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23212114 No.23212114 [Reply] [Original]

I got a 1 on 1 with my boss in an hour, i’m about to quit for a job paying me $10k more. What should I say to them? I’m trying to negotiate severence.

>> No.23212131

If you are quitting, how are you getting severance?

>> No.23212145

Say that someone sexually abused you at the company and you heard them say racist things don't need to drop a name or anything, he will give you the severance to avoid billion dollar pr disaster

>> No.23212157

Assert dominance. Stand up during the meeting. Interrupt your boss. And ask for way more than you can get. And if something goes down, redirect blame from self, preferably onto Janet

Basically be every female in the workplace today

>> No.23212163
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Walk in wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes, singing "damn I feel like a woman".

>> No.23212172

yes. See op? This is good way to assert dominance

>> No.23212422

Im on a pip, haven’t told them about the new offer so i’m playing dumb and hoping they take the bait for a chance at no lawsuit.

>> No.23212508

Ah, you've seen the livestream on last Saturday, too.

>> No.23212519

Tell them "I believe this company is not paying me what I'm worth. For this reason, I'm leaving"

>> No.23212521

What do you mean by severance? Like them paying you for quitting or some sort of employee ownership?

>> No.23212695

Nevermind. Saw the second post.

>> No.23213604

"I got an offer from another company, paying me $10k more. If you are willing to match it, I'll stay."
You got nothing to loose, just be ballsy.

>> No.23213634

Based and same

>> No.23213674

>If you are willing to match it, I'll stay
That's some chick shit bro. Ask for at least $30k raise

>> No.23213715

Fuck that. I hate interviewing so much that if I’ve bothered getting another offer I’m beyond done with the current place.

>> No.23213754

Calm your mind dude. Don't argue. Don't attack. Become their friend and make them want to do what you want.

>> No.23213836

That works if you lead with it, but by the time someone has a vendetta against you you have to just leave.

>> No.23213957

Yeah at that point if you have actively interviewed and looked for other opportunities, you pretty much made up your mind that you are done with the current place. Don't be complacent

>> No.23214157

Based I got it, hahahhahahaha

>> No.23214213

Got what? How much?

>> No.23214245

Severence, 3 weeks, i get to leave this job earlier than two weeks. Also I start my next job EoM so a vacation and money ahahahhahahhaa.

>> No.23214270

How did you get severance? I don't get it...

>> No.23214276

fucking based op, legendary, poo on the wagecucks

>> No.23214316
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Based. Fuck those wagies

>> No.23214376
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this. you usually get severence when you're laid off. not when you're leaving the company for a new job. OP is LARPing ass faggot

>> No.23214382

I told you i’m on a PIP, company wants me out anyway. I had a meeting with my boss and alluded I was willing to walk away. Save them from some admin task, said some bs shit like it for health. Now I got an agreement saying I stay on the week, they pay me for 3 weeks, and boom i get severence a new job waiting for me and two weeks to chill out.

>> No.23214408

I just told you i’m on a PIP.

>> No.23214414

Nothing in writing. You won't get shit.

>> No.23214423
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Fucking real-life chad here

>> No.23214438

Don't forget to show your support for BLM.

>> No.23214465

What point of I want to leave this job and be fully rested for the next company. I was more than willing to be termed on the spot.

>> No.23214546

What is a PIP? something for disabled losers?

>> No.23214599

Needs improvement on your yearly performance review

>> No.23214612

Corporate speak for giving an impossible task to wage slave so they fail and can be terminated

>> No.23214649

its a yellow card but in the office

>> No.23214680

So basically your company decided it's better to pay you for 2 weeks of doing nothing and be done with you, than to continue your employment because you obviously suck at your job. They're probably throwing a party the second you walk out of there.

>> No.23214723

Why are you jelly bro, it works out for both end. It was a toxic work environment anyway.

If I had just quit I would have paid them back my signing bonus, now I even get to avoid that. It called negotiating learn it and stop being a wagecuck.

>> No.23215060
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Walk in wearing a pair of Dixie Boots, singing "damn I feel like kicking a nigger".

>> No.23215131

agreed, don't swing for the fence, swing for the parking lot.

>> No.23215197

What the fuck... you go through all the effort of interviewing and burn a bridge at the new company just to stay even? What a cuck move

>> No.23215215

You did good m8, just be wary of the release they’ll try and get you to sign

>> No.23215218

Shit advice. Never accept a counteroffer. Its like dating

>> No.23215315

Kek I just got an email now asking to confirm my resignation date. I think i’ll wait till my call with HR to confirm it, if not i’ll confirm it at the end of the day. Sneaky , sneaky.

>> No.23215365

Expect sheisterism, but yeah it sounds like you’re fine regardless having another job already lined up. Once upon a time in a similar situation I gave up two weeks of severance rather than signing a blanket release. Was worth it imo just to deny them that little bit of peace of mind

>> No.23215709

you should quit eating rather than quit your job because holy shit what a fat fuck

>> No.23215964

what does PIP even stand for... gay?

>> No.23216147

Personal improvement plan. It means OP was about to get fired, but he wiggled his way out

>> No.23216256

Now that just makes me seem like a bad worker, this PIP was shit the moment I’ve been on it.

>> No.23216346

Typically in big tech/consulting/finance/other knowledge work, when you put in your 2 weeks they walk you out that day, and just pay you to stay home for 2 weeks. It's a liability to keep you around where you might fuck something up (especially if you were already on notice for poor performance).

Even if they don't do that, the 2 week period is a joke and you're basically getting paid time off. You're not going to do any work anyway, what are they going to do fire you? lol