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23241463 No.23241463 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you bought a house with someone else. This person already owns 1/6 of it, so you bought it from the other owners. You paid for a bit more than 3/6 of its price and this other person had govt subsidies so he only paid a few thousand dollars. BUT you both agreed that you'd get 2/3 of the house, since you actually paid much more than him. The house will be at his name for 3 more years, so you will sign an agreement. But because of covid lockdowns, you couldn't sign it.
Then he decides to switch strategy and tells you he will only sign to give you half of it OR to give you your money back. You know this person is too poor to give you any money back.
What would you do?

Pic sorta related, it's what I'd do to this person if I could.

>> No.23241636

BTW, of course I could take him to court, but there is a possibility that I could end up losing more money.
He said he has some friend that will help him get a very well paid job in a first world country. It could be, but it could also be complete made up bullshit, considering covid.

>> No.23242623

buy GME all your problems will be solved by April 2021

>> No.23242638

>What would you do?
i'd take my lumps, learn my fucking lesson, and by SQQQ calls

>> No.23242662

Take your money, beat his ass, move on.

>> No.23242679

>you couldn't sign it
Lawyer, now. /thread

>> No.23242690

Call the biggest real estate agency in your area ... or a lawyer. You know, someone who can deal with such matters and fuck this other idiot over.

>> No.23242712

Louis XVI did nothing wrong.

>> No.23242890

Forgot to mention: the whole fucking point of buying this crap was to fix it and live in the house (the property has multiple buildings actually). But I guess it doesn't make much sense anymore...
Also, I have no way to PROVE the original agreement. BUT I think I still could easily argue that I was scammed.

Thanks for the bump m9s.

>i'd take my lumps
Sorry, I'm ESL. What do you mean?

>learn my fucking lesson
I did m8. Also, the faggot lawyer I hired gave me the agreement document a MONTH after we bought the house.

Sadly, I think lawyers in my country are too incompetent (see above). Also, it's not a lot of money (for me at least), so it could end up being a waste of time and money.

>Call the biggest real estate agency in your area
What for?

>> No.23243172

"take my lumps"
means i'd accept the bad shit that's happening because i deserved it for doing something so stupid

>> No.23243384

Right. Guess I have no recourse.
Again, thanks mate.

>> No.23243486

If you have proof of the transaction where you paid 2/3 the value, a lawyer should be able to get it back for you.

>> No.23243827

Update: I asked my faggot lawyer, and he said the best option would be to accept the deal, because it's not convenient for me to go to a trial, in any way.

I do. I did leave that part well documented. The only problem is that it IS a bit more than half of the value. But otherwise, I actually paid a LOT more than that.

>> No.23244023

>Let's say you bought a house with someone else
You fucked up

>> No.23244123

I know, and it's too late.
I do have a plan to fuck him over, though.

>> No.23244164


how about 1/2 bruh

>> No.23244282

It's the same. Just in case you didn't notice, the implication here is that it was owned by 6 people in equal parts.