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23181272 No.23181272 [Reply] [Original]

>fudding AVAX
>shilling ETH

are you sure that you are on the right side of the story anon?

>> No.23181567

I shill both, is that allowed!

>> No.23181653
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of course brother good coin good coin

(actually AVAX is great i don't know why is it being so fudded)

>> No.23181660

>2B total marketcap (Incomparably overpriced, Projects that did much more valued at less than half than that)
>Not a single use case, literally
>Tech been refuted to death (as much as avax fags try to ignore it, still remained unrefuted and the only answer from avax team is "we'll work on it in the future" kek)
>Record breaking inflation about to start in less than 2 months

Suicide tier investment by all measures, I'm being 100% sincere here. You're blind and too emotionally invested, Or just ICO buyer wishing to maintain this absurd price in order to profit big time when your coins unlock.

>> No.23181886

We got a very desperate ETH holder here.

>Tech been refuted to death
I asked you for links in a previous thread and you ran away. If you're referring to Adler, he got BTFO by Kevin and other devs, he was also challenged to a live debate but he ran away, like you.

Ethereum OTOH is still years away, will be much less decentralized than Avalanche and won't even have instant finality (needed for p2p cash).

>Not a single use case, literally
All usecases of Ethereum + P2P cash (high throughput, near instant finality and near 0 fees). You are free to wait until it's totally adopted. Someone has to buy the top.

>muh inflation
>muh marketcap
It's undervalued at any point on the supply curve. At Ethereum's valuation and full supply (which won't be reached for DECADES) AVAX would be +$50. I personally expect +$200 within 2 years.

On long term, it won't even need new buyers to sustain the price as fees are burned, at 4500 tps (double Visa's average), that will be deflationary enough.

>You're blind
Are these people also blind? lmao

Bitpay's Director of Software:
If AVA delivers its promise, it will render Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum obsolete.

Ava is definitely the kind of project that I think could pivot to take on the "third niche" that I described above.

FWIW I think it's very fair to treat ava and bitcoin as having similar levels of legitimacy. Ava has genuinely interesting tech and hasn't scammed anyone.

Creator of Javascript, co-founder of Mozilla and Brave, and CEO of BAT:
I'm also keen to see Avalanche used as consensus mechanism in new systems.

Founder of Cardano and co-founder of Ethereum:
I think Avalanche has some merit as well, especially in the IoT [Internet of Things] space in Ava is going to be an interesting coin that comes out. And there's a lot of interesting ideas there.

CEO of FTX (Sam/SBF):
AVAX: legit chain, has a chance to get huge.

>> No.23181920

How important is the Avax platform?

>> No.23181954

More specifically, what utilization does Avax target the most for it's users and does it corner the market in any unique or renowned way?

>> No.23181993

P2p cash
Asset management
Smart contracts

If you are researching it, I recommend starting with this video:

then dive into more detailed articles.

>> No.23183366

Avalanche looks good for the future of decentralized digital marketplaces, this whole project is worth learning about

>> No.23183509

You post this copypasta everytime someone btfo your coin?

>> No.23183552


>"hehe eth is dead"

fast forward 1 year:
thisnewtoken +9%
eth +500% lmaoooooooooooooooo

>> No.23183623


plus, faster transactions than apple pay and most coins

>> No.23183706

>It's undervalued at any point on the supply curve. At Ethereum's valuation and full supply (which won't be reached for DECADES) AVAX would be +$50. I personally expect +$200 within 2 years.

This is til this day the most retarded shilling argument i've ever seen to any coin. I can't comprehend the mental illness and subhuman mental capacity levels required to reach the conclusion it's a valid shilling mechanism to already priced in avax as ETH successor. Maybe that's the only way left to shill this death tier massively overvalued coin of yours (The coins that locked of yours*)? You're literally not different from a scammer at this point.

Adler had very valid points which the team tried to weed out, like i said with "We're working on it".

And you're aware that not only that AVAX is light years behind ETH but light years behind many other "ETH killers"? I repeat, There are ZERO use cases for avax platform at this moment, ZERO partners, UNPROVEN tech (Which get enough valid arguments against), and horrible, completely disgusting tokenomics. The tokenomics part alone should made you stay away from it (There's no single lone exception, All the coins with the same or even less worse tokenomics as AVAX went on yearly downtrend) let alone the other things. AVAX is lacking in literally every field which one should check before investing, Like i said, I'm being 100% honest by saying it's one of the worst investment you can make rightnow and i'll continue warning people from ICO buyers with locked tokens shilling here aggressively in order to maintain the this current price.

>> No.23183816

Btw AVAX admins delete every non positive comment, even constructive criticism, It's echo chamber and giant circle jerk of the biggest pseuds in crypto. The result that come out of it is the shilling here, Arrogant, Delusional, Low IQ and Repetitive.

Like i said the only explanation beside severe mental illness is that the people who shill it have their tokens locked, I can't imagine rationalizing all the points i already made (which are true, you can check it yourself and i'll help you if you've questions) into thinking it's investment worthy.

>> No.23183825
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This. Literally no partnerships etc lol. Imagine buying this over priced poo poo coin when you can just buy it’s undervalued competitor Stake. You /biz Poojets will never make it

>> No.23183927

Btw 2.0, Avax can't scale linearly with nodes so its future prospect is already deemed as failure and *bad philosophy* (Ones who halt progress), It's capped. And it's currently experiencing "state bloat", The AVAX network can't scale to higher TPS without being bottlenecked, The average TPS of avax chain since launch is sub 1 transaction per second. They've no solution for it and nobody will use the platform until it solved, Holders literally putting their money in dying tech in addition to all the point i already mentioned. This might top the list of the worst investment ever with alongside Curve.

>> No.23183999

>Adler had very valid points
No, retard, he didn't. He said variable-fee isn't feasible in Avalanche. Avalanche devs explained to him different mechanisms for supporting variable-fee (one of them is already on the todo list) and he couldn't reply back, he also ignored multiple invitations to a live debate.
Adler is smart but he's dishonest, he writes these threads so desperate retarded mETH heads like you can feel less insecure about their heavy bags. Just like religious people who "debunk" atheist arguments. They know they are full of shit, but they know their subhuman low IQ followers will eat it up because they need to believe. Your posts are reeking of desperation.

>There are ZERO use cases for avax platform at this moment,
It launched two weeks ago, some dapp were deployed, but the big ones are the pipeline, they are also working on an eth bridge.

>And you're aware that not only that AVAX is light years behind ETH
Muh network effect doesn't protect you from competition when your product is absolute garbage, retard. Imagine if Facebook became very slow and forced people to pay for access, how long do you think it will last?
Bitcoiners used to be confident like you thinking that muh network effects will protect them, guess what happened? The blocks got full and fees got high. Did users bend over? No, many business dropped Bitcoin support entirely and many users adopted other chains.

Users don't give a fuck about you or your bags. They want something that works and doesn't rape their wallets. Ethereum is NOT USABLE today even according to Vitalik (literally his words). Do you know what he also said? "It will take a couple of years to finish the roadmap of ETH 2.0".

So we have an unusable product today and an hypothetical project that might exist in 2 years which would still be inferior to Avalanche in terms of decentralization and finality.

Your argument boils down to "Ethereum is numba two so it will awalys be numba two". lmao. kys.

>> No.23184101

You keep getting more desperate, pajeet, just like Bitcoin maximalists. It scales just fine to tens of thousands of nodes.

>the average TPS of avax chain since launch is sub 1 transaction per second.
The average doesn't equal capacity, retard. It's literally two weeks old. Not many people are transacting yet.

>.And it's currently experiencing "state bloat",
pruning is on the todo list. This was announced months ago even before the ICO. Btw, ETH won't be able to prune as good as Avalanche due Ethereum's account structure that Vitalik publicly regrets to this day.

You'll have to come up with a better fud, pajeet.

>> No.23184114

You're literally only choosing very small fraction of the things you think you can tackle in my whole argument and even then you're doing it badly.

Your arguments boil down to this:
>lol Avax surely will 100% dethrone ETH lol look at the tech
>lol it's a new project give it time, so what if it's valued at 2B without doing anything? It's undervalued at any point because i said so
>lol adler made shitty points, just look, he didn't reply to avax team! the whole rage that went on in their main group and twitter with avax team having no conclusive answers to most of his questions is nothing to worry about, trust me and emin dude

>> No.23184144

>pruning is on the todo list

Meaning it's a theory rightnow, meaning no one will use the network and take it seriously in the foreseeable future, It's basically incomplete work that might not be able to ever be completed, yet you're so confidently shilling your coin with ridiculous claims, makes you think.

>> No.23184214

one of the worst pepes

>> No.23184297

Btw the network is yet to perform even 100+ TPS on mainnet settings so your 4.5K claims are smoke and mirrors (private testnet). Not only that, The team is holding 80% of the stacking power, So even if we tried to stress tested the network it wouldn't be valid as it's centralized settings and not different than trash like EOS and Neo. AVAX doesn't even have proof of having a decent tech which is something its holders hang on (retardedly, like i said even if it had a really good tech it wouldn't be close to enough to compensate for all the disadvantages i listed).

>> No.23184349

Contract address?

>> No.23184426
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I like this one better

>> No.23184464

>You're literally only choosing very small fraction
You got BTFO more than I can count.

>Your arguments boil down to this:
>lol Avax surely will 100% dethrone ETH lol look at the tech
If you weren't retarded you would have reached the same conclusion. No other network scales to tens of thousands of nodes AND has near instant finality AND high throughput. It solved the blockchain trilemma.

>>with avax team having no conclusive answers
The co-founder wrote a long thread addressing all his threads and explained different approaches to implementing variable-fees, one of them is epochs which is already on the todo list for several purposes, not just variable-fees. Your boy got BTFO. He asked for answers, he got them then ran away.

>Meaning it's a theory rightnow
No, retard. Avalanche borrows the UTXO structure of Bitcoin, which is very suitable for pruning.

>> No.23184647

>The team is holding 80% of the stacking power,
Another easy to falsify claim. https://info.avax.network..

Don't you get tired of lying, pajeet?

>(private testnet).
>so your 4.5K claims are smoke and mirrors
No, they ran their tests on large networks with latencies. Feel free to spam the network and prove them wrong.

>> No.23184710

xdai already has a working product and is offering a scaling solution for ETH as we speak. AVA X is trash and too late to the party

>> No.23184750

L2 solutions inherit the latency and security of L1 which are shit. Kys, pajeet.

>> No.23184756

that's much better

>> No.23184924

AVAX will bleed 50% from here, at least. VC scams don't do well in bears.

Bonded Finance, however... welp. Look into it.

>> No.23185926

>VC scams
The public sale was three times bigger than the private sale and had the same price. Also they both have same vesting schedule.

You'll have to come up with a different fud, pajeet.

>> No.23186516
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let this be true my god

>> No.23186536
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Nah Im good thx tho

>> No.23186599

People are fudding to accumulate, why do you think they come to every thread?

>> No.23186605


>> No.23187277

I really don't know how to keep responding to you, You sometimes even agree with my point without even realizing but keep rambling schizo bullshit.

>No, retard. Avalanche borrows the UTXO structure of Bitcoin, which is very suitable for pruning.

Pruning isn't a permanent solution and really don't solve it directly, This was a main concern even since the team rocket paper released and yet to find a solution, AVAX as a project is bottlenecked, Fear of lack of innovation and not fear of implementation, This is the biggest fear and AVAX is currently experiencing this.

AVAX encounter the same problem as ETH which state sharding should solve (Which then what's the point of avalanche?), The storage problem will still remain a major concern after pruning as the state keep increasing and increasing leading to dead end.

>> No.23187465

Zinken testnet is tomorrow. If the launch goes well, deposit contract address will get announced a few days later.
Deposit contract is the event starting ETH 2.0. People have been waiting on this for 5 years. Do you really think they will wait a few more days? Retard. No they wont. This is the perfect opportunity to sell your ETH for AVAX.