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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23157227 No.23157227 [Reply] [Original]

While you were talking about football and videogames I was checking stocks
While you were going out for drinks I read whitepapers
While you were fucking girls I was downloading wallets
While you got promoted to being my manager and got married to a beautiful smart loving woman my career remained stagnant and I lost all my savings trading shitcoin scams
Thats what separates us faggot

>> No.23157705
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That's a man!

>> No.23157957

>while you were fucking girls i was downloading wallets

too true

>> No.23158013

I can smell the bagels and lox from here

>> No.23158032


Thats a man. Sorry lad, you married a man, and now you are a gay ass faggot.

>> No.23158156

literally the story of my god damned life. Fuck, im giving myself one more fucking year of hope. It's getting grim anons

>> No.23158186

that's a husband

>> No.23158240

Big kek
Here's a (you)

>> No.23158587

why you have to do me like this man..
now i'm sad

>> No.23158755

Why didn't you just do both, anon?

>> No.23158792
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This is me.

>> No.23158806

Nobody does that. Ever. And if you'll only end being fucked over twice.

>> No.23158910

while both of you tards were being losers i was creampieing my gf and then going on biz
>tfw ascendad chadautist

>> No.23158943
File: 17 KB, 250x221, 1599696884321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll never fuck a woman this attractive

>> No.23159477

I'll never go on a date or feel a boob,