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23222327 No.23222327 [Reply] [Original]

Is "making it" 95% luck? Everybody I ever seen who has "made it" had a lot of luck involved.
>But you gotta create your own opportunity!!
Yes, that's the 5%. Even if you create opportunities your whole life you could absolutely never get lucky. For most people who make it, they almost effortlessly run into the right things at the right times. So why do you even try /biz/? Is it like the lottery where you think "well someone gotta win!"
>well I'm just a really good investor and am 150iq at gambling!
>I worked really hard for my business opportunity! I only had a couple million handed to me and super wealthy contacts

>> No.23222460

99.9% achtschually

>> No.23222530
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>>well I'm just a really good investor and am 150iq at gambling!

>> No.23222652

Of course there is luck but who created more opportunities to be lucky anon who spends his money on consumerism or anon who saves his money and researches investments and invests. You are not going to make it with the mindset of "oh they were just lucky"

>> No.23222690

I jewish I am born in riches. COPE

>> No.23222973

But they were, it's not just investments. You only hear of the people who were in the right places at the right time but will never hear about the people who were in the same places with no luck

>> No.23223178

Nah mate, that's a loser perspective.
It's not hard to at least double your money every year with crypto. If you play safe you can double it every year. Gambling on DeFi shitcoins are pure luck tho.

You need to have patience. With just one thousand if you only double it every year, you'll have 4 million in 12 years. Only one thousand. Play smart and with patience and you'll win.

Buy the dip.

>> No.23223261

>Just double your money every year gambling bro!!
You realize how stupid that sounds, right? It is possible if you get EXTREMELY LUCKY though.

>> No.23223297

Pretty much, and your abilities are also luck since you got them from genetics

>> No.23223334

Yeah, its part luck and the other part is having enough money to have enough time to get lucky once. One time is all you need if you play your cards correctly

>> No.23223374

Yes, but ask yourself WHY where THEY in the right place at the right time and why weren't YOU?

Can confirm started with less than $400 earlier this year and already at $3000k rn from UNI and LINK

>> No.23223568

People create their own luck by putting themselves in a position where they're capable of taking advantage of opportunities and actually taking that risk.
I know this poor bitch in my friend group that spends all her money on amiibos and random garbage like that. Works pay check to pay check. Complains about random bullshit like being fat and random drama she gets involved in. Nothing ever seems to be her responsibility.
She is a loser. She doesn't seek out opportunities. Even if a unicorn opportunity walked up to her and slapped her in the face she doesn't have the means to take advantage of it because she put herself in a position where she can't. If you got rich off crypto she would say you got lucky.
The real red pill is that most people are like this.

>> No.23223629

either a jew yourself, or contacts with jews, no other way

>> No.23223682

yeah i'd like to see you try to double when u get to 256k usd, all in on that shitcoin sirs

>> No.23223893

Luck can appear but overall the gains from quick luck isnt enough, yea you got lucky holding a few btcs but after taxes and a couple of dumps and you are left with barely anything that you can call "making it". Thats when you come to bizfor shitcoins to gamble which in itself takes effort and motivation that luck cannot provide, especially in the long term.
Link marines are in no way lucky they literally hodl through the biggest fud years with all the so called experts shunning link because they were too big brain egotistic for 4chan and memes. Now these fags are rekt and wont even mention link.

>> No.23223900

Bitcoin under 20k is luck btw

>> No.23224125

It doesn't matter if you're in the right place or not for the most part. Luck was the major deciding factor. Like I said before, most people are in the same exact places but do not get as lucky.
She wouldn't make it even if she put herself in a position to potentially receive more opportunities.

>> No.23224296

Yes, I have the humility to say that I got lucky but even luck you have to take advantage on - I got lucky with UNI but I made the decision to sell above $5 and to hold Link even during 30%+ dips. Most people don't have the wherewithall not to spunk their money as soon as they get it let alone judiciously invest it in speculative assets and spend 5 or 6 days just reading about different projects.

Yes, A LOT of it is luck but not as much as you are insinuating.

>> No.23224340

I heard that startera token is a pretty good bet

>> No.23224445

You realize that if you invest in bitcoin over time it generally tends to double, right? Perhaps not every year, but there are huge leaps that eventually take place. It's not hard to double your money in crypto provided you're willing to wait in a solid project

>> No.23224985

It also can halve. Bitcoin has really only been invest heavily in in the past 5 years. You're gambling if you bet on 10 years down the road.
You said $400-$3k though. That's nothing. That's not making it. That is luck. Gotta repeat that multiple times for 10 years. Which you won't.

Also, again, I'm also saying in business/life as well, not just investing.

>> No.23225137

I never said I'd made it mate nor do I think that that luck will continue for 10 years. But reading about projects investing and holding is all you need to do and most of that just requires IQ to parse out the useful information about a project in order to separate scams from long-term money makers, rather than luck.

There's actually some truth behind the boomer adage "the harder I work, the luckier I get".

>> No.23225301

But yes, I know what you mean, I think life is mostly luck (genetics, inherited wealth, connections etc.) but you've got to recognize what is luck and what actually is derived from hard work and there's no better feeling than shitting on lucky people by your own industry is I guess what I'm trying to get at.

>> No.23225422

cos they kill themselves

>> No.23225440

It’s 95% investing in LINK and 5% holding LINK

>> No.23225541

My plan is getting to about 50k, stake for ~10% APY and reinvest only the monthly returns

>> No.23225560

Boohoo nigger just BELAand earn interest.
Sorry you have to wait

>> No.23225707

With that much, it's only ETH and BTC

>> No.23225727

put it into dividend stocks, yolo every dividend payout on far out of the money options, you'll get lucky within a year or two.

>> No.23226330


>> No.23226854

U missed link didn’t ya

>> No.23227220

I wouldn't say it's luck as much as it is calculated risk. It's true that it's impossible to make it without some luck, but those don't need to be situations where your only chance of success is divine intervention. The "skill" comes from positioning yourself to take advantage of those luck-based events, which is where most of the work comes from. I'd say the work to get to that point is easily 50% of the equation.

>> No.23227353

It’s lame and people here will shit on me for saying this because they’re pathetic faggots but if you max out a Roth IRA every year (Only $6000 USD/yr) in pretty much any index you’re pretty much guaranteed to be a millionaire.
Add to that free 401(k) match gibs and a little stonk/crypto gambling in a taxable account and you’ll almost certainly break several million.
It’s not complicated niggers. Just keep feeding those accounts. If you have a windfall gambling on the next pajeet scam congratulations. Now for gods sake cash out and put it somewhere more conservative. Don’t lose out on 10 million chasing 100.
If you luck up and find a free million at some point in your 20s you have no excuse to not retire with at least 10 million.
If you retire with a net worth less than $1,000,000 you are a retard and you get what you deserve.

>> No.23227379

>It also can halve
There are people who bought BTC at $3k last year. Obviously don't buy at ATH, and you're pretty much guaranteed a 2x-MINIMUM in a "safe" crypto.

>> No.23227940

It's all randomness, you can have some idea of where things are going but shit happens how it's going to happen. Add in survivor bias and wanting to take credit for the good outcomes and you have the fields of finance, economics, statistics, etc.. You get better results from trying than not trying, odds are better than the lottery or roulette wheel, but no one knows for certain what is coming. Once you get money it becomes about keeping that money. A conservative stack will hopefully kee' you afloat, if you want more keep playing the game, hopefully with a different stack of money. Going bust can be devastating when viewed under the lens of hindsight.

>> No.23227966

>You'll be a millionaire when you're 65 and your life is over!
Definitely made it.

>> No.23228320

i was lucky being here in 2017 and 2018, was autistic researching the fuck out of link and dropping significant portion of every pay check into it

>> No.23228408

Most of the millionaires get there by doing really mundane nickel and dime bullshit. For every hot shot crypto wiz kid there are dozens of two bit boomer contractors or pajeets that own a couple liquor stores or some other jack off who bought an apartment complex. Marx laid it out pretty clear, if you want to abuse capitalism you collect rent, collect interest, and/or resell someone else’s labor at a mark up. That’s it. Simple as.

>> No.23228437

black jack is all luck until you learn how to count cards

>> No.23228615

Yes, or being an insider

>> No.23228748

That’s worst case. Many will cross the million line in their late thirties and forties. Plus on niggers live to make money and spend it. White men build lasting multi-generational wealth.
God I hate you spiteful little fucks and your nigger attitudes. Kys