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File: 120 KB, 1080x1361, afford rent min wage chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23252010 No.23252010 [Reply] [Original]

do you live with your parents?

>> No.23252130


>> No.23252204

Why should minimum wage be able to afford you a two bedroom house? Not everyone who wants a job requires a two bedroom house, if you are a 16 year old wanting to save money and living with mum then minimum wage is beyond fine. Putting wage controls like this only creates unemployment as otherwise supply and demand will sort out proper prices.

You also should not be in the same contract for longer than 5 years because inflation and economic changes.

>> No.23252232

i think he means a 2 bedroom apartment. You know, like the minimum size to raise a small family?

>> No.23252292

Minimum wage wasn't made to support a family, it was made to support one single person so that they dont die.

>> No.23252368

Minimum wage shouldn't even exist. We need more gd jobs and less gd politicians. We need the ability for workers to compete for their wages.
We need people who are willing to spit in their hand and shake on a deal.
Christ, what happened to this country?
When did we all just agree to be owned by bankers and cronyists?
Please somebody tell me.

>> No.23252457

America just isn't the country for unskilled labor anymore, we decided to outsource absolutely everything in pursuit of profits. That's capitalism for you.

It giveth and it taketh away.

>> No.23252481

Its simple. Religion won. Now we tithe on every action and possession laws do not exist. The only tax should be capital gains. It would fix everything for us poor people.

>> No.23252570

>I should be able to afford a 2 bedroom house and provide for a family by serving over priced coffee in starbucks or flipping burgers

>> No.23252602

>taxes are only 40% poor people still have a fair shot in life

>> No.23252613

No I don't.
What a glorious boomer post this is, if Americans weren't too retarded to into satire I'd be likely to believe that it was.

>> No.23252622

I’m visualizing my ancestors getting off a boat from Ireland and just heading into a shitty factory in New York everyday for pennies just so one day I can gamble on shitcoins on the internet. I hope they’re proud and will see them on the other side.

>> No.23252649

Fuck taxes. Still doesnt answer why you think you should afford a 2 bedroom house for doing nothing

>> No.23252664

Minimum wage is the fake solution the jews put up to consolidate power because it hurts small businesses more than anyone else. The true fix is bringing back the gold standard but if you cant tell jews arent fans of Presidents who start talking about doing that.

>> No.23252680

As long as you put your children in a better position than your parents put you, you've won.

>> No.23252701

Why "should" you afford anything? You're the one who needlessly brought morals into a discussion about which sort of home OP's picture was referencing. My advice? Head out of ass.

>> No.23252708

i said apartment.

You are blind if you think we have a shake in life. Humanity is 90% more productive since 1910s.
>still starving
>more gouging and favorable monopolistic to big business
>taxes other than capital gains

Hit me with why shelter and food is HARDER to get despite us doing harder more specialized jobs and getting paid relatively less while the producer (the jew) is spending less and less to make it? Hint: i already said it, taxes and monopolies

>> No.23252771

absolute cuck teir sucking sheckleburgs dick. I know so many fucking boomers who made 20$+/hr inflation adjusted in the 60s on minimum wage. Who could buy a house and car and make a family. If you don't want a living so bad or think that the people of our country don't have a right to one kys

>> No.23252858

So why are you whining about not being able to afford a 2 bedroom apartment and raise a family on minimum wage?
>despite us doing harder more specialized jobs
So not minimum wage jobs got it. All my post said is that you think you are entitled to a 2 bedroom dwelling and to afford raising a family on a minimum wage job you are fucking deluded. Minimum wage jobs are for teenagers looking to make some cash on their free time.
Not on minimum wage jobs. Go ahead please show me proof that boomers could afford all that on a minimum wage job in their days. You are a faggot nigger if you think you deserve a 2 bedroom and enough money to provide for a family just for doing a minimum wage job like flipping a burger.

>> No.23252877

>So why are you whining about not being able to afford a 2 bedroom apartment and raise a family on minimum wage?

When did I whine about that?

>> No.23252885

I do, because im severely crippled. I want to die. I'm 31.

>> No.23252903

I said society specializes. Not each individual.

>> No.23252935

autism isnt a disorder dude. The jew tricked you youre just as normal as they are. Probably more

>> No.23252952

That wasn't because of minimum wage, it was because America actually had high paying jobs that didn't need education, mostly in manfacturing. We outsourced all of them so even if we raised minimum wage it wouldn't fix our problem. Minimum wage is not the problem or the solution, it's lack of productive jobs for non-college grads because we sent them all to China.

>> No.23252997
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I agree that the economy is fucked. Our grandfathers raised entire families on one income with a high school diploma. That shit is impossible now and is evidence of a serious decline in American quality of life. However, the image in the OP is retarded. Minimum wage is should provide for the minimum lifestyle. That doesn't mean having your own 2 bedroom apartment in the big city. It doesn't mean having a new car, or eating out. It means living with your parents or renting a room in someone else's house. It means taking the bus, or riding a shitty moped. It means having a crappy flip phone on boost mobile, not the latest iphone with Verizon. That shitty lifestyle should motivate you to improve yourself to earn more than minimum wage, or at least to take on more responsibility at whatever you are doing.

>> No.23253199

This. And guess what, you can still afford a house and raising a family in trades. You can work for att laying electrical lines and get paid 40/hr + time and a half overtime plus health insurance. You can be a welder and clear 80k a year. Work a trade in manufacturing and learn to operate a mill and lathe and you will put your kids through college without them needing to take out loans. You can work construction and live a modest but satisfying middle class life. All of these opportunities are still available and are the reason why so many people try to come to the US - because those opportunities dont exist in other countries. Go to south america and see how the electricians for the powerline companies live and compare it to the standard of life of an American counterpart. Go to Guatemala and ask the truckers how much they clear a year vs what truckers make here. Is it harder and does inflation make thing worse of course, but claiming the opportunities are no longer there is an absolute lie.

>> No.23253319

Two spinal injuries and full body neuropathy. It literally hurts to live. I can paralyze myself for a day by standing long enough to scramble an egg in the kitchen.

>> No.23253334
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>> No.23253336

No. Min wage was set up to protect labor from post depression era and back then all the way up to 2009, a single min wage earner could support a family of 3 above the poverty line. Youve straight up injected the koolaid.

>> No.23253408

To bad America got jewed into thinking trade = slave labor. High School teachers actively demonize trades. I remember my spanish teacher calling plumbers and electricians losers meanwhile he was making $15 an hour after going to Yale. I went to private school so they paid him like nothing.

He was gay too so he deserved to get cucked.

>> No.23253435

I do but I have to hide my shitcoin wealth because they would kick me out if they knew I'm just so fucking cheap.

>> No.23253464

Yes, full time wagie with a uni degree too. Too expensive to move out.
WFH has me back to being a proper neet

>> No.23253474

Adjusted for inflation, minimum wage had never gone above like $9.00 an hour in 2020 money so that's just complete bullshit.

>> No.23253480

God fucking help you if you live in the GTA. It has to be the most cucked NEETed place in the entire western world.

>> No.23253563

My dad's been welding for 20 years and only just started making 75k. Hes done specialty stuff, and done lots of job hopping for pay increases too. Just saying.

>> No.23253672
File: 12 KB, 597x510, 1519621285814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average minimum wage in 1956: $1.00 an hour
>Average cost of a new house in 1956: $11.700-22,000
>tfw if you worked for 2 years, lived with your parents, and saved all of your money, you could afford the down payment on a house in the 1950's.
If this doesn't piss you off, then something is wrong with you

>> No.23253736

Fuck dude I also have a spine injury but not as bad as that best of luck.
Absolutely this. Zoomies think having a degree in radical feminist interpretative dance makes them better than a tradesman then complain because they cant afford the lifestyle sitcoms promised them.
Not claiming every joe welder is making the same as an underwater welder, but with a bit of financial discipline any welder can make a descent life for himself and his family which isnt the case in the rest of the world. I know guys that have a tow truck company and they make a lot more money than my parents with PhDs in humanities.
>single min wage earner could support a family of 3 above the poverty line.
Post proof or gtfo with your lies. supporting a family of 3 by serving fries in mcdonalds has literally never happened.
If you work 40hrs a week, save all your money and dont have any living expenses you can still put a down payment on a house in many parts of the country. Oh im sorry you want a modern loft in manhattan on your barista salary and dont want to live where housing is cheap

>> No.23253764

Yes and I fucking HATE it. My dad is out of work and is a dumb, retarded and useless fucker who does nothing all day. Him and my mother are always bickering about the most trivial shit and it drives me fucking crazy. Gonna move out before EOY before I neck myself.

>> No.23253798

>I'll just put a down payment on a house somewhere in the middle of nowhere, where there is no manufacturing industry or stable employment.

>> No.23253835

It takes 20 years to become top of your game in any kind of fabrication roll

>> No.23253838

My grandfather built his own houses. Moved across the country, built another. And then another.

I wonder if that's economical, relative to buying one. Including materials and learning time/permits/all that bullshit.

>> No.23253844

yes and collecting government stimulus from canada, just bought btc and eth kek

>> No.23253846


Look at this faggot boomer. "Put your kids through college". Yeah lets send your daughter back to college for $50k per year so she can get pummeled by Jamal and Tyrone a few times a week. Then get radicalized by Shlomo Shekelsberg on marxist lives matter.

>> No.23253861

Yes, also I have over $2M in LINK. Why move out?

>> No.23253895

I got hit by a car on the motorway when I was riding my motorbike at the beggining of last month. I’m learning to walk again but I can only stand for a few mins each day. It fucking sucks

>> No.23253914

Thanks. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.23253922
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1586800946367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hopefully Trump will win in November so we can have four more years of trade war against the chinks and see hundreds of thousands more well paying low skill manufacturing jobs return to our shores.
Wait.... are you saying the higher your skills, the higher your pay? But what if you too much of a lazy, unmotivated fuck to learn new skills or gain experience? Those people won't make $75k/yr!

This is exactly what I'm trying to do my future kids. This is what everyone should aspire to.

>> No.23253932

I have a spine injury myself. The only thing that stops the pain is marijuana unironically

>> No.23253938

Section 8 housing nigger

>> No.23253959

Been there. Had my card for a year but recently let it lapse. Doesn't play nice with 2A laws. Fucked up situation.

>> No.23253963

>Min wage in 2020: $7.25
>Avg home costs today: $280,000
>2 years of saving 100% of income at 40 hours a week: $30,000
>30k is a 10% downpayment

Nigger you are so stupid it's literally the same thing today.

>> No.23253991

This and dihydrocodeine

>> No.23254050
File: 469 KB, 1078x1208, Shutthefuckupboomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeeee why cant I afford a house in downtown san francisco on my minum wage salary serving coffee is a unique and special skill that is in high demand this isnt fair I need to live in an lgqbt friendly environment where I can buy my estrogen pills and ethically sourced s0i milk at the corner store reeeeeeee I bet drumpf did this raise the minimum wage to $50 now!
Have you tried applying to be a democrat meme maker? I hear they pay more than minimum

>> No.23254071

You forgot the part where your dad has ptsd from ww2 and gets drunk and beats the shit out of you, your mother and 6 siblings every day after a hard day at the ink factory.

>> No.23254089


>> No.23254100

You sound mad anon everything ok?

>> No.23254104


>> No.23254115

You got fucking told by this anon >>23253963 now go sit on a corner and think about your stupidity

>> No.23254141


>> No.23254158

Not really, but ok. The average minimum wage is $7.25 an hour and the average cost of a new home is 320k. If you managed to save all of that money, it would take you 6 years to make the down payment. Kys m/k u/ltra bot.

>> No.23254181

It will get even better whenever the dems win and open up the borders for 50 million third worlders

>> No.23254193

im really starting to doubt the efficient market hypothesis desu. i feel like at this point a planned economy run by dozens of autistis who are beheaded if the people complain and a super AI would do a better job. how is it that homes 500 grand, and yet we are churning out psychologists, meme biologists, communications majors, like WTF. we need people to build homes. college needs to be regulated and treated like a business where if they dont produce returns to (you) the shareholders, they get fucked

>> No.23254209
File: 6 KB, 162x250, 1594602665543s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a similar thing. My parents (largely funded the inheritance my grandma left them) helped me with a downpayment for my house. Part of the agreement was I had to show them all my accounts. I gave them all my bank statements, 401K balance, and told them about the gold and silver I had saved up. I conveniently left out the 30K LINK stack I had, which was roughly $70K at the time. Had I told them about it, they would have told me to cash out or they would have never agreed to the deal in the first place. It sucks that I've got significantly less in savings and have a (((mortgage))) but I've been enjoying my freedom and my LINK stack is over 4x what it was about 15 months ago. Chainlink is the only shot I've realistically got of making it in this fucked world boomers left us and I sure as shit wasn't going to throw it away to be a debt slave to some kike.

>> No.23254278
File: 2 KB, 125x82, 1542834436289s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again re-read the other anons post you got fucking told and proven wrong. Do you think boomers working minimum wage were as picky about where they bought their houses as you? If you want to live in democrat run big cities with ultra high taxes and where housing is expensive because demand is much higger than supply then get a real job faggot
>I conveniently left out the 30K LINK stack I had
Based, but I hope you take care of your parents when you make it. Thats one of my goals it would make me really happy to be able to say "hey mom thanks for everything you've done, you can take a break now I got this". One day anon one day

>> No.23254303

>doesnt know how much a down payment is
>can't do math either

Even if it was 320k and you were working 40hr/w at $7.25 it would be like 2 years and a couple of months to save. You are a dumb stupid gorilla nigger. If you were really working minimum wage you would pay 10% down payment because you're dumb and poor.

The median income of a 25-year-old is 38k. If they can be a non-retard they could easily put 1k a month towards a mortgage and be ready in 2 and a half years while not having to save 100% of their income. To bad 25-year-olds took out loans they couldn't pay back because they chose jobs that had no market so they will forever have a negative net worth.

>> No.23254319

Your grandfather bought land in a time where it was significantly cheaper and zoning laws were most likely not in effect. If you tried doing that now, even on land zoned for residential use and you'd pay significantly more for the same plot of land, proffers to your local jurisdiction, utilities to the property, code compliance, materials, labor, insurance, taxes, etc. The only way you could realistically do it now is was if you built a property out in a rural fucking area and even then it would still cost a significant amount of money.

>> No.23254364

Why do they need a two bedroom apartment if it's just them.

>> No.23254414

I just want a smaller house in an area where I dont have to worry so much about my car getting stolen or something. Living with my folks, I should be able to have the down payment in about a year or so, but I'm busting my ass and trying to get a better position at work that pays more than minimum wage in my state.

>> No.23254434

Niggers can't keep their spending under control and think that just because they were born means they are entitled to be alive.

>> No.23254495

Yes, and I'm a Link general.

>> No.23254515

I know what you're saying, and I agree, but
>Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness

>> No.23254538

what use is there in posting like this? Jesus get back to us when YOU DO accomplish this not this sweat pledge garbage

>> No.23254594
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I absolutely will. My sister is a coalburner in Australia and my other sister moved to NYC to live a bugman life. They've always been lazy when it comes to household responsibilities and family commitments. There's a 0% chance of them ever doing anything that would give the slightest bit of inconvenience to their lives. If it were up to them, they'd throw them in a nursing home and leave them to rot once they got to an age when they started losing their mental or physical abilities. The idea of doing that is completely selfish and disrespectful in my eyes and I wouldn't let that happen given all that they've done for me. I plan on fucking off to pic related once I make it and at the very least, I'll build them a guest house on my property so they can have their independence, but be close enough I can check in on them and provide them the proper care in their old age.

>> No.23254619

>unalienable rights

Anything that can be taken away is not an inalienable right. Life isn't a right because I can kill you, liberty isn't either because I can just oppress you, etc. They're ideals sure but this bitch of a world doesn't care about our ideals sadly. I wish that everyone could have all their needs and wants met but scarcity will always be a thing.

>> No.23254655

>Down payment
You could buy the entire house with 100% of your income in the 50s

>> No.23254772

Women are basically incapable of original thought or even learning from anything except direct links such as vision
>be women see black men get voting rights
>make all the same, although non applicable arguments

>> No.23254809

The average income (inflation-adjusted) in 1958 today is 33k in comparison of 44k in 2020. The main problem is that houses got expensive as fuck because people and investors started buying houses as investments instead of just places to live, which causes housing prices to increase drastically. Also, since more people live in cities today, more houses are in cities on expensive land, which raises average housing prices today. Basically, increased housing prices are completely man-made due to population density and decreased supply.

>> No.23254945
File: 59 KB, 320x240, Murica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically shitting on the Declaration of Independence and American ideals
kys you half-assed monarchist, I'd rather have an "illegal" here who believes in our country's potential than your defeatist carcass. Just because our politicians have fucked us over and strayed from our founding ideals doesn't mean our founding ideals were wrong.

>> No.23255037

Boomers didn’t fuck it up for us. Going off the gold standard fucked it up for us

>> No.23255069

Manipulated and criminally suppressed interest rates and no gold standard anymore is what fucked us. It’s all inflation. That’s it.

“In the absence of a gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value.” - Alan Greenspan (1966)

>> No.23255082

I wasn't shitting on them, I was just saying it's idealistic but not realistic. America is amazing and made me a multi-millionaire but you can't ignore some of the problems we have.

Poorfags literately have blinders on and work their lives away to shnoseberg and our educational system is perpetuating a cycle of eternal debt so that they can never experience the American ideals.

>> No.23255095

Absolutely based, you are gonna make it anon.

>> No.23255096

Minimum wage fag here. Renting out 2 bedroom house for $900 a month in southern california, can definitely afford it.

>> No.23255390

>The main problem is that houses got expensive as fuck because people and investors started buying houses as investments instead of just places to live
This, but no one has the balls to tell boomers their dreams of selling a home for half a million dollars to pay for a retirement is complete bullshit. Honestly don't even know the solution at this since the precedent has been set and other generations are gonna want to do the same shit.

>> No.23255499

What goes unsaid is that the dollar used to be backed by gold and silver. A minimum wage of $1.00 isn't so bad when two half dollars, four quarters, or ten dimes are each worth $17.43 today.

>> No.23255548
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What's really fucked up is that studios aren't half the cost of 2-beds.

>900 dollars for a studio
>1200 for two beds

I'd be better off just fucking getting a roommate to spit the 600 dollar cost.

>> No.23255550

Just kill yourself you worthless old fuck.

>> No.23255559

God I can only imagine what it would have been like to invest when the dollar was backed by gold and bonds returned 5-7% simple interest.

>> No.23255568


>> No.23255856

Phone posting here so replying to you all isn't working. Look into acupuncture. I had terrible nerve pain caused by a botched surgery and I have scoliosis. Doctors were going to implant electric nerve stimulators into my spine. Fuck that. In a last act of desperation I went in for acupuncture. It saved my life bc I couldn't live with the pain anymore

>> No.23255941

Kek im at most probably 10 years older than you. Tell me what part of my post triggered you? The part where I tell you that in no country in the world can you afford a house and family for doing minimum wage menial labor?

>> No.23255979

You’d now be shitting in your diapers and permanently contracted in fetal position while shaniqua digs through your gifts to see if there’s any cash cuz that last occurred in the 30s

>> No.23256052

Can vouch for accupuncture cause Ive used it for years, but never for something as serious as a botched surgery. Can you give me more detail on your condition what caused it etc and your treatment? What type of acupuncture was it and how many sessions etc I myself am still
recovering from a back surgery.
Curious have any of you seen the documentary "the money masters - rise of the bankers" seems redpilled as fuck and it mentions how returning to a gold standard wouldnt be the solution people imagine it to be since gold is still owned and manipulated by bankers. Curious what your thoughts are if any anon has seen it the stuff it covers should be mandatory subjects in every school in America.
This was meant for this fag

>> No.23256088

What job/career do you have? Did you get help along the way?

>> No.23256145

You first anon. Curious where you got the idea that you somehow society owes you a home and the means to raise a family for serving burgers.

>> No.23256196

Stupid old faggot answer my question. I never said anyone owed me anything. I just hate arrogant old pricks like yourself. You were more than likely born into a family who coddled you.

>> No.23256226
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>> No.23256235

he got it from the TV and draft-dodging democrat teachers and professors who don't understand economics. sad they outnumber us, and we're going to try communism again. venezuela/argentina-tier collapse here we come, god bless america lmao.

>> No.23256278

Never went to college, didn't want the debt. I'm in the top 1% of net worth for my age and I have a GED, if I wanted to buy a home now I could. My whole exsistance is purely to mog on faggots like yourselves who think college and hardwork means anything in this here clownworld.

>> No.23256285

Serendipitous. I just had a doctor recommend looking into it today. I suppose I should. Nothing else really helps long-term.

>> No.23256317

I want my generation to suffer with mental illness and kill themselves in their parents' home. Fucking glad this is happening

>> No.23256328

How did you end up with your injuries anon?

>> No.23256355

My parents LIVE WITH ME and they don't care about BoringDAO. REEEEE.

>> No.23256387
File: 60 KB, 382x640, 1601829889534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a deep breath anon are you angry because its your dilation time and your gaping crotch wound hurts? I really want to know who lied to you and told you that minimum wage jobs should let you coast through life and raise a family.

By the way im under 30, and when I was 11 I lived with 4 siblings and a single mom in a tiny apartment and we got several pieces of our furniture like our sofa and tables out of garbage dumps. My mom could only afford $20 shoes from payless every 5 months and since I was a skateboarder I shredded them so I had to repair them with duct tape and hot glue and wear them to school. Now go ahead and call me a rich boomer faggot just because Im smarter than you and have to point out that at no point in any society in history have minimum wage jobs been supposed to make you a bread winner home owner.

>> No.23256396

I had a genetic predisposition for scoliosis and kyphosis. Then in middle school I got sent to the niggest of nighives, literally in the middle of a ghetto where police wouldn't go. The school was falling apart and had 4 times as many students as it had been built to accommodate, so there weren't enough lockers for everyone, and this was before laptops were just part of the educational provision. So you had to carry all your books for every period on you plus all your other supplies.

tl;dr I ended up carrying a backpack that weighed most of what I did for years, which eventually ground out the support for a disk.

>> No.23256455

Your dad left because all of you were insufferable faggots.

>> No.23256491
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Sounds pretty gay. Sorry you are going through that, I hope you make it so you can afford some badass stem cell treatment or some shit.

>> No.23256530
File: 67 KB, 540x564, 1584708823344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah what a great comeback! You were triggered by my post and thought I was a" privileged boomer" and when I proved you wrong you had to insult my family because your little ego couldnt take it. Real class act

>> No.23256633
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>> No.23256637

>be the year 1968
>first boomers are in their 20s
>minimum wage $1.60 ($12.00 for 2019)
>median house costs $20,100
>annualized on 40hr weeks boomers make $3,328 which is 16.55% of the cost of median house
fast forward to 2020
>minimum wage $7.25
>median house is 320,000
>annualized min wage earners make $15,080 which is 4.71% of the cost of the median house
1yr and 2.5 month salary was 20% down-payment for boomers. current day its 4 years and 3 months.

>> No.23256690

Based median salary calculating anon.

>> No.23256749

>deflecting, not answering questions, using personal attacks when you dont have logical arguments, being proven wrong but never admitting it, boasting you are better than your peers

I get it you're a kike your posts make much more sense now.
Refer to

Still waiting for your explanation on why you think society owes you a 2 bedroom house and the ability to feed a family for having an entry level mcdonalds job alongside 14 year olds. Are you one of those leftist retards that thinks campaigning for a $15/hr minimum wage is gonna solve your problems?

>> No.23256966

Read any of my pasts posts and you'll see the I litteratly said people dont deserve to live just because they were born.

>> No.23256967

Minimum wage in chicago is 12 dollars. And if you live in like the ghettoest most dangerous neighborhood ypu could probably get a 2 bedroom for about 800. So it is kinda possible

>> No.23257004

I also explained why raising minimum wage doesn't fix the problem. Your a nigger.

>> No.23257013

>Minimum wage wasn't made to support a family
it literally was as per FDR

>> No.23257039

The second part of my post was meant that for this
>>23256278 anon I replied to in the same post the little fag sperg that gets triggered easily then boasts about being in the top 1% of earners for his age groups or something.

My only reply to you was linking the other anons post where he explains why its not enough to just calculate the median income/house prices in different years without accounting for other factors like increased demand in cities and real estate as an speculation asset, sorry for the confusion from my poor formatting im phone posting

>> No.23257068

Oh my bad bro. I didn't mean to call you a nigger too.

>> No.23257071

imagine being so retarded as to think that you can just mandate money to people and the economy will still work. havent you retards ever bothered to look around the world at the state of countries that try/have tried/are trying this socialist bs and see what it does to them lmao? ffs dude, dont drag the rest of us down with you, just move to one of the countries that already does this.

>> No.23257103

Just let them squander in their own filth. While they bitch, accumulate wealth and have them wondering why the wealth gap keeps getting larger.

>> No.23257107

Its ok its hiroshimoots fault I have a VPN running on my pc and I havent found a working vpn for shitposting here in a while so I have to phonepost while sitting in front of my pc reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.23257145

yup. I have a decent paying job and live with my parents due to student loans

I am almost certain I will never be able to pay back my student loans, even if I put 50%+ of my monthly paycheck into paying them off. Not sure what the plan is, but living at home helps.

>> No.23257170

Private loans? What interest rate and what did you study?

>> No.23257196

Nice bait, too bad you get 500's yous u were looking for