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File: 158 KB, 1694x1290, political violence in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23225608 No.23225608 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically how do I hedge against the upcoming civil war in America?

>> No.23225682

Chainlink (ticker: $LINK)

>> No.23225697

Unironically by investing in Germany and Japan.

>> No.23225703

>Grump loses
>nerds everywhere revolt on pol
>trannies cheer
>everyone moves on

If Biden wins all you’ll see is a bunch of wealthy progressives moving out and taking their money with them leaving the poor trumptards to meet their fate. Neither side will start a civil war.

>> No.23225761

>a bunch of fat white boomers with infinite guns versus a horde of brown people that hate each other led by Jews with nogunz

We must monetize this

>> No.23225766

lol, the poors are the welfare democrats, people that vote for trump have money.

>> No.23225785

food shortages on cities
currency control
cashless society laws
mass exodus to israel

>> No.23225805

Going long on Canada

>> No.23225814

they are waking up the conservatives. that's not good for them. if violence actually starts that blue bar will shrivel away to 0 while the red bar will hit 100%

>> No.23226070

Any other countries likely to be winners?
China's economy will take a massive shit but it might be a good time to buy in for cheap. I'd rather not invest in chinkoids though.

>> No.23226118

They'll blame white conservatives for starting it too.

>> No.23226127

>food shortages on cities

So you think farmers will decide to just not sell crops?

>> No.23226131

nitrate salts and erythritol

>> No.23226160

You think truck drivers will decide to just drive into a war zone for free?

>> No.23226202
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Never mind, didn't realize he was talking about the communist dystopia, not the civil war one.

>> No.23226217


In this country, and with our current conservative supreme court? Yes, It's 'drive into a war zone or your fired'.

>> No.23226283


Haha the farmers will be well compensated for NOT shipping their food to metro areas

See: Fett, Boba in the Empire Strikes Back in regards to Han Solo dying

>> No.23226309

>Haha the farmers will be well compensated for NOT shipping their food to metro areas

Who will be the ones compensating the farmers?

>> No.23226311

not gonna lie executing Trumpanzees or antifags and kicking them into mass graves sounds pretty fucking fun.

>> No.23226347

By not asking loaded questions
>music stops
>subtle coffee smell

>> No.23226370

gun and ammo stocks.

>> No.23226404


Black Lives Matter and Antifa

>> No.23226435


So the farmers side with Antifa and BLM?

>> No.23226505


20x short happiness, freedom and intelligence.

America, truly the worst country imaginable, and I look forward to the rabid replies of all the indoctrinated cucks who are still deluded enough to believe that they are better off than people from functioning nations.

>> No.23226538

I'm so depressed, anon.

>> No.23226555

>functioning nations
Such as?

>> No.23226568

hoping a third faction forms in the civil war whose main objective is to kill both sides

>> No.23226618
File: 48 KB, 500x500, avatars-000705211819-asyhtr-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll join the commies if they promise segregation between the races.
This is a peace offering.
>muh idpol
Take it or leave it.

>> No.23226655

lol right. Germany is a dying shithole and Japan will never be anything after the 90s recession.

>> No.23226712

yeah because the problem is that we don't have enough sides who want to kill each other

>> No.23226744


I take it you disagree? Would you say that America is currently functioning well?

Considering many factors, the biggest being inequality, and others like the fact the country is on the edge of civil war, the current president is a farce, the handling of Covid, I would say most rank above the US.

All the Scandie countries, all of western Europe, Aus/NZ, most of Asia is in a better place than you silly bunch

>> No.23226792

I've heard that 14 white supremacists got arrested for plotting to kidnap a politician.
Its unironically habbening.

>> No.23226832


There are also right-wing militias setting up checkpoints on roads in Oregon and Washington, looking for Antifa among the people fleeing wildfires (yeah, they think Antifa is doing that, for some reason).

>> No.23226873

Take out debt and then join whichever side won't make you pay on it

>> No.23226930

>yeah, they think Antifa is doing that, for some reason
>for some reason

>> No.23227015

It's who I'd enlist with. I fucking loathe Trumptards and SJW's.

>> No.23227018


You right wingers are too stupid to win any sort of civil war, you follow rumors from uncredible sources and would waste your resources doing stupid shit.

>> No.23227069

They really are incredibly fucking stupid, at least they have some acerbic wit by repeating the same jokes over and over again in response like an angry, diarrhea spewing leddit

>> No.23227070

hilariously bad take
The "dying shithole" is a right wing meme referring to demographic replacement. Capitalistic growth is arguably better under those conditions, and stability is still much better than the US

>> No.23227174

Even if the side you support wins you're going to end up in mass graves lmao. I hope you remember how smug you were feeling when you wrote these snarky little posts before you do.

>> No.23227204

I don't live in a country on the verge of civil war m8, I'm not too concerned about your fucking mess lmao. Better keep accumulating ammo though little Adolf

>> No.23227275

Except we're not actually on the verge of civil war. Stop falling for sensationalism like a dumbass.

>> No.23227602


>> No.23227671
File: 160 KB, 1200x675, lord-of-war-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell guns to both sides, then when the winner becomes clear start pretending like you were always on their side

>> No.23227696

They do this all the time to raise prices. Argie bros do it every other year when their currency devalues.

>> No.23227709

to add to this the immigrants to germany are greek by genetics (turkroaches and syrians are colonized greeks) so they can easily be salvaged if they give up their desert religion.

>> No.23227787

>the biggest being inequality
This poster is a communist, the adherent of a bankrupt ideology that has caused millions of deaths. He will destroy families, communities, and countries in the pursuit of leveling all people down to the suffering of the lowest.

>> No.23227808

>I took the black pill I just want to be the slave of anyone with power

>> No.23227828
File: 241 KB, 1805x1057, 2D094E15-0B13-4D3F-A4A1-049D738178FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies! Ban this user! It’s foreign interference in American elections

>> No.23227845

im unironically 1.6% ashkenazi

>i was not born a slave

>> No.23227849

Just a reminder that everyone saying they are voting for Biden and bashing trump are chinese bots. Nobody actually will vote for biden, it's just a meme.

>> No.23227908

It's less Semitic than Trumps son in law or inner circle my retarded Nazi friend.

>> No.23228144

>wants civil war to tear the us apart
>muh trumpanzees orange man bad
>hand rubbing intensifies

Always ask who benefits

>> No.23228312

>wants civil war to tear the us apart
>>muh trumpanzees orange man bad

Could have sworn a bunch of Trumpanzees were going to kidnap the governor of Michigan precisely because they wanted to start a civil war.

The Trumpanzees and ANTIFA are opposite sides of the same coin. If you can't see this I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.23228420

Those people were anarchists, not Trump supporters, but that doesn't fit your narrative does it.

>> No.23228478

Yea good luck with that. We're closer to socialism than you are by years.

>> No.23228511
File: 760 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200209085415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was trump supporters who wanted to kidnap the governor!
>just like its the trumpanzees looting and burning all over the country to make peaceful BLM protestors look bad!
>trump supporters are as bad as antifa they are rioting and murdering people in the street they are both the same

And just like that the enemy is exposed. Imagine thinking anyone falls for those fucking lies about anarchists being "trump supporters" lmaoooo

>> No.23228794
File: 27 KB, 405x403, img12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaotic neutral

>> No.23228877

Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are all great safe havens

>> No.23229359

By watching hollywood movie Captain America: Civil War. Don't forget the Coca-Cola and burger.

>> No.23229419

Communal production don't import millions of niggers in order to decrease wages, because communal production is not based upon wage labor.

>> No.23229444

Food stamps aren’t money, anon

>> No.23229466

Probably the weakest response I've ever seen, you woulda been better off not saying anything.

>> No.23229721

Weak like this administration’s response to COVID and the economic crisis, eh?

>> No.23230134

the covid "crisis" was a catalyst for the economic crisis. Reality is, covid's a meme and manufactured crisis, and was used by democrats to topple the only positive thing Trump had going for him after the impeachment hoax failed. It's a house of cards propped up indefinitely by the Fed, so of course it won't actually collapse (only to instill fear by design). The cracks were seen by everyone back in Sep 2019 with the repo market issues. A liquidity crisis was inevitable. We are now in the "great reset". Don't be so naive, good sir.

>> No.23230163

>whoop there he goes pulling out the covid card
>ree trump shouldn't have given states autonomy so the people could learn firsthand how idiotic blue states are
>but if he had enacted country lockdown he would've been an evil dictator
>but im gonna call him an evil dictator nazi anyway because I'm a retard
I dont even like the cheeto in chief, but c'mon.

>> No.23230206

I guess the rest of Europe and Asia and Africa are in on it too.

>> No.23230222

Best comparison is other countries. They’ve fared much better. Trump admin’s response is laughable on the world stage. I’d be inclined to believe your argument if it wasn’t a global event

>> No.23230332

>11th in total cases per 1M pop.
>10th in total deaths per 1M pop.
>not to mention false reporting of cases
>not to mention false positives in testing
>while in the throes of an election season
>while in the throes of an anarchist uprising
>while in the throes of race-related pillaging and looting
Pray tell, what would YOU have done differently? Genuinely curious.

>> No.23230357

Not to mention House and Senate democrats refusing to give stimulus payments all the effing time. Not that any should've been needed in the first place, but thats neither here nor there.

>> No.23230683

You can’t say that trump left the response up to the states and then say that the results of their responses are thanks to Trump lol my complaint is that he abandoned leadership, you agree yet frame it as honoring states’ rights in an attempt to expose poorly run blue states. We agree but you attribute positive outcomes to someone who strategically abstained from producing results?

>> No.23230726

If you knew anything you would know generally regular people don’t start shit unless primed by glow niggers

>> No.23230747

He executive order unemployment benny’s. What’s stopping him from doing anything else? It’s a national disaster according to every state and the media. So much for the unitary executive

>> No.23230787

Sort the individual states by cases/1m pop and deaths/1m pop. You will see that Republican controlled states are at the top of the list lol. If it’s a reporting issue then conservative populations are reporting them to screw over their own President.

>> No.23230804

Exactly, and glowies need us United until we nerf China

>> No.23230823

> civil war
> in the wealthiest nation on Earth
Nah, people will stay complacent until their material existence changes significantly (hunger, homelessness, etc).

>> No.23230839

The gubmit would rather give UBI as a concession than let a civil war breakout

>> No.23230925

My Top Ten:
Berkey Water Filter
Storable Food
High Quality PC Components
Cleaning/Bathroom Products

Honorable Mentions:
High Quality Knives(Shun/Global)
Copper Pennies

>> No.23231196
File: 389 KB, 680x510, 1580875465645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally fake news. Cases and cause of death were grossly over reported/faked, go read the CDC report. Turns out when you say theres billions of dollars in aid set aside to help with covid a lot of hospitals and cities will over inflate the #s to get a bigger slice of the pie. It was obviously not a "fake disease" like some retards claim but the #s are much lower than initially reported and turns out Trump's response was great because he cut the red tape to allow funds and services and medical equipment to be distributed faster, but didnt go full nazi arrest-you-for-walking mode. You are fucking retarded and cant even see it because druuuuumpppfff

>> No.23231203

So are we arguing over the respective economies/social unrest of blue v. red states? Or are we arguing the negligible death rates?
Is this /biz/ or /health/?

>> No.23231215

>You will see that Republican controlled states are at the top of the list lol.
You know that isn't true.

>> No.23231305

Nice attempt at deflecting your losing argument by stating facts against you as negligible and then saying that this convo isn’t related to Biz. My point is that there’s no reason to hedge when there’s a clear winner in both scenarios. Trump wins, stonk mode activates. Biden wins, stonks dip a little short term, recover long term, and US enjoys a fresh burst of leadership that restores confidence in our system of government to operate under a global crisis. Best move regardless is to not hold USD. One could say that if Trump wins = more unrest so buy guns and ammo, if Biden wins = gun control so buy guns and ammo, therefore buy guns and ammo. TL;DR modest gains = stocks, strong gains = guns and ammo

>> No.23231323

Those rankings are based on raw numbers, we’re talking per capita... the only numbers that matter lol

>> No.23231326

Republican controlled states don’t have major cities in them. Trump gave zero fucks for anyone dying in a city and then got given oxygen and had 24 hour doctors around him now he’s gonna tell a bunch of retard boomers it’s fine to wear a mask and they won’t even take basic shit like zinc or vitamin D because they’re stupid.

>> No.23231420

>fresh burst of leadership
Hahahaha everybody itt knows who's spouting the real delusion.
If you're not getting paid for this shit, you're a real sucker.
Good luck, retard.

>> No.23231475

Screenshotted and we’ll see what happens in a month or two. May you prosper no matter the outcome Anon.

>> No.23231508

unironically covid-19 has enabled everyone to identify the mindless sheeple in their vicinity. i'm grateful for the scamdemic, we all know what must happen now.

>> No.23231510

I'll be fine because I dont hedge on neolib socialists who have been in office for 40+ years and not contributed a damn thing.

>> No.23231539

it'll be different this time bro, biden's 48th year in politics will be the year he does something productive. ironically, that productive thing will be resigning due to health issues, and then you've got a feral california prosecutor with the nuclear codes. if we dont revolt at that point, we never well.

>> No.23231540

Unironically what is the likelihood of of civil war. The far right andFar left are shooting each other. This reminds me of that fall of empires book where it states that most empires last around 250 years. Tfw u.s is 244 years old. I’m scared bro’s

>> No.23231551

They're ranked in deaths per 100k people, i.e. per capita. It says so at the top of the list. You'll notice that in the top 10 states, 7 of them are democrat controlled (for reference, that puts more than a third of all the democrat controlled states in the country in the top 10 covid deaths per capita). In the top 5, all but the 5th are democrat controlled. Here's a handy map of state legislature control by party if you want to compare.

>> No.23231564

any protracted civil conflict in the US results in an overwhelming white-victory, as the niggers/spics starve to death in their cities and cant get out due to be surrounded by rifle toting rednecks along every route to freedom.

>> No.23231584

God deliver us from these fools

>> No.23231601

>to be surrounded by rifle toting rednecks
Without narcan and/or insulin they'd all be dead within 72 hours.

>> No.23231653

Whites have the lowest rate of diabetes of all racial demographics in the US.

>> No.23231698
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>> No.23231817

Fair point. I was mistaken about the death rate / capita. However, the cases / capita is still higher in red states. I’d imagine that death rate is higher in blue states due to higher rates of Comorbidities. Minorities tend to have comorbidities at higher rates than whites and blue states are full of urban areas chock full of them. Thank you for keeping me honest Anon

>> No.23232542

>rural rednecks have money

>> No.23232566

>land isn't money
>job prospects aren't money
Honestly, why do you think they vote for him?

>> No.23232582

Australia more locked down than anywhere, faggots got completely pysopped by the virus and their new Chinese overlords are loving it

>> No.23232619

All the statistics you hear about diabetes in the south refer to the number of blacks. Same with obesity, poverty, low education. When you control for race, regionally whites are relatively similar nationwide.

As for opioid addiction, that is mostly pockets of the Midwest as well as the northeast. The shame of most whites in Middle America is methamphetamine.

>> No.23233040

The issue is when all the demographics change, then the people want all the businesses destroyed and the government to give them everything. Look at how immigration killed Rome. History repeats. When culture is irradiated so is everything else. Not to say America had a great culture to begin with but it damn sure was patriotic. I can’t say I see anyone who loves this country anymore.

>> No.23233385

>keeping me honest
That's all I want. And it's dangerously lacking in modern political discourse. In that spirit, I offer you this.
I'm neither a Trump or Biden supporter, I just detest using wilfull misinterpretations of data to support one's pet political narratives. If you really need a villain to pin America's covid stats on, de Blasio or Cuomo would be more appropriate targets.

>> No.23233396

Gives me hope.

>> No.23234246

Germany is ruled by a death cult, but unlike the US nobody is fighting back and you can't own guns. Don't invest in Germany. Short Germany to oblivion.

t. Hans