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23227450 No.23227450 [Reply] [Original]

>wasted my entire evening on mindless internet browsing again

How do I stop this? I never do anything productive with my free time

>> No.23227474

Why do you want to be productive though?

>> No.23227500
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>> No.23227508

probably something to do with self-esteem

>> No.23227531

Find a cool hobby. Like guns

>> No.23227632
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nothing wrong with just mindlessly browsing if thats what you enjoy. Just remember to go outside every once in awhile anon, go ride a bike or something.

>> No.23227753
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It's ok as long as you respect the 3-2-1 Rule:
>3 hours of sleep (minimum)
>2 meals
>1 shower

>> No.23227861

Go for a mile run rn

>> No.23227972

become the chowder man. if you're looking for hobbies, gardening and painting are solidly fulfilling hobbies.

>> No.23227997

obsessively browse biz all day and stare at charts.

>> No.23228667

fuck op i need an answer to this too. the weeks are just speeding by

>> No.23228902

Make some YouTube videos with all the shit you watch, share the link

>> No.23230015

Get into gardening/home orchards anon. Produce harvests from your boredom

>> No.23230838

It's all about that dopamine. Shit is hard to tame, hence why crack, meth, sex and sugar are so addictive.

>> No.23230876

1. Unironically set a timer. Limit yourself to no more than 1hr of internet every day (unless needed for job/bills/etc).
2. Have a pre-selected list of things you could do with that extra time. Reading, organizing your finances, going outside, etc.

>> No.23230973

1. install an extension that blocks access to certain time waster sites. it doesnt have to block them completely, just enough to where you have to exert effort to get to those sites.

2. dont allow yourself to make the conscious decision to go to those sites more than 2 or 3 times a week.

3. while you're on those sites, set an alarm that goes off after an hour or whatever, and dont allow yourself to turn off the alarm until you've closed all relevant tabs

4. find something productive to fill your time with, whether its playing guitar, learning a programming language, or making poop sculptures, and make the tools necessary to perform this/these productive hobbies as accessible as possible

5. make the conscious decision to do your new productive hobbie(s) at least once per day for at least 60 seconds.

>> No.23230996

productivity is service to the parasite, do you wish to be a host forever, fren?

>> No.23231016

Its an emotional problem. Doing productive things is emotionally troubling. Get through that part

>> No.23232172


>> No.23232327

>1 hour of internet a day
LMAO are you fucking joking anon? how can i fit my dating apps, discord bros, online vidya, porn, /biz/ browsing, livejasmin watching into 1 hour