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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23231923 No.23231923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Luigi scammer fucked up, his IP was revealed and hes in full panic mode, he already deleted the website 10 minutes after his IP got exposed HHHAHAHAAHHHAHA

>> No.23231943

uh huh yeah you go and send that to the police and i'll wait here for 2 months when they finally get to investigating it

>> No.23231950

I said this elsewhere and I'll say it here: you faggots will not figure out who I am from that IP address

>> No.23231955

> discord
alk trannies get the rope

>> No.23231954

thats what he gets for spamming /biz/

>> No.23231983
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>You guys will not find me from that ip haha....are you?

>> No.23231998

Nice LARP but he wouldnt have deleted the website right after his IP got exposed if it wasnt really him and scamming retards is still a crime even if they are retarded

>> No.23232007

If I was worried, I wouldn't be shitposting on biz from my personal phone. Yet here I am. Because I only took $20k off of society's lowest common denominator, and nothing of value was lost

>> No.23232021

I deleted website the minute the presale ended, as I always planned to do.

>> No.23232038

Prove this is you faggot

>> No.23232048

>call the police state in fucking torotono ontarino canadia
>"sir I just had 4 ethereum stolen from me"
>"u wot"
>"yes $1200 imaginary american dollarinos idk what that amounts to in canadia money"
>"hold on sir I have no idea wtf you're talking about"
>try to explain blockchain and rugpulls
>they hang up

>> No.23232064

I would be worried. That was a bunch of illegal shit you did.

>> No.23232077

how much did he steal?

>> No.23232095


>> No.23232099

>What the fuck are you talking about kid, and why do you smell so bad?
This is how its gonna go down, congrats to the scammer for an almost clean rug lmao

>> No.23232103

Kek, thats when you call back and tell the cops you are black and that this guy called you a nigger. Not only would he serve more time he will probably be banned from the internet

>> No.23232113

i don't get how people fall for joke coins like this, if i was gonna make a scam i would call it something that sounded business like or artificial sweetenerish like Statera

>> No.23232120

About 60 ETH I heard

>> No.23232185

Steal? No those dumb ass people gave it to an easy to spot scam.

>> No.23232279

Jeremy or eric?

>> No.23232298

Scammer on suicide watch

>> No.23232307

Post the name so we can have fun

>> No.23232314

So how long until a scammer gets caught redhanded and gets minecrafted by an anon who has nothing left to lose?

>> No.23232321

kek this is exactly what will happen lmao
they don't even show up until the next day if you call and say someone is trying to smash your front door in right this second
if you start sperging out about efereums on the phone to them Constable Mohammed Mohammed is just gonna hang up

>> No.23232325

A little worried the IP address isn't actually the scammers.. They were using a VPN. Don't want to dox an innocent biz guy.... hmm

>> No.23232332
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Crypto is treated as property, stealing it is the equivalent of grand theft auto. How the fuck are there people like you who think something which you pay taxes on isn't considered property which can be stolen?

>scammers literally trying to argue, in a court of law, they committed no crime

Like nigga r u srs

>> No.23232333

Actually based

>> No.23232365

He publicly admitted to it right here from his phone. He's just as retarded as we are for buying the coin.

>> No.23232385

All you idiots keep entertaining these scammers. These pajeets are bringing 0 innovation to crypto. If you want innovation through Multiple contracts then join the waiting room and wait for the announcement. It’s that easy.

>> No.23232391

toronto is pretty totalitarian (we just went into lockdown again). pretty sure if some brave anon also from ontario (not me) reported to ford about that particular ip involved in cheese they would be forced to ring up the mounties to investigate and figure out the crypto fraud and op would get his ass blasted by our revolving door jail nigs

>> No.23232398

If you post your eth adress and ask people to donate, you won't get even one, but thell them it's for a coin and they will give you a year income.

>> No.23232408

also since he's from toronto (or GTA to be specific) you can bet your ass he's a jeet. we're getting infested by them these years. our justice system is not kind to jeets. do with that information what you will

>> No.23232430

>[x] scam
>[ ] tranny
>[ ] nigger
1/3 points, try a bit harder next time!

>> No.23232431

Can you pls teach me how you found that? Or at least start me on the right path I am genuinely interested in this stuff.

>> No.23232460
File: 469 KB, 1190x830, what went wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the scammers in this thread going "h-he the cops wouldn't take property crime seriously even though crypto is literally taxable and you will be arrested if you don't pay taxes"

Not only are you defrauding people you're also committing tax fraud. Like you're going to probably be put in jail at some point in the next 10 years for the rest of your life and you try to play it off as a nothingburger. Lmaoing at ur life. Better buy a fucking ticket to cameroon while you still can faggot, hope a life on the run was worth a few thousand bux.

>> No.23232478

think of how much API3 he could get with that eef

>> No.23232487

i'll pay to see that. it'll happen one day.

>> No.23232490

so officer i game him my money willingly
it was on bounce, this way one guy can make something up and a bunch of people can send them ethereums
but first they promise to make something
this guy was going to make me money with luigi, i always like him because im the little brother cuck like him
anyways he just didnt make a contract with vitalik so here we are

>> No.23232496
File: 52 KB, 1024x574, 1600474436027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.23232499

Never, Adam Back would've been murdered in 2018 if anybody trading crypto had the guts to commit a crime that wasn't white-collar

>> No.23232528

Why doesn’t someone hire a private investigator and then idk crowdfund some monero and actually hunt this guy down. Can’t your pay for some pretty high class killers on the deep web? I’m partially kidding and y’all do what y’all want I know people who lost money so let this get your imagination wondering

>> No.23232530

pretty sure the cops would open up on this. i think there was like $30k involved overall

>> No.23232540

Based punisher

>> No.23232570

You don't call the police, you call the feds. It's wire fraud

>> No.23232579

Eh, rather not here. My recommendation, grind away at a low level tech job for a few years. You'll go in knowing nothing. The best CS people are self taught. And watch a little Mr Robot kek

>> No.23232606

I can find out who uses the IP tomorrow, right now im too lazy sinfe i have to set my work comp up (i work in a fraud department of a multi billion dollar company)
Will post my findings in 9ish hours.

>> No.23232659

alright, thanks anon appreciate it

>> No.23232669

thank you for your service

>> No.23232681
File: 68 KB, 512x298, ComfyKleros2901921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bribe the exit nodes then not pay them ironically they are also run by jeets.

>> No.23232696

Just be careful about doxxing the wrong person.. they were using a VPN