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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23205623 No.23205623 [Reply] [Original]

How does your daily routine look like?
Are we all lonely here?
Anyone here doing solo business planning?
Me trying to make some website for money. Elearning is packed but still trying to find niche domain.
Fintech is expensive and you have to go through registering yourself as Security Advisor before you make money.
I can't draw so nothing to do in video game or media graphics.
Blogs are barely sustainable given website like Medium dot com are asking people to write blogs for them.
I wish I started blogging right after 2008 crash just like Zerohedge.
I can't go out and meet people. People around me are sheep. I hate their daily routine of living paycheck to paycheck and surprisingly they are so happy about it. I don't see any worry in their forehead given than they have mortgage for house, loans for cars, day care babies. They are all contempt with these.
Is it 4chan? May be. But it's like knowing the truth. Taking the redpilled pill. And with red glasses on, you can't live in blue world.

Anyway guys, any tips for website/app business?

>> No.23205818
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Daily routine for me is
>wake up
>go to the gym
>shower after workout
>make fast breakfast
>wage slave in office
>go home
>have dinner with my 6/10 fiance
>go to bed
Absolutely normie tier, but it could be much worse

>> No.23205934

>wake up
>go to work
>return to apartment
>torrent films to watch with my gf (nonexistent)
>create library of films and tv to cherish with her (nonexistent)
>go to bed thinking of my gf (nonexistent)

>> No.23205997

>wake up
>turn on computer
>open zoom class and put on second monitor
>open uniswap + binance on main monitor
>code in between trades
>go to bed

>> No.23206015

>wake up spontanously usually around 8 to 9 am or so
>mess around online and stuff until lunch time
>eat a heavy lunch
>chill out until dinnertime, reading walking, browsing etc
>eat a light dinner
>either browse or occasionally play games, sometimes go out drinking
>shower if i feel like it
Sometimes I also take psychedelics and trip by myself, usually around noon or so.

>> No.23206128
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I exist to provide labor to my employer.

>> No.23206503

I couldn't do it. Left the wage cucking with some savings. I can earn +1% everyday from intrday but that just provide me with some eggs and milk.

>> No.23206517

sad bro
super bad

>> No.23206687
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>> No.23206709
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No different. But at least they had trad wives who wouldn't cheat. At least they got sweet sex at night.

>> No.23206932

jej big pharma gonna do everything they can to keep people from growing their own medicine like that. It's going to take a hell of an effort to get congress to do their fucking jobs. Not in our lifetimes judging by how it went with weed.

buy stocks incels

>> No.23206934

I wake up. I look at the TOMO chart. I smile. I eat. I fap. I go to bed. I repeat.

>> No.23207130

Hey anon, check this website you may be able to use it.


>> No.23207181

I’m lonely everyday. Having hobbies helps tho a lot. Going to the gym helps my confidence. I also like to learn foreign languages, play the piano, and research crypto. These take up the most of my time and help cope.

>> No.23207489
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>wake up at 6am
>iron clothes, eat hurried breakfast
>commute by train for 1.5 hours to work
>work in open office pit, mostly just get berated by upper management on calls for stuff I have no control over
>eat shit lunch from store
>back to work until the evening
>commute back
>eat rushed dinner, workout if I have some energy left
>go to bed to do it all again tomorrow
Hopefully I can find a better paying version of this same shit job to minimise how long I have to do this before I have enough to get my own piece of land and passive income

>> No.23207526

Did you get your bachelors? And what field do you work in? I don’t want to experience this

>> No.23208171
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Pursuing an interest, bettering yourself with small incremental improvements, and finding a way to leave the world a better place than you found it is how you find meaning. eat better, hit the gym. things only get better from there. you'll be capable of better business ideas when you fix other shit in your life. trust me.

>> No.23208193

Retarded indian

>> No.23208198

if you arent doing shit to change your position every minute you have, you are accepting that as your life. apply and work on shit on your commute my guy

>> No.23208235 [DELETED] 

no pets?

>> No.23208265
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>> No.23208880

Wake up tired at 8am, sad I didn't die in my sleep
Feel frustration because horny with ED
Look outside, weather is depressing again so can't do any of my few hobbies outside
Greet mother, try and chat with her, she's more interested in preaching about some virtue signalling thing she saw on the news
Clean house
Stare at computer, try to avoid politics and degeneracy
Late afternoon, eat my one meal of the day
5pm, mother is home, try to talk to her for 10 minutes
Stare at computer, desperately fantasize to distract myself from reality
10pm, mother home again and going to bed, try and talk to her a bit again, brother/sister did something "amazing" again today. Hug mother goodnight until she pushes me away after a few seconds
Stare at computer, trying and failing to distract from self-loathing
1am, tired enough to go straight to sleep without the constant tossing and turning and the mental torture my brain gives me if it is too alert/awake
Feel frustration because horny with ED
Make a gun with one hand and the other on the light switch beside my bed, pretend to blow my brains out as I flick the switch into pitch blackness
Hope I die in my sleep this time

More and more, I am gaining a little bit of courage to an hero rather than just cowardly waiting for death. Being poor and disabled sucks.