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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23178473 No.23178473 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry for dumping your XSN niggers, I should've sold earlier at 50 cents but thought this shit would go somewhere.
Anyways I broke even back to my presummer link stack as if I did 0 gains 0 losses in this shitty defi season, should've just stayed in link and avoided that stress.

>> No.23178537

A prime example: don't invest in scams. Especially in scams that are rebrands from an older scam (PoSW)

>> No.23178766

I am losing confidence

>> No.23178807

>I am losing confidence
Are you one of the core developers?

>> No.23178843

just a bagholder

>> No.23178848

Smart decision, sold my 75k stack in the past few days as well. Lost all confidence in this project

>> No.23178894

The decision making from the team just boggles the mind:
>hammer for weeks that 4.0.4 = swap UI
>release 4.0.4 = not swap UI
what the fuck?

>> No.23179158

Imagine being retarded enough to fud a security update

>> No.23179584

Lol dumped this so long ago

>> No.23179616

Pajeet bagholders are seething rn