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File: 126 KB, 992x661, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23252890 No.23252890 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23253018

Can you elaborate?

>> No.23253037

Republicans don't chimp out when they lose, Dems don't care enough to chimp out this time around they've been doing it all year

>> No.23253038

Oh the election. Dude on the west coast at this point is going crazy

>> No.23253064

I'm going to make large donations to the ADL, Antifa, and BLM.

>> No.23253075

Nobody's gonna do anything. Elites are bluffing, they don't want US decline. They're still very invested in US economic success.

If Trump loses, I could see his cringey followers try something, but Trump himself would probably prefer to strike a deal and avoid prosecution.

>> No.23253077

I don't need a gun for 2nd ACW, I can defend my home with a spear

>> No.23253084

I only have $200 but I'm not sure what to buy.

>> No.23253116

shiet nibba u alrey no if orange peel win wez guna loot da local target nd fite da oppreshun mayne shiet

>> No.23253122
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Looking from the outside the antifa left are weak faggots no match for the gun loving american.

>> No.23253121

Portland might but honestly i hate both sides in portland. The west coast is the least American Americans

>> No.23253243

By that time, I'll be deep in PlotX and my savings will be secured.

>> No.23253275
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>> No.23253351

Pretty sure they have a better k:d ratio so far, trumpcuck.

>> No.23253360


>while camping in the middle of their inner cities and hiding behind liberal DA's

>> No.23253606
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Hmm, that shirt looks familiar

>> No.23253785


>> No.23254166

came here to post this. op is sergey.

>> No.23254623

I live inna woods so Antifa is non-existent here but the militia types could be a problem if they start going through opiate and meth withdrawal. Fortunately all I have to do is go up the stairs because most of them look too fat manage a staircase.

>> No.23255784

There won’t be a civil war just a bunch of cianiggers and paid globalist shills getting dragged out of their homes and executed in front of their families

>> No.23255819

Trump winning would maintain the status quo, and Democrats love that shit.

>> No.23255836

Not a damn thing because nothing ya going to happen

>> No.23255850

Dumbest picture I've seen all year. Most civilians have ar 15s as well.

>> No.23255865

Dude, what's wrong with you

>> No.23255899


The Mint: https://mint.xbtc.fi/

Medium: https://medium.com/@Social.Capital/xbtc-rewarding-long-term-holding-167970ee5950

>> No.23255900

meanwhile the US has been in afghanistan for 19 years.

>> No.23255917
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M-me have 2 link. A-am I gonna make it, poh?

>> No.23255991
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I'll just tell them that I'm on their side.

>> No.23256017

>civil war
imagine believing this

>> No.23256022
File: 3 KB, 125x124, 1602513326630s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making shirts that say "not my president" and market them to the losing side

>> No.23256028


((([[[{{{they/them/it}}}]]]))) have set it up so that a majority of americans run out of money completely come November 1st. Trump will win on election night but Biden will get more votes as the mail in ballots get counted and there will be a contested election. Trump will declare victory from the white house, Biden will declare victory from the capitol building, theyll make a huge fuss about the country falling apart, and the political fanatics who have been preparing will suddenly have giant swaths of normally apolitical people who find themselves hungry and homeless, at which point we'll get armed militias fighting in the streets of some major american cities.

>> No.23256036


>> No.23256066

Nothing ever happens you stupid nigger.

>> No.23256070

make "her turn" as well to capitalise off nostalgia.

>> No.23256251

Lol if there was a civil war it would be over in 2 hours. Amerifats won't do shit.

>> No.23256413

>Republicans don't chimp out when they lose
Yes they do, both parties are overrun by gorilla iq niggers

>> No.23256735


>> No.23256788

>civil war
The obese fucks in your picture couldn't even run a mile in less than half an hour, let alone fight in a war. You're either delusional, or FUDing to drive up the price of your lead stacks.

>> No.23256860

you people also said that in the pol CVG threads. and checked.

>> No.23256886

By working for a UK company. Too fucking cozy.

>> No.23256983
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>> No.23257119

Back to pol. We don't care about savings. The average biztard is trying to profit more tomorrow than they have saved today. .

>> No.23257195

Republicans have suddenly turned into pussies this year and people are leaving the camp fast. If they lose now and start getting hostile, the party might even get disbanded from the inside.

>> No.23257745
File: 644 KB, 913x514, Eco EFG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, but it has to do with Asia, really. Ecochain / EFG?

>> No.23257795


Nothing ever happens
Nothing happens at all
The needle returns
To the start of the song
And we all sing along like before
And we'll all be lonely tonight
And lonely tomorrow

>> No.23258123

basically this^. the GOP had a chance to take the reigns as a full-on nationalist party and dominate middle america, and the crucial midwest, well into the future. instead they resisted Trump at every turn, and are about to get wiped out. Trump is not dragging the party down, the party is dragging him down, and i fear for the future under complete democrat-communist rule.

>> No.23258393

>Yes they do
lel, when have republicans chimped in recent memory?

>> No.23258404
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>We need guns to overthrow the government when its bad
Right-wing propaganda: Buy the rumor, sell the news

>> No.23258413
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fucking lmao this never fails to crack me up

>> No.23258430

Hmm... Usually I have never given much credence to the ideas of an American collapse or apocalypse. It's different this time though. It's palpable. It's in the air. The zeitgeist is telling me that something big is going to happen and soon. What a shame. And I just wanted to live a quiet, peaceful life.

>> No.23258457
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The ones going to the hairdresser even though it's forbidden during lockdown, are the same ones who enforced the lockdown.

>> No.23258504
File: 1.04 MB, 2184x2810, NINTCHDBPICT000453604234-e1543852310346 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden will win, stocks will dip and there will be a mass shooting or two, but we'll be fine.

>> No.23258528
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>> No.23258549
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/biz/ related

>> No.23258551

>Like 5 out of the 25 Trumptards wearing masks
>Literally every single protestor is wearing a mask
What did he mean by this

>> No.23258555

It seems there will be a happening but only if Trump wins. Right wingers tend to accept election results. People on the left tend to be more reactionary and are prone to escalation.

>> No.23258568

Masks don't do shit when you are rubbing elbows with people dummy. You might as well be licking them at that point.

>> No.23258571
File: 928 KB, 2070x964, fauci february 18 risk low no mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23258578

It's transmitted via airborne droplets, not skin-to-skin contact. Nice try chud

>> No.23258579
File: 348 KB, 592x760, masks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're wearing masks so they can't be identified when they're looting and assaulting later on. I doubt white Trump voters are responsible for pic related. Also you're ignoring the other rules you leftoids rant about so much that aren't being followed in the BLM picture.
>not social distancing
>not keeping roads clear for healthcare workers
>not staying home

>> No.23258586


>> No.23258587

>They're wearing masks so they can't be identified
Conspiracy nonsense.

>> No.23258588

>not skin-to-skin contact
There's a reason they keep telling you to wash and use alcohol gel on your hands, and to "shake elbows" instead of hands.

>> No.23258594

Violent rioters and looters have been covering their faces since long before the rona, boyo.

>> No.23258601
File: 62 KB, 679x501, 754503F0-C00A-46C8-8932-45949EE89DD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards btfo

>> No.23258608

>It's transmitted via airborne droplets, not skin-to-skin contact. Nice try chud

>> No.23258632

Cool but what he said is still conspiracy. No indication that that's why they were wearing the mask and Occam's Razor says they ARE wearing it because of the rona, buckaroo.

>> No.23258641

Lot of /pol/ incels in here. Gonna have to grow up one day kiddos

>> No.23258647


>> No.23258666
File: 747 KB, 2048x1367, merlin_159394380_8ef29e27-ed5f-4b5a-b061-290b09989d59-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool but what he said is still conspiracy.
It's really not.
Violent rioters and looters have always covered their faces. Antifa especially.
See pic from 2019.

Also, about half of the "protesters" in that pic are wearing rags in front of their faces, not masks.

>> No.23258700

>Can't tell the difference between a bunch of random people in normal attire picketing and a bunch of people dressed in black full-face-covering masks and protective gear locked arm-to-arm forming a blockade


>> No.23258725

Deal with it.

And don't forget that about half of the leftie protesters here: >>23258528
are wearing rags, not masks.

>> No.23258733

>There's a reason they keep telling you to wash and use alcohol gel on your hands
Yes, it's to get rid of germs that may have been spread via face-hand-surface-hand-face contact. Has nothing to do with mask wearing whatsoever.

>> No.23258744

Makeshift masks are better than no mask. Still a barrier for droplets to get through.

>> No.23258745

>imagine believing this
Yeah well no one expected the violent and bloody "workers revolutions" in Russia, China, Cambodia, etc. But that's the point, that's how professional subversion tactics work. And they've been infiltrating your universities and power structures for decades now. You won't realize it until it's too late.
Keep laughing but it's coming to america sooner or later - not saying their going to succeed but there will be blood on the streets

>> No.23258765

Too bad they didn't rush upstair and throw them by the window

>> No.23258777

>Still a barrier for droplets to get through.
You can get it by touching surfaces its been on brainlet. In hospitals they wear full suits when dealing with people.

>> No.23258778

Why do you choose to believe this grand conspiracy nonsense instead of the simpler explanation that anti-capitalism sentiment is developing organically? You're making the assumption that there's an organized effort to spread commie ideas driven by some sophisticated, grand scheme. I think that mentality is driven by the media, wherein there's always some bad guy causing all the problems who can simply be defeated, and the harsh reality that it's a more deep-rooted problem is just too tough a pill for you to swallow.

>> No.23258784 [DELETED] 

>I just want a haircut
Nice strawman faggot

>> No.23258796

>You just want a haircut!
Nice strawman faggot

>> No.23258799

It doesn't pierce the skin though dumbass, lmao. Here let me walk you through it:

>put on mask
>go to protest
>rub elbows, asses, titties, etc. with fellow protestors
>get home, take off mask
>wash hands

Wooow, who knew saving grandma and grandpa could be that easy?

>> No.23258811

>Yes, it's to get rid of germs that may have been spread via face-hand-surface-hand-face contact. Has nothing to do with mask wearing whatsoever.
The fuck are you blabbering about.
The virus can very much be spread through skin contact. Hence the measures regarding your hands.

>Makeshift masks are better than no mask
They're really not.
You get all the drawbacks of a mask (virus possibly accumulating in the fabric, false sense of security) and none of the benefits.

>> No.23258830


Well, probably Drumpf supporting scum deserves to be eliminated, along with non-binary gender extreme left scum.

t. centrist

>> No.23258840

Based and SPQR pilled

>> No.23258841
File: 15 KB, 348x275, kremit dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is the biggest fight that will happen

>> No.23258847

>grand conspiracy
It's not a "conspiracy" though. I don't what kind of a person denies that US universities have turned into breeding grounds for radical leftist ideology?

>anti-capitalism sentiment
Yet all the huge faceless corporations openly support and back all these "totally organic anti-capitalist" movements. Really makes you think, huh?
But I agree, the issues are deep-rooted and there are multiple factors at play

>> No.23258850

You can make a flamethrower with propane bottle and some basic steel tubes from Home Depot.

>> No.23258858

>I don't what kind of a person denies that US universities have turned into breeding grounds for radical leftist ideology?
Nobody, really.
Normies are fully aware of it. Normie pied piper Joe Rogan talks about it constantly.

>> No.23258859


unironically this

>> No.23258880

>They're really not.
They really are. Once again, the right fails to grasp nuance.
Depending on the fabric they can filter up to 79% of particles. Last I checked, 79 is greater than 0. Not that it matters because the average person will obviously believe some sort of makeshift mask is better than none at all, which is the bottom line since my point is that their mask wearing is driven by Coronavirus concerns.

>> No.23258936

>79% of particles
The article clearly states these are the best possible ones out of the makeshift masks, the ones with two layers of dense cotton fabric.

The article also has an entire section called "not a substitute for social distancing".

>> No.23258937

>I don't what kind of a person denies that US universities have turned into breeding grounds for radical leftist ideology?
I didn't deny that, I just said I don't buy that it's some top-down Machiavellian scheme hatched by a cabal of subverters. Rather, the type of people who want to teach young adults higher ideas are more likely to hold leftist ideas.

Pretty sure it's not actually a widespread thing either, it's mostly just the big unis. I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna get that experience if I go to Arizona State University, for example.

>Yet all the huge faceless corporations openly support and back all these "totally organic anti-capitalist" movements. Really makes you think, huh?
No not really, corporations go where the contemporary culture goes because that's good marketing strategy. Well, except when it isn't, i.e. the infamous Gilette ad.

>> No.23258951

>Pretty sure it's not actually a widespread thing either, it's mostly just the big unis.
lel no
It's everywhere, including small colleges (does Evergreen college ring any bells?)

>> No.23258957

>The article also has an entire section called "not a substitute for social distancing".
All you're proving here is that these protestors aren't following guidelines though, you aren't actually proving that they're wearing masks to hide their identities. You can follow some guidelines while ignoring others, you know. Even if it is retarded to do so.

>> No.23258975

>All you're proving here is that these protestors aren't following guidelines though
You don't say.

>you aren't actually proving that they're wearing masks to hide their identities
Rioters and looters hiding their faces has been standard practice since forever.

>> No.23259008

Because Frankfurt school marxism is rampant through your educational system, it stops being a 'conspiracy' (term used to ridicule and shame) when its something you can perceive yourself

>> No.23259013

>lel no
>It's everywhere, including small colleges (does Evergreen college ring any bells?)
Evergreen is a liberal arts college in Washington, that really isn't a compelling example, lol.
I didn't go to college so I honestly don't know. I just find it hard to believe some red state like mine (AZ) where every twenty feet is a Trump sign is gonna have communist subversion campaigns ongoing in its colleges. Maybe I'll ask my sister and niece if they experienced any of that when they went.

>> No.23259047
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, poster_2ad71d7adde74deaae7b9449e34ab7c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evergreen is a liberal arts college in Washington, that really isn't a compelling example, lol.
It's a small college, and the Marxist doctrine runs rampant in it.

>I just find it hard to believe some red state like mine (AZ) where every twenty feet is a Trump sign is gonna have communist subversion campaigns ongoing in its colleges.
Pic related.

>> No.23259064

Eurofag here. Just buy gold or a ledger with some shitcoin that'll survive the economic disaster that follows an american civil war (not sure if this exists).

>> No.23259073

>Pic related.
Pic related has nothing indicating kids are being taught marxist ideas in colleges, why did you even post it

>> No.23259081

>not Marxist

oh boy

>> No.23259091

we doing bag limits on libs or just first come first serve? thinking ahead we'll need cages or something to keep them in for breeding purposes.

>> No.23259102


>> No.23259133

How can you be so thick. I hope you're trolling.

>> No.23259136


>> No.23259141

And I kept trying to post the pics from this, but 4channel won't let me: https://eu.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe-breaking/2020/08/30/least-100-attend-asu-students-protest-tempe/5675434002/

These ASU students are carrying openly seditious signs that spout openly seditious neomarxist propaganda like "defund the police" on campus, and ASU won't suspend them.

Without having experienced neomarxist propaganda being spread by ASU teachers myself, this is a very clear indication that ASU policy at the very least condones neomarxist propaganda.

>> No.23259173
File: 158 KB, 1694x1290, political violence in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.23259185

Again, you fail to explain how it is that it's a grand conspiracy rather than the simple explanation of
>Black guy gets killed (or any other bad event involving a black)
>Media covers story
>People take to the streets in outrage
Why do you choose to believe there's some evil puppeteer manipulating the situation from on high. Why. Is it perhaps because you haven't taken your antipsychotic medications today, sweeties?

>> No.23259190

Dem violence:
>non-stop rioting, burning, looting, killing countrywide for four years

Repub violence:
>sitting in lawn chairs (tea party) and small-scale minor confrontations in response to constant far-left violence (proud boys)


>> No.23259193

>hatched by a cabal of subverters
You try to make it sound like a ludacris idea when it's not. Just look at the subversion tactics used by the soviet union for example - this is exactly how you do it, subverting universities is key.
>Rather, the type of people who want to teach young adults higher ideas are more likely to hold leftist ideas.
Well it may seem like it when anyone openly criticizing these leftist ideologies is fired or not hired. This is an important tactic in gaining power over academia - only hire people who think "correctly". This was also used in the soviet union.

>corporations go where the contemporary culture goes because that's good marketing strategy
I disagree. I'd argue that mainstram culture goes where corporations want it to go (at least in the US). Corporations tell consumers what they want, what they need, and what to think. Also, these large corporations are in the business of social engineering - Google, Amazon, Facebook - all of them want to shape our societies in one way or another and they sure as hell are not lacking the power and resources to do that.

>> No.23259220

>Black guy gets killed (or any other bad event involving a black)
You're forgetting one element: the black guy has to be killed by a white cop.
Tens of thousands of black guys get killed by other black guys every year, but the press only cares about the dozen or so unarmed black people killed by (white) cops every year.

>Why do you choose to believe there's some evil puppeteer manipulating the situation from on high.
I'm not necessarily saying that.

But it is very obvious to see how the media keeps pushing for violence, and keeps peddling lies about Trump for instance.
They obviously seem to be in cahoots with whoever rules the neocon/neolib establishment.

>> No.23259221
File: 58 KB, 626x602, [looking into it intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but the l-left are hypocr-crites
Wake up retards. Those trannies know they're liars and deceivers, they don't care when you point it out.
>The point here is that all conventional strategies designed to move White dissident thought from the fringe to the mainstream may be doomed to failure because they neglect the fact we aren’t even on the same spectrum of political possibility, or even within the same psychological framework. We are exiles, declared to be total anathema. To label something evil is to imply it is willfully engaged in the chaotic, unnatural, and sadistic. Evil implies an unregenerate irrationality as well as a complete detachment from morals. It also implies the willful infliction of suffering, and perhaps also a joy in it. Fighting from this position with appeals to things like IQ differences, crime rates, the data on police shootings of Blacks and Whites, or blandishments about the right of all peoples to self-determination, is probably entirely pointless.
>Ultimately, the mainstream narrative about White identity politics is based on unreason and outright falsehood. An edifice built so obviously on an emotive disdain for facts and objective reality will be entirely unmoved by rejoinders employing them. Accusations of Leftist hypocrisy are as ubiquitous as they are ineffective, because ultimately people on the Left, or Right for that matter, don’t really care about what is correct or incorrect, or at least don’t care enough to do something meaningful about it. What they do care about is what is “evil,” and if they can look good and get rich fighting it then all the better.
Imagine thinking there is still time for discussion

>> No.23259224

>I'd argue that mainstram culture goes where corporations want it to go (at least in the US).
Well it's actually both of course, like how bad breath wasn't a thing until Listering made it so. But why the fuck would corporations have an interest in supporting anti-capitalist sentiments? That's just retarded anon, don't be retarded.

>> No.23259269

>Tens of thousands of black guys get killed by other black guys every year, but the press only cares about the dozen or so unarmed black people killed by (white) cops every year.
You basically just said it yourself, of course they won't cover black-on-black murders. It's not news.

I don't even know where you're coming from with the idea that the media is pushing for real-world violence, that's nonsense to me. The media doesn't really lie about Trump either, they mostly quote him verbatim and then his supporters screech "He never said that!" or "It was sarcasm!"

>> No.23259360

You're a clueless zoomer, corporations support these groups but they selectively amplify their messages.
That's how they crushed Occupy Wall Street, they made it about non whites, trannies and the evil white middle class with progressive stacks instead of the (((bankers))).

They successfully made the left about identity politics, harnessing minorities to relentlessly attack the average white guy instead of focusing on the actual economics.
It's a perfect divide and conquer, literal slavers like Apple or Nike made "equality" about forcing white to kiss some ghetto nigger shoe because some worthmes ex con druggie died instead of actually addressing the economic impoverishment of the majority of the population over the last 50 years.

>> No.23259424

>I don't even know where you're coming from with the idea that the media is pushing for real-world violence, that's nonsense to me.
The fact that they keep pushing civil unrest with the "omg a WHITE cop shot an unarmed BLACK man!!!" race baiting riot fodder.
And the whole "hurr Trump is a racist nazi dictator" lying narrative.

How can you see the media do this and not notice that they're fomenting violence and unrest?

>> No.23259471
File: 412 KB, 1280x720, 817a61239516eb9b206e1ea100e9640b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a motorcycle, a sleeping bag, physical copies of all my favorite manga/h-manga under my bed, a gun, and an IPod full of music.
World can go ahead and burn at this point.
You may catch me sleeping under a tree beside a river in Algonquin park with a big smile on my face after society collapses. I'll be happy to share my freshly caught squirrel with you.
See you in the wasteland suckas

>> No.23259479

>But why the fuck would corporations have an interest in supporting anti-capitalist sentiments?
Well they do, but why indeed? Because corporations are cryptocommunists. Instead of having a totalitarian government that owns everything and everyone works for we would have a few totalitarian corporations that own everything (even the governments) and everyone works for.
Of course some leftists can see through this charade but most of the young people that get indoctrinated are nothing more than useful idiots (antifa for example) to these corporations and their goals. Orwell called this Oligarchical Collectivism, but in this case the oligarchs are the CEO's.

>> No.23259484

most democrats don't understand what they're supporting, because when they watch CNN/MSNBC it all seems to reasonable, and the evil white supreamacists must be behind everything that is wrong with the world. in reality, which is to say in middle america, we're terrified of democrats and their lemming mentality, which is why there will be violence eventually. the democrats legitimately believe they're doing the right thing/what's best, and they'll kill you to prove it.

>> No.23259507
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Thought this was funny
What kind of gun should I get anyways? I've got a few recommendations from /k/ already.

>> No.23259527

And cross out the Beretta 92FS, I've already got one off those.

>> No.23259542

don't buy a gun, sounds like you're a trump voter, and trumpers will be identified and disarmed after the biden-administration bans terrorists (trumpers) from owning guns. if you're not a trumper, you don't need a gun either, because guns arent going to protect you from a mob of violent trumpers that wont exist after biden has them all arrested.

>> No.23259640
File: 1.39 MB, 2048x1536, Leafs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Canadian
I want to get a lot of guns before I can't anymore

>> No.23259874

>The media doesn't really lie about Trump either
oh god

The very first thing they did when Trump announced his candidacy, was make him a racist for saying many illegal border crossers are bad people.

>> No.23260107

Very based post.

>> No.23260763

What are right wing militia?

>> No.23260783

Like what? The Proud Boys? Any others?
They barely lifted a finger compared to the far-left violence these past many years.

>> No.23261191

actually teenagers are killing antifa pedophiles in broad daylight and being praised for it

>> No.23261684

Welp, the open conflict will be extraordinarily brief. The left is packed full of useless fucking pussies so any short term damages will be offset by long term gains from shedding the weakest among us.

>> No.23261817

Go to work like I normally do.
Nothing ever changes as a ICBM tech. You just sit underground running through standard maintenance cycles on parts of missiles, so the other crew can put them back together and take another one apart for you to maintain. Unless nukes start flying my day doesn't change, 3 years in and we haven't fired a single one. Except Wednesday, that's grocery day when they have the weekly discounts that change all the time. Have to check the coupons early if you want to save money.

>> No.23262127

t. pussy that doesn’t know how to pick a side

>> No.23262170
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>> No.23262174

trumps not wrong about the ballots being wrong but its still the system. He had 3 years to implement blockchain voting. Only fault is his own.