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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23152279 No.23152279 [Reply] [Original]

Is everyone in this board actually rich or just larping?

>> No.23152313

why would anyone with money still come here? what is the next 100x?

>> No.23152324
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We're always somewhere in between, isn't that so anon?

>> No.23152338

32k LINK and I feel poor.

>> No.23152350

is a networth of 100k rich?

>> No.23152352

i am a millionaire(in RSR)

>> No.23152364

I only have 19k LINKs so about $200k, but at least I'm just 20yo

>> No.23152388
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I'm a network of around $200 in my checkings account. You tell me.

>> No.23152391

No but you’ve broken out of poorfagdom if you are under about 35.

>> No.23152410

everyone who made it is on the beach. the rest is chasing the next 100x, but they just lose it on the next rug pull. rinse repeat

>> No.23152418

They're dirt poor, the UNI $2k airdrop got everybody here euphoric

>> No.23152530

Yes I'm very rich I am buying this 50x gems ,,

>> No.23152845

Why yes my net worth is 666 gorillion hoe did you know?

>> No.23152857

everyone is here to make fun of (you)

>> No.23152873

same with 150k link...

>> No.23152906
File: 121 KB, 950x512, IMG_20201009_211938_148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in on $ZYX before it moons. presale started already and will close on 10th October

>GOVERNANCE token of ZYX platform is adopting Binance smart chain (Integration)

>Early adopter will get more benefits

>Unruggable as ERC-20 is already listed and already many features listed

ZYX got fudded by its buyers and hodlers into oblivion on purpose and its about to launch its BEP20 TOKEN

>This project is legit ,
>phenomenal tokenomics,.
>$ZYX is the unruggable SUSHI.
>Farming/ governance tokens to the moon
>More scalable on BEP20 BLOCKCHAIN


Send only BNB BEP20 to this address from a non-custodial wallet (MEW, Trust, Metamask. ):

- All funds collected during pre-sale will be addde to liquidity and locked
- 50% of funds will go for buyback of ZYX ERC20 tokens
- Soon we are launching a platform Megaswap.io, that will work like a DEX cross-chain liquidity aggregator ( short intro could be found in Medium article https://medium.com/@zyxnetwork/binance-smart-chain-integration-presale-4d8e379f006b )

>> No.23152956

Some are legitimately rich. Have you seen the portfolio screenshots?

>> No.23152963

25 yo and richer than about 99.9% of the pop by simply buying and selling linkies

how are people poor lmao like just trade crypto nigga

>> No.23153006

>666 gorillian hoe

What nation uses this currency? Somewhere in Africa probably.

>> No.23153019

many of us are confidently pre-rich

>> No.23153092

I was rich before I discovered /biz/
I unironically lost 10 million dollars on bitcoin

>> No.23153153

I don't have big money to invest in crypto.

>> No.23153218

I'm a millionaire because of chainlink. its weird to say I guess. nobody else knows except you faggots

>> No.23153246

Rich is a state of mind. So is poor

>> No.23153365

all data sources have value, even if they only let you know what not to do