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23167574 No.23167574 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here made it and decided to cut through the bullshit of regular dating?

I'm having some business success and a boost in income and seriously considering the sugar daddy life.

Has anyone had a sugar baby you pay to fuck and hang out with? What was it like?

>> No.23167614

I just can't come to terms with the cynicism of it, would rather be alone than knowing the bitch hates my guts and only cares about my money.

>> No.23167624

Nope. You're just not attractive.

>> No.23168202

Don't do that.

>> No.23168228

It doesn't matter how rich I am (currently 40 million net worth) I will never have a sugar baby.

To think I would be providing a good life for a fucking thot kills my soul. Fuck them, let them eat shit, let them be poor, I will not give them a good life.

Thots need to starve.

>> No.23168258

If you can afford it, its fun for a month. Make her do wiers shit your into, or just tell her to get naked and go run and touch that street pole- when she does you leave and toss all her shit into a wastebin at the corner store, never bring them home with you, never use your first phone number, preferrably pick them up in a end of life lease car so they dont report you on their networks and use a fake name...

They wear out after a month or two and long term is fiscally unsustainable- but its good fun

>> No.23168271
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>> No.23168300


Fake name and beater car? Is it really that risky they could do something devious to fuck you up?

I figured the worst part would be the ethical dilemma of paying for sex and trying to avoid the obvious psychos and whores who fuck a different dude every night.

>> No.23168343

She isnt my accountant, she doesnt need my whole name- i didnt say beater, i said lease most girls will avoid you if you text them a pic or tell them your picking them up in a shitbox car.

These women have issues, but they realize they have looks- so while they are smart to use said looks, they are still on the status of "putting your dick in crazy" so take the nessecary steps and realize this is not a relationship, this is a contract- you give them money, they do devious/sexy shit for you... if they dont agree, move on- youll find a girl that will.

They wear out fast, but the ones worth dropping the dosh on no joke will be better at this then you are and will take you for a run and drop you like a hat once its over, they hustle they dont cling

>> No.23168439

Go 50/50

Pay a girl some to hang out with you in the beginning and prove her that besides being rich, you’re actually a nice person too and they will eventually stay with you.

This way you can basically choose anybody you want as you’re not paying for sex so the girls don’t feel like whores. Also you can up your dating game and have unlimited retries to make a girl genuinely fall for you.

And if you cannot get laid you can always pay the whores and then continue with the 50/50 game with other girls.

I know I’m getting called a simp but I enjoy the beginning of a relationship so much I’d want to try it. Maybe a nice restaurant at firsr, go for a drive in your nice car etc. and later cook a nice meal at your place.

>> No.23168483

Literally the women that do this look for dudes exactly like you. You demand nothing of them, pay for everything, pay them their cut, and all they do is pretend to be interested- its a shocking realization that when you say "this isnt gonna work" how quick they drop you and never text again (you think they will because you built a "bond") its literally about the money.

This is their job. You dont wife these women, in fact 90% of the time- she dates in her freetime. If a girl ever tells you she into modeling, and gets PAID but cant ever show you a magazine or ad with her in it. But has a hugeeeee instagram shes a bunny bro.

>> No.23168708

you can just as well give money to pajeet scammers on /biz/

>> No.23168793

It’s not as commonplace where I live so normal girls would probably be genuine

If I had the money I wouldn’t care. Pick a girl on instagram, go have a nice dinner in a restaurant and drinks at your place. Just the implication of being wealthy in combination with being a nice guy is enough to have things rolling by the time you get back to your place.

Of course it’s required that you are actually a good guy who wouldn’t have too much struggle with getting women in the start anyway. Doesn’t work if the girls find you repulsive.

>> No.23168798

based millionaire
try finding a girl from between europe and china
contrary to mutt belief, kazachstan, armenia and so on have one of the most beautifull white christian women
with your networth youd be top 0.01% there so you can easily get a top 0.01% wife

>> No.23168824

Escorts are cheaper and they leave you alone after the date ended, a demanding thot that only cares about my money sounds like a nightmare to me. But if you are a cuck or something like that it might be an okay experience.

>> No.23168873

Kek go watch pretty woman again you absolute homo

>> No.23168970

K incel

>> No.23168993

Why is an blue pilled idiot, that considers escort whores as dating material on /biz/?

>> No.23169017

come on bro, i'm sure you don't need to pay a girl for her company. have some confidence. as long as you aren't ugly you're fine.

>> No.23169100

I just think it’s the easiest way to meet those girls whose attention would otherwise be close to impossible to get. Where else would I meet them anyway?
I like cooking, I like nice restaurants and all that. Tbh I don’t see a reason not to if I’ve made enough € and can pick almost whoever I want.

I’ve just noticed in life that being a genuine human being brings good things in life. But yeah for me it’s only a year or two from now. If OP wants to bang real prostitutes then go for it, I’d choose my own hand over somebody who fucks me only because I pay for it every time

>> No.23169166

you'd be meeting a type of girl you don't want to be in a relationship. for the love of god please don't ever do that. just use a dating app

>> No.23169211

As hot and honest some may seem, they're all whores anon. Keep looking for a decent girl, theyre out there. Dont show them your power level or money until after a few years

>> No.23169216


9s and 10s are shitty gfs, you just pump and dump them like a shitcoin. If you want to settle take a 7 or a 8 if you want something risky.

>> No.23169228

I know that. I’m not really looking a relationship anyway, I could do with a kind of sunday gf.

Anyway it’s only speculation, I haven’t made it yet and I might not ever make it. If I ever do I will try it out.

>> No.23169258
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I pay Miyaki about 10k/mth but I get exclusivity. She wants to get married, but I’m not so sure. Wat do?

>> No.23169313

It’s actually pretty incredible how conniving, heartless, and sociopathic some women can be. And, if they’re a 10, they can lay it on any man and he will break. I imagine that a lot of intelligent young adult male millionaires view dating and women as a liability. It must be. You hear the stories of these guys getting scammed, robbed, swindled, cucked, or wrapped up in dangerous situations all because of a woman. It’s sad how careful you have to be these days because women can be so advanced in their gold-digging methods, we literally can’t keep up.

>> No.23169323

you live in a make beleive world

>> No.23169339

im going to pay her 20k a month for exclusitivity

>> No.23169350

Why do you think so? All wimen r whores amiright?

>> No.23169421

not falling for your leading bait question so you can go have sex incel no matter what I put. begone simp virgin knight

>> No.23169437

Kek the only incel here is you.

>> No.23169474

why make it that difficult? just fuck a hooker
way less of a headache

actually because of rona it fucking is now tho

>> No.23169500

thanks for proving my point simp virgin knight. begone again simp you wont get your peepee touched acting so unmanly and virginal over females you'd never fuck.

>> No.23169578
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The things I do to these girls anon you don't believe and they do it willingly too as long as you offer enough money, it's ridiculous. One girl ate my shit for 3k, while she was rimming me I got this huge urge to shit i presses her mouth to my asshole and just dropped the nastiest diarrhea I ever had in her mouth. Shit was hilarious, she was so mad but when I offered 3k (I honestly thought I will need minimum 7) she was suddenly happy and everything was OK again. Power of money man....

>> No.23169606

That's really expensive for that kind of service, go to Amsterdam and get it for 1/10 of what you paid for it.

>> No.23169611
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This is some next level incel talk, come on dude, life isn't a gangster movie. Just use common sense mixed with experience, if you lack the latter you will just have to deal with getting burned a few times. This is the game of dating, relationships and most importantly of all, getting to know yourself and realize what you want and need. Women are just as evil/amazing as the dude down the street, now go give your mom a hug and stop fueling hatred by watching thots on social media, it's not real and you're only damaging yourself.

>> No.23169612


What if some of us are ugly and a bit autistic but have financial means?

>Be me.
>Newly divorced in thirties.
>Over 300 lbs.
>Bad skin due to shitty genetics.
>Tired of Cooming in my hand.

Here's the thing. Real dating is fucking shit in your thirties if you aren't Chad. 70% of your choices are single moms and women with terrible looks or worse personalities who were picked over.

There are normal 5-7 looking girls on places like Seeking Arrangement who don't sound all that demanding. I'm not even aiming for supermodel thots, I just want to pay an okay girl who would normally be above my tier by a few notches a monthly stipend to spend time with me and suck my fat dick.

>> No.23169744

stop simping so hard cuz wahmen were "insulted"
jesus fuck some of you virgins really cant handle it when a female is "insulted" in life. MUST DEFEND WAHMEN MUST GET GOOD BOY PEEPEE TOUCH POINTS. honestly sad how many of you are abominations to manhood

>> No.23169763

You'd get beaten by their boyfriends/pimps if you did. It's fucking dangerous to scam them, like stealing from a drug dealer. Most sugar babies ask for references, financial statements, etc. etc.

The absolute state of biz suggesting a fake name and beater car too.

>> No.23169774

Uhuhuhu were you bullied by girls when you were younger? Or is it that they are laughing at your stained shirt and big tummy now?

>> No.23170298

I'm just stating the obvious that is the norm for all grown up normal men. Grow some fucking hair on your balls and stop acting like a autistic zoomer, your writing define your age and life experience.

>> No.23170441


do like the arabs and turn thots into your personal porta potties

>> No.23170474


>> No.23170506

With sloots you always pay something, be it time or money, but the redpilled man knows both are the same

>> No.23170524

Blue pilled af

>> No.23170539


>> No.23170545


>> No.23170554

I live in Australia so escorts are legal here anyway.

I've gotten better deals with sugar babes. $500-$1000 a night of fun. This is because the girls are into you anyway. Some of them are stupid and think they are worth more then a escort so just ignore those ones.

Decent escorts are $4-500 an hour here and several grand for a overnight.

>> No.23170566

Good thing about sugar baby’s is they’re hotter and more inexperienced hookers, so they’ll do shit like suck your dick dry without a rubber and it feels less business like and they’re a little less run through.

>> No.23171393
File: 179 KB, 960x660, Kleros (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what a wholesome interaction here
I can confirm this may or may not be the truth

Hello. Everyone in this thread. This is the moral police. Kleros!!!!!!!!!! Everybody SILENCE

>> No.23172383

Toronto whores are the best.
Bbbj cimsw/cof and anal all for under 400CAD which is like pennies in American dollars.

>> No.23172403

>sugar daddy
>sugar baby
all this sort of retarded shit come from fuckin burgers as always

>> No.23172662

Here are the rules: everyone - yes EVERYONE - including (you) pays for sex.

What’s tendered may be different, but at the end of the day:


That out of the way the prior way of dating & mating where people would settle down early, start a family, have kids in their twenties, is not happening and basing your romantic plans off a fairy tale system might not be the best. Not saying this won’t come back at a future date (if you’ve read The Fourth Turning the authors make the point it will BUT only when society shifts its attitude).

If you’re going to straight up pay for sex remember all you’re getting is physical intimacy, not emotional intimacy. If you can keep this straight, go for it. If you can’t, you’ll run into problems.

My take away is I (mid thirties, fit) personally do not want the emotional intimacy and have no problem paying for the physical; see it as like trading options. I know EXACTLY what my cost is, don’t want to be long in the position but do want to capture gain from the movement. 99% of the bullshit society tolerates is cut out and I get pretty much exactly what I want with minimal outlay in time.

If I ever decide to have kids I’ll source an egg or two, procure a surrogate, hire a wet nurse, and so on. Just don’t see the legal risks of going the traditional way as outweighing the potential benefits. Not saying this is true for everyone, just how I see the landscape.

>> No.23172733
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>That out of the way the prior way of dating & mating where people would settle down early, start a family, have kids in their twenties, is not happening and basing your romantic plans off a fairy tale system might not be the best.

>> No.23172758

Tell me the difference between that and a girlfriend? Shit, a sugar baby is more expensive because you are in some weird situation where you’re obliged to buy her shit for sex. Fuck that

>> No.23173024

I can't get a girlfriend but I can get a sugar baby

>> No.23173180

Crypto OG here. I used to have a rotation of 6 different girls.
Redpill: More than 70% of young women these days have at least 1 STD.
Standard tests only test for 7 or 9 different infections.
I was frequently paying for more expensive tests that detect 20+ different STDs.
I tested 30+ girls. All ages 18 to 25, pretty, thin, coeds, no tatoos/piercings, clean/innocent looking.
More than 70% have at least 1 STD. Herpes 1, mycoplasma and ureaplasma are the most common.
The bacteria and viruses take about 3 weeks to 3 months to multiply untill they reach the threshold to give a positive result on a test. This is why false negative test results are very common.

>> No.23173257

are sugar baby arrangements cheaper than just fucking prostitutes? i don't get it.

>> No.23173380

>paying for free holes

>> No.23173457

All women really are whores though. If you aren't locking your bitch up when you leave the house, you're gonna come home to a big fucking mess. Never trust a woman.

>> No.23173503
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Why do you fucking simps want a girls company? Why would you even pay for that shit?

If you can't get a girl to hang out with you without paying them then you have some fucking problems. I only pay if I am fucking, but I will never pay to hang out.

>> No.23173555

Sugar babies are way cheaper than escorts. I pay them $300 per meet and they hang out with me for hours, sometimes even for the entire night and fuck them without rubber.

>> No.23174099

OP missed the thread yesterday about the corporate sugar daddy that got murdered by some psycho injecting heroine into him on a yacht.

If you have to pay for a relationship/sex with a women, you’re just a cuck with no self worth. It’s pathetic how much value you assign to a measly flesh hole. Simps gunna simp.

Here’s a thought, find someone who you actually like, and who actually likes you back.. crazy right?

>> No.23174170
File: 102 KB, 514x658, Not+like+theyre+spoken+for+anyway+japanese+males+are+the+_50421b47862c7278546feb2d320aea9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my girlfriend is paying for my date tonight cause i used all my money in stonks
you guys ngmi if you have to pay for your tendies

>> No.23174236


Stupid fucking nigger

>> No.23174255

You're better off getting an escort a few times a month

>> No.23174258

This anon is right. I’ve gone down the pay for sex route, and used seeking arrangement and paid a couple college girls. It’s exciting at first, but if you have any semblance of normality within you, the degeneracy of it all eats away at you. And it all comes down to admitting your not of high value enough that you could get these women, so you cheat and pay for it. That’s what I did and I admit it’s very beta and loserish. I have to put in a lot of work to become the man I want to be, and be with the type of woman I want. But most who pay don’t want to and take the easy way out.

Everything else is just cope. It’s just fear of either getting feelings hurt because they’ve been hurt in the past, or fear of losing money. Both are fair points and totally make sense.

The one component every guy conveniently leaves out is what their worth is, and how they value it. And the truth is many of the times, their worth is low. Sure they have money so their financial worth is high , but their sexual worth is low. If it was high, they wouldn’t need to pay for it.

>> No.23174807

Unless you are over 50 years old and look like shit, then forget about sugar daddy game for your own sanity.

>> No.23174850

Also, hookers are fine as long they are at least 8/10 since you would've probably wasted more money and time on dates.