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23222508 No.23222508 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23222664

invest in real estate in surrounding states that commiefornians are moving to and ruining as well

>> No.23223094

Move out

>> No.23223138

>piece of shit
>4th most powerful economy on earth

>> No.23223212

Thanks fren Nevada Arizona for sure. But would you include Oregon in that as well?

>> No.23223238
File: 429 KB, 1242x1185, 0E4807DC-511A-4E8E-A7E2-40C0D7989327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t live there.
Even though where I live is (almost) equally as bad. I just want to make some money

>> No.23223326

You live there?

>> No.23223364

>India 5th most powerful economy in the world
>Globally confirmed to be a piece of shit

>> No.23223996

most of the west coast. an anon who works in real estate in Idaho as well said it's all californians moving in and buying up housing. personally here in AZ every other person I meet has moved here from Cali or attends school here instead of expensive cali schools.

>> No.23224896

Thanks, and keep making Arizona red

>> No.23225729

Short the public companies that are headquartered there.

>> No.23225809

I know oregon is super liberal but I would really enjoy the trees and the rain. Also, I'm already planning on buying a huge house over there with my link gains. What do?

>> No.23225836

long San Andreas Fault

>> No.23225862

Stay the fuck out of my state faggot. We already have too many progressive california refugees. I see them all over in medford and ashland. You bring you darkie trash with you. It's disgusting.

>> No.23226092

I wanna move to Montana, I vote red
Can I come?

>> No.23226107

Also planning on moving to Oregon. My company is now WFH (tech) so I'm looking at Bend, Ashland/Medford, Eugene. Ashland feels the comfiest, Bend if I want to larp as an outdoorsman, and Eugene for the old hippie aesthetic.

>> No.23226186

>technology capital
>entertainment capital
>GDP bigger than the rest of the states combined

Midwest doesn’t do shit but use the technology we blessed them with to elect meme presidents.
>buh buh bubba n Cletus can FARM
Wow. Fucking wow. So can any dipshit with open fields of nothing

>> No.23226215


>> No.23226423
File: 646 KB, 800x800, arnold statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best state despite its flaws.

>> No.23226485
File: 60 KB, 500x455, 92C0166E-2362-4162-AD5E-C1DAA06A1F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The states pride is a peak performance aryan

>> No.23226489

No. CA conservatives always end up giving an inch on some issue they considered resolved like the gays and then the whole state falls. Or you bring your whores who for some reason get to vote. Or, more likely, you do both. No, you cannot come.

>> No.23226513

It’s going red

>> No.23226570

>lol you're an idiot, california's implosion is in progress, watching niggerspics burn it to the ground will be the highlight of the 21st century's 3rd decade.

>> No.23226985

Imagine being such a newfag that you use greentext like this

>> No.23227193

I'm literally more racist and homophobic than probably most of the people in your state

>> No.23227239

Our cities are fine you dumb motherfucker. Cameras are pointed at literally small blocks.

You keep watching that news, ironically you call it Jew propaganda but holy shit you can’t get enough of that sensationalism bullshit.

>> No.23227390

Also cali grows 80% of the nations veggies, nuts and fruit. Midwesterner only grow onions and livestock grade corn

>> No.23227414

Not onions but s o y

>> No.23228435

Japan might be the best Top 5 option for avoiding gov interference and corruption.

>> No.23228505
File: 175 KB, 700x836, aABp0d4V_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved out of that state because I'm tired of the spics everywhere and the wretched fucking miserable god awful fucking heat. Summer in California seems to last for 10 fucking months, even now I check where I used to live and it's still almost 100 fucking degrees in the middle of October. Literal hell on Earth.