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23255774 No.23255774 [Reply] [Original]

Here's something I just thought about: I think a lot of people are looking to the rainbow graph for their bitcoin predictions, what are the odds that the top will be around $180,000 because of people making sell walls at that price from looking at the rainbow graph?

>> No.23255810

whales intentionally place orders that will never execute

>> No.23255830

So you think the top is higher, or lower?

>> No.23255853
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I have no idea where the top is
Locally probably ~20k, in a couple years? Who knows

>> No.23255876

top for this upcoming bull run would be around $80k-$120k i don't see it going past that

>> No.23256004

Why do you think so? I think $180K is possible, if you account for the dollar dropping in value from all of this year's printing

>> No.23256094

it's not that simple
QE doesn't necessarily mean the dollar inflates relative to its current value. Deflation is expected during a recession, the fed plays a dangerous game where they attempt to counteract this with monetary policy. It does not guarantee that they will be successful, either in inflating or deflating the dollar, but its not as simple as more money printed = higher asset prices.
That being said, bitcoin does have room to grow, and QE/ZIRP might help.

>> No.23256119

180k is only a 2x from 90k. 90k is an 8x from where we are now. this is why calling the top is exceeding difficult. my guess is anywhere from 80k to 200k. ill start taking profits around 80k

>> No.23256153

Just for reference during the 2017 bull run, BTC was estimated to not even break 10,000. It has surpassed expectations everytime.

>> No.23256247

I remember that! BTC $10,000 EOY was a big meme, though it took breaking through $2,000 to get there. I think once we break the ATH again the predictions will start getting optimistic again (BTC $100,000 EOY 2021)

>> No.23256594

a lot of people area also long term HODLers who will never sell their bitcoin until its worth hundreds of millions.

those that have done the level of research are comfy knowing the only 2 long term options for bitcoin is
>hundres of millions worth
as it becomes the globes default store of wealth.

if you sell at 100k, you're probably going to FOMO back in in 3 years when it's 250k mooning towards 1m

>> No.23256598

$180,000 bitcoin? you know this shit used to be pennies, right?

anon, puhlease.

read about Fuse or whatever other thing you think is gonna do well. ride waves on whatever, but bitcoin will probably never hit 6 digis.

>> No.23257018
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>> No.23257833

I just put 6k into Bitcoin, what will that number look like EoY???

>> No.23258529

35k by January if following conditions are met:
>Trump wins
>Stimulus check gets passed

Otherwise 20k

>> No.23259212

Bitcoin will never be 20k again

>> No.23259245

If it drops I'm blaming you personally and I'm going to come kill you

>> No.23259297

Good luck I'm behind 7 proxies

>> No.23259448

Fucking KYS you degenerate gorilla nigger street shitter.

>> No.23259453
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I'm already blasting through the servers in Geneva, Moscow, and Singapore as we speak.

Good luck Anon, I'm coming for you.

>> No.23259522

You brainlet. You there's a bear market right? Bitcoin will be about 30-40k during the bear market