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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2320831 No.2320831 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start us off with a stupid one:

Is there a difference between the same coin on the BTC market and the ETH market? Gnosis is listed on Bittrex as something you can purchase with either BTC or ETH, but does it make a difference which one I buy it with?

>> No.2320871

buy with the one you think will go up less - as simple as that.

>> No.2320955

But the BTC market is much more inactive for GNO. Does that mean I should invest in it with BTC over ETH?

>> No.2321000

yes liquidity is an issue. The less liquid the market, the more likely you are to get stranded with the asset and sell at a lower price.

>> No.2321224

why do anons keep telling me not to keep all my coins in the exchange? i use bittrex

>> No.2321442

Is BitBean worth it

>> No.2321469

Private wallet is more secure.

>> No.2321478

If you have money you won't miss, every shitcoin is worth it.

>> No.2321489

put some thought into it..if the exchange goes under or gets hacked your out of all your coins, they wont reimburse you. Plus avoid coins that dont have legit wallet download links anymore. There is alot of them out there, clear sign of a dead coin

>> No.2321495

GIVES YOU A PRIVATE WALLET PLEASE JUST TELL ME ! I'm so fucking lost between what exchanges actually offer and why I should just buy off localbit and put it in a wallet let alone knowing how to get a wallet please tell me

>> No.2321513

>Is there a difference between the same coin on the BTC market and the ETH market? Gnosis is listed on Bittrex as something you can purchase with either BTC or ETH, but does it make a difference which one I buy it with?
probably just buy with whichever one is more convenient. ETH moves quicker, so it might be easier to buy it that way. if the XXX/ETH prices are shit, you can move ETH, sell it for BTC there quickly, and then buy XXX/BTC that way.

usually only on shitty small exchanges is there much of a XXX/ETH vs XXX/BTC spread

>> No.2321517

google your coin. there should be a website for it, with the coin info there

exchanges can get hacked, and all the coins lost. read up on mt.gox

>> No.2321538
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I've checked a few coins out on bittrex, looking for price differences high enough to exploit but I couldn't find any with a more than 3% difference, so commissions would eat it up.

Buy altcoin with btc, sell for eth, sell eth for btc, repeat cycle was my thinking. People must already have bots to do that.

So there's my question, wouldn't this price lag being exploited by bots lead to a huge bubble, and would it look like April and May 2017?

>> No.2321569

Why are people afraid of more normies entering the market? I would have thought that more investors will drive all prices up for everyone already in the market.

>> No.2321578
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What's the difference between assets (i.e. Augur, Golem, Gnosis) and currencies?

>> No.2321595

Very interesting capping this post you are smart

>> No.2321631

Is it safe to just download a random wallet for a random shitcoin? How do we know it doesn't infect your computer with malware that steals your other coins or just fucks your computer?

>> No.2321665

we don't, desu
look up the coin on coinmarketcap, and click the "announcement" link. there should be a thread talking about the coin. read up there if anyone has problems with the wallet being a scam.

and iirc, coinbase has insurance for up to 100k if coinbase goes under (not if you lose your password and someone steals your coins). if you feel worried, change your shitcoins to BTC/ETH/LTC and move to coinbase

>> No.2321677

Incorrect but thanks.

>> No.2321680

Do most people on /biz/ actually make money? Tell me your success stories and timeframes.

>> No.2321691
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What's the best time to trade? Is there a daily time which dips on average?

>> No.2321717

Americans are weak handed faggots who sell the peaks, Chinamen are based biznessmen who buy dip

>> No.2321718
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I'm playing with chump change but I've turned 700$ into 2000$ in the last month

>> No.2321784

This got me thinking. Are we witnessing transfer of wealth from the West to Asia?

>> No.2321786

put in 16k on ETH and 4k on BTC back in September-December of last year

i just got fuckin' lucky, desu

>> No.2321839

Americans buy back in on the uptrend (sold to by Chinamen), I'm assuming it balances out

>> No.2321883
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When will BTC dip so I can buy with 5000€?

>> No.2321894

must be comfy on your moonbase.

>> No.2321917

how do I get into this moon currency thing? Some of my friends have been talking about this, but idk where to start. Any tips?

>> No.2321988

You start two weeks ago. That ship has sailed friend. Only bag holders are buying now.

>> No.2322003

seriously? Feels like theres still room to hop in. Don't hold out senpai.

>> No.2322018


buy on bleu or nova

>> No.2322034
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pls no. just got approved for $5k purchase

>> No.2322054

its a shitcoin but that doesn't mean you can't make some money on it. the discord is super active and they have all sorts of stupid plans to try and pump the hell out of it.

>> No.2322074

link to discord?

>> No.2322123

haha no wonder things keep mooning

we need more normies in this market

>> No.2322133

This isn't the sellers' secret club. We're the dumpsters. Everyone hates people on 4chan, and that's why they only shill threads when they're ready to sell. They make threads saying now's the time to buy, and we hold the bags. I bought moon at 2 sat last time, and was lucky enough to find a way out at 1.7 sat through another coin. I didn't know there would be another pump. This pump's over, but if you want in on the next one wait for the crash to buy.

Get it through your head, they don't tell us so we can get in on it. They tell us so they have someone to sell to.

>> No.2322160

Newfag here. Is there a good guide for getting into buttcoin? I'm still confused on how wallets work, and I don't want to rely on exchanges, where they are the ones who own your wallet, and they can be hacked and lose all your shit. I've gotten a private and public key generated from bitaddress.org, but I still don't know how to actually use them. For instance, how do I actually tell how much is in my wallet?

I'd also like to know what the best way to actually buy bitcoin is. Which exchange is the best? And hopefully avoiding this bullshit where they ask you for social security numbers and whatever the fuck.

>> No.2322170

then explain all the /biz/bros with phat gainz

>> No.2322192

Maybe you could explain all my dubs instead.

>> No.2322218
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>> No.2322251

I think I know the answer for this one but I'm not sure.
Also, lots of assets have been mooning recently while currencies that aren't already big(such as BTC) and having boring graphs and even steady drops. I don't know why, I don't see such potential in assets. Can anyone name one that is already being used as an asset and does what it is supposed to do in an effective way?

>> No.2322288

what is the best coin exchange for altcoins?

>> No.2322296

That could just be selection bias. The ones that have made tons of dosh are more willing to brag about it. The ones who have been burned don't want to admit it and parade that fact around.

>> No.2322335

You have to learn the difference between shitcoins shilled and actual good coins.

>> No.2322568

What does Hasbro hope to gain by having this in their liked videos playlist?

>> No.2322619

Also holy shit you guys your banner ain't fucking joking. Almost this entire board is about digital currency.

>> No.2323308


>> No.2323430
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I'm really scared of potential hard drive failure. I know it's possible to keep your wallet on a usb stick, but I have no idea how that works. Should I just buy one of these physical wallets?

>> No.2324230

Hi, I saw the Lauren Southern video and want to invest in Bitcoin now.

What exchang is it on and what's the ticker. I have a investment account with USAA and can seem to find Bitcoin on there.

If there are any link or this question has already been answered please link me. Thank you!

>> No.2324270
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Quick question, guys. Is Blitzcash going to raise soon?

>> No.2324304

For the 1st time ever, you can make your personal ''Roll'' in the /biz/ Rolling game here >>2323347
>read the rules

>> No.2324363
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>he doesn't have a dedicated offline laptop to act as a wallet for various coins and another laptop as a backup for that one
>he doesn't move transactions from offline laptop to online pc with a usb stick to ensure safety from hackers
>he doesn't store his wallet laptops in a safe
>he doesn't store his safe in a vault

>> No.2324420

Find the wallet.dat file on your PC, it should be in the coins folder in appdata. I copy the wallet to a USB and upload it to google drive as well.

>> No.2324458

>he doesn't have dedicated offline computer solely for the purpose of generating and printing out laminated paper wallets in a vault
>he doesn't print out wallets and move 1 - 10 BTC on each of them and store them in several safes in the vault

>> No.2324663

What do ausfags use to trade their crypto

>> No.2324714

Do you have the courage to make a ''Roll'' in the /biz/ Rolling Game?

>> No.2324742


Because /biz/ is full of NEETs who can only afford Bitbeans, so they're desperately trying to buy as many shitcoins as they can before the hoi polloi drive up the price.

>> No.2324789

If I download and use a wallet and then put it into cold storage, is it fine if I don't open the wallet to update it for 6 months or more? what could happen?

I've heard about certain advantages to some coins, like bounties, or ark where you can stake them, or wings where you can forecast things. How does this work?

>> No.2324813


An asset is usable within the context provided by the company that makes it. For instance:
* STORJ: allows you to rent cloud storage from other people, or you can rent out your own storage to the cloud and receive STORJ in return.
* Golem: as above, but for computer processing.
* SWT: Swarm City tokens, usable to pay for services provided within Swarm City (eg. ride sharing).

This is why assets are a nice thing to invest in, because they actually provide some functionality, not just another 'bitcoin plus some shiny feature'. If you believe Storj, Golem, etc. will be successful, then the token they provide will increase in demand and therefore value.

>> No.2324830


I started buying Bitcoin in 2012, I've put in a few grand of fiat total. After splitting into Ether at the end of September last year, I have *refreshes Blockfolio* $341,240.

>> No.2324891


Blockchain.info is a good online wallet, make sure to use their security features. If you actually end up with enough to worth worrying about, buy a Ledger Nano S.

I like Bittrex as an exchange, but I don't really know which is best, it usually depends on what you're buying. Check the rates, and check what country the exchange is in.

>> No.2324911


Storj is currently working. I'm sharing 3GB on there now, it would be more, but at the moment there's too much supply.

>> No.2324914
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I probably shouldn't have made a thread, but fuck it:

>I've got this insane will to get into crypto. But I'm not sure how.
>Would you ever do smth like pic rel? How good are these guys, and is it profitable?
>Was thinking about renting their servers to mine ETH for me (with a 2-year contract for 60$)

>> No.2324929


Make sure to use a strong password (at least 16 random characters, anything less could be brute forced), and make a few copies, or better yet, memorise it.

>> No.2325297

coinbase to get in
dunno how to get out legitimately though

>> No.2325352

Did coinbase make u do heapz of ID shit

>> No.2325411


Whoa there fella, I've seen those kinds of rental agreements, almost all of them are scams.

>> No.2325486

>cloud mining
Literally how can people fall for this shit? It makes no sense as a business concept.

>> No.2325525

Guys, I bought BTC on coinbase, but it's saying it won't be ready for another 5 days. I'd like to transfer it into Bittrex ASAP to get some alt coins now. What can I do? Is there another exchange that I can use USD to get BTC instantly then transfer to Bittrex? Help!

>> No.2325734

i had to take a pic of my drivers licence

>> No.2325869

Get crypto at a fixed price, crypto value goes up, you profit?

>> No.2326232

I read somewhere here that transferring funds directly from coinbase to bittrex is risky. Meaning coinbase consider bittrex(or exchange platform in general) to be gamble or something like it so they flag account.
So how can I work around that?

>> No.2326290

What is ATH?

>> No.2326321

All time high

>> No.2326347

oh, thanks!

>> No.2327003


>> No.2327032

yea dont use shit like coinbase, if they call trading on an exchange gambling they are fucks

>> No.2327151

Can someone confirm? I was about to do this and don't want any issues with coinbase

>> No.2327165

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt(er)

>> No.2327170

Buy it on credit, instant BTC

>> No.2327283

What to get into coins but what wallet should I use?

>> No.2327295

If don't use coinbase, what's the best exchange for fiat into BTC or ETH

>> No.2327328

someone using cex.io? what happened to the maximum amount I can deposit with a payment card? I used to be able to do 300€ at a time and now it says I can only make 100€ maximum, why the fuck is this? I'm not verified yet btw, sitting on that for almost two weeks now

>> No.2327398

What is fiat dollars?

>> No.2327527
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>Fiat currency is legal tender whose value is backed by the government that issued it. The U.S. dollar is fiat money, as are the euro and many other major world currencies. This approach differs from money whose value is underpinned by some physical good such as gold or silver, called commodity money.

>> No.2327775

How can I discipline myself to not buy high and sell low every fucking time?

>> No.2327892

What is the column COSTS/PROCEEDINGS on bittrex and why is it so fucking high?

>> No.2328350

Is there gonna be at least a minimal dip (~ - $100) for BTC? Been waiting to get into this for 3 days but it keeps being stable at 2800

>> No.2328657

Buy coins that make sense for having a future, and hold them for months, stop day trading, stop buying shitcoins with fake teams, etc.

>> No.2328789

What is genesis?

>> No.2328806

Best exchange for shitcoins?
Are they all as shady as yobit?

>> No.2328906

Any suggestions on such things? Got memed into ARK and DGB, both of which, from practical standpoint, seem to be dead in the water (unless BTC will literally fail some future demand for massive increase of daily transactions)

>> No.2328936

you bought it with a linked bank account.
Hook-nose bankers want to halt you spending your own money.
Use a credit card.
Upload your ID to coin base to increase your limits.

Its instant

>> No.2328949
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Is monero a hold coin or a meme coin.

>> No.2328952

shit always happens
>Asian sell-off due to stupid commie party reglations
>ransomware attack asking to be paid in BTC
>jawboning by whoever about outlawing crypto
patience is a huge part in getting rich

>> No.2329129
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I just sent more money to my coin exchange but I'm unsure what I should buy. BTC and ETH seem too dangerous because they are growing pretty fast. I fear there could be a bigger crash anytime. I will buy some DGB but what else? I don't trust all these shitty meme coins from /biz/ when there are threads like "BUY XXX-COIN GET IN BOIIS THIS IS GONNE BE GREAT".

So, a bit DGB and the rest ETH?

>> No.2329189
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>Buy 1 BTC (2,800)
>Exchange for several different coins that are rising
>Accumulate a 1.01 BTC valuation on invested coins
>Exchange back into BTC
>Now have 1.01 BTC
>Only invest with 0.01 BTC
>Hold Original capital in BTC

>> No.2329277

Now that BTC has seeming evened out (i.e. the growth over the past week has slowed down) but remains steady, what happens now? As a nocoiner, hat should I do with my money?

>> No.2329343
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As a no coiner, how should I place my first 100 dollars?

>> No.2329390

right up your bum dude

>> No.2329414
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Don't mind me, just picking one

>> No.2329545

Litecoin from coinbase. Hold

>> No.2329692

Hold on Monero. One of the few coins that has mid-term potential.

>> No.2329697

buy low, sell high. it's not that hard. chill your mind. set targets for yourself, like sell at 1.5x or 2x.

>> No.2330154

Sound good in theory. Will try it

>> No.2330207

Lost a tonne on Mt Gox. Cunts.

>> No.2330283
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Nice ETH trend on Bittrex.

>> No.2330317
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>come on /biz/ pump ETH

>> No.2330383

Yo, /biz/

I want to buy the shittiest shitcoins out there. What website would be best for this? I've heard bleutrade is a pretty good option, along with yobit, etc. I don't want to use poloniex or Bittrex because I want to buy these shitcoins before they hit major websites like Bittrex and Poloniex. Also, how do I transfer my bitcoins onto one of these shitcoin websites to start buying shitcoins?

>> No.2330550


Are you sure? Should i then go to yobit and buy some meme coin like KIDS?

>> No.2330794

Is there anyway for me to make exchanges without suffering up to 40% loss due to the local demand for bitcoin?

The only local bitcoin trader we have in south africa seems to be Luno. And the markup on exchanges are killing any incentive to start trading

>> No.2330904

Not the guy you replied to but check out Bitstamp to see if it meets your needs.

>> No.2331097

I dont seem to be able to buy coins with Coinbase. Any other site you guys can recomend? Coinbase says i need to verify payment method. Although i have. Two times now. 3dsecure and everything. Baloney

>> No.2331511


>> No.2331625

is Coinbase safe to use? Is there any better options for a Canadian?

>> No.2332054
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Can someone explain the concept of buy/sell walls? I haven't entered the game yet and plan to really soon, so essentially whales will sell a chunk of coins at a price way off the market average and this creates a 'wall' that stagnates the price to whatever the sell/buy price was? What do whales stand to gain from this and how do we work them to our advantage?