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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23170019 No.23170019 [Reply] [Original]

Shall we /biz? Since /pol is under occupation for about 10 years now


>> No.23170030

You too can be rich and famous with this one simple trick.

>> No.23170910

read the API3 Medium instead of wasting time with this.

>> No.23171132

Im not clicking that chief

>> No.23171821

Stay poor then

>> No.23172179

Great article

>> No.23172409

What's the tldr fren

>> No.23172613

Even if you read it, which you won't, your tiny nigger brain wouldn't know what to do with the information anyway.

>> No.23172657

who gives a flying fuck?

fuck off to /pol or /x with this bullshit you fucking flaming faggot

>> No.23172904

>who cares about the truth
>let's just talk about shitcoins
A wild subhuman enters the thread. But to answer your question. No

>> No.23172970

how about you post a summary, then maybe I will care about your thread

>> No.23173106

How about you fuck off and be a nigger somewhere else?
I like how these vile subhumans think they can just demand to be spoonfed.

>> No.23173210

You’re really a dumb faggot nigger.

>> No.23173266

>How about you fuck off and be a nigger somewhere else?
>I like how these vile subhumans think they can just demand to be spoonfed.
Caught me another one

>> No.23173312

>make a thread nobody gives a fuck about
>when people try to show interest the lazy nigger won’t even explain what he’s rambling about
This is why you are low iq.

>> No.23173336
File: 294 KB, 641x642, 42dkgu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds, schizo.

>> No.23173343

How about you fuck off and be a nigger somewhere else?
I like how these vile subhumans think they can just demand to be spoonfed.
This dumb nigger thinks he is getting a reply lmao

>> No.23173347

go back to /pol/ you fucking maga loser, and feel free to kys when you finally muster up the courage

>> No.23173369

>information nobody gives a fuck about.
Dumb autist hope you get banned and thread archived.

>> No.23173388

So, his crowning achievement was a measly 166x? the major factor in which was that he was able to throw that amount of money around comfortably because of his inflated holly wood salary? whats your point dude? I throw everything I have at investments, no savings, no fun. lol okay brb just gonna go be a multi-millionaire actor real quick never knew it was so easy thanks biz.

>> No.23173421
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20201010-115202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its only 7 pages, about this weird town that Clooney is from, Maysville, KY. seems a lot of important people in American history are from there, even though it’s a small town.

>> No.23173446

How about you fuck off and be a nigger somewhere else?
I like how these vile subhumans think they can just demand to be spoonfed.
Yeah these glowinggers are fucking mad.

>> No.23173497
File: 947 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20201010-115558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that’s not even the most interesting thing on miles mathis’ site in the past day. there is another story that a big law firm thats suing the perps of the CORONA HOAX for crimes againsg humanity. now THAT’S a real story.

>> No.23173536

If you’re going to make a thread you can’t just be a completely retarded monkey nigger and go: “hurr durr thread important!”, you have to actually give reasons for us to be interested and believe that it is worth our time to look further into the article you posted, you deserve a week’s ban for being so unfathomably retarded.

>> No.23173556

Oy Vey. The goyim are going deeper down our rabbit hole.

Here's vox day explaining how ONLY those who are part of (((certain bloodlines))) are allowed past a certain point


Wonder why celebs and the famous grow progressively worse over time? It's because it's all a big (((fix))) propped up by (((ritual sacrifice)) and (((usury))).

>> No.23173559

I'm calling controlled opposition as well but only time will tell. In a few years we will have a better picture on this whole ordeal.

>> No.23173598

How about you fuck off and be a nigger somewhere else?
I like how these vile subhumans think they can just demand to be spoonfed.
Tenacious little monkey. His dumb whorish mother forgot something

>> No.23173637

Covid was a panic move made by the architects of the NWO to try to counter the rapid collapse of globalisation. They fucked up big time. They don't have the control. It's falling apart.

>> No.23173794

if it’s controlled opposition it still gives up a lot of ground, i.e. they know they are about to get burned hard so they are doing this to soften the blow. expect a lot of rich people to fake their deaths in the next year, maybe even bill gates himself.

this could also be rival families fighting each other. i dont think all the top families were in agreement about this hoax, and continuing it after May was a big mistake.

>> No.23173823
File: 354 KB, 485x863, sylphchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is biz ill ask, are my gibs still coming though?

>> No.23173873

What do you not understand retard? I don't want to be spoofed, spoon feeding implies me giving a fuck. Fucking retard.

>> No.23173932

How about you fuck off and be a nigger somewhere else?
I like how these vile subhumans think they can just demand to be spoonfed.
You ain't getting a reply dumb nigger. Your desperation reeks.

>> No.23173959

Didn’t finish reading but does this tie into mud flood/Tartaria hypotheses

>> No.23174019

He wants you to click on his link so he can phish you

>> No.23174029

Clooney is from Lexington.

>> No.23174129

I think things need to proceed as planned by this "unnamed entity" and the top families are not quite on the same page, it's like some are reluctant to go along.

>> No.23174247

Yes it ties in with cataclysmic events. Clooney played in Tomorrowland after all, which looks to be more like a message to their progeny than a movie. As for Tartaria, that might just be the usual sophistry.

>> No.23174252

>just pretending to be retarded
Yeah, you're retarded.

>> No.23174274

>who gives a flying fuck?
> to answer your question, no

fucking kek. stop larping as a non retarded person.

>> No.23174291

yeah he looks like a typical glownigger tbqh, it’s like talking to a flowchart. low pay grade, probably doesn’t even get benefits

>> No.23174336

it's falling apart and they know it. they don't have any control anymore. the Rona shit got outta hand and now its cleanup time hence the "fake deaths" next year. it'll be spectaculair. prolly gonna start a new war or something similar to hide the big changes in plain sight

>> No.23174385

Miles Mathis did a paper on Tartaria. He doesn’t believe it per se but he shows some interesting things about it.


>> No.23174432
File: 144 KB, 500x522, 1600889847367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you arguing with a retard? kek

>> No.23174444

These are the subhumans who shill you shitcoins 24/7 and control the narrative here on /biz. They had you believe it was "pajeets" and indians, yeah no.

>> No.23174706

>vox day
a nigger who happens to have light skin

>> No.23175051

Feels like this event was staged in order to have all the various governments of the world on the same page and proceed to the next stage of the master plan.
No doubt our true history is denied to us and there is definitely something to it, I just don't know whether it's worth pursuing some of these theories, some which are clearly misdirecting from the bigger picture.

>> No.23175121

ok i skimmed over this dumb fucking pdf and to save everyone else time
>muh freemasons number 33 shows up a lot in the town that Clooney was from

OP, please rope yourself

>> No.23176341
File: 30 KB, 411x612, gettyimages-532900249-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice is a high level banking authority and the primary owner of the Venetian Mafia. Prince Emanuele Filiberto is pure evil and extremely malicious. Venice was a major banking and merchant center for centuries. The Savoy's top white collar Venetian mobsters are the wealthy Cipriani family which own restaurants, bars, clubs, and hotels with Maggio Cipriani as a current member. The Ciprianis were found guilty of tax evasion in the United States and they used private bank accounts in Luxembourg. The Ciprianis paid a fine to get out of prison. The Ciprianis also employed the convicted mafia financier Dennis Pappas as their Vice President of Cipriani USA. Princess Bianca of Savoy-Aosta is married to Count Giberto Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga of Venetian nobility and they reside in Venice today at their Palazzo Papadopoli and co-manage the Venetian Mafia with their daughters Viola and Vera. George Clooney was married at their Venetian palazzo and is friends with the Venetian noble Count Giovanni di Volpi Misurata. The Venetian Mafia are managers of Hollywood. Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo is a noble of Venetia and married the actress Jessica Chastain. Count Gian Luca is a top authority of Hollywood and a child trafficker who has the billionaire Benneton family of Treviso, Veneto as his financiers. The Venetian Mafia and thier associates are all involved in child trafficking networks. The Brandolini d'Adda family are a Venetian nobility which are married with the French Rothschilds. Count Guido Brandolini d'Adda works at Rothschild & Co in the United Kingdom. The Rothschilds are money launderers and financiers of human trafficking networks and likely have some ancestry from Venice. Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice is the head.

>> No.23176346

George Clooney strikes me as a guy that comes from old money. Hollywood seems entirely dependent on who you know or blow.

>> No.23176367

The Guistiniani family were Doges of Venice and today Count Nicolo Guistiniani is the Knight of the Order of Saint Lazarus and Saint Maurice which is a military order run by the House of Savoy.The Del Bono Venezze family are top Venetian nobles with Count Vittorio del Bono Venezze and his sister Countess Beatrice del Bono Venezze. The Giovannelli-Marconi family have Venetian titles of nobility and are close friends with the Savoys. Prince Guglielmo Giovannelli-Marconi is a top knight under the Mussolini sisters and his wife Princess Maria Vittoria is a child murderer and Amazon. The House of Savoy are the royal family of Italy and they were kicked out of Italy for installing the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini so they moved to Geneva, Switzerland where their ancestors ruled for centuries. In the past few decades they have been let back into Italy. They have residences in Italy, France, and Switzerland and connections with various bankers and billionaires. The Prince of Venice's father Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy the Prince of Naples was charged and imprisoned for murder and later released and also investigated for corruption, making bribes, slot machine rackets, and exploitation of prostitution. Prince Vittorio is the Prince of Naples where Camorra is headquartered. Its likely that all Camorra mafias pay tributes to the Savoys as well as the Massimos with Prince Carlo Massimo whose mother was a Savoy-Genovese. Prince Vittorio's wife is Princess Marina Doria from the wealthy banking family of Genova also called Genoa. The Dorias ruled as Doges of the Republic of Genoa. The name Genovese means someone from Genova, Italy and the Savoys established a Savoy-Genovese branch. Genoa or Genova, Italy and Geneva, Switzerland where the Savoys reside have the same name which means New City. Nova means new.

>> No.23176384

Gianluigi Aponte is an Italian billionaire that was born in Naples and now lives in Geneva and he owns Mediterranean Shipping Company the second largest shipping company in the world. The Apontes which are worth about 8 billion are agents of the Savoys and work with Camorra in infiltrating ports for criminal trafficking including human trafficking. Prince Emanuele Filiberto has worked as a Swiss banker at the Republic New York Bank in Geneva and at the private Banque SYZ in Geneva.

>> No.23176747

Blue bloods

>> No.23176802

They’re all related to each other.
Hanks, Pitt, Princess Diana, Trump, Hilary, bushes, etc

>> No.23176959

Do you feel this poor sap seething? I feel it.

>> No.23177135

Good posts, I can feel the shitcoin shills squirming right now. The swiss have always harbored the elite, it's full of kikes there if you ever been to the Alps, whether french, italian or swiss alps.



One big happy family

>> No.23177305

read this thread but not sure wtf is going on since I lack any background knowledge. can someone give a qrd from top to bottom on everything as if I knew absolutely nothing?

>> No.23177414

3 ETH and I'll spoonfeed you like you are a retarded illiterate nigger.

>> No.23178333

The crux of Tartaria is that Christianity has been weaponised against Aryans for a lot longer than previously believed.

Much of the energy of the crusades was actually European strength trying to kill off the loose confederation of slavic aryans known as Tartaria.

>> No.23178453

The Black Nobility allowed the Jewish Banking dynasties to join them a few centuries ago.

Every year the elite families become more and more jewish

>> No.23178498


>> No.23178567

You must return.