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File: 7 KB, 225x225, Bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2323714 No.2323714 [Reply] [Original]

Should I:
A: Go all in on the ICO?
Or B: Go all in once it hits the exchanges?

>> No.2323736

It is the most hyped ICO in history with no cap. It is not even designed to make money for its investors. If you accept it will be a gamechanger then invest in ethereum which is the reserve token it will hold

>> No.2323771

Have you read their roadmap?
If they implemented that the value would go through the roof, long term I'm talking

>> No.2323814
File: 18 KB, 451x451, 1478780042192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait how do you know there's no cap?

>> No.2323859

C: Never trust a Jude

>> No.2323897

im guessing you didnt have access to a computer all of yesterday?

>> No.2323940

I literally have searched for an hour, could you give a brainlet a link to where it's talked about, please?

>> No.2323978

Never participated in an ICO before. What can happen if I contribute for example 1 ETH?

>> No.2324178


tl;dr fuck the hidden cap, if hidden cap is 50mil but they collect 300mil in that uncap 1st hour, its 300mil.

only 20% of that goes into reserve.

this is just a money grab, even their official statement they made after all the backlash was just kinda "yeah its probs a lot of money but we're proven entrepreneurs and devs!"

market cap will balloon immensely, no increase for investors when it hits exchanges. Worst case, it will even drop under ICO price. So no reason to participate in ICO.

>> No.2324193

you will get 100 Bancor tokens, thats it

>> No.2324208

They have a hidden cap though, using your example if the hidden cap is 50mil, at 40mil the cap will be publically revealed and when it hits 50mil - ICO is over

>> No.2324260

wrong. Hidden cap will be revealed after 1hr, but if they collected more than the hidden cap within that hour, the fundraiser will not end during the hour

so after an hour and collecting 200mil they might reveal "lol our hidden cap was 50mil but thanks for the money"

>> No.2324286

OY VEY thanks for sending your money to bitcoinsuisse like we suggested but we've decided to change the terms of our ico so you wont make that much money but we'll rake in a mint, thanks goy!

>> No.2324293

>Duration: The fundraiser will run for 14 days or until the hidden cap is reached, with a 1 hour minimum time.
>will run until the hidden cap is reached

>> No.2324309

with a 1hour minimum time, thats what it says right there senpai
that trumps the hidden cap

>> No.2324313

>with a 1 hour minimum time

>> No.2324330

Yeah you're right actually. My mistake

>> No.2324354

You will have 0.2 ETH, once you sell it on the exchange

>> No.2325085

who's to say it will hit an exchange?

>> No.2325120

Why wouldn't it?

>> No.2326441

>It is the most hyped ICO in history
what makes you think so ? I though BAT was the most hyped

>> No.2326632
File: 88 KB, 900x600, 1496529813776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In recent times BAT and Bancor have been most hyped. In both cases the ICO killed a lot of the hype. the danger is that with (((bancor))) they will raise crazy high cap in one hour and ruin investor's chances of making a profit for a long time to come. It's likely your BNT will be less than what you paid for it for a while until you can get your money back. could be the first time people get it cheaper on exchange than ICO. We'll see. I think the whales are frustrated by this ICO.

>> No.2326713
File: 62 KB, 1130x678, 1471487178150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell, i was getting excited for this too

300 million cap is insane, theres no chance of a moon mission at that value

>yes goy, fund our meme startup project!
>returns? dont be ridiculous! its all about the project. you're going to invest right?
>you're not anti-semitic are you?

>> No.2326733

I hope they will adjust the ICO details again. Which would discredit them even further. Still hoping though.

>> No.2327401

300million cap? Sauce?

Looks like unlimited for one hour.

>> No.2327462

So whats the update on the ico terms?

im really dissapointed in this but i should have seen the kikery from miles away.

this was going to be the coin that could really give me a headstart in life. i had 50k ready for btc suisse.

if it was a capped ico like bat it would have been guaranteed 7x returns.

>> No.2327682

>only 20% of that goes into reserve.
it's 10% now, check out the bitcointalk page

>> No.2327938
File: 69 KB, 501x585, happy merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's 10% now

>> No.2328499

>changing such a huge aspect of the whole allocation
btcsuisse is sitting on my 2 btc for now - im thinking of taking it back just bc this ico is so ridiculous

>> No.2328530

you people are so fucking new.

>> No.2328561


you should find a job and invest in an index fund

you seem too dumb for this sorry senpai