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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23214418 No.23214418 [Reply] [Original]

Andre/Kirby/Banteg EMN lawsuit crowdfund is getting media coverage. Donations are starting to trickle in. If you are in possession of evidence of wrongdoing associated with the the EMN scandal, please share with emninvestigation@gmail.com to assist in the lawsuit

>> No.23214537

Andre forcefully fisted my little asshole

>> No.23214815

Hard to believe for this shit to be promoted on biz. Kys.

>> No.23215040

is it now?

>> No.23215184
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>> No.23215326

>"what did you think you were buying before you were defrauded, sir?"
>"I didn't know."

>> No.23216248
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Just use Kleros Court, now crowdfunding needed

>> No.23216660

>Andre/Kirby/Banteg EMN lawsuit crowdfund is getting media coverage.

>> No.23216736

Get fucked you absolute mongoloid. Imagine investing in something unofficial and then crying about it. How much did you lose? LMAO

>> No.23217380

>Andre/Kirby/Banteg EMN lawsuit crowdfund is getting media coverage.
>Donations are starting to trickle in.
>OP performs a rug pull and run away with crowdfunding money
>next gen of retards will try to raise funds to go after OP

>> No.23217680

Andre is not gonna be able to pay the check this month fagshills.

>> No.23217711



>> No.23217816

Is that blue kirby on the right?

Those rat features are setting off my jewdar

>> No.23217965

It's alright. I still have the money I made from rugpulling retards such as thyself, swine. :)

>> No.23218078

imagine crying over this. I lost maybe 15 eth and couldn't give less of a shit. nobody promoted it maliciously get fucked with your little class action suit.
it's obviously some yfi clone doing this to take the top spot, but it is NEVER HAPPENING. faggots.

>> No.23218578

>Is that blue kirby on the right?

>> No.23218678

Kirby is behind the crowdfund kek

>> No.23218731

>Andre fucks your asshole and you ask for more.
Absolute faggotry

>> No.23219120

who is the other guy/what's his project?

>> No.23219815

>Retards investing in obvious scams'
>going full Reddit rally mode to get your 4 figure networth back

/biz/ is nothing but Reddit now.
Just know we are laughing at you retards every step of the way. When the little pennies you have left to invest into your little lawsuit dries up, you will be diving off bridges left and right.

>> No.23219891
File: 372 KB, 1031x1717, kirbyemn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares if they stole millions its our fault daddy andre dindunuffim leave him alone!
>going after scammers is reddit

Hey Kirby you are going to jail faggot
Pic related is him hyping EMN and telling others to invest while Banteg and the other devs where arbing the contract before they rugpulled with the hack

>> No.23220155

>Hey Kirby you are going to jail faggot
KEK, I said in the other threads I'm not but we lurk and post in much higher numbers than you think.

The fact you faggots won't keep it contained in a Discord or Telegram and keep posting your every move in threads that stay up for hours speaks volumes on your collective intelligence more from the fact so many of you dumped your life's earnings into rugpulls.

Good luck, faggots. You're going to need a lot of it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.23220202

Uh huh

>> No.23220263

>LARPs as a rugpuller to get biz more agitated and have somebody finally put two behind Andre's head
Pretty based anons!

>> No.23220315

I wish we could collectively sue bagholders for buying crap a nintendo avatar shills you

>> No.23220344

Clueless retard. Either way, keep on making these threads and posts, theyre absolutely hysterical. I can't wait for you to blow your brains out after you blow what little funds you have left on legal action that goes nowhere.

Ciao. Enjoy.

>> No.23220346

Guys please, Andre is a human bean. He made a mistake and his gone off twitter to work his butt off as an apology to you all. Not because he doesn't want to incriminate himself further and is working on his exit plan. Please donate to Andre, so he can buy that Yacht he's dreamt of.

>> No.23220378


>> No.23220440

Never claimed I was, and I've said multiple times I'm not. Made $0 and had nothing to do with it, but I 'm in on the discussion and I know some of the involved parties. Take with it what you will.

>> No.23220445

this is kirby's wallet https://etherscan.io/address/0xe89bd48a519706e599e6c3e8fa41b89ef13e3979

can anyone tell me andre and banteg's wallet?

>> No.23220737

>take with it what you will
Hey kiwi or raul we know where you live

>> No.23220930

I’m quivering in fear. You should channel that energy into making your life savings back. Good luck, boy.

>> No.23221106

daily reminder OP is a scammer and will run away with crowdfunds

>> No.23221291

Do not send money to crowd fund but help investigate the scammers

>> No.23221386

>investigate the scammers
oh boi, how new are you
every single project out there is a scam
stack sats and find peace

>> No.23221477

i putted my live savings emn and all gone now,,, need help village hungry

>> No.23221491
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>> No.23221591
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>> No.23221743

Got anymore from this twitter group?