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23234842 No.23234842 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you think is Satoshi Nakamoto?

>> No.23234904

Hal Finney, he was one of if not the first person showing hype for it. Plus in his early bitcointalk posts he gave a sort of "batman is close friends with bruce wayne" feeling

>> No.23234918

Craig Steven Wright

>> No.23234919

Sergey of Nazareth

>> No.23234952
File: 483 KB, 529x598, 1601101472255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man right here. Iykyk

>> No.23234974

Its me

>> No.23234981
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>> No.23234994

Sergoshi Nazamoto

>> No.23235022
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>> No.23235024
File: 31 KB, 640x355, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.23235026

It's Gilles fedak. He's been working on the tech behind RLC since before Bitcoin was even a thought in his mind, but he needed Bitcoin in order to confirm the proof of concept worked in order to make way for iExec.

>> No.23235032

I don’t have to think, I know who it is. But most people will never believe because of his age it’s been stated by a few high IQ bizlets. No, it’s none of your usual suspects (Hal, CSW, Government, Adam Back, Nick Szabo, or Dorian the explorer). No it is not a group of people. No it is not some Mexican. There is only one person smart enough and capable enough to create it and stay anonymous and he’s in plain view. It takes a lot of digging but ultimately comes down to “who benefits most” from the creation and staying anonymous.

>> No.23235067

You're wrong, but what we can credit Gilles Fedak for is that he was the first to put tranny fucking on the blockchain and provide income for a whole generation of indonesian shills

>> No.23235085

Meanwhile sergay can’t stop dumping link, imagine trusting him with a few billion in bitcoin. Fatoshi yes, satoshi no

>> No.23235096


2 years

>> No.23235103


It's Pablo Escobar
He never died

>> No.23235108

I'm right actually. iExec has been an idea and worked on long before Bitcoin existed.

Look it up, 19 years ago

>> No.23235112
File: 17 KB, 360x450, Sminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy Sminem

>> No.23235141

I’m not going to get into an argument about it, if you do enough digging I don’t have to give you the answer you will just know.

>> No.23235168

Adam Back. sadly

>> No.23235185

At least give me initials

>> No.23235218

Stop being a faggot and just say who he is

>> No.23235248

You already said it now go figure out why.

>> No.23235261

Adam back u fucking retards

>> No.23235278


>> No.23235296

A big super computer the size of a large dining hall. It's hidden in a mountain under another mountain at the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.23235307

Paul Le Roux

>> No.23235318

DARPA glowniggers.

>> No.23235323
File: 65 KB, 320x320, nsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's abundantly clear to ANYONE who has even the slightest knowledge of cryptography that pic related invented cryptocurrencies

>> No.23235333
File: 62 KB, 940x400, iStock_000053125994_Large-1-2259631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-baron trump?!

>> No.23235347

Cringe...only newfags don't know its Nick Szabo.

>> No.23235415

This faggot did not create Bitcoin

>> No.23235432

faggot alert

>> No.23235434

Paul Leroux

>> No.23235450

him and nick. maybe it was someone else we don't know about instead, but the evidence points to hal and nick (and adam).

>> No.23235519

Aliens obviously.. too much stuff just right to have come out of nowhere with no previous versions or testing etc

>> No.23235551

I'd rather we never find out. The whole mystery of BTC just coming out of nowhere from a nameless person kind of gives it value.

>> No.23235581


>> No.23235606


>> No.23235669

Nick Szabo has a vast knowledge of currency's in general. Seriously look it up, the guys knowledge of how currency has an effect on economies throughout the ages, creates bit gold before bitcoin, finishes his degree and has spare time. The guy goes missing during the bitcoin white paper period. He teamed up with Hal and they created Bitcoin. Nicks knowledge of economics and currency coupled with Hals programming and comp science skills created Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.23235740

>Who do you think is Satoshi Nakamoto?
we don't know his real name that's what i think
there is a slight chance it was actually Hal Finney

>> No.23235770

I'm pretty sure Bob is Satoshi. It has to be Bob.

>> No.23235771

nsa was the mother of sha256 why would they start a race to make their own favorite hashing algo the golden standard before bitcoin less secure by skyrocketing the total ability to churn it?

>> No.23235809

it is Adam Back you larping faggot

good luck on farming replies

>> No.23235844


>> No.23235864

david schwartz said it was likely a team of people, and he worked for the NSA, gives me the impression it was glowniggers. also makes alot of sense, who benefits the most from being able to launder funds BESIDES lowly criminal dimwits who could nver have invented it

>> No.23235957

I heard it was a guy from Escobar team somewhere, maybe on BAP podcast.

But I also believe it could be Sergey.

>> No.23236169

adam is the grandfather of bitcoin with his hashcash but he was not involved in it's creation directly.

>> No.23236185

Adam back

>> No.23236437
File: 411 KB, 600x716, pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genius in encryption, was on numerous eventy board (with TOR creators). Worked on papers involving e-cash. Definitely had knowledge of poisson distribution thanks to network sensors studies. Write papers with Sean W Smith. Sean's style of box diagrams are a close match to Satoshi paper.

Patrick died on 27 Oct 2009, my guess is he gave original email account to maybe Adam Back. Email expired so they had created the gmx email around end of 2009.

RIP Patrick <3

>> No.23236478
File: 1.15 MB, 2000x1334, of4ndNvBMA7ESKPQruvr-gigapixel-scale-2_00x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peter thiel and the paypal guys. buy RSR now, BTC will be useless come mainnet.

>> No.23236483

Adam Back has not been involved in Bitcoin until it started to get more user adoption. He's an opportunist, not a visionary. He and Greg Maxwell decided to start Blockstream, raise money from legacy banks and then buy off Bitcoin Core developers one by one in order to gain influence on what gets into the reference protocol. They did this so that they can make profit off of their side-chain business to business plan. In order to make side-chains feasible or even needed, you need for on-chain transactions to be limited. This is why the 1mb max-blocksize, added originally to prevent spam, was turned into a political football. Because Blockstream most likely needs it there in order to make their business plan relevant.

Adam Back is anti-Bitcoin because he is pushing for off-chain scaling that makes him money. He is a thief, nothing more.

>> No.23236580

Now this is high iq

>> No.23236653

sorry for bad grammar...sent it in a rush. My IQ is 131 ;)

>> No.23236671

Imagine actually looking like this. Fuck's sake. Some guys get it all

>> No.23236674

Is Brock Pierce throwing out a hint here...look at this guys channel name...


>> No.23236710

its the guy interviewing him, but yeah, honestly patrick is a name ive never heard before, but it looks likely.

>> No.23236722

watch the video.

>> No.23236738
File: 63 KB, 546x974, FinCrypto08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Financial Crypto 08....is this where the plan was hatched? How did Satoshi get onto the original crypto bulletin board to post first public message...I believe it was by invite only...interesting

>> No.23236753

Why did he have to die so early :(, would he have sold any?

>> No.23236805
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>> No.23236824

Linus Torvalds? Richard Stallman? Steve Jobs? Bill Gates?

>> No.23236838

aaron swartz?

>> No.23236919

who cares

>> No.23236984

he already admitted he thinks Vitalik
stupid baiter

>> No.23237084
File: 32 KB, 204x270, image001 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or it's a lady...

>> No.23237106

ok homo go cry in the corner