a year.

>> No.2328267

Nah, just going to hold my 800 ARK.

>> No.2328275

pls announce your dump when you decide to cash out a significant amount so we may prepare for the resulting dip

>> No.2328281

Just put half my LTC into ARK

Let's moon, brothers

>> No.2328331

LUL I mean jumping off the highest roof because it crashes

>> No.2328368

Is quark worth it? I'm bored and I like the name...

>> No.2328387

>3BTC just sold


>> No.2328461

bought 1 btc worth more

>> No.2328545

its dropping by the minute, good time to buy some more?

>> No.2328581

We're either about to be in a bull trap, or it's going to stabilize and moon. Either way, buy

>> No.2328589

I'm waiting until it rises a little and then I'm all in on ARK

>> No.2328624

None of these slight price fluctuations will be remembered this time next year, when Ark is selling for like $20 each.

>> No.2328632

1718 volume and increasing each minute. Yeah, safe to say, buy.

>> No.2328638

heh nap times over. fucking whales

>> No.2328729

New thread?

>> No.2328835

fuck! stop loss orders don't work for shit.

>> No.2328846

Only cucks and people with weak hands sell now

>> No.2328868

We are about to explore the depth of oceans

>> No.2328873

i'll ask it again - is it worth to just wait it all out long term? I didn't invest much, so loss ain't problem

>> No.2328884

Yes. Read the whitepaper. The roadmap has barely just begun. This coin only released a couple of months ago.

>> No.2328891

wait it out weak hands, its solid, be patient ffs

>> No.2328905

Yup. Smart contract is the future. It'll definitely go up again, if that whales would just stop screwing with the sell wall.

>> No.2328930

or if the currency actually has some future behind it - i've been checking out their portfolio (that is, project team's bio) and I must say, they don't bring much confidence.

>> No.2328966

here, the only guy that even remotely sounds like he knows what he's doing is Dr. Eric Kunz - the rest are literally mortal kombat characters

>> No.2328995

Holding until $66/ark
Good luck to you all

>> No.2328999


>> No.2329027


>> No.2329160

Hmm, can't really refute you there. They could certainly choose better photos for their bio, but I genuinely believes that if they could make smart contract a thing, and their prepaid card system work... It's gonna be a revolutionary thing to happen in crypto land.
For that alone, I'll stick with them without hesitation.