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23222545 No.23222545 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23222596
File: 26 KB, 550x336, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes it's very nnniceeee!

>> No.23222676

No meme answers or rot shills, Ive been farming rot for a while but should I switch to doki doki? Im worried about the retard rot dev and his new retarded nice project look what it did to the price of rot in just a few days... seems doki has much lower apy but also a team of more competent devs and less chance of a rugpull. Thinking of unstaking everything and just leaving the useless maggot tokens farming just in case this has another pump in it before halloween. Thoughts? Retard telegram niggers dont reply want advice from /biz/raelis not 3rd worlders

>> No.23222853

i recently unstaked and put half into NICE - ROT. it's pretty decent but i ixcpect the proce to go up for bot ROT and NICE pretty soon. I haven't checked DOKI DOKI out too much. gotta reseach up on it. But i do feel that the hype is dying down for both projects and its probably gonna be a mess up untill oct 30 if not after... if ROT brings out a Rotten Santa then i expect a nice ride up for a while. I fit even comes to that then i'll probably get out or leave a free bag running in case of moon.

>> No.23222882

sorry for the spelling errors there...

>> No.23223011

No worries thanks for at least not being a telegram nigger. I didnt really look at nice cause it just seems so ridiculous, do you think its worth unstaking my ROT/UNI lp and putting it into nice? I have a much smaller amount of rot/maggots that I can leave farming. I dont know I hope Im wrong but the dev seems to be all over the place and im afraid he'll exit scam soon. I just started looking into Doki, but from an AMA supposedly the team is japanese and the lead dev worked in institutional finance and trading before, but of course there's no way to verify this. The team just seems a bit more serious whereas rot is a 100% meme token thank god Ive been able to make a bit of money from it

>> No.23223065

DOKI DOKI is unironically a more stable project since it can appeal to a demographic (oktau/weebs) whereas ROT's main draw is Halloween but the team is so incompetent they're not doing anything to retain their userbase.

>> No.23223199

yeah ditto, good gains we're made!
I'll look into DOKI DOKI. I can' t say for sure if you should unstake but mos def take your profits. good for doing that. Other than that i can't predict the future so i don't know what's gonna happen but i feel that there will be a pump. ofcourse a retrace first to shake out the weak hands and fud and after that i'm probably out for a while, holding a small moonbag. how much did you stake in the ROT/UNI pool? are your rewards decent? then i'd say hold on to it for a little while. there's no exit scam possible, only if the community starts to fade out that's when it gets shakey. The fud is strong with this one tho. I do also feel that most peeps over there follow the dev for gains, kinda noticable when NICE was made. So there may not be a rugpull but possibility of everyone moving over to the next/new project. I'ts most definitly a shitcoin but it still has some potential ... Just my 2c's

>> No.23223418

this shit is gonna pump so hard once the airdrop comes

>> No.23223647

Wouldnt it drop when every pajeet who got the airdrop rushes to sell before the price tanks?

>> No.23223674

>airdrop is going to be yet another token


>> No.23223702

The airdrop will be a new token

>> No.23223718

most likely!

>> No.23223815

So a 3rd token because rot and nice arent enough? Is this a fucking joke or is the dev just trying to throw as much shit against the wall as he can and see what sticks? How is he going to keep the community engaged when everyone is jumping from project to project chasing the latest thing instead of giving it time to let 1 project mature and bring in steady gains

>> No.23223993

dunno, maybe he's creating a network of tokens to make a perpetual money making machine. holding my moonbag

>> No.23224043

Wow this dude gets it

>> No.23224158

Hope you are right, gonna leave my rot farming for now and see what happens. Im worried that since rot is 100% controlled by a few whales they'll just withdraw liquidity to go play on the other projects and this just fizzles out under 10c forever. I really hope Im wrong. Would be nice to have more money to gamble on this shit but I just put my last $500 on doki as a conservative hedge against this

>> No.23224449

fait enough! i really gotta check out this DOKIDOKI shit.
I unstaked as well. farming in NICE rn, price entry is good. better rewards when it pumps again. after i'm putting half in ROT again. following the pumpwave. i hope this 3rd coin really seals the deal and we're set for a while. we'll need some decent sentiment for this to work.

>> No.23224476


>> No.23224868

Gotta say its good to be able to have a discussiom that isnt just shilling and fudding, you got me thinking about nice and giving it a go, im gonna unstake my rot/maggot from rotten and stake it in nice and see how it goes. Tbh this is all kinda new to me since this was the 1st project I farmed and a lot of the technical aspects of tokenomics go over my head. Anything else I should know about nice other than what the medium article says? Im not in any of the telegram groups

>> No.23225166

Nice is gonna have a change in a couple of days, pools are gettingt adjusted to more APY. i guess there's that. hopefully price pumps because of this.

yeah it's good to have a decent chat!
We'll see how it goes bro, GL to ya and well prolly talk later here.

i'd suggest you get into the telegram groups. it helps to follow the chat every now and then for updates etc. most of the time peeps are ok but the fud is vey strong when it does happen, so look out for that. never listen to online fud, always listen to your gut and DYOR! and if you do decide to get out or make a change then delete your bookmarks and links for the coin you sold for at least 3 to 7 days. so you don't get emotional and fomo back in. As long as your playing with profits it doesn't really matter i guess... As for the possible 3rd coin coming out. it'll prolly pump as have the others and they're still doing ok. It will always be a gamble but it can still make you money if you watch your own back.

>> No.23225253

Thanks dude and I just noticed the rot/uni apy took a huge hit, while noce is at 3.5k% so im thinking of switching over even more of my stack. Ive been trying to find a free online sms service that works so I can sign up for telegram without using my actual phone number but no luck yet. At least discord I can use with a vpn and temporary username, I just hate not being able to remain anonymous or having to link my real phonenumber just to follow random crypro projects

>> No.23225456

I've been using my real phone number on Telegram for months now. There's nothing worse they can do to me when I already get spam calls for voting, health insurance, and auto insurance nonstop.

Btw, I dumped my ROT and got into DOKI. Funny it was being mentioned in this thread. I like ROT's tokeonomics but the faggy drama in Telegram and Tim being kind of autistic is too much for me. DOKI doesn't look promising because it's just going to inflate and dump...but I'll be out before that.

>> No.23225487

and on desktop?

I'm gonna buy myself one DOKI and stake it in the DOKE/ETH pool. looks great!

whats the deal with the high risk high rewards? anything i need to watch out for? what does this coin have that others dont have?

>> No.23225505

NICE looks ready for a pump any minute though desu, bottomed out right before the pools udpate

>> No.23225528

kewl, i saw the DOKI/ETH pool and the APY looks great!
any news on staking and unstaking + rewards etc? no troubles?

>> No.23225534



>> No.23225630

One person was saying they withdrew farmed doki and got much less than expected, but that's all. The staking/unstaking UI is a little confusing imo because you need to approve the specific amount you want to stake and presumably need to do such each time you stake (unless you enter a custom amount in the options tab on MM). So I wasted 70 cents approving a stake of 0 doki, lol

>> No.23225691

hmmm, either i go in to stake or i go in to hodl... i'll hodl off for a while and do my dyor. Either way we'll need a new coin soon. I've found Axia recently and it's been making me decent gains by swinging it. Any suggestions out there?

>> No.23225846

I bought 1 doki for $438 and I'm staking it until the price drops enough that I'm bored. Simple as. I would never bother with the ETH/DOKI pool, lol

>> No.23225878

wouldn't be surprised if this moons before Halloween

>> No.23225932

oh ok lol, there's no need to provide liquidity, whats the return on 1 doki? like per day? screenshot?

>> No.23225993

Return per day on 1 doki right now is .4 doki per day, see why it's going to inflate and go boom? lol

>> No.23226017

that's ridiculous, wow. got a timeframe on the boom? lol

>> No.23226097

Well, the project is super new and Japanese so those are both pluses. The rewards are unstable and should go down with more people involved and there's a self-titled "halvening" on 10/26. But the project has crazy APY right now to bring in people and plenty of people like me are here for a quick farm and dump. I think the price is going to dump within the next 72 hours for sure unless the devs have a lot of stuff prepared. The real shame here is I didn't get in on the whitelist presale where it was 1 ETH = 5 doki because I don't do presales, lol

>> No.23226145

damn, ok. i'll check into it.

>> No.23226216

lmfao I launch TG, go to Rot, I got removed by Raulito who is apparently still trolling the coin, wtf is this clown world?

>> No.23226244

same happened to me. weird af.

>> No.23226687
File: 1.71 MB, 448x487, 181F13F3CDD94163B848E3706A16C622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn when I was staking doki it was showing 8% apy so thats why I thought I would stake doki as a "conservative" hedge, I just checked again and now its displaying 14180% lmfao thats nuts. Would you think its worth the risk to through a bunch of money into it and pull put in 1 or 2 days? Like I said im new to this yield farming stuff so I dont have experience timing projects with crazy apy% and dont want to get stuck holding bags
Im trying it on the desktop app and theres a bunch of free sms online services, but Ive tried dozens and dozens and they are all blacklisted by telegram. If anyone has a link to one that works lmk I basically just need to confirm the sms telegram sends me and thats it. Bumping for an acrual decent thread on /biz/

>> No.23226738

Damn thanks for the heads up on Doki, looks good. Why are you thinking a dump in 72 hours?

>> No.23226824

rot can't be rugged, but it can be nigged

>> No.23226827

I bought at $440 and the price has gone up from $525 earlier to $590 now. I'm gonna be honest with you anon, even though I know this is degenerate gambling through and through...I'm not buying this at 600. If you've got deeper gambling funds than me, this could pay off...but I still pretend I have some risk aversion.

Because the APY is insane and the project is super new and incomplete. It's basically a ponzi scheme at this point even though it obviously can turn into something real down the road. People got in cheaper than me and I assume at least some of them know when to take profits when inflation is in effect. The question is, anon, when does the rate of inflation and early holders selling beat the rate of new people buying in? That's when the price drops. Most early adopters are big degenerates too so it's hard to predict when they exit.

>> No.23226937

this. prolly the bestway to explain Biz in general.

>> No.23227026

The great Niggerlito fud

>> No.23227506

Thanks for the explanation. I tried getting in at 380 earlier today bc it was support and bottom of the bollinger band but transaction didnt go through and I had to leave. By the time I checked back price had of course run up to 725. I waited for a pullback and got in at 530, and right now I just swapped from CHART to doki at a loss bc chart is a giant piece of shit permanently stuck at 3 cents. I also swapped a few rot/maggot I was farming. I dont have much and all this brings me to just 1.10 doki that I am now staking to see how it goes...

>> No.23227662

A whale removed 150k of liquidity and sold


Price dumped 10% instantly but it's back up around 550. That's a good sign.

It's ok anon, my gambling fund on this was 2 ETH. Any gains are gains.

>> No.23227708

Related to ROT, good news anons. The ETH-UNI and non-rot pairs should be getting removed. This will help with inflation and stop people from farming ROT with no exposure to ROT and dumping it. Without the burn we'd already be YFV/Value tier, lol

>> No.23227834

Excellent. Rot is one of my first forays into erc-20 holdings. I fomo'd in too high like an idiot but have been buying more averaging down at .12 and .10 tripling my bag. Idk I just have good feelings on this. If I lose my money so be it, my hands are feeling pretty iron at this point. Might farm for a while have never done that before and I've got just under 7K.

>> No.23227853

>lost my gambling money on FEEL

Anyone want to buy a novelty token?

>> No.23227862


>> No.23227880

I got 2 for rolling trips and they're sitting in my wallet forever now kek

That one was a big no go for me, nothing but pajeets and trash memes

>> No.23228076

put more inNICE/ETH, and goin to bed now. sleep tight bros! talk to ya soon!
good gains to ya!

>> No.23228093

I just wanted to swing it. Also I'm dead sure I'm going to get someone to buy it off me before the end of the year, even if I have to sell it for 1% of what I bought it for. Capital loss deductions and all that.

>> No.23228321

When Im a whale I'll help my /biz/bros instead of scamming them

>> No.23228537

Ditto, cheers to ya!

>> No.23228593

Rot has the most retarded holders ever. Its 3 whales pretending to be buddies just dumping on everyone over and over. Telegram is a literal retard convention filled with poor fags

>> No.23228613

See this is what the rot telegram is full of. Fucking retards like u

>> No.23228691

Raulito had outsmarted tim everytime. Holders think he is done fucking with rot? He will fuck around again and drop that 50 percent . Him and his hale buddies arw still in chat. Still making people post threads on here and Twitter than dumping on those fags. The telling the fags to hold. Its a cycle. I bought in at .04 got out at .10 bc its gonna die

>> No.23228731

Limiting to Only ROT pairs will be the beginning of the pump.

>> No.23228868
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>> No.23228945
File: 97 KB, 608x462, 1602292739280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed Im just trying to time the whale pumps so I can make some money. I dont understand how the dev could have lost control to that raulito fag what a queer name reminds me of pic related. Would be nice if autistic anons tracked who he was for teh lulz. For some reason I have a feeling theres a lot of south americans into ROT I think its the shitty washed out memes they keep posting not realising how crap they are. Ive lurked in some hispanic 4chan copies and all the memes are shitty 3rd rate copies of 4chan content without the punch
Lets hope so anon cause Im still farming uni/rot

>> No.23229100

I was sleeping when it went live, got online an hour later and it was already over lmao

I bet you can sell it to an anon on here for gas + $1

>> No.23229614

Raulito? Why do I have something in my wallet named that? 100 RAUL no clue what it is.

>> No.23229644

Also only like 400 holders. 1/5 of rot holders. Am I special?? Am I going to Hogwarts?

>> No.23229668

he actually airdropped it to a bunch of rot holders and wrote a medium article on it, can't find it now lol

>> No.23229830

What's the point? Whale gibs?? Can I get another ps5?

>> No.23230366

You literally have crypto aids

>> No.23231109

I'll buy your feels bro.