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23204062 No.23204062 [Reply] [Original]

I sent some ethot like $500 before I realized I was being stupid and that I had no chance.

What about you?

>> No.23204089

No. I also don’t know any well adjusted person who has.
I thought the lowest form of coomer paid for sex.
The longer I live, the worse the horrors truly become.

>> No.23204114

you send money to ethots for a "chance"? jesus christ anon, i get sending cash for pure nudes and content but fuck i threw up dude

>> No.23204121

I was the dude pretending to be an Ewhore who finessed your ass for an EZ $500

Thank you to all simpletons. I probably made about 10k when I was 15 doing this sometime ago.

>> No.23204130

I never have. I've been married since I was 24. Half of my friends are permavirgins NEETs and they never have either. So what demographic is the average "simp"?

>> No.23204138

I was married for 4 years and she took $70,000 from me. And I give her $1200 a month for child support.

Based right?

>> No.23204144

My gf invited us to dinner with her parents without asking me first, I felt pressured to go and kind of like a cuck for not saying no.
I actually had a great time though, her mom is one of those people who just know how to carry on a great conversation effortlessly without making it seem like a series of asking questions.
Does that count?

>> No.23204155

I only simp virgin females aka cute kids. I give them 20$ when I see them sometimes like my older uncles and cousins used to give me money when I was little. They appreciate it very much.

>> No.23204174

My friend paid $1200 for some Brazilian girls rent.
Told him she would never pay him back.
She left the country and never paid him back.

>> No.23204177

I bought a month’s subscription to the Onlyfans of a girl I know. Not sure if that’s simping since it was really just a curiosity thing

>> No.23204182

I haven't, but know people that have, they did shit like moderate their Twitch chats and give them money. It's really fucked up to me that I never have with all the mental problems I have that prevent me from talking with actual women, but other people who are better socially adjusted than me do it all the time

basically 27+, at least that's the age I was when I realized I was no longer surrounded by women (my well-paying job is male-dominated, most of my friends are lads, etc.)

>> No.23204216

Definitely a simp. Stop promoting degenerate women who do shit like that

>> No.23204228

Simp is thrown away as paying for e-thots but really it's a bitch ass spineless beta male that bends over backwards for some bitch in almost any scenario. They are fucking everywhere.

>> No.23204271
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i never believed i had a chance with females so i never simped.

>> No.23204306

That's fair. I was pretty beta when I was like 20 but I learned very quickly. I think the fascination is that there's being beta, there's paying a prostitute/escort, there's being a sugar daddy, whatever...but the category of giving women money for no reason at all online is a different level of ridiculous to me.

I know this may seem like empty words, but honestly I'd rather be completely isolated from women than spend time being a janny in their twitch chat or giving them money so they can buy new lingerie for their boyfriend to enjoy

>> No.23204321

dip your toes by joining shady telegram groups, adding random folk on zuckbook, tinder chat-only, you'll get the hang of it within few months

>> No.23204379

Tinder doesn't really work for stuff like that anymore, however I've heard of farming Facebook working out for some people. Please tell me more about these shady Telegram groups though

>> No.23204384

Women are all like this. If you have any chance money won't be the deciding factor. Giving them money before you even have a sexual relationship is retarded.

>> No.23204436

just dumb chat/sexting lmao, im not sure because i dont do it anymore, but back in the day there was a pajeet app called nimbuzz, join random public chatrooms, assert dominance by alphaing some beta cuck, then hit the dms with the flock of "ladies" that respond, never know if it's a man or not, but you get the feel for it, as long as you're not doing dumb shit like sending money or your own pics, you in the clear, goal is to build on your confidence with the boobed kind

>> No.23204441


>> No.23204536

>Thank you to all simpletons. I probably made about 10k when I was 15 doing this sometime ago.

when you were 15 you could have just made bank selling lewds to old faggot pedos retard. You wasted your opportunity to get rich and settled for chump change and trannyism which will lead to an early grave.

>> No.23204605

10k at 15 isn’t chump change you retard.

>> No.23204646

I showed a girl my Safex miners once and she said she had to go do laundry. Felt bad man.

>> No.23204735

i sent my gf money once
wasn't worth it

>> No.23204780

as a bi faggot i only simp to trannies to make real women seethe. i think when the top 10 onlyfans earners are all biological men then it might finally start to kill off the trend of all women making onlyfans accounts.

>> No.23204881

Yeah I've given gfs money before but it was usually for something for them to buy like flights or shit. I don't know if that was simping or not? I mean we were already fucking etc these were long term gfs.
Zoomers are weird though, who the hell pays for nudes?

>> No.23204890

your just a faggot and woman only seethe when Vtubers get donations, they know tranny fags are a fetish for the mentailly ill and not real competition.

>> No.23204902

Naw, I'm gay. I only pay half in relationships or I get the fuck out. I don't want anyone buying me shit and I don't wanna buy anyone anything.

>> No.23204905

a generation of mediocre kids who grew up paying for in game style items on xbox

>> No.23204944

Oh my god,
You could have literally, unironically spent that 500$ on a prostitute and did all kinds of kinky h

>> No.23204951

I over paid a big titty mommy prostitute in China, but it ended up being worth it. She would wear a sexy black dress to my hotel room, and show up with delicious BBQ(烧烤) and beers. We'd eat and drink, then I'd pop a viagra and suck on her titties for five or six hours while she stroked my head

>> No.23204962

Checked also you're right, at the local gentleman's club 500 is 2 girls, a jacuzzi and a bottle of champagne.

>> No.23205161
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>age is related to the availability of women

>> No.23205210

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.23205267

I believe you anon

>> No.23205286

yes but i got my dick sucked properly so it was worth it

>> No.23205306

I know some herion addicts that will do pretty much anything for 500 dollars. Hell 40 get you laid quick

>> No.23205337
File: 1.34 MB, 1389x781, Watame stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of vtubers?
I think your NEET friends may have started to simp unexpectedly..
It's kind of a gray area.
If you are paying a monthly membership for a youtube channel and buy a few goods occasionally it's not an amount of money which will hurt you, but of course if you start sending 500$ superchats it's a different story.
I like listening to their singing and to have fun, but I wouldn't expect this kind of experience from a girlfriend.

>> No.23205391
File: 106 KB, 375x500, 142677e7-491c-4f3a-9166-524c5c9c5a42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does paying 300$ a week to a sugar baby for sex counts as simping?
She give a good head and swallow. We fuck for the whole night

Pic related

>> No.23205422

Would literally kms

>> No.23205445 [DELETED] 

You're doing it wrong. My gf is a pornstar and I haven't even seen her work. You want the novelty woman that every other guy wants, you have to make sure she knows you want her for who she is.

>> No.23205608

It depends on your income, but it sounds steep to me. Then again I'm used to Chinese and Cambodia girls.

>> No.23205632

You get sex in return, and those sound like Nevada prices anyway, so I'd say no. Most simps get NO sex in return for their money

How'd you get an arrangement like that anyway?

>> No.23205708


>> No.23205714

If she let's you do it raw, a mere $300 a week is a good price, I would say.

>> No.23205723

I don't like Asian face, I prefer White or middle eastern girls.
We spend the whole night for 300$, we fuck evening and morning, not to expensive imo.

It's a long story
Nevada price?

>> No.23205766

Nevada is the only state in which prostitution is legal, but because of that they tend to charge a lot for basic shit

>> No.23205804

300$ is for the whole night not hour.

>> No.23205825

If the poos who've rugged me count and any one of them was a woman then I make the possibility open. I'm an equal opportunity retard.

>> No.23205853

>If she let's you do it raw
you crazy? what about STD lol

>> No.23205886


No, the whole idea with simping is exchanging (giving away) money to some thot with no sexual contact, when clearly sexual contact is the (usually unstated but clear) desire of the simping guy.

You're paying a good looking hooker to fuck you, old as civilization. Sleazy or just a fun hobby for a single guy with disposable income, up to you really.

>> No.23205892

Don't talk about my older brother like that

>> No.23205989

kys , crime ? gassing up whores

>> No.23205991

Big reason why hiding assets in a crypto wallet is a good idea. Wont help with the child support, but you'll be much further away from becoming homeless

>> No.23206024

You don't understand women if you thinking giving them money will make them view you as a man.

>> No.23206039

One of my friends is a moderator for an e thot. He gets paid though, so he doesn't count in the simp category. Same guy moderates streams for some very well known furry artists that's also a paid gig.

>> No.23206052

Is she fucking other guys?
To each their own, but as for me, I would often rather just not fuck if I have to use a condom.

>> No.23206177

>Is she fucking other guys?
No, she don't like being with more than one guy at time.
But I'm too paranoid to cum in her vagina

>> No.23206200

Whoah, I never said anything about unloading inside of her puss. You already said she swallows.

>> No.23206231

She do oral without condom, and we have sex without condom, but I don't want to risk cum in her. She said she's on pill, but you never know.

Also, I'm uncut, so sex with condom is not too bad a problem for me.

>> No.23206375

Fuck that sounds great.
How was that milf pussy?

>> No.23206423
File: 6 KB, 250x156, 1599975267174s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are you anon?

>> No.23206435

If you are young enough I believe we all were at some point. The propaganda of the 90's and 00's made a generation of beta men.
It's all the same extension, do some shit in hope of pussy. Same as when girls post here and get a shitload of attention. It's a bunch of thirsty ass betas.

>> No.23206769

too expensive, to be honest.