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23175565 No.23175565 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23175599
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SPOILER: it's fake

>> No.23175710

>99.995% survival rate
Yea pretty sure you're gonna make it if you're not a fat whiny fuck.

>> No.23175797

>hurr durr waiting for my fake cold test result
kys retard

>> No.23176349


>> No.23176600

How the fuck did you get coofed on? With all the precautions taking place

>> No.23176630

I ate a bat today to mock covid , it's nothing guys

>> No.23177024

A woman in Ireland got 15 tests to see what would happen
5 positives 10 negatives
It's a hoax

>> No.23177105

An incel on 4chan today combed Facebook for an anecdote to confirm a previously-arrived-at conclusion
5 minutes, no source
You're a hoax

>> No.23177180

let me guess you're also the kind of person who doesn't wear a mask
great work chud
you do realize millions will die by the time this is over solely because of covidiots like you who can't listen to what the science tells us? you should all be rounded up and arrested at least until this is over
wear the fucking mask, it's not hard. social distance if you absolutely must leave the house. listen to the experts and the science.
we're in a fucking global pandemic, start acting like it

>> No.23177197
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Don't you queers ever get tired of spouting off the same thing over and over again?

>> No.23177246

Positive, everyone who gets tested is positive

>> No.23177259

Get a life

>> No.23177317

>wake up today
>body aches, fever, lethargy
>call in to my employer
>already had a call out
>have to go in when I’m coming down with either a really bad cold, flu or rona
clown life

>> No.23177501

smoking is good against Covid. based anon

>> No.23177598

people on the planet. about 7 billion
'covid'- deaths : 1 million.