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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23185065 No.23185065 [Reply] [Original]

Is it better to
1) Devote your 20s to the autistic pursuit of wealth, putting off relationships and any sort of fun until you enter your 30s in a strong financial position
2) Devote your 20s to partying and having fun and being in relationships, and don't really get serious about accumulating wealth until you start your 30s
3) A balance between the two.

>> No.23185089

If you are a wagie you don't have a choice, kek.

>> No.23185092

You want to use the energy of your 20's for productivity. Thats the whole point of it.

>> No.23185114

number 1 of course. you also shouldnt waste your life on roasties even if you turn 30, unless you are NPC niggercattle

>> No.23185136

3 is best but 1 is what i keep ending up with

at least the making money thing is working out

>> No.23185144

You already answered your own question by phrasing it that way. In fact, it's not even a question, it's just wisdom.
Anyone who sees this and chooses 2) or 3) deserves to suffer.

>> No.23185167

Number 1. Used to teeter between the two because you get lonely staying by yourself trying to build wealth, but when I’m around my friends I realize that the night life doesn’t appeal to me and I retreat back to my grind.

>> No.23185175
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>> No.23185191

> devote time to the autistic accumulation of wealth.
Not wise to obsessively accumulate wealth for its own sake.

>> No.23185242

I'm doing 1. Graduated with a 4-year degree in only 3 years. Currently make 59k at 21. My realization is that you're going to marry down unless you self-actualize, reach your peak success first. I also don't find conventional things fun like drinking, parties, watching sports, etc. I choose to devote my time to other matters like making money.

>> No.23185271

I'm surprised how many people are doing 1. I mean I figured it would be skewed towards 1 cause this is 4chan but I thought we'd have at least a few 3's and maybe one #2. This is more skewed than I would have ever thought.

>> No.23185276

i devoted my 20s to traveling and drug addiction, plumbing the depths of my neuroses as well as research in a number of fields that interested me while working dead end jobs and sorting out my baggage from childhood and my teenage years. also a mixture of casual sex and longer relationships, figuring out what worked for me and what doesn't.

now i'm 32 and i'm in a pretty good place. i feel like your 20s are for getting your ya-yas out and setting yourself up for success later in life. especially with today's weird, unstable world, i wouldn't rush to put down roots- figure out what you really want and remove the obstacles between you and your goals.

>> No.23185284

>Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says
>said in a post on /biz/
I see what you did there, I'm going to do everything biz tells me and get rich!

>> No.23185283

3. 3. 3. God damn everyone saying 1 is a fucking basement-dwelling virgin. Your 20s are the peak for having sex and having fun. Once people hit 30, they start to slow down, find stable jobs, get married, have kids, etc. Your chances to just get out and get high or get laid or just have a fucking good time will decrease rapidly. Enjoy that time before it's gone but yes, you want to be financially secure when it is gone.

>> No.23185287
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1st is the best, only normies pick 2nd or 3rd

>> No.23185302

whatver you do, dont be broke at 40. full stop.

>> No.23185307

If you don't do 1. in your twenties, you will end up doing it in your thirties when you're less adaptable and less energetic.

>> No.23185314

1 because I can reinvest my gains in more stable projects/companies and dont' have to worry as much.
By starting later I'll have to work even harder to make as much as I would have had from something I invested 10 years ago.

>> No.23185317

2. You guys don't realize that you can't have the same kind of fun once you hit 30. Being young is priceless

>> No.23185335

I plan on doing 1, so I can retire and be a stay at home dad.

>> No.23185381

I feel like I got my partying done 17-21. After fucking up during those years I have been on the autistic pursuit of wealth for almost 10 years. And I’ve kind of made it.

Not sure it’s a good idea to waste your whole 20s emulating a movie.

>> No.23185383

Modern relationships are a literal catastrophe because of this. Babies get retarded way easier after 30, and suddenly everyone has other options because of all the "whoring" and exploring they did for the last 10 years. No wonder divorces are now a common part of western life.

>> No.23185395

Do both, fucking pussy, you can be a financial wizard while banging whores on a club

>> No.23185405

You can do both, just might be harder, but that's what life is about. You WILL die someday and it could even be tomorrow, so don't be a super tryhard but also dont be lazy and understand those who work hard early on will be at a good advantage later.

>> No.23185415

3 obviously

>> No.23185419

It is quite possible to do both, especially with crypto
You can be a cheapass and still party a fair bit, just have a $100-200 a month budget for going out to eat and alcohol
It's not /thrifty/ but it's needed to socialize with normies
And in my experience, there will be people who blow all their money in their 20s having fun and partying, those who autistically pursue wealth, and those who manage to do both, and you will be jealous to the point of neurosis of those people because friends are so hard to make when you turn 33, fuck

>> No.23185514

Some people would argue if you don't put all your energy in one specific thing and try to do everything you end up accomplishing nothing.

Not saying it's impossible. Just that a lot of people also try doing both and end up doing neither or failing at one and only half succeeding in the other.

>> No.23185552


Spiritual wealth bears more fruit than *just* financial wealth alone.

The Book of Sirach talks about how you cannot get your years back. Your youth is not forever in this world (at least in the first life), so it would be wise to spend it in a way that produces eternally and in a systematic, manifold way.

>> No.23186060

This is the way to do it. You should absolutely regret not partying when you're young but your 20s is a whole decade. If you're "partying" more than building your life during your 20s you're just a degenerate failure.

>> No.23186629


>> No.23187530

1. but you already knew that.


>> No.23187540

I am 29 now and am convinced the best would be number 1

>> No.23187603

Honestly getting married before 30 is a meme. Women hit the wall at 30 so if you love her don’t destroy her body with a baby until she’s too ugly to cheat.

>> No.23187613

I don't know, I won't get the one nor the other.

>> No.23187622

Devote 20s to NEETdome. Lock the door. Vidya. Come out in 20 years when you have inherited dear momma's estate. Retire age 40.

>> No.23187633

I have friends in all categories.
All three categories can be fine, given the right circumstances.

2. Will probably lead to baldness and a mediocre wife plus kids, unless they really swallow the red pill.
3. Is what I do. But my bank account saddens me (200k at 32 y/o). 100k salary
1. My friends that sacrificed a bit of partying to get the best career path are now literal millionaires. Ppartying around the world.

>> No.23187665
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I like to control things, like my future or the people I collaborate with. collaborate = fucking, having kids, friendships, work colleges
SO if you want to control things have money, doesn't matter the age, 20 - 60, just taste the control and you will get addicted
If you don't like the wife after 10 years, buy a new one, don't like the country - move, it all takes money.
Don't be dependent on anything.

>> No.23187697
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I have done no.1 have now 800.000USD in assets and will turn 31 next year.
Also my girlfriend is 20y old and will fully move into my (i own this) apartment before christmas.

Life is good, but I was lucky to surf on the bull run in the stock market the last ten years, from 2020-2030 we will see economic turmoil, mass unemployment and a decrease of wealth for the broader populus.

>> No.23187868

Do 1) trust me

>> No.23187883

A mix of the two, + as many titties in your face as possible.

How much DMG does shit man hold?

>> No.23187963

Well you can fuck college girls in college and be poor in your thirties, or you can work hard and invest literally all your earnings and then be a sugar daddy to college girls in your 30's

>> No.23188096

based illimitablemen poster

>> No.23188181

2 unironically
You're not gonna make serious money in your 20s cause boomers won't let you

>> No.23188252

not true wagie

>> No.23188286

are you a boy or are you a girl? if you are a girl you lose value with time, if you are a boy then you will gain value with time if you don't have baggage like children, or as my boss likes to call it, an ex-family.

>> No.23188617

If he was a girl he could just hop on some rich guy's dick then walk away a few years later with his kid and half his money. Seriously, being born a bitch is life on fucking easy mode.