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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23207636 No.23207636 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23207652

How do you cope with being poor?

>> No.23207656

Veri veri nice Sir.

>> No.23207669


>> No.23207678

i made half of that just this month. chump change.

>> No.23207679

what about it poorfag?

>> No.23207681

Show your current network.

>> No.23207696

>he thinks 184 ETH is a lot

>> No.23207704

hello sir....

>> No.23207707

This is big for people from India, you know.

>> No.23207708

How does it feel to hold a shitcoin that fuels scams and encourages con artists?

>> No.23207719

we are all around this level, like crabs in a bucket desperately aping into degen defi

>> No.23207733

trying my best
$ is $

>> No.23207735

I fucking hate cringe faggots that larp as smug big ballers saying "lol thats not a lot of money pffft" when theyre working 38 hour weeks at fucking mcdonalds hoping to make it with their 0.000054 BTC

>> No.23207740
File: 118 KB, 1439x991, Screenshot_20201012-014242_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go be poor somewhere else Ranjeesh

>> No.23207747

Post etherscan

>> No.23207754

Wouldn't call him poor but it's definitely nothing to write home about.

>> No.23207758

Post private key

>> No.23207777

Holy Moly, are you the richest man in your village, sir?
You must have many cows and young wives?

>> No.23207784

This is on some test network, cus metamask on the main net it shows below with $. lurk more faggot.

>> No.23207796

Buy .8 eth please. That 184.2 looks aweful.

>> No.23207803
File: 362 KB, 839x768, 1600343531199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck.

>> No.23207819

Yeah but is $64k of eth enough to quit your job at McDonald's? No, not it's not. In fact I made close to this amount since march, but my life hasn't changed at all because it's just sitting in my wallet.

>> No.23207950

>thinks this needs an AMA
take your meds schizo

>> No.23207962

Why did you remove the dollar amount? To hard to calculate for your shop? Stay poor nigger.

>> No.23207976

$65k isn't shit. Only poorfags think it is.

>> No.23207986

speak for yourself, I have 6 times this amount(in value, not holding much ETH of course)

>> No.23208189

What test network you on bro

>> No.23208305

show your wallet poor fag

>> No.23208364


>> No.23208381

Y U keep it in metamask?

>> No.23208397

>everyone here bragging about having lots of money
>only have .09eth and my 400 link

I hate being poor

>> No.23208413

At least you didn't get robbed

>> No.23208484

>Not keeping eth in Celsius wallet

Its like you don't even want to make 7% interest on that eth.

>> No.23208552

Veeri nice sie veeri nice. Im planning to sell my chainstinks so i will propably get to 64 eth.