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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23196864 No.23196864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23196888


White women are going to be the downfall of this civilization

>> No.23196906

hahahaha his eyes

>> No.23196920

what the fuck
I thought I was ugly but it looks like I was mistaken. Really, thank you for this webm. You just gave me a massive confidence boost

>> No.23196927

>going to be

>> No.23196932

She looks so afraid.

>> No.23196939

Go long on shitty China made designer brands and walmart

>> No.23196963

You're not a Nubian bull who hangs dong

>> No.23196969

He probably beats her, I would be scared too if I was her.

>> No.23196990

they have kids

>> No.23197013

He has no teeth and no control over his tongue. What a horendous creature. There is cum in his hair too wtf

>> No.23197238

Probably beats them too

>> No.23197266

In my country this specimen would be in an asylum at best. Not even kidding

>> No.23197301

Perhaps but if you are not a nigger, it doesn't count.

>> No.23197354

A white woman will always prefer a black man even if he is ugly than a white man. It's a fact

>> No.23197384

he looks like downie will smith lmao

>> No.23197387

Built for mongoloid BBC

>> No.23197432


>> No.23197437

I thought bestiality was illegal.

>> No.23197481

short condom stocks
long on prenattal vitamins
long on abortion services

>> No.23197696

long military-industrial, they have a perfect urukai army in 4-5 years when the first wave hits 16, were gonna need them to have k/ds in the literal thousands if were going to beat china, and the jewish Y-chromosome would be damned to hell after an experience like that. we need hate monsters with smart enough X-chromosomes to operate abrams, like the half breed pitbulls you see running around.

short sunscreen/skincare companies, the gaelic pale but blotchy skin supported by the perfect ocean air for millenia is going to be wiped off the face of the planet because those girls are usually the first to go black and they all look terrible because of years of caked on makeup and living in dense urban areas.

>> No.23197761

the absolute state of the western white women

>> No.23197836
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>> No.23197915
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would pay good money to see the video of her getting fucked while he grunts like quazimoto.

>> No.23197995

How low is this womans self esteem. This is America. Where white men have so much control that women gravitate to their polar opposite.

>> No.23198087

>White Anglo-Saxon Protestants allowed this to vote
Easily the main reason I'm not a white nationalist desu.

>> No.23198182

Imagine being a healthy white girl and popping a turd like that out of your fishhole
Imagine your genetic line ending like that *snap*

>> No.23198203

Based take
White nats are retards who live in C O P E mode all day long

>> No.23198303

There is currently no real white nationalists organisations. There are racist organisations that have no politics other than "muh black man bad" or "muh jews" or ethno nationalism cucks.

>> No.23198372
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lmao, if she isnt a single mom, she's about to be.

>> No.23198483
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If you know you know

>> No.23198494

you fetishposters really need help

>> No.23198630
File: 159 KB, 2560x1138, white conservatives not existential retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the white nationalists I pay attention to don't even talk about nigs that much. They are well past the point of getting normal faggots to accept basic realities about crime, genetics and psychology.

No, I more mean the ultimate aim of white nationalists. To just retvrn to a state of European demographic dominance basically. Good things would come of it, civics and most everything would improve, but it defies all logic that it wouldn't devolve back to where we are now if you want to maintain a comfy liberal existence, with democracy and all your more immediate human dignities and liberties, etc. It's cargo cultism.

>> No.23198665

In my country he would be dead

>> No.23198745

The biggest problem I have with this view point is that the standard of living including constitutional laws would stay the same. Some nations and other races like Singapore, Botswana, Japan would emulate the west but most would overwhelming regress in both enforcement of rights, personal freedom and standard of living.

>> No.23198778

they already ruined it

>> No.23198816

Is this where the meme actually started?

>> No.23198855

omg wtf is WRONG with you america, wtf?

>> No.23199114

What's your solution? I have one but most of /biz/ would hate it (Islam)

>> No.23199278

is that man black and asian?

>> No.23199312

It's a mutant Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

>> No.23199416

I wish my trash took itself out as well.

>> No.23200404

Black panther did wonders for black men stock.

>> No.23200430

Invest in companies that make products for single mothers.

>> No.23200504
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This gives me hope for my future and also existential doom for humanities' future

>> No.23200552
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>> No.23200570



>> No.23200574

i might not have a gf but at least i have my eyebrows

>> No.23200578

so, catfood and wine?

>> No.23200653

Women love attention more than money. That's all you need to know.

>> No.23200686

In all seriousness how tf does a guy like this even get anywhere near a girl like this? I’ve banged some hotties and I’ve got pretty tight game and my mind is bogged over here

>> No.23200742

she probably has a "black guy with down syndrome" fetish

>> No.23200788

He gets her views on TikTok. You wouldnt even know who she was if she didnt have an ugly has hell boyfriend. The zoomer girl has insatiable lust for attention. Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok is their existence.

>> No.23200876
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 93D55EB3-05FF-4AA7-9A2E-C530292D4127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy white men. In a few more decades, you’ll be able to sell them on eBay as collectible cards.

>> No.23200887

Islam wouldn't work either. I know what my solution is but it doesn't have a kind of unified, nation-wide application. It's the complete opposite in fact.

I would like to invest in a vineyard, especially shitty ones that sell cheap wine to dumb whores.

>> No.23200941

>respond to racemixing with more racemixing
Very good, goy. You'll show those white girls!

>> No.23201109

>that filename

>> No.23201171

half of the story anon, that dude has a humongous third leg in his boxers; I cant compete with that but at least im not ugly haha

>> No.23201191

Use a hacksaw at the knees.

>> No.23201268

based Lamar Jackson got himself a snowbunny

>> No.23201484

by turning to the quran and thanking Allah every day that I was not born an amerimutt

>> No.23201773
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Shorting is a fool's game. Long AI generated girlfriends.


>> No.23201813

He has no teef

>> No.23201834

Can China or Russia please hurry up and nuke the US already?

>> No.23201859

The ugliness of this baby is punishment enough.

>> No.23201877

Izz dat Will-e Smithz?

>> No.23202327



>> No.23202364


White women are cancer

>> No.23202399
File: 200 KB, 910x480, 45yw4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here pop, say hi to Maddie and her new Boyfriend

>> No.23203264

is this a will smith face swap?

>> No.23203311

Freaking shit wtf is the usa in reality? Are you building some gateway too hell there?

>> No.23203513

what's wrong with his face? no, seriously. some kind of syndrome?

>> No.23203585

Growing up is realizing the towelheads were right.
America is the Great Satan.

>> No.23203604

>implying white people are civilized

>> No.23203667

Yeah white women should only fuck with dogs and horses, and not humans.

>> No.23203696

>I thought I was ugly but it looks like I was mistaken

Lol these women are subconsciously virtue signalling because of all the garbage they get fed about evil white people and based cool rappers from da hood

has nothing to do with big dong most are average

>> No.23204031

small wiener cope

>> No.23204528


I lost it

>> No.23204935

reminder it's okay to kill any fornicator. As the lord your God it will not even be a feather upon your conscience.

>> No.23204994

retarded simp. An eternity of torture is not enough.

>> No.23205011

where do they live

>> No.23205902

i think he's blackasian

>> No.23206145

Unfortunately true

>> No.23206155
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>> No.23206176

Go long on video games.

>> No.23206242

buying up housing in poor neighborhoods?

in the mean time there's Verasity.

>> No.23206338

build a "becky" portfolio