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File: 672 KB, 584x553, 1596123965407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23190040 No.23190040 [Reply] [Original]

it's fucking disgusting

>> No.23190060
File: 695 KB, 1631x2120, lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Its sin.

>> No.23190065
File: 971 KB, 1106x1012, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, stoners are the most degenerate people on the planet, if I could kill all of one type of person, it would be stoners easily

>> No.23190067

how does it feel that a bunch of drug affected NEETs are doing better than you

>> No.23190076


Not arabs?

>> No.23190092

because the sole use case of cryptocurrencies is buying illicit drugs

>> No.23190108

Wrong, its for buying something else

No, the non-stoner arabs survive the stonening

>> No.23190111

Dude, fuck you ok, weed is a medicine and is literally the most peaceful drug - go back to your Alkohol binges and destroy your life and liver while we will 420Chads win at life

>> No.23190114

"And God gave man every seed in his garden to use at their will"

Idk sounds like it's just a plant you dry... Like tobacco. Only less destructive and more entertaining, like a less destructive alcohol.

What is cringe is that stoners are not all republicans.

>> No.23190136

Idk this sounds pretty Jewish, white people stoners are your new threat eh goldberg?

>> No.23190142

Stop with the COPE and embrace the Lord. Any form of intoxication is harmful to yourself and merely a distraction from what you could actually be doing with your life.

>> No.23190148

a nice dank would probably feel pretty good right now.

>> No.23190154

Kys stoner trash, you are the one who got jew'd
Delusional piece of shit, have fun getting schizophrenia at 30

>> No.23190190
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$$$$ hahahaha fuck off losers

>> No.23190194
File: 55 KB, 600x378, disregarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druggies are the true early adopters.

>hmm sure is nice being able to buy on the internet in 2011, will get 250 of these 2USD bitcoin things to do so
>2017 rolls out
>WTF my leftovers are worth millions
>I'll donate to the cause for which I was in this first

>> No.23190434

head go brrr
number go brrr
dude, brrr, lmao

>> No.23190482
File: 167 KB, 500x526, E95E0CEB-0192-4726-862C-AFDA4C4766AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off newfags, drugs literally made crypto. If you’re pro crypto and anti drug just kill yourself because you lack the intuition to make it. God I hate what the election does to this place. GO BACK

>> No.23190508

Kill yourself subhuman trash, shitstains like you will never make it

>> No.23190583

I sold 50k LINK at $19. Sorry you’re such a newfag you missed the boat and can’t understand that most of the early investors were led to crypto via drugs. You will never ever be as rich as someone who still has BTC leftover from buying drugs in 2010 :)

>> No.23190599

nice larp

>> No.23190617


>> No.23190630


>> No.23190648

we know you're larping because you're here. the people who make it, leave, it's why the link OGs all left lol.

>> No.23190660

I am already 31 and sleep 3 hours a night, don't fuck with me.

>> No.23190669
File: 250 KB, 917x1551, 6408D81B-F031-4165-9E43-8A287D4FACB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy knowing for the rest of your life that you will never be as rich as the “degenerates” who got here way before you, and that we are never ever leaving. Thanks for buying my bags newfag, I’ll smoke a joint in your honor

>> No.23190699

because all the people who used bitcoin to buy drugs in the early 2010s, fucking made it, and are literally who the whales are lmao. literally moron, if you bought a dimebag with bitcoin in 2010, and kept the residual change, you're rich today.

>> No.23190714
File: 555 KB, 400x276, 1601877934931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why we're voting democrat, fren. we're going to regulate your gains away, fren. we're going to tax you at 100%, fren. you cannot stop us, fren.

>> No.23190720


>> No.23190723

Congrats OP you’re so cool for hating pot. Fucking moron I hope you get the attention you crave one day

>> No.23190739

Because most OG crypto people got started with darknet markets

>> No.23190758

lmao good luck you jealous little baby dick subhuman faggot. how about kill yourself instead homie

>> No.23190759
File: 21 KB, 597x559, 1597620568561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're a stoner and you're honestly getting this emotional about this maybe ask yourself why

>> No.23190781

you should stop focusing so much on what other people are doing. Everyone has vices. And I dont even smoke weed

>> No.23191232
File: 376 KB, 768x576, 1600478072972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a lot of people were first exposed to crypto in the context of DNM's
not everyone was introduced to crypto via cnn in 2017

>> No.23191240

I don't smoke nor consume drugs but extremely based post. I like the idea that non normalfag people, even if they're stoner degenerates, were rewarded because they took the time to learn how to acquire illicit products and became richer because they went that extra mile.

>> No.23191465

> why are there so many stoners in crypto?

Cos both get high and then crash

>> No.23191516

Because most people into this shit are lazy brainlets who want an easy way to overcome the problems of life.
But this is actually good for the few smart people since they're the ones who buy your bags.

>> No.23191532
File: 100 KB, 375x375, 1595336662610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you drug using pieces of shit are pure cope. I got into BTC in 2015 the same way you did. The difference is it's FIVE YEARS LATER NOW and i've CLEANED UP MY ACT

>> No.23191555
File: 88 KB, 720x715, 1j7c5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I could kill all of one type of person
>not choosing kikes

>> No.23191998

Stoner for 10+ years here. Also software engineer. Will never have trouble finding a confy but challenging and well paid job. Will never know what it's like to not have a bunch of disposable income to spend on bitcoin and weed.

How does this make you feel sperg?

Also this:

>> No.23192044

Neat. Put that on your gravestone I'm sure it'll be epic.

>> No.23192148
File: 190 KB, 485x319, Monero_dg7i0fape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free trade is fine. I've got no problem with people buying and selling drugs since they may have a legitimate use for them. Being a degenerate stoner is not a legitimate use. And Israel is not legitimate either fwiw.

>> No.23192155

No marijuana isnt sin. Pedophiles are sin and jesus is the king of the jews whom are the leaders of pedophilia.

>> No.23192200

schizophrenia is a made up disorder by the jews to control the masses with drugs

>> No.23192299


>> No.23192315
File: 214 KB, 905x865, 9D21C014-BA9E-4815-94D2-8E6ACF4302BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, this is how I got into BTC and crypto by purchasing drugs from Silkroad and all the other drug sites. Still doing it a bit gonna drop LSD tonight lmao.

Like the other guy said - stay mad newfag thx for buying our bags.

>> No.23192322

>smoke weed everyday
>make over $125k/yr
This angers the jew

>> No.23192346

Crypto is tech and many tech enthusiasts smoke weed. Why? Because it makes tech work more fun.

>> No.23192375
File: 3.76 MB, 870x350, 7EB65EBA-2AAE-4401-9E3D-6D09C3A88A6D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you don’t know, fren

>> No.23192425
File: 278 KB, 220x164, 331231545345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based.
jewman still reeling from the shock

>> No.23192620

cocaine maximalist here

>> No.23192622

There were lots of stoners and LSD guys in the computer industry before it exploded in popularity and success. It takes strange people to see the bigger picture.

>> No.23192626

Gl breathing

>> No.23193070

Just lit up one looked at the price and it was 11420.

>> No.23193362

Because Stoners have an anti establishment bias in built. Diacovetring weed and getting into the culture and people makes you question everything.
Add to that dark net markets and further psychedelic and drug research. Stoners are put in the same circles. They then get red pilled and see an alternative future. Even a capitalistic one. But they still smoke weed because theyre psychologically addicted. Many crypto stoners arent the dude bro guys but the quiet unassuming stoners, the unsuspecting ones.

>> No.23193407

I smoke a ton of weed and I make more money and produce more than any of you retards that whine on this board. You live in your moms basement. Everyone thinks you smoke weed. You may as well.

>> No.23193445


Why are you Christcucks so intolerable with your righteous indignation? At least try to be less sheep like.

>> No.23193485

Daily reminder its (((them))) making threads like this larping as christians to divide us further.
>pretending christians care about weed more than child abusers etc
Just another of their divide and conquer tactics

>> No.23193561
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 1601241263720m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23193567

>be stoner
>CEO at 27, never work normal job
>10/10 wife, millions in the bank, dog, beach house, kids on the way


>> No.23193633

seethe and cope harder cuck

>> No.23193634

literal schizo delusions

>> No.23193655

all the people mad at OP show how insecure all these weed junkies are lmfao.
they know their whole existence is based around a plant and get mad when someone tells them its bad

>> No.23193658

Literal jew rat

>> No.23193686

Follow the money retard. Who owns pharma? Who is the majority of psychologists and psychiatrists? Who invented psychology? What was psychology before it existed? (Ill help with the last one, paganism, roman gods, etc)

>> No.23193702

god made it so. It was god that gave us receptors only for cannabis that vastly improve life

>> No.23193774

you do know that this life is supposed to be a test right? that means not everything that is on this planet is good for you or your relationship with god.

im not even religious and i know this you schizo

>> No.23193782

also who does smoking weed hurt the most? It makes society less willing to consume, wagie cagie and more likely to see through jew trickery. It was no coincidence it was banned in the 1910s. The jew won a big battle that day and has profited billions off giving kids ADD and zombie pills to make parenting easier

>> No.23193797

let me put it in schizo context:

Weed is literal controlled opposition meant to lead you astray from the righteous path.

>> No.23193806

again youre the jew for pushing their agenda by calling me schizo. You can go on your ignorant way because at this point i gave you the facts and you chose to ignore. Jew rat to the extreme

>> No.23193824

the path of the jew is not righteous. The righteous path is to oppose terror primarily pedophilia and to produce for ourselves instead of consuming and enriching the jew

>> No.23193835

I'm trying to stop but these thc carts are just so good

>> No.23193846

Silk road

>> No.23193848

i dont do drugs but why are you guys seething because someone else does them?

>> No.23193867

These are both good arguments desu

>> No.23193879
File: 47 KB, 480x480, 145876C2-A805-4179-8725-CEB5E29E2896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If smoking weed is bad then why did god put cannabinoid receptors in our brains???

Weed opens your chakras and makes you a less judgmental piece of shit like OP

>> No.23193887

God created the heavens and the earth
What is from the earth is of the greatest worth
So before you knock it try it first
You'll see it's a blessing not a curse

>> No.23193891

>he believes there's a hidden agenda

literal example of schizophrenia
do you seriously think the people in power have got nothing better to do than discuss in complete secrecy about what they're gonna do with 99% of the population worldwide? its physically impossible. take your pills bro

>> No.23193897


no that’s a terrible argument, anyone who says weed makes them “intoxicated” is a fucking retard

>> No.23193918

Btw last one answer is religion. Psychology was religion before it existed. A bunch of german jews flipped it from the synagogue to the public mentality. Look at bedlam and other archaic psychology practices before you toute your pseudo religion and call me schizo as a result. I loathe you

>> No.23193920

I only eat edibles a couple times a month does that make me a stoner? I can't stand smoking.

>> No.23193953

if smoking weed doesn't make you intoxicated you're either smoking some trash ass weed or you're barely smoking at all

>> No.23193980

I loathe this jew. I never said any of what you said i said

My point AGAIN is pedophilia exists. NOT A CONSPIRACY.

My point AGAIN is pedophilia is wrong. My point AGAIN is many of faith practice pedophilia, same for hollywood elites, same for politicians

None of this is up for debate. I didnt say ALL

>> No.23194042


>> No.23194056

also imagine diagnosing someone first time you meet them online. If anything is a disorder thats it. Can we call it jew disorder?

>> No.23194254

You're a fucking retard lmao, go look up what that word means

>> No.23194438

I'm addicted to weed anons :(

>> No.23194554

>nothing better to do than discuss in complete secrecy about what they're gonna do with 99% of the population worldwide
What could be more important than that?

>> No.23194562

Checked. Cowboy doggo is right.

>> No.23194705
File: 15 KB, 324x291, 1594156689747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how absolutely triggered the stoners in here are lmao I never could have even imagined this level of insecurity

>> No.23194795

Jesus intoxicated himself with wine

>> No.23195061

I don't know. I'm on hard drugs and I'm in the stock market.

>> No.23195204

Because it's for people who have no brain power and actually believe it will replace fiat *bro*

>> No.23195233

90% of crypto traders lose money. I'm part of the 10% that hasn't. I need people to be like wuuuut duuuuuude white paper new paradigm man to drop bags on.

>> No.23195422

I have never met a stoner with good oral hygiene. or hygiene in general for that matter.

>> No.23195523

Browsing this site is far more degenerate than smoking weed.

>> No.23196609


>> No.23197294

based retard

>> No.23197962

How the fuck else will these geniuses cope with their heavy as bags?