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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 1200x675, core-token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23228026 No.23228026 [Reply] [Original]

Will it drop again? I thought we were going to 3000 when I sold.

>> No.23228052

wow you're stupid aren't you?

>> No.23228055

No, but we will go to 25k then back to 10k because you-know-who always tries to shake us out

>> No.23228060

Put your gains in the luigi.finance fork and sell for more CORE

>> No.23228110

You faggots are so PATHETIC that you are trying to use a namefag of a precious anon who hates Luigi. OMFG YOU FUCKING KIKES

>> No.23228168


>> No.23228273

Jews did it to me again. Least I didn't sell for a loss, now just need to find a place to re-enter.

Still have my core tokerinos, jews will have to pry those from my cold dead hands.

>> No.23228361

What do you anons suggest

>> No.23228436

still a long stretch till the LGE friday, MIGHT dip in the next few days.

>> No.23228473

Luigi shills exposed as scamming kikes who steal anon’s names to shill their anti CORE scams
Still think it’s not a (((conspiracy))) at this point that CORE is hated by /biz/ when CORE literally personifies 4chan

>> No.23228865


>> No.23228875

There’s no sustainability in this. It will bleed to 0 eventually.

>> No.23228888

that's what i thought so i sold at 3700 and here we are...

>> No.23228956

Nope, get in now or cope. fudders have no idea what the new news was

>> No.23229054

Fuckkk. Don't you think whales will dump before the LGE on friday?

>> No.23229135

Dead cat bounce

>> No.23229145

When the FUDsters start making threads “I just sold X”. That means to buy X

>> No.23229174

The sharp rise is correlated with this news

>> No.23229210

You fuckers i bought at 5k

>> No.23229415

sold 48 cores at 4000 with no regrets. tired of the whale manipulation and the $400 price floor is way too risky

>> No.23229528

Get out of Core and into YGY. 100% liquidity locked, extremely responsive team. And still in Presale.


>> No.23229554

like clockwork
Get fucked FUDsters

>> No.23229634


>> No.23229704

dumb nigger, why would you create an erc95 to bring an oracle on-chain?

>> No.23229950


>> No.23230252

Reading this makes me sweat pennies through my pores, yummy

>> No.23230531

Sold my core but comfy being a unDB whale

>> No.23230586

Once again, biz faggots late in the game with this one

>> No.23230994

they only locked YGY tokens lmao
dumb faggots got scammed by an anon team with a fake project

>> No.23231376

dont worry anon, this project will eventually die once the hype dies that the apy is not sustainable. you made profit. look for the next gem to 5x on get out in time rinse repeat. new tokenomics come out all the time. this shit is already dead just bleeding out slowly

>> No.23232150

pretty much this. core devs keep trying to hype their shitcoin w fake updates abd biz threads

>> No.23232552

Ok niggers that why were hitting 5k and this nigger op sold at bottom. Adios financially retarded niggers.. you will never see 3700 again

>> No.23232633

aaaaand we're never going back under 4k again

>> No.23232666 [DELETED] 

back over 5K. Hey moshe your chatbot is off

>> No.23232679

You retarded motherfucker. I hope this is a larp.

>> No.23232687

Retards trying to preach retard ideas

>> No.23232904
File: 467 KB, 1242x2208, AB9CDC5D-7C41-4EEE-877F-5525F2093C7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. You’re a nigger liar

>> No.23232981

back under $4k means under $4000 you low IQ pajeet

>> No.23233000

Should i just by 3700 worth of CORE or do I double down and buy 5k ?

Do you really think it wont go down again?

>> No.23233008

Whoops just read it again, hitting the bong as I’m browsing didn’t see the never. Have a good night. Core 160k

>> No.23233264

never touch this shit again or you will get burned.

zeta - https://medium.com/zeta-protocol

>> No.23233281

It will most definetly eventually come down after the hype. Once ppl realize the apy rewards are not sustainable. Its a negative sum game. Might go thru another hype cycle. But long term this cant last. It will bleed back to the floor within a month or two at most. And most likely way sooner. Give it 2weeks max

>> No.23233321
File: 31 KB, 218x276, hittite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23233371


>> No.23233410
File: 92 KB, 1200x627, luisa-neubauer-hat-herpes-stds-slut-all-women-are-whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wise decition anon core will become the next kimchi lol

>> No.23233924

It has a floor of 1.7k, meaning that if everyone sold, then it would be at 1.7k
>unable to math gets rekt

>> No.23233945

True, Craft hits 20$ today, everyone is buying CORE look at buys on dextools

>> No.23233977

I suggest you hold until 40k. I bought at 6k.